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<br /> �•`� . paymentx muy no longcr be required.at the option of Lendcr.if mnrtguge in�uruncc covemgc(in the umauat and for the periad -
<br /> ••°��►� thnt I.ender requirag)pruvided by nn insurcr opproved by I,endcr c+g�in becames availAble and is obtuirted.Bottower shall puy
<br /> -.::,�- t h e p r e m t u ms r e quired to muintain moct�u�e InRUrnnce!n effect,or ta pravtde u lo�,s retieNC,until the requirement for mortgoge
<br /> � �. ; insurnnce ends in uccordnncc wtth uny written a�reement bet�vecn Borrowet nn d l.e n dcr or app l ic:n b l e l a w. _
<br /> ::{,� 9. Inspec�lon. l.ender ur ite agent may mukc rensonuble enMes upon and inspections af the Property. i.ender shail givc
<br />;,_;�� Borrower nottce nt the time af or pdor to un insQectton specifying rchtsotutble cuusc tor the in5pccdan.
<br /> _,:. :��- 10. Condemnatlon. The ptoceeds of nny award�'p«forfconvemyance�in lieutof n emnatlan,ucc hen:by ia'signed tutd �
<br /> condcmnntion ar aYher taking of nny part of the Pro e
<br />"y-"�'� shull ba ps�d eo Lender. i
<br /> ��• In thn event of n totat tnlcing of the Prapercy.the procecda Rhali be upplled ta Uie sums Ferured by this Secudty Instrument,
<br />`=� whether or nat thcn due, with any excess puid to Borrower. In the event of u paniul tokina of the Property in which the fcttr
<br />;,� : market valuc of the l�roperty immediately before the tnktng fs equaE to or greater than d►e umount af the 8`he s ms secured by �
<br /> .,..:�'+ S e c u d t y l n e t t u m ent immedistel y before the tulcing,unless Borrower nnd Lender otherw ise ugree in wr�dn g,
<br /> this Secudty Insttument shell be reduce3 by the amo�,nt of the proceeda mul►ipl i e d by t he fo l low i ng f r a c t t o n: (u) t h e t o t a l �
<br /> '.,„'.q�• amount of the sums secured immedlately 6e forc t he t a k i ng. d l v i d e t!b y t b)t h e f a i r m n r k e t v a l u e of the Pro pert y immedistely
<br />:,:;;. . before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a paniel tal:ing of die Property in which the fuir �
<br /> ° market vnlue af the Property immedistely befare the teking is less than the amaurn of the sums secured imm�ie p��shull
<br />;�;,�,.s taking. unless Horcower sind I.ender otherwlce ugree in wridng or unless applicabk law otherwise provides.
<br /> --' ' be applicd to the sums secuted by thfs Securiry Instrument whether or not the sums are then duo.
<br /> -- If the Propeity is abandoned by Bonower.or if,after natice by I.ender to Borrower that tha condemnor offets to mnke an
<br /> -� nwnrd or settle n claim for damages.Borrower fa�la to respand ro Lender wititln 30 days aftcr the date the nottce is gtven,
<br />=•�+=�� Lender is authori�ed to copect and apply the procee�a,at its option,either to restaiation or repair of d�r Froperty or ta the sums
<br />- secured by this Secudty Ynstrumant,whether or not then dus.
<br />-=��� Unless Leader and Borrower otherwlse agree in wdting, any epplication of proceeds to prtncipal s!►all not extend or
<br />___� postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta mferrad to in paragr�►phs 1 and 2 or chans�the amount of suah payments.
<br /> .,�,�; 11.Horrower Not Lteleused;Forb�arance By I.ende�r Nut a Wniver.Bxteasion of the ttme for payment or mndification
<br /> of amartization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument�anted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> not operate to release the liability of the orlginal Borrowcr or Horrower's successora in interest.Lender shali not bc reyuired to
<br />-- _° commence praceadings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payrnent or otherwise modify amortizaHon
<br /> — o f t h e s u m s s e c u r e d b y this Secud ty Instrument by reuson of any demtmd rnade by the odginal Batrower or Borrower's
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or re m e dy s h a l l no t b e a w a i v e r o f o r Q t e c l a d e t h e
<br /> — qxPrcice of eny riuht or remedy.
<br /> . - i 12.Suoe�.s.sors and Assigna'Boundi Jvint and �everai iiabilityi ���rs, Tt�e �:av��sts aru! sgreemens�of thia
<br /> S�curity instrument shall bind and b�noflt the successors and assigi�s of L.ender and Borrower, sub�ect to the provisions of
<br /> � puragraph 17, Bor�ower's covenants and agrecments shall be joint an� several. Any Bornoaer wbo ca-signs this Seturity
<br /> Insm�ment 6ut doas no¢ execute the Note:ta)is oo-signing chls Security Instcument oNy to mort$age,grant and oonvey thai
<br /> Bu�'awer's interest in the Ptogerty under the terms of thls Sesurity Insm�ment: (b) ie not personally obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> secnred by d�is Serudty Instzwrnent;and(c)agreac that Lea�er and any other Borrower m�}+agree to extend.modify� forbeac or
<br /> make any accommodadons wlth regard to the terms of thia Sectutty Instrument or the Nate without that Hwrro�ver's consent.
<br /> 13.Loun Cl�utges.If the loan secured by this SecaritY Inatrument is subject to a law which eeta mtutimum loan charges.
<br /> and xhnt law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collated or ro !se collecced in connection with� '
<br /> loun exc,eed die permitted iimits.then: (a)eny such loan charge shatl be re�uced by the amounc ncceasary to reduce the charge
<br />_ _ �o����tt�d�jmiq�und(b),assy snms already collected from Borrower which exceaded permitted limits will be cefunded w
<br />_= g���� ��r m,�y daoasc qp mnlce th;a refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note ur by making a direct
<br />. _- payment to Borrower. If u reflind reduces pdncipal, tho reduction will be aeated es a p;►rti�l p�ePaYment without any
<br /> = prepayment cha��under the Note. ��
<br /> 14.Natiees.MY nodce to Burrower provtded for in thio Secudty IInstcument shall be�iven by detiverin�it or by mailtn$
<br /> it by'first class raail unless applicable!aw roqaires use af another methcd.T6e notice shall bc directed w the Propetsy Addcess
<br /> _ or any other addtess Hortower designates by notice to J.ender. Any noti� to Lendar shall be g[ven by first.class muil to
<br /> Lender's address.stated herein or uny other uddress Lertder designates by notice ta Bonower.Any�ttodce provided for in this
<br /> Sccurity Instrument shull be deem�to have Ucen given to Borenwer or Lender when given as providecf in this pamgraph.
<br /> 15.Cover�e9ng��.aw;• Severnbfl[ty. Thia Secudry Inatcument shell be goven►ed by federal taw ansl the taw ofthtl
<br /> ��{,f.;��r.n in•�hfch s.he Prc�er�y!s l�ted. In the event that env p��islon or clause of this 5ecudty Instmment or the Note
<br /> —� uoutiict�wluy apgllcable lat:�.sush eot�tliet et��ll nc+t affect other provistocu of tNa�c:.aitity�tseiuumment ur ticn i�ote ar�s:ch can i�
<br /> -=- - ' given effe�:t without tha conflictiag provisiorn.T�this end the provisions of thla Secudty Insteum�nt and the Note ure decletod
<br /> to bx severable.
<br /> 16.Borro�ver's Co�y.Ros�nwer shall�e glven nne conformed copy of the Note nnd of this Stxurity lnstrument.
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