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<br /> � ,� � It the iunonats held by Lender for Escro�v Items exceed the umounta permitted to b�keld by RESPA, I.ender �;,m:
<br /> - � shall noconnt tu 8osower for the eaccss funds m Eequlred bY RFSPA. If the nmounta of itiads held by I�c:nder at any
<br /> � ,�• tima t�ra aai sufficlent to p�y the Hccro�� Ytem+when dun, i..ender may aotily tha I3orro�ver iutd require Borro�ver to �_;-;.
<br /> - malce up the shortuge us permttted by RESPA.
<br /> �"�' The Escrow Funds nre pledged as u�d�tion,al se�uxiry to� :�! surnn secured by thia Secudty Instnsment. If _
<br /> �=" Botrower tenders to Leader the full payq�Pat otulII such sv�s,�larravrEr's aecount sbalt bc cc+edtted with ihe bnlance
<br /> � ` c�mainIuB for all installmtnt Items(a).(b).nrrd(c)and any mortgnge Insurnnce pmmiwn iststuUa�ent that Lender has
<br /> =. ,,. :� aot becomc obliIIated to puy to the Secretruy,r.nd Lender shaU prompdy c+efiu►d nny excess funds to Borrower. —
<br /> Inunediately prior to n forYCiasure snle ot tlse Propeity or its acquisidon by L,esder. Borrower's uecount sh�til be _
<br /> - , credited wIth any balance mmninin8 for rJII i�sullaaeats for Items(u).(b).and(c).
<br /> _ �,�. 3.Ap�![cution of Puyments.A11 p��garsnis�+uder Parngcuphs 1 arcd 2 shail be applied by L�ead�c as follo�va:
<br />,�:��*��y,�:; �.S.co the moctgage lnsur�nce p��i+unto be paid by Leadee to the Secretary ar to the mflntbly charge by the
<br /> :":� • &scretFUy instatd of the monthly aiortgugc insureace pr�emiwn:
<br /> �,,:�r«r—
<br /> �''_=��;n;� cS�nd•to any taxes.specisil assessments,le:�scicold p3yments or grouad rents,stnd tic�e.ilood ana other h�nr
<br /> _=-;'•_'niiwf� �ASUI$AOCFICIII�UQL�A3IC�11�IC�i
<br />-==Y:':� ��� �,¢�interest chie uu�ter tlte Ncte; •
<br /> :°�`•�,*� oi ,Y�,�amorti�don of the priasipal otthe Note:aad
<br /> _"�-����!� �tft ,to late charges due uuder the Note. --
<br /> :.:;;�:� 4.�Yre.Fluod am��lhcr H�arcl I��e.Burrower shall iasure all impmvements on the Pmperty.whether
<br /> �Y,:���+ -� rmw in existena or subsequenily erected.ngoinst aay hauuvls.casuelttes.aad aaattngenctas.Ineludin�itre.far whtch
<br /> �er requires insuraace. Thts insur�ce s6a11 be �atatained in che amounts und for the periods tl�nt Lender
<br /> _��u y;�tr 8��;�}� eequ�res. Borcower shnU olso insu��ll tm�smve�n�.s oa�t►e Pcoperty. wheitter uoa in existenoe or subsequendy
<br />__-._�...._ erected,aSainst loss by Qeoda to t�ee eateut requisod by the Secreta�Y.All icisura�eo shaU be cacried wt[h oompanies
<br /> "�==�v eppmved by Lender.'fhe insuranoe pulicics aad z�ay renetiv�ls shall be held bsy�der and sha11 include loss payuble
<br /> ��4=� claus�in favor of,an d i n u fo:m acap t a b le e o,L�n d�r. e m� ��of lass if not
<br /> -- In dze a�+ent of�OS3�Bomower sh91t give Leader imuwdinte natic.by mail.�.eader muY P
<br />---__-__- maa�p�,;�i�Y�Y��"�rr.��.�""`—�•,'any aoncernsd i�l�xreby uuthorized and dIcrexad to m�lce paya�ent
<br /> �__�,�,� for such loss directly to Lender. insteud of to Borrower and to Gender joindy.1W or any part of the ictsuraa�x
<br /> --- — pr0000ds q�ay be alsplted by L.ender.at its opQom,either(a)to the ioductlon of¢!re indebtedness under tlte Nou aud
<br /> -=s== this Sxuriry Instmment.first to any delinqucnt ainou�ts appli�d la che order in parn,graph 3.aad then to Pt'�Payment
<br /> � of princip�l. or(b)to [�e restoratdun or rep�lr of�hr daa�od Prope�tY• AoY ePP�on��p�to the
<br /> �..",��`�:�� Frlacipal 6ha1D not extend or post�o�¢4ca d¢c date o�the a�onthly payments which sn referred to in paragraph 2.oz
<br /> - ��� chun�e the amount of such paymesz�s.Any enaess insurance pracecda ova an a�unt requizod ao pay aU ontstanding _
<br /> indebtednsss undcr the I�ote and this Scc�rity lust�ument�hal!be paid to the entity leEnlly�tItled�hento.
<br /> Ia We event oY foruclosure of this Secualry Lzstsbutteat or othtr transfer of title to the Pmperty t1�at eatinguishrs
<br /> �~� the ind�3tedaess. all d�ht. tltle aad imterecc of 9��eower in aad to insuranae p�licfes in foiee shall pass to the
<br /> punhaser.
<br /> S.Oocupancl,Pt�rvatioa�.M�tEnancc oad Pe+otect9�n�f thc PtopeKy: Bo�+aWa�'s Losw Appitc�tloni
<br /> I.easehald�. Bornawer ehaU oocugy.esteblish. �ad use the pmprrcy as Borrower's princtpal crsidenoe withia sixty _
<br /> - days alter the executtan of�hi�Seraultr Iaswmxn:(or wtthtn si�ty days ofF a ilnn�sate or transfer o8 tLo PropeYty) _
<br /> end shall wntinue w cscupy the Pro�erty m Barrov�er's prinripal resideaca ffar at deast one year after the dak of _.
<br /> ,..;� occupanry�unless I.eader detezmicres xnat requtrement wlli cause t�dua hatdshiP for Borrowt�r:,or uniess aitennat�8
<br /> -.a}y�� ctrcu�stanas exist whicb are �t�nd 89rrovmr's aontrol. �icowtr sl�all notity i�fl�r ef any extenuatlag
<br /> _ �� -- cin�mstaaces.&►icower shall not�ommit wute or destroy.da��ge or subs,tantially cha�ge�eh�e�mperty or allnw the
<br /> - , ---- Propecty to daurtorate�reasonable wear�tea�exacgud.Leuder may inspect the Pcogeity if ttce Propsrl,yy ds vacant :_
<br /> ----- or abandoaed or the loan ts in defaulc. Le�de�r u►��Wce reasonable susion tn proseci and pnseive such�r:ncanti or
<br />-_- - �=-=3 `
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