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<br /> i►uthor{zes Beneficiery to latervene in Tn►stur's n�mie in nny uf the nM�ve drscrihed ncdaiis or cluims.Trustar a.si�n� to �;;;`
<br /> Heneftslauy the Prcxeed:►of any award or ciuim for d�na$cs wiute�;ted with a conQcm�►ntiun or athcr u►king u!aA or c�ny �;�_.
<br /> � part of the Prup�rty. Sucit pr�ceedx shidl be c�myldered paymenuc ,u�d will he upplied �u prnvideQ in this Secudty �°
<br /> • Instrument.This x,ssignment nf proceeds ia subject ta the tem�s of any prtar uiartgabe,deeA of trust.secudty ugceement ar a_
<br /> uther lien dacument, . '�
<br /> ��-
<br /> • •"+ 19. INSUItANCE.Tcustor sttall keep Pra�peny insurecl against la�s by flre.flood,theft i►rtd��that hazxrds und dsks re:�.5onably ���
<br /> � � essocIate�!witU the Properry due to iGti type:�ad tocadan. This in�turanx shull be mxintitinw�l in the xmoun�s aad fur the �:.,
<br /> l��.� p�dods that Beaeflci�uy reyuires. Tt►e insurauce carrier providi.t�th� insun+nce shull hn chosen by Tnutnr siibject ta -v _
<br /> Beaeflctary�8 AppiOVAI, wbich shall aot be tuueasaaably wlt5hal�!- If Tcustor faqs to nmiatain the caverage d�cdbed ��
<br /> ° �'"'" ubove, aeneficiary muy,at Beneficisry's apdan,obtaln caveraga to pratect Beneficinry's rights ia the Praperiy accorcUng -�-
<br /> � • to the terms of this Securlty Iasmiment. `=
<br /> �� � a All iasurancepo licles and renewals shall be accept�ble t�Beneficaary and sh�ll include a st�nctard"mortgage clause"and, =
<br /> t�
<br /> � where appUcablr. 9oss payee clause." Tcusror shall im�uecliatety nodfy Beaeficiary uf cancxilutian or tem�iaadon of the
<br /> ;nsuraace. Beneficiary sbnll have the rlgLt to hold the poJiatr.s anrl reuawals. If Benpficiary requires, Trustor shull
<br /> �. � inunediately give to 8e�eficiary ail receipt� of �id pretnients and rettewtd nodces. Upon loss, Tcu.eror shall �Ive
<br /> �
<br /> • �� ` immed3ate notice to the insurance carrier and Beire�ciary. Heneflciuty may make proof of loss if not made ltnmediately by _
<br /> " Ttustor.
<br /> - � llales�ntLerwlse agreed in writing.atl iosurance proceecL�shall be applial u�the restarndau or repair of the Property or to
<br /> pS
<br /> ihe Secured Debt,whether or aot d►en due. at Beneficiary's opRion. Any appltcadon of proceeds to pr3oclpal shall not _
<br /> , • � extend or postpone thQ due date of the scheduled paymeat aor chunga the�ount of uny pnyment. Any excess wi11 be psdd
<br /> to the�rantor.If U�e Property Ia acquired by Be�eficIary,Trustor's ri�;ht to any iasurance pu]Icies aas�! roceeds cesult�ng .^_
<br /> a p
<br /> : � from damage to the Property before the acqwsition shall pass to BenaSclary to We extent of the Secun�d DPbt ImmedIately
<br /> befoie tbe acquisldon.
<br /> . 20. ESGROW FOR TA7�ES AND INS[JRAi►iCE. Unles.i athznvIsa pravlded ia a separa��a agreement,Tnutor wilt m�t be
<br /> . ,�"
<br /> required to pay to Beneficiury funds for taxes and insurauce in escmw.
<br /> �- 21. FINANCIAL REYORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUNIENTS.Tr+isWs will provlds to Beneficlary upon request, any
<br /> '�� 8nancial statementor iafomnadoa BeaeficIary may deem reasonaB3y necessary.Truator aIIrees m sign,deliver.and file E►ny
<br /> �`t���;'"'� addidonal documeuts or ccrtifica4�ons Wat Beneficiaty.maY caagidrtr ttecessaty to perfect.c�ndaue.and pmseive Orantor's
<br />. .'-�?,'�:�;'�,;-- - 4���ir►nc under�hLs Security In�icument and BeneRc�ary s lien stetus an th:Property. T
<br /> y __{y l`S� _
<br /> �`��r� 22,JpiNT pIYp 11VmryIDUpL I,IABILITY•CQD-SIGIVERS; SUGC�S�OR4 AND AS�SBGNS BOU�VlD.A11 dudes wider
<br /> • thie Secvrity Instiwaent are Joint and iadlv�dual. If Tcustar sIgns�this SecurIty Iastrument but does na1 si an evidence of
<br /> �r� •ti::'.'. '
<br /> debt� 'IYustor daes so only to mortgage Tiustor s interest in�thg Pio to secure paywent uf tbe �ured Debt atul
<br />:-'.;=�'''e�r�;�:;{ Tcustor does not agree to be pe�sonally liable on the Secutecl Dni�e.If s Securicy Ir►suvtnent secuzes g guarunry��ehveen ._
<br />::,L ,_v, 6 ' rin�ug anY actioa�.r�:laim
<br />-'°,.j,'"ti;r,�;� Beneficlary and Tcustor,Tn�stor a�s ta watve any ri ts thit m3.f pievent Bene c�ary�rom b
<br /> �
<br /> -� ::.,�,�,� again.�t Tmstor ot any partY ladebted unsler the ob�gatioa.TTiteese rlghts may iur uda� but are not lImited�u, any
<br /> UII
<br />-��"��_ _ antl-0eflcIeney or oae•acdoa laws.Tmstor Agre�a.that EeneBcia�.^�r xv�6 any party to �s Security,Instrun►ent map ractend,
<br /> ;-�;...'^�ir.`r,e�:� ��t'y or malce any ch�nge in the terms of this Securt Inguu�vtt�t or an�y evldence of debt v�nthout Tmstor'�consent. _
<br /> n
<br /> :`•.4��9� Such a cbange 1vviU aot release TcusWr from fhe terms o this Sortsdtp�tmm�:rat.Tt►e dudes and bens8ts of thls Security
<br /> •-�=::,�`:�_'�'� Insttumeat sbal bind and benefit the successors and asslIIas�of,'1Yastos acd B�ne�ciary.
<br /> .- :,-����
<br /> ����:��
<br /> --- - 23. APPI.�ICABLE LAV�i S'�',VERF��II.1T'Yi IN'l�RP1EiETA►TIO�T.'lbg��5�ariry Inst�ene is�overned by the invrs of the
<br /> --= Juds�lis0ipa In wbleh BeneSciury is locaced,except to the extene�ath�v;:to requtred.by�the laws of t�e jwdsdicdon where
<br /> -.----_�= ths propeny is lax►t�ai. This SecurIty Insarument is compl�ete and 4tilJy•�ezt�mtvd.�Tvis Security Irsuvment may not be
<br /> ---- --� - amende�l or modi�ad by oral ttgrcemeat.Anj+sccdon in this Se�urIty)nart¢tta+ntat,�at�latlunents.or any agrament related w
<br /> - -- '= the Secund Debt tlist cnnflicts ar��h applicable law wlll not be effecnve,unttus tht�t�taw eapressly ox i�npl[e6ly pem�ita the
<br /> - - -�� F",° variations by wriaea agreem�nt.If auy secdoa of ttus Secu�iry Instct�eut�caat�v3�bC er#omxd accoraling to ita t�r�as,.thaR
<br /> ___-_.;�Kxts
<br /> _=:��� secdox►tivW be severed aad w9ll nac affect the enforceability of the rem�aI�Q.er c�f�Ihin�5ecurity Instcum�nt.Whencvea"�
<br /> �sw:v;r�i�aa_.L, the singWar shull lnclude the plural and the plural the singuLu. 'i4�e cagflo�����Ittz�dtugs of the ser�Io�of this.S . �Y
<br /> �-'ra��;�i� Iusaume:�.are for r.anventence oniy aad ace not w be useci ro intetpiea or�de�ine��n te,:us of th#s Srauity I�.°�t. __
<br /> - =_=_ . T1me is of the e.saence la this Securlty lnstaumcnt. .
<br /> � -�R`;=+�"� 24. SS)�CC,�.SSOR TRIJSTEE.BeneBciary� at Beneficiary's opdon,may fcom dme to ti�e remove TcusteE and appoint u _
<br /> s`���w+. ���,.c��wSrhn�t any other foAnulitv than the designadon in wridng.The sucoessor uusceis.W1t11011t CODVtlytB�C Of
<br /> _ � the Propetty, ahatl suc�eci w all the dde. powcr anci duti�v wufer[2d upoa tnistee by chis Sct:t:slty I��i�� sr� L_
<br /> -.L1°�� aPPlicable law. _.
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