, , .. , _
<br /> :s,�_ . ,� ' �„-�.. . .:, .�
<br /> ,.
<br /> .��� '•. . :-' ��f_ w. _.
<br /> � �Y� �., -Y ------------ __-.�rr`�� . _. . "-
<br /> �!„J.' -�- '--..- -- .. ----- ----- - -- - �,
<br /> _.� _.... � •
<br /> � - in��ti
<br /> �a �y�irn�wM.r.�MnNon a a�.anw ror o.ynNne a modilloatloo a.moNiria�on a tM.wrt�...o�b�r a�l.
<br /> OMd al TtuM pratNb b�►I.�ridub any wocNeor In InMrN1 of 9arowM Mwll not op�b nb�w.In�ny m�n . {�blNly
<br /> aaw«qinasorrow«.ne eonow.r•wca..on in im.na.�nd.►.han naa�uinarooannwnc.proc..ano•a�me
<br /> woh woc�or a nM�to axwnd Nn�tor prynNnt«athrwlw modit�r�nwrtltaqon a tIN wm�Meurb bY tha O»d o Tnqt
<br /> � iry��orin oi r�ny dwriinds mad�by th�atlpin�l�awW and 8orrowers wccNSOn M IM�rsM. -
<br />. -...- _-----.. (b) LMtAw���.Without�Neatlnp Ihe N�blll�r of sny othw p�r�on Nabt�lor tl�paymm!of any obllp�Gon h��ln �
<br /> m�nqon�d,and witl�out aM�adnp th�Il�n a�►�of this OMd of Tiwt upon�ny portlon of th�Prop�y not tlMn or th WNolo�
<br /> nt�Md p Maurily for th�tull�mount ot ul unpdd obllpntlons,L�ntNr m�y.hom dm�b tlrr��nd without notic�(��Nws��ny
<br /> pK�on io Il�bt�.M�cMnd Ih�m�tuHty a alpr any ot tA�Mrm�W�nY such ohllp�tloM.lWl pnnt MIMr inOu�DsnoM.(w)�M�SN
<br /> or aeanwy.or aauN b b�rW�Md a nca+v�d M a�r W+�*t t�nd�r's o�lion�+1�P��k Da�►or W of Ilr PRr�pwfy�
<br /> (h hks a rM���t�or�ddi�fond acud4�br�oR�t�lon�+��or�d,a(viT��omRoMYoRS ar a�l�
<br /> rr�R�y�nreM�witt�d�A1o��in r�lan�reto,
<br /> (�1 ��,y A�11,Md�r N�!��Iwv.�r forb�ar�by Lender in exeral�lnp�nr�ipM a remedy hK�und�r.a
<br /> o�t�wwfM�I(pq�d�r�ppuc�l�N law.�halo not ba a waiver ot or preolude the exKCbs ot�ny�uah Nph4 or remsdy.Ths -
<br /> . proCU►a�n�nt ot insu►��or tlw psymdh�af taxet ar athe►Ilom or charqee by I.ond�r shal{not be a waiver of lender's ripht b
<br /> �aacefe�tte tM rt�turfly d tM iqtlebtednes+s�ecurecl bY lhia Dead of Trw�
<br /> � (d) SucC�Ot�1 M�d AwNpn�8ound;JWnt�ad 8�wfr1 I.I�blpt�Captiwu�.Tha covenenfs and agreementa hereln con-
<br /> ------ tained shsH bind.�and ths►tpht9 hereunder�haN Inure w,th�rapsativs succeason and aulpn�01 l.ender and Truotar.All
<br /> ---- covenants and apreement�M Trustor$hall be Jolnt and wwral.Ths captlona aad hsadlnpo M ths par��raph�M fhis Oeod M
<br /> --_•_�:"� ?iru�t ae for cqnvenience only and ars not to be ussd to Interprot or deflne the provlsions hereof.
<br /> =--- (4) q�N�Q tor NoHa�.The paNs�har�by nque�t that a oopy M any noUae of defeuN hsreuoder and a aopy oi sny nMias
<br /> f .... ...- �.._ ol wl�henund�r be mallsd ta eaoh party to thi�Deed of T►wt at the addre�s tet(orlh Rbove In the mannw prosarWed by -
<br /> - -' appiicabte G�w.Exaept for wur uffwr noli�w ruyuirwl u�W�r�iiwiWa I�w lv La yfwrn in e►�atltet mannsr.any tsadce provtdad °
<br /> fa In thl�O�ed of Tiust�11 bs piven by mnlllnp woh nodq by awtifisd m�ll�ddrsatsd W tlw oth�r poAlu,�t fh�addr�q tM
<br /> toAh�bars.My nollae provld�d ta In this Ossd o1 Tnut rhall b�M(�otiva upon m�lllnp in Ih�m�nne daslpn�t�d h�►Nn.H
<br /> Tnata Is mors th�n orN p�non.nWlce�ent to Uw addna�M foAh�bow th�U b�natla�to all wah psnon�. --
<br /> that(l.�ind�r�piw TN�y��p►10 to an wot,i 1�mp�ouon�p�elylnp►�iuonabl�a�q��rPilfit���
<br /> InMrNt In tlN Prop«ty.
<br /> (p) R�onw�M�.Upon p�ym�nt of dl wm�Nound by tl�l�Owd o1 Tro�t,L�nd�r�II r�quut TruNM to r�COnwy th�
<br /> ProprAy u�d�hall wrnndw thl�ONd ot Tnut and all notM wld�nalnp Infl�bWlnN�s�ound by thl�OMd ol Tnat b TruqN.
<br /> 7n�MM�II nconwy Ih�Prop�l�wiqKwt wamnti u�d wlthout aharp�to tl»p�non a p�non�MO�Iy►�nW�d tMrrb.
<br /> T�dwll p�y all aosb d nco►d�Non.N any.
<br /> (h) ���R���h�O���L As additlon�l sscunty for tAs paymsn!ot ttis Nots.Troqa h�rebr�raM�
<br /> __ __ ___ t�.�i.r undK un N.i�..k.t3niianm c,airi�e�r�ia:coti���ci,r{i�r in�rest le atl llxtnroa.ca�s�a ane ol�ar�asaena!�ro�►ert�r
<br /> uwd In aonnsatlon wMh tl��eal estats a improvem�nts Ixat�d thsrson,�nd not otMrwl�s deal�nd or deemsd to b�a p�A of
<br /> tM real uWt�waurad haeb�r.Thi�In�trument�11 bs consbued a�a Ssou►ity llprewn�ni und�r aald Cods,and th�1.Mida
<br /> �Aall havs all the�f�hb�nd rsmsdles o1 s seoured parry under wid Cods in Rddidon b th�npht�and remediss creat�d under
<br /> ��d�ccordsd th�l.�nder punwnt W Mi�Desd of Tru��provlded th�t l�snder's rtphb and rortwdle�unda�thi�p�np►aph Null
<br /> b�cumutative witt�,and In�o way�Ilmit�tlon on,Lender's�ha and�emsdia und�r anr ofha ssaurHy aq�wnNnt slpmd by �
<br /> BOtrOM1Ar ot Trustor.
<br /> _— p) {,�N�nd EnawNbrM�.Tiustor hereby wan�nq end represenb th�t ther�Is no dNeu11 undar the provhlons o1 any _
<br /> monpps,deed af irwt,Iq�e or puraheae conireat desaribinp all or any parl 01 the P�operty,or other aontraat,imtrument or
<br /> �presmsnt aonetitutlnq e Iten or encumb►ence apafmt ell or any part of the Proparty(aolleodvely,"Liens'�,exleUnp aa o1 fhe
<br /> daM of thu Desd o}Truq,�nd thot any and all eziating Liena remeln unmadilled except ae dlsalosed to Lender In Truetor's --
<br /> :awa� writtsn dlialwure of Ilens and encumbranaes provided for hereln.Truetor ehall tlmely peAorm all 01 Tru.tor'�obll8atbne, a
<br /> '- — aovana�s,repteeent�dans�nd ws►ranties under eny and all eKIslHnp and(uture Uens,shall prompUy lorward to Lande►coples
<br /> ot all notlaes o1 defauh sent In connection with any and all exleUng or tuture Liens,and�II not withoul Lender'e prlor w�ltten
<br /> aon�ent In eny mnnn�r modly th�provislons of or albw any luture adva►+cea u�der any ezitdnp or future Llene.
<br /> - - Q) ApptiC�don ol P��b.Unless otharwiee�equlred by law,auma pAid to Lendar hereunder,Inciuding wlthout Ilmiletion -
<br /> "� ,paymenfa of prinaip�l and Mtwo�l,Inturanae proceeda,condemnedon proceeds end rante and profits,ahall ba apptled by -
<br /> (.endbr to fhe amouots due and owlnp from Truator and 8orrower In euch orde►a�Lender In ib eote dleoretion deems deafrabl�. Y
<br /> (k) Sw�ablNt�r.If any providon ol thla Oeed ql7ruat Conflicte with applicabls law or Is deoland Invalid or otfierwl�s _
<br /> —= unsnlorcNble,euch conilict o►invalidity shall not ANeot lhe other provleon�o11hi�Oeed of Trutt or the Note whi4h can bo �_
<br /> - - piven Nisot wqhout Iha conllicUnp provl�lon,en�to thl4 end the provisiana o1 thls Doad o1 Truu and Uw Note are declara!b b�
<br /> _..�;Y.:
<br /> _..----- ----
<br /> ----.��— � MVN�b10. �-
<br /> �--==_°� (I) Tima.The tsrm�"Truator"aad"Borrower"ahall include both dnpuler and plurai,and whon tlw 7ruator�nd 8onow�r
<br /> --=__ �n the same peroon(a),those terma ae uaed in Ihle Oead of Trust ehall be InterchenQaoble. _
<br /> --.-M��;� (m) �iowrninp Law.Thl4 D6ed o1 Trust shall be poverned by the I�wa of tha St�t�of N�bra�ko. _
<br /> _=_— Tru�tor has exooutad thi�DNd of T►uot ea of the date wrHten a e. �> _
<br /> r-• .�-
<br /> -�•c=�— ,�.�.�j�S.s�. ...�1 _
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