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<br /> ,'nt` , �.�� r. . � , ,,i,�. , � .
<br /> , . .,' •s� .'„':'�: .
<br /> r.
<br /> • �.�'
<br /> �9����'l�$ DE�D O�TRUS'T . Pepo 3 • �
<br /> 02-11-199� .� �Continued) '
<br /> Lonn No
<br /> , -r--
<br /> pmtECrpf ptoparry. The words"Paraonai P�opeAy'moan att equipment,fhcturos,und othsr mticles ot peraonal proporty now or haronRor
<br /> c
<br /> ownod by Trustor,und now or heranftor attaohed or at(Izod to the Roat PropaAy;togother v�th a1t axes3lons,Pnrls� nnd additlons to,an
<br /> ropincements of,and ali oubstltudorrs tor,any ot euCN property:an4 togeth9r wllh ail procceds(Inc�uding wlthout IImIInHOn aA Insuranco
<br /> proceads nnd rotundu ot promlums)fram any sate or other dlspo6�tion of tho F�roperty. •�
<br /> RropeAy. Tho wad"Property'means coltooNvely the Roai Properfy nnd thA Rersonet Property.
<br /> � Rea!PropeRy. The words'Ftaai Proporty'masn the property,Intorosla und dghta descrtbod a6ova In the'Conveyunce gnd Ora�l"seolla►•
<br /> Reteted OocumcntB. The words'gietated Doaumenta"mean antl Inciudo wlthout tlmitetlon ail promissor�r noteE,c�odlt aF;reom�nts, t�nn .,;�,.
<br /> apreemonte,environmontat ngreemonb,guararttlos,seeudty agreements,mortpages,deeds ot truat,and all other Instrumente,egreemonb etnd ,:,
<br /> • ` doouments,whqlhor now or heteafter exisUnB,exeauted In conneatlon wBh tha indebtedness. ,
<br /> ` ROrttA. Tha v�ord'Fients"means ail prosent and tuturo renta,revonues,incomo,issues,royaides,profits,and other beneSts derived kom the ,.'.'
<br />_. �' . PrOp�3dy. . .:-
<br /> Ttustce, The word'?ruatee means U.S.Bunk Netional Assocl�Uon and any substltute ar succossor trustees. i 3�
<br /> �� Truator. The ward'Trustor'means any end all persons and anHtbs azac�dng thls Deed of Trust,including withbut IlmitnUod nll Trustore named _
<br /> :'�i!'. • flbov6. ?–
<br /> �i::;i'`;. . yp �,i:,.
<br /> • ON THH FOLLOWINQTERNI& � � Ih1s Qeed a��`lr`�
<br /> ppyMENT AND PEJRFOFMANCE. Exaept as othsrwise provided In thls Deed of Trust,Trustnr ahali pay to Lender a.i amo�nts seoured by yu.,�::
<br /> p}Trust as they become due.and ahall sMctiy and in a Ilmety manner pedorm 811 ot TrusloPa obligations under the Noto,thfs Oeed of Trust,and tha ��c;
<br /> Retated Oauments. ���.�•_
<br /> �:, POS8ESSION ANO MAINTENANCE OF THE PAOpERTY. Truator agrees that Trusta�s possess�on a��d use of the Properq►shati be govamed by ,��.,.
<br /> ;'.�:(!
<br /> -,,t •, } tho toliowing provlsfons: ��`R:',:
<br /> +..:
<br /> Pos60satOn nnd Use. UMII the 000uRence ot an Event of Oeffiult,Trustor may (a)remaln In possssslon and coMrot of lho Property,( use� =�_,.
<br /> I operate or maneg0 the Properiy,nnd (o)aolleot any Ronta ham the PropertY. -'�
<br /> ;i. :
<br /> Duty to Melnteln. Trustor 8hali malntaln tts Proparty In tenentabie condltion and prompUy perform all repairs,repiaoemenb,end malntenanoe �:::„
<br /> nocessary to preserve 1�vaiue. •pg�d In this -.—
<br /> , • . ,� "'d15 OSeI"'Yelease."und Rhreatened release. .:._ .=
<br /> ., , �,� Man�dpua gupstanpes.The temis"hazardous waste,"'htunrdovs substance, P � �
<br /> 1�98�0,as amonded.2vU S.C.Seallon a98018,get seq.("CERCLA7Cthe 8upadu d Amondmen��and Renult oriradon Act c�1988�fIIPu���o •;,�r:
<br /> "' ctton t801,et seq..the Resouroe Conservation and R�very Aet. ��---
<br /> �� gg..qg9(�SARA',the Hamrdous Materiais Transportatlon Aot,49 U.8.C.Se
<br /> 4E U.S.C�Sredstla�n,66�ep g^�ha�rdous subs�ncee ehnli atso nc de,without IimNaHon,pek leum and petro eum bey�prodttcfs w am tre�
<br /> '' tetmx �
<br /> m_
<br /> � � � thareof end esbesto9. Trus4ar reptesenta antl werran b io L en der i t w t: (a}D t r r i s r!!�c�e s l o s!o!T n_'Ateu's ownExshi p of tho R�operly,lh9re a5 _
<br /> `'���''' ' been no uss.genemtlon,manutacture,storage,treatment,disposul,�etease or threater►ad rolease of any harardous waste or s�bstanoe by e"y
<br /> ��''�' petson on,undor.about or!rom!ho PrcPeKY: (b)Trus tor h a s n o k n o w t e d g e ot,a reason to�ba�eve t�e�e red�s�'��p�o=���� �'t'"`
<br /> dlsclossd to and acknowiedged by Lendor in wriHng, (t)any use,8enera8on,manutncture, orage,
<br /> ' ' releese ot any hessrdous waste or 8ubatence on,undar,about or hom tha Fraperly by any prlor awnera or ocoupants o!the ProperlY a (if)any
<br /> • '; flotual or threatened IlttgaBo�u ctatms of any klnd by any pe�san relaHng to such matter8;and (o)E.xcept as previous�Y dlsdosed to and
<br /> acknowtedQed by Lender in wriNng, tq nelther Trostor nor uny tenant,conhaotw,e8ent ar other authorirsd usor of the ProportY 6haU us9.
<br /> • �enerate,manuleCture.etore,hoat,dispose ot,or retease any homrdous westo or aubstanco on,undw,ebout ar from the P�oporty ee0 (iq any
<br /> ,� limttadon thoso la�we�r'eOulaHo s�8nd opdinaraestd8asalbed above.dTrustor�aulhodms Lender and Ns agenffi toren er upASn�1h RupertY o
<br /> ' mako suah trupecUa►s and tests.at Tmstors expense�as l.endor may denm apP�P�ate to dotermine complianco of Ihe NroPe�b�th lhis
<br />- • � - eeatlon of tho Oood of Trust• Arty I�pecttot�s or tosffi made by lende►ahe0 ba 9or Lendor's parpo�'.•es onty and ahalt no!bo�onsUUOd tC create
<br /> eny respo�sfb6�lyy o►��ab�lf►on tho pad ot Londor to Tnutor or to eny othur per.wn. The represontatlons and wnrtantles conte�ned he�oln ma
<br /> based on Trustar's due diilgenao ln investi(;nHnp tMO ProperN tor hamMous wt�ste and harardous oubstFtncos. Trustor horeby(a)�el�sse�and
<br />;i,�;;,��r �'� walvati any fufuro cteims a9n�nct lender for indmm�ity or contrlbudon in the event Tntstor becom9s�lab�o Por eleanup or other co5ffi undex arry
<br /> av
<br />_ .',;`':�`t{t"+' auch Iaws,and (b1 aqrees tc�Indemnly and hotd harmtess Lender egainst eny and all ctelma�Ioa^�es.��abNBos,damapes,penelties.an
<br />_ _,.,;.�.:;..,;,r �pensey whwh i.ander mey diroctly or Indtreolly austaln or sutfer r�ultlng hom a breaoh ot this seoHoa ot the DeeA ot Trust or ae a
<br />' �,.� � cpnsequence of nny�so,�enemtlon,manufacturo,atorage,disposeb retease o�threatonod retease of u hamrdous wasle or sub��of thg
<br /> pmpo��gg. � pro�ypns p}tht�spoSfon ot the Deed of Tntat,inctuding the oblfgRtlon to Indemniy.shall euM�o the pay ---
<br /> �,. '� Indobtednnss end the BaUSffiaHon end recanveyanoe ot the 1len of this Oeed ot Trusf and shai►not bn aNeoted by Lendets acqLlsWOn ot any _
<br /> .,, � fntaest In the Propartfi.whethor by toreelosure or otherwlse. � �a���or to the
<br />�,,,, o Nuleance�Weste•Trustor shell not u►uso,conduat or pennft nny nulsancs nor eommit,permlt,or suHor nny aMpp ng -
<br /> � PropeAy or eny parlibn of thp Propt+tty. WRhout limidng the general►ry ot the torogaing,Tntstor wlll not remove,or gmnt to am/Other Pa1t��he '
<br /> •. ' dpht to romove,aay Hmber.mtnerats(Ineiuding ott snd gas),soil,grevet or rxk producb without tha pdar w�iiton co�nt of LenOar. -
<br /> `�''= R e m o v e i o!I m p r o r 4 t menta. Trustor�hati not damWhsh ar romovo any Improvementa hom tho Real Property without tho pda written consent �
<br />=�-�;Yrwr':__ ��o.�, aa a exndAbn to the removat ot any Improvemenb,Londor mny re4u lre Trus t o r t o m a k e a rc a n 8 o m o n t a s n t i s t acta ry to L�nder to
<br />-,,_:���`:� :�;r•�.:i repiaoo suofi Imptovertwnts t�dth improwment�oi at tea�squni veius. -
<br /> __. I YY���,...��� —_
<br /> �:",5:, .', o Lende�'s Rlpht to�ter. lendm 8nd Us egents and tepresentnUVOS fney enter upo�the i4eaV R��+iy at&It rG«.att�bl.^.iim�to�tt^nd tn _---
<br /> ;��,;;, � �endePs trtt..s�ts nnQ to InsFeot fhe PrcpeAY tor Purqo:,os ot Trustors complianoe wlth the torn�s und condiUons ot this Oo9sf ot Trusf. —
<br /> ° " �• � Cocr ]Ianxe wH�tiovemmentel Requtromards. Truatar shNt promptly compry with all Inws,ord�narqes.and reputatlon9. oow ar Ire�oeftet in _,
<br /> tho Ame��+Wlth
<br /> ,, at�of nit govemmental authoritlos appilcabto to tho use or oocupanty ot Ihe Properlf►•Uctuding without IlmltaHon, _--
<br /> y Olsabllitlo9 Ad. Trusta may contost in good talth any such law,ordinsrtce,a regutatlon and vidhhnld compllanco duris+g anY P�o�ed��E� _
<br /> irtcluding approprlata aApea�s.eo�on8 as Trustor hns noUlfod Londer in wridng p�ior to doing so and eo tong as,In lendeto sao oplNon, _
<br /> � 6onder's interosta In tho Prope�tY ure not�oopsrdirwd. 4e�der mey requfre Trustar to post adoquate secudtY or a surotY bend,reasonabN _�
<br /> ;��,i,�� ;�a satlsfaotory tolondar.fo protoot Landurs InteresL �'�
<br /> _ •� � r p�,tp p�qlect, Tntstpr pgrees rmither to ebandon nor tonvu unattendod the ProporlY• Trustar shalt do nU other aats,in addlYon t0 thoso nCb �f�;,`
<br /> ::.,;:.;. .
<br /> • �� � 4 sot imth a0ave in 1hi�sooUon,whfah irom th�v charaote�nnd use of tho Property aro roaao�abry nocessnry ta protect nrtd pr�senrc�1he PropeAY• �.;,
<br /> ._.',7:Vr 1.;: '1:�;il��'/,t' .
<br /> . i;:�:`;i�,, .,,,,,,.�;,,Y CpNSTp]JC40�H I�AN. If aomu or�II ot trte iprc►cseds ot the loan CrenUng 9na lr.4ebtednesn aro to bo u5od lo con.shunt or comp�ote cortaVUellore
<br /> ,;,,�;, �;.. , �,, ,.�� a}any Improvorr,on1s an 1he ProAertY,tho ImpmYemonts shall ba eomplate0 nm 9ater than tho maturfty date o4 9ho Noto(a such eaAbr dut�ms '.'
<br /> � i:�;�� '� Londer may reuaonab�Y estu0t(sh)nnd Trustor s�Wl pay U lul►m1t casts end expen�as in come�cUon with fho work. Lendor.at ib optton,e:ay . :
<br /> .,;;.�... -:
<br /> disbuBe�oao P�aoeeds undor such terms und candiHons as Lon�sT mny doom necossery!o�nsura that tho lntcr�st created by thls Deec!ot Trust +,'f:_
<br /> ;,_.
<br /> • shait hnve Pd�x!b ovor all possibte Ilans,Inctudinp those of mahrrlcl auppliers and worknson. Londor may requlro. amor��artd s�h ott�er ,
<br /> �....r....,.w►� hv rumfnfad bIILa. �1x0onS9 Atfld6Vlb, WBIvOB ot I�iral. COflsttUCUO� pro4� ���
<br /> _ _--.-- - _____'_ p1.WYtOOttqin �ciywv....���rr�••�� -• -
<br /> � � doaumontaL'sn ras londor mny ronsonnbty roquost.
<br /> Dti:?04 SALE–CONSEM BY LENIIER. Looda�may,at its oRHO^�d�o imrtwdlatety due und paYabto NI uums sooured by thls Oeed ot Trust
<br /> ' uAan tho cNo or transter,wilhout tho WndePa pdor written consent,ot alt or any pnrt ot tho Reat Propody.or eny intorost In t?�o Raal Prcporty A
<br /> '�!o or hn�isf moana tho convoynnce ot Ronl ProperN or any d8ht,titte or fnteroat thorofn;whother togal,bonsfldnl or equlGn�18;whother vNuntary
<br /> cr Uvaluntary;wMther by ouMght enlo,dood,Irefaliment sas conhact,Innd confr3ct,contraat tor d�wd,Iaasohoid Interost wit�a���Oo�R � '
<br /> ` throo(3)yaaro.�ease-cP�N�ao�traot,or by snto,�8nment,or hnnsfer of any benefldal Intnra�t In or to any Innd hust no:
<br /> . Propt3dy,or bY eef'o1he�method of eonveynnco of Rual Propttrty ir�torest. It ttny Truslor Is a COrporatlon,PnRnsrahip ot tlmlted IlnblfAy eompanY.
<br />- trenstor a�so Irtctudc�s anY change fn ownerchtp of moro tNnn lwanty�-flvo porcunt(2B96)af tho votlng stodc,partnorsNp.mer�b or UMto011ablli�r
<br /> ' � " eompnny intoresb,as Ihe caso mny bo,ot Truator. Howovar,lhls op8on ahaU not be oxarcise0 by Londor it sueh oxeretso Is Prohibttad by loder�t
<br /> Inw or by Nobraske taw.
<br /> , ` TqX�g pNp LtE'�Ig, Tho Potlowing provfaions retating to tho taxss and ifons on the Propurty oro a pad of thls Oood of troat.
<br /> • ., � Peymett4. Trusta sheli paY whon duo(nnd In ail evonls P�or to doUnquonoy)N�tnxos�sp�N taxEts�a�sassmoM3.��t��Induding viator
<br /> nnd sower),Ortes nnd imposit�ons lovfC�u9ninst or on nceount ot tho Froparly,dnd shatl pny whon due NI claims}or wodc dane on or for
<br />