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<br /> ,. ' r� nb�ndancd Prop��y. Batrc�wer ehull nlso be !n default if Borrower. ducing tha lonn appllcutloa pmcess. BAVa �'""
<br /> "" � matcrisilly fnlso or innccurate infonnadom ar ����?}��9���fl Note.(iacludinAt buroROa�llmitedreo it'eepr�c�►lon� �W�
<br /> • �� in4'ormatlony in c4naecdo� with tho lann evidenced �y �ns�ument is on n
<br /> '`'��` cancerning Banowet's accuparecy af the PEO�erty as n Princip�l residenc8. If thi9 SecuritY
<br /> `'....� leasehold. Bptrotver 6hhall comply�vith the pmvisiaus af the lease. If Borro+vet ucquireg fee tide to tQ�e PropertY�ahe
<br /> '.�;�� leasehold and fee titie shnll aot be�netge�un��ss�.TEC,�for dthmm�gesAdireca ur cons�iuentiul,in oonnrxcionwith
<br />- � 6.Coudera�lWn.Tke pracceds of r.ny
<br /> . ` nny eondemn�don or mher udcin8 0!uay�art of the PrapertY.or fer conveynnce ia pl�oe ot oondamnation, sue 4.f
<br /> 0
<br />- '� ' ' kenby assigned and snull be paid to I.ender co the eutent of th�fhil mnnwit ot the iadebtedaess thnq remaius unRai�
<br />�;� i F.`;�__", under tho Nota und t t da S e c u d�Y I r+s u u�a t s n t. I�eder sl�all upply sudh pmoeeds to the reduction oi tho indebudnes�
<br /> :;_��+�o, un Cer t h e W o t e �n d this SccurltS► Instrr�me°t�ti[st to any delinquent nmount� i PP�i�p r i uci p�l�A11 ao�ea�t d ot
<br /> r�;:�,,.. ..0 '+ p�rnD4�3.�nd then to pr�FAYcacnt of priacipal. Any uPP1ia�Uen o f t he p ro o c e d s
<br /> ,-,,-�� u.wbtch are cefer[ed to in p3raSmpb 2.or chm►€a the amount ot such
<br />_"�'.�,�-�:� postpone the due drze ot che awnthlY I�Y�
<br /> ;.;�:;����
<br /> �aYmema. Aay exoGSS praoceds over an amaunt raluirod co pay�ll outstunding indrbte�ness undor tD�o Note and s
<br /> �`;:'�; r,,��ry I�stcument shull ba paid to tAe endty leguliy enttdr�theieta.
<br />_ =r��4,—..� • BOi[QtV�T 6h�1� p�}► iSl
<br /> - -- - 7. Charges Eo Borrower wtd Proteaton °ittoas thut��iacludcd in par�grc+ph 2.Boico�eer sball paY
<br />_;;....�,:�;�`� �,overantental or munielpal churBes.flnes nnd icqpo cvould ndvercely e�t�ci
<br /> --- th�e obligattona on[ime direcUY to the entt�y v�r�ich is owed the paY�ent. If fallure to pay t �
<br /> �m:�.r� - , u n i�tndet's eeque3t Aorrower shs�ll pmmptiy fl�mish o Lentler m�ei0
<br />.r�;.�•� � �ender s tatemst in the ProperiY. I�
<br /> ",�'..,`.�� uneats.
<br /> ��;,,��� evidel Bo�rcowe r ails w make�tese�aymenta or the pAymeats requin�by p�raBraPh 2,or fatts to ptt[orm��can11Y
<br /> Instnunem,at the�e ts a legal procecdlr+8 t��t °►N' �
<br /> .-'���'� covenants and agmmst►ts oontuinfld in this Sxuriry t for oondemn�etion or to enfame lawu or
<br /> affert Lender's dghts in�he Properil►(such es u procr�d[ag in�bankcup cY. und Lender's
<br /> ---—"" regul�dona).thea Leader maY do and pay whatev�r is ar.orssmY co Pmtect the valuo of�the Prap�atY
<br /> _ � rlghcs in the PcepsrtY.lacludiu8 PBYmeat Nf tazes.ha7aid tusuranoe and othar it��s anudun�itt pa�ph 2.
<br /> ° Any amounu aisDuised bY i�#a u�r shle F=''�`�t,shail be�oma an sdditionnt debt of Bairowez ead be
<br /> -- -�=�-" sxured by triis�n�iry Iastnunent.'Ihae amounta chnll beur iateresi irom thc dato of disburs�ma�t.m�i��•
<br /> _�.�� = and at the opflon off�.sh�ll bo imaaodiauly due and gayable.
<br /> tl d1s@►arga ar�Y lien whi�Qn3 pxio�ity aver thia SocurltY insc�u�t ualess Bore�vrea:
<br /> Borrower shtlfl pms�►P Y Tl the lien ia A mamter a�s�eptablo to Le�der:(b')
<br /> (� 88� ��v�iti�to the payment uf t�,e obliRaaion sr�cured by mue��in� whicD In�e
<br />--- - aontats in gaod faith the Ilen by.oc defes� �nst enfaranient of the lien�•ftc�n�tWhs imldex�f ttt�Iten an
<br /> ' Lendcr•s c►p3nifln operate to pr�ve�t the �at'm�'�t uf th*lien: °instmmeat•�Lendes datvtrntnes ttu�t anY P�
<br /> �r+pC1I1Crit SetIS�dCtOYy t0 L�IIdC!511DO�dlil�t�t�1D I1CA t0 tZ1I8 SECIltIIY �gf[UA1�1.�1�CT�11y�YG BOI[�OWC3 _
<br /> �•�� of che PrapenY is subject[o a Ucn ahtch may attuin Prlority over this Secuaity
<br /> —'�'�`.�
<br /> - e notioe Identifs+ing the�ien. Boirowrr 6haA srstisfy the lten or talce one or mo:e of the aciionc sr�tt fottb above with
<br /> ---- .. !0 dAys of the givbag o[notioe.
<br /> � . 8.Fas.i�eader msY oollact fas and cbuges authoriud by�he Sr�Y-
<br /> =� 9.Gmaad9[or AoodarM[on oi Ikbt. agons issua!by the Secnta�Y�lu t3�e case of pay�ssnt
<br /> �,��,�.
<br /> (�)Dd4u1l.Lender may.eaapt a�limited by rt�l this Sasudry 1ns�1�
<br /> ---= defaults�c�quicr imm�dlate paymwt in full of aTi sucus s�ued bY ���u�d bY thi��e���Y�t
<br /> - (nD�otrower defsuits by fafiin3 ro�ay in full any monthly Paym
<br /> -__ ,. .= �praac�to or on tha du�date of afi�m�t montttlY PaYtaean��'e to pecform any athEr obtigationa w�*.r��
<br /> � for a od oi thlttS+d�Y •
<br />_ --�:. ::�`°�� (ii)Bornower de�ffcrolts bY fa�ling, P�
<br /> `.�-::�� in this Sxus�ty��� ttod by aFPUt�s�nlu luw(iaclusliaB Sectaaa 341(d1
<br /> '�_-- _ � tb)Sate Wittiout¢�i+t�7it App�►vet. Y�enQer sriall. if P�
<br /> � af s�t#�.m��. tkrtnain DeA��to�'Y ins[itutions A�of 1982. 12 U.S.C. Y7a1=-3td)➢ andl�c6�t�e��
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