*�4 ^I.�.'' :M4"_+n.'_1 "`L�:'�rr—s,'.-n..c_
<br /> _<" ' r ' s.i.:v.: � "f•'� �1f-•.i.
<br /> '� ,. � --- . . " ' ,,:� � _:
<br /> �� �.t'
<br /> �" � ,� . .. _..r:7C.s"'"....' _.aOIl�►:::'.�:
<br /> . r �..
<br /> `_ .'_Y�:'�J.71.1'.
<br /> 93• i�i
<br /> tlM Proi�rN Is fo t�It�t10►aa�p�d�L�ndsr fh�ll h�w tlN optlon.In Ne�ol�and�bsolub d1�crNbn,b�ppyr�tl woh Proo�M,
<br /> �illr 4�M��+q tM�ihom all oo�b�ed�xp�nMS Inwrhd by N In CauNOtbn wqb auch ProeMd�,upan�ny Ind�bMdnMS Maind
<br /> I��b�l�nd M woh ondM p L��n1�y dN�mtrN.or to�ply sll wclt ProCNdr.Me�r woh d�duaMon��fo Ih�nMorMlon d ifN __._
<br /> Prop�rt�►upon woh oondltlon�u LMb�m11y Adermin�.My�ppllc�tlon d P�oeNd�to Ind�bbd�Na�11�101�xMnd or po�o�M
<br /> .. IIw dw dab W sey PsYmsnts undK th�Noa�a aw+��dNwlt IM►wndw a h�rwnd�.Mr un�pplwd tunds NaU b�pdd b
<br /> �� T�A. �Mfa��by I�M�.Upon tM oeournnw of an Event o10Nauit h�raund�r,a II a�y�ot 1�nk�n a IpiU procMdinp
<br />� ._ _ _ - - ��r�d wht�A matwlwlry afticts L4ndsr�IM�In tha Prop�rtyt.t�ndsr m�y in Ifs own dhe►�tlon.bul vrMho�d obllpnUon eo do _.
<br /> _ ---- --- w,and without nodce to a demtnd upon Tru�ta end without rslseslnp Trustor from any obllp�don,do eny act which Tiuda hs� _
<br /> ppn�d but hll�w do and nuiy alw do�ny otlNr am it dNm�n�eaary to prot�ot th�Noudry heeof.Truota sh�ll,Imm�dl�tNy —
<br /> . upon dMn�nd 1h�rMor by l.�ndor,pay W L�nd�r aN aotls and�Kpsn�Inauned and wm���p�ndsd by L�nda in conn�ctton wNh
<br /> - th��Kwciss by I.,��dsr of th�lorepolnp�Ipl►h,bpethar wilh Intarsst thsrson at ths Mlautt��ts provld�d in Ih�Note,whl�b thdl bs
<br /> -- add�d w tl�Ind�bt�dn�ss wour�d h�►aby.tend�►�n na�naur�ny nabulty b�oauM ot�ny�n may do or omu to do
<br /> h�nund.r. -.-
<br /> � 9. IUsar�ol�►YM�hN.Tiu�tor ahW k�wR�t�w P+c'opw'hi In compltanco wflh�II appficablo tawe,ordirwncas ar�d�uta�s
<br /> — r�i�tit�,y b industrW LhypiP�M ot Y�wir+ptuneet4�1�'W�lc.'1'lat c�ar�nway�a.►.oa w��a."EmkenmqnS�i�res"}.TcuobAOa M�f! �_-
<br /> kqsplM Repef�It�[mm all subs0�ncaa d�wn4d;C�ba haz+ardous ar Ipxic u.ndw�ea►y Envlronmqnta6 Laws(cdl4cqwN�r c4[�md b
<br /> — h�raln at"ti�z�aircfoum YA�OYr4ls"�1'rus0or h�oby vr1�r►a�s anct represenbs bv C�ndw Lhat qner4 air+no Riasardoc�s UAat�Had�oe�a
<br /> _ - urx11�1M PropY�tY.Trwb►hMebY eWaea W fnda�lnity�1pd hoOd hatml�ss l�nder.ibdirvctvra oRicara amDlnY�wew�daiiw�s�anc4 =°°-
<br /> ==-- - �:�$�"� sn�i succ�stor�W Lende►'a Inte�eat,i�om dnd aaainst any and a11 ciplms,�wnape�,bW�es and liebflitf�r ari6ln0 in connecaion.WHh "`�':Y
<br /> :.,; -�;�i�"- tflp presenco,uae.diep0afl)pr ua�spo►t oi any Hatardous MateNAls on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOR�qO1NCi �;;i-:
<br /> __�.; ��;�,
<br /> «+��- �f�1 '10.lat�ip�nNM o1 HanU.Truatar hereby asaigna to lender the rente,lasues and pro111s ol the P�operty;provided thaV T�ueto� ����
<br /> ""'`'�"��''����i tsha!!,tsntk tlfe 4CCVr+enc9 41 pn�venf ot[�e�au��hp�a�mder,nave the rlght to collect and�etaln auCh rent3,faeuea and p�oltto ae they
<br /> -�-�����'�W beaome due and payabte.Upon the oaau�eoce of an Evant oi Default,Lendor may,either In person or by agenL with or wuhout :�.�.==
<br />°�""'�� brinpi�p�ny acNon or proceedinp,or by e receiver appointed by a cou�t anu without�epard to the adequacy ot Its seaurityr enUr ��!�'
<br />--:e:rv�.
<br />__`.•Ni'.. �'-�.
<br /> i;�i'1� �?��,�•. upon and teke poaeausion ot the Property,or eny pan the�eot,In iro own neme ar�n the nsme M the Trustea.aad do any aats whlah it
<br /> ,.� i '
<br /> q;'� �� dNms�s¢es�ary or de�irebb to pre�ervs tbe value,markeVbillty or renfabilly o1 the Propsrty,o�any part thereof or Interost thereln, �;'°
<br />- I j��4 I I I� Inerease the Maome therelrom or protect the aeaurity horeof and,with or wilhout tekinp poase�lon o1 the Property,ws for or �
<br /> I,r.
<br /> otherwits collect the rent�,Issues and protitt thereof,inoludinp those patt due and unpaid,and epply the wms,le�aosts and �:�
<br />�� , exp�nse�ol op�radon�nd colleoUon Ineludinp attorneys'be�,upon any Indebtednels�ecur�d h�nby,all in�uah ordsr as Lend�r �-
<br /> may dstsrmins.Tb�enterfnp upon�nd uklnp pos�esfion o/lhs P�opsrty,the eollectlon of�ueh r�nb.iwue��nd proflts�nd th� �4��
<br />::���..a�,�, appliaatlon thsroof�s�loradd,thall not aura or w�lYe Q1r dN�Ult 01 f10tiCa 01 dNaUll h�r�und�r or Inwlld�te�ny aat don�In �
<br /> --= - rerponw W woh dN�ult or purwant to wah notics of dNault and,notwlih�qmdlnp tM condnwnc�M posses�bn ot tM Prop�rry or
<br /> ffN oolNcqon,r�aNpt and�ppllcapon of anq,l�aw�or proGb,�nd Trutts��r►d Ltnd�r sh�il b�entilNd to�xerolw�v�ry ripht �'
<br /> .', provid�d ta In anr of th�Lan In�bum�nb or by law upon ocau�nnc�ol any Ev�nt of OM�ult,Inaludlnp withoul limlhtlon th�ripht --
<br /> -- W�xarc{aa iha�awor a!aala.Fu�ar.L�er.dar'a:l�hls arss remadlaa unQe:!h!a pa:apre�h alus!!be cumuMtive wlth.�#M no waY•
<br /> Ilmlt�tion on.Lsndu's dphb�nd nmedl„undsr any assipnm�nt o11NU�and ronb nCOrd�d�yalntt tA�P►opwly.L�.TruNN
<br /> "' �nd IM r�cNw►�11 W Ilabl�to�a�ount only for thos�nnb�ctually rsa�ivb.
<br /> _�; ' 1/.Ewna d O�fauN.Th�lollowinp�hall con�dtute�n Eveef ol Dst�ult under thb Desd ot Tru�t �'.''`
<br /> _. �, . (�) F�ilure to p�y any In�tslkn�nt o1 prinafpal or Intera�l ol any oth���um taoured hsraby when dus; ___
<br />-,:�;;�;' � '� (b) A bnaoh of or dNault und�my provitlon eonW n�d In th�Notp,thl�Owd ot Trutl,any of th�Lo�n In�hum�nU,a any �.
<br /> - .•�.���:;�— - ottar Ilan or encumbrance upon tne Propeny; �,,i.:__
<br /> N. ;,v. �,«,•',.�, (o) A wrR of exeaudon or atlachmont or ony simflar procoss shall bo antared ayainst Tru�tor whlob�hal l baaortN a Il�n on �scz..
<br /> =- Y' th�Property o►any portlon therwt or interest thereln; �=
<br /> ' �:?'..: (d) There�hall be Illed by or apainat Trustor or Borrower an aatlon under any prssent or future federel,state or other 1"
<br /> - _ � �� • statute,law or repulaUon relBUnp to bankruptcy,insolvenoy or other reliei br debton;or there ehell be eppointed eny trustse, �`,�°
<br />,�� �' reeelver ar Ilquldator ol Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any part ot the Property,or tha ronts,iwues or protits theraof,or Trustor ��
<br />__�.��� _� . {, or 8onowe►ehelt make eny genorel aaslpnmeM lor the benelit of areditore;
<br />-:yi;_r� . „ �� (e) The sale.transter,lease,assignment,conveyenoe or turther encumbrence oi ell or any pan of or any inte�est in Ihe �
<br /> '-��;: ' P�operty,eNher votunterfly or Involunterlly,wilhout the expresa w�itten conaent ol Lander, provided that Tru�tor shell be
<br />-=;T •� ��
<br />-___ '��' permitted W execule a lease ot the Properly Ihat doea not confain an opUOn fo purchaee end the term ot whba does not exaeed �`
<br />_:;,�,.. j,,��, ;�.., °i� ata year,
<br /> z'��"• Abandonment ot the Pro e or �k
<br /> ' =- r�, • ��7,. (� A rtY:
<br /> . � :..'-���
<br /> � ° .�2�.;.,� (p) If 7rustor 18 not an fodividual,the losuance,eale,transler,aaalqnment,aonveyance or encumbrono�of more than a total .;�:
<br /> �1`�,: ;'.!;;.•. • . .,;,1,�,� °,:?_`
<br /> �';E;�'� "�+•%� •: � ��r"}t��� ol percent ot(if e corporetlon)Ne isaued and outstanding stock or(II a partnershfp)a total of peraent of ��-
<br /> ,- ...
<br /> ��' �. ';'.•"'� '':?;.i� parfnerahlp interesb during the perlad lhis Deed o1 Trust remains e Ilen an ihe Properry. v.�.:
<br /> � � ' '`'�'' � ' 12. R�nwdNr,AcaIM+Nion Upon DNaull.In the ev8nt of any Event ol Default Lender may,without noUce except as requlred by
<br /> =- t�r�:�'����;.i. :�,.� . -
<br />_;:,��, - :��•..;•-„� law,deotare all Indebtedness�eeured hereby to be due a�d poyable and ihe aame ehall thereupon become due and payabls �__
<br /> M-tfa�,. �"_ •"'`• without any presendnent,demand,protest or noUce o1 any klnd.Thereafler Lender may: �-
<br /> _,�:
<br /> •���11F�� '�.r-,, (a) Demand fhat Trostee exeral�e the POWER OF 8ALE pranted herein,and Trustee ahell thereafter cauee Troetor's
<br />'"�?��—_-- _ _- •,-' tnterest In the Proparty to be�old and the praceeds to be di�trlbuted,all U the mannar provided in the Nebre�ka Truit Deed� �,-�
<br /> -- ---.;�,,..�.;.�--�.--.—_� AoC
<br /> ` � �` . , (b) Exeraite any and all ripht�provided br in any of the Loan InatrumeMC or by law upon occurrence o1 any Event ot `nN
<br /> . : �+��• .. Delwik end
<br /> „� ;
<br /> ^;__:y:r.}�;;:v (a) Commenae an Aotlon to forealose this Deed o1 Trust aa a mortpape,appofnt a recelver,o►speclllcelly enlorce ony ol ihe J,;
<br /> '�;'` covenante hereof.
<br /> �': • :�' No remedy herefn conlerred upon or reeerved to 7ruelee or l.ender is�ntanded to be excluerve o1 any other remedy herefn,in the ��•��•
<br /> ,. � ,,-. " Loan In�truments or by law provfded or permllted.but eeoh ahell be aumulative,ehell be In eddltlon to every other remedy ylven
<br />- " '��'�1: . , ' hereunder,In the Loen Instruments or now or horaafter exlednp at law or In eqWy or by atetute,and may bQ exarcf4ed aoncurrendy, ��_
<br />,.Y ��7';.::� indopendenUy or auccesalvely. -
<br />- . ' •�. 13.Tru�tN.The Truetee mey reaiyn et any tlme wllhoul cause,and l.ender may et any nme and without ceuse appoint a ��_�
<br />-° 1 r;•�� ' ° t aucceaeor or eubsUtute Trueloe.Truelee fhall not be Nable to any party,includ�np wnhout Ilmdetlon Lender.Borrower,Trustor or any �__s
<br /> ;`��r :�;�:. � purCha�er ol the Property,lor any loes or damaye unleas due to recklesa or willlul mleconduct,end ahall not be requlred to fake any
<br /> ��"���• � • � �.,,;;�� acllon In connectlon wlth the enlorcement ol thia Deed ot Trust unlasa fndemnllled.In writlnn,lor all coets. compensetion or
<br /> �"`�" }' ' <•?:-:' expaneee whlch may be asooclated therewith.In addlUon,Trustee mey become a purchaser at any aele ol the Property Qudlclal or
<br /> a..i..
<br /> u n d e r th e power oi sele grented hereln�;poslpone the sale of all or any portlon of the Property,ea provided by law;or sell Ifw ,
<br /> - � , s , . ' - , • Properly as e whole.or In seperete percels or lots at Truetee's clfacreuon. �,:.�
<br /> � 14. FN��nd EKp�nsN.In Ihe event Trustee aells the PrOperty by exercfee of power ol sele,Trustee ehell be entlUed to apply •,,Y�
<br />. � :. ' �..,: any sele proceeds tlrat to peymenl ol all coste and expenees ol exerc�eing power ol sele,Including all Truatee's fees,and lender's
<br /> �,�1•�% �.� . '•'•� a�d Trustee's atlorney's fees,eclually Incurred lo exlent permilted by appllcable law.In the event 8o��ower or Truator exerclsea any
<br />`'j''�'�'�l :.•fi'yii"' :
<br />�).�:, :�;.1,;1:;�. �fght provlded by la w t o c u r e en Event ol DeleWt,Lender ehell be enlitled to recove�Irom'��wstor p':cva�s and ex�penses acwai�y
<br />-:�t`•,�t. . . _ �.-��'df 1 ., :
<br />_,.,...�,,.�� �� � ; �� mcurred as a result ot 7rustor's delault,Includfn�w�thou'. I�rtIf18110�81.T�U8IE8'8 end atto�ney'8 1ee8,t8 ih6 ext2r3 Ce�mM,6d by f,,,�,
<br /> �t ' •� � . '`•�'k�{ �RAlacaatelaw. � ':
<br /> ��� � � :��4'Y 95. �umwe Adv.BneN.Upon req;�est a1 Borrower, Lentler may. et �Ia oplion,make additlonal and t�ture advencea and re- r:A
<br /> �4 . ��..., �.:,-
<br /> :'�`;'a:'�`. .. - '�'`� 8Gv8�C@a�a 8orrowEr.SuCh 8dv8nC06 a�d ie8tivenCeB,wHh Interest tt•ereon,ehgli be secured by 1��a Deeq of Tru91.At no tlme s°+all �;��+r
<br /> � �� � � W�{�t ��: iho princl. al amount ol lhe lndebtednees aecu•ed b thls Deed ol'trusl,not fncludin aums AdvanCed to prOtBOt the teCU N oI this `�,'
<br /> ,:.:; .�•„�t9,i� ��'i! 'S••. p Y 9 � . �
<br />__ A,���� �', •.:r4t�l+;�., 'c •#i Oeed ol7ruef,exceed Ih6 Origin8l prinClpel amouM atated herein,or$ vrhlChevor Is preater. �:'..:
<br /> _.:'ltl�'� 7;\i����'/p�����: ��5 ti
<br /> c � �'� f'
<br /> . ��.;.,; �;� k �
<br />�:,;���� .� ��.#. �r; c x. �t.��:;.
<br />`�:�t�,5�. r..t�f.�k!?;;.c.,?�,�;;a . r
<br /> ' « � { .���;���`'s,:•,<<.'��:4. ' :��
<br /> + ;` t'�.� ' • `,`�ja j,�-�---rn . . . . -'..
<br /> � � M �, S7Af:i.•e'•IM•.Lv�a ..eS.1'Y.F;�f��ie..��L�.��4�1�:Y.,�tt'.�i..e�.��Stu�':•.t%'��.'91��1' ?.�N �Y1 •��:i��-r�. �-�' :� i`_ Z V�'�:" •� v'�..�,�yk y.., ..
<br /> .. f. . . d.�Vtlr 4.� ,.! ;�J✓�rJ.\�.riic�.d ' ;:r U.�i1�91••.•u�.l,._�..l�ir4 K�i�.�.':.u:. /.�• _
<br />