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�'S�� ;��:{�ir . ' .. . ..'}':. ��! � . <br /> . > YY/ � .. .. . , ' .. �{f�)G. ,_- <br /> Ii /,' �j�'tGju� �,'{u:: <br /> � . - yf:...�,.�� .. 1(I�'tr` ��,t{,i'.-_ <br /> . , � � . �iL'���l:�r:i�- . .. �� ' - �.i� �!(t%�7t�Yl�L'. <br /> ' �.. .. . , .• .. . . ,. ..ZJ.i�.l� . .. _ - - ...i�1r�M+-t�. <br /> _ � N �,.�'r�h$NY,-...".;,.�` .. .. .. . - . --�,... .. � „��,��,.:::�;ti �. <br /> • _ <br /> , , ,� . . <br />. - ,. ' ' wMi�M�I�S�11fRFWnlc�r .. . . -. .. , . •,K.. . ..�.. � .. . r�uii4;7�+sf�. <br /> - � ,� .. . . . _....__ ._._.'_'......"'_'_ <br /> .. .. ,. . �. , <br /> �__.. .: ._ .. . . .._..,..._..._..��._.�._..._.._..... ._.._._.. ......_......_.. _.. <br /> . � .. _ ' <br />- .. �l nw. ___.—.�' �.�---.�..�_._.�i..�..__,....___�..a. _-...._._.._.___�.. _. <br /> �M ���.�����`.��_"�.�.��__.`_.__ �.. <br /> �.. <br /> 19.TrttnAfep of the Propepty or u BRnefic�al le�terest In Ilnrrowcr.If ull or any part of the Property or any intcrest in it = <br /> ,� is sotd or tranafcned(ar if�beneflciul interetit in 8��rru�vor ix xold ar trnnxferred wid Barcower is not a natur�l persori)without � <br /> n} Saurtt,al��i.�trumem��Nowevarn thi aption e�finll tnrntlso cxepciaeii by l.endm`iexc ci e�is prohibited by federul law us of tiic date �r <br /> �•• y �. <br /> �� ��' of this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lertder exercises this opdun.L.cnder ehull ivc Hnrruwer nolirc of ncccicrution. The notice shull pravide n periad of not =_ <br /> ' . ' Ie,gs thnn 30 dayc; from thc�intc thc nutice Iti del�vcrcd ur a�ailcd withia which 0orrower must pny all Furns secured by this � — <br /> S e c u r i t y I n s t r u m e n t. ]f B o r r o w c r f n i l x W pn y th��c hums priur to Ihc onpiridinn��f thlc� peria�. Lcnder muy invakc uny�emedics � _ <br /> ��# p e r mitted b y this Security Inr;trument�vtthout Nrther nntic���r dcmund un 1lurrower, °'"- <br /> " 18. Borrower's Rl�ht ta Rclnytntc. I f lli�rruwer nuctn rc»i�ln cn n d i H�c a e, S a r r o w e r s h u l l h a q e t h e r i g h t t o h u v c _ <br /> ° �nforcement uf thib Secui-ity inrtru���eut di�car.tlnucct ut nny Inn�� pNor tu ihe e�ir�ler af: (a) 5 dnys (or such other period us � r�� <br /> , •t�t:�w'�.� a p p l i c u b t e l a w m a y s p e c i f y f a r r e f n a�etcmcm l bcfi►rc r�ulc af tho Pr�i{wrty purKUam to uny power of salc contuined in this � <br /> �� Secudry lnstrumcnt;or(b)entry of a judpnunt cnfi►i•cing thix'iccurity Inwtr�nncnt. T hase c:n n d i t i a n s u r e t h u t B o r r o w e r:(a)p a y s <br /> » L.ender ull sums which then would be duo un dcr t h i�+Sccur l tv Inv tr►+n�c a t w u t t h e N p i c a s i f n a a c c elaration hud occurred; (b) � <br /> cures su►y default of uny athur ravenuntR c�r aarecnuntx; lc) puyn nq rx�nnxeK incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. � <br /> � , � including. but not limitcd ta,reu�+nnublo uttarne�ti' frcw; iietd(J)tukcn xuch uctian as L.ciedcr may rcasonably requirc to assure <br /> thst tho lien af this Security lnc+trument,L.endcr x ri�htx in thc Nrnpcny nnd liorrowcr'x obligution to pay the sumc secured by <br /> thia Security lastrument FIlAII ccmtinua unchtu�ged. Up�m rein�aatenujn i►y 8arn�wee. thia Security Instrument and the <br /> � �. obligutianq secured hoxeby shuU remnin fully effectivo ux if'tn�ucccl�rutian hud�ncurrcd. Howcsver.this ri�ht to reinatate sh�tii <br /> '�� -'` ' not apply in tho case af arcolcmtion undor purnBraph 17. <br /> ,., ,:��,. �. <br /> ' 19. Sale of Notei Chunge�q i.aAn Secvlcer. The IVate �tt i► pnniid Interest in the Nate (together with this Securlty <br /> � '"'•�� Instrument)may be Fold ana ar mare times withaut prior ns�tice t���3�►r��►wer. A Kute muy rexult in u change in the entity(known <br /> as tho"Lonn Servlcer")that callecte manthiy paymente due undcr tho Nutc und thin Sccurity Inxtrument.Therc elso may be one <br />- or more changes of the l.oan Servtcer unrelatai to a Rule af the Nuto. If there ix u chnn�o uf tho l.oun Servlcer,Borrower wlll be <br /> u <br /> ��.�����' given written notice af tho change In accardunce with parugrnph 14 ulxwe und uppliaible luw.The notico will state the neme and <br /> ...�'�'"s�� '. uddress of the new Loan Servirxr w►d tBe addfess ta which payments whauld tx au►dc.Tho noticc wilt ulse�contatn any ather <br /> 'r��� ' informatton required by applicable luw. <br />:',t''�.�1;;�"' <br /> 1A. Hazardous Substartces. Aarrower Rhall not cuuse ar pern�it the prchence. uMC. dixpoxul, atarnge,or releasc af uny <br />^ ,o����� Hnznrdous Substances on or in the Properiy. Horrawer shull nat dn, n��r rdl��w unyonc cIK� tu du. unythtng affectin� the <br /> Property thut is in violation of any Bnvironmcntal The prcceding two xcntcnc�y Khult m�t apply to t ho presence,use, or <br /> �� storage on the I'roperty af smalt quantities af Haznrdaus Sub�tances thut urc Bencrally rcro�}ni• tu be appropriute to normul <br /> ;.:�,i:�, restdentiel uses and to maintenance of the Propeny. <br /> ; �,���- �Iorrowcr shal! pmmptly give Lender wrltten nntice af ur�y inv�stipntiim, clnlm. demuttd. luweuit or oth�r act�on by any <br />::,:o�:• governmental or regulatary ngcncy or prtvuro qnrty involving the Property und uny Hiunnlaux Substunce or L�nvironmental 1-uw <br />-:_:?�-._s=w oF which Bonoarer hus actusl knowledge. If 9nrrower Iearnx, or is notltica by uny i►vernmentul��r regulatory authority.that <br />--- _""-= any removat or other reme.cifation of any Hawrdoua Substance affecting tho Nrapeny�K necex!wry.Horcawor�hall pramptiy take <br />- "^'' all necessary remedial actiona ia accordanco witl�Emironmental I.uv�. <br /> :.� _ .,. <br /> �z`�,t, As usod in thts parugraph 20. "Hazardous Subatances"nrv those xubstances defineii uw t��xtc nr hu•rnrdous substances by <br /> , ,�:� Bnvironmentai ta►w und thc �oitowin� sut�a��: gascs!lat. ker�ene. utls�r 4�'�n"?u�+�� ��r tuxic 4n:iroleum producte. toxic = <br /> -- '�c-a:ii,�c� pesticides and herbtcides.volatile sotvents.materlala cuntaining awbewtoy ur furmuldehyde.and rndiouctivo rnatedals. As used in <br /> -•-_ <br />