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� ; <br /> ..� .. <br /> 7 . • .. ,� <br /> ,, . . , <br /> . ,. <br /> . <br /> .....y��..... . �, . , i. . . .> .,,,MRI,,,w;M <br /> . � . . _... .. ._ ._ _. _ . . .. ...... _--.._.... ._. .._....,._.. <br /> • ' � � - _..�... . <br /> . �. <br /> .. .. ...... ' <br /> .....�.._. ,....._ ..__. ...._........_x_-----..... .... _......_�- -••---°-•--°--°-- --- <br /> . ' �_ <br /> .. � � 99� �o���� �" <br /> 1S. RGl19EAi�S ON DGTAU�.T. In suu» insu►nces, f�dernl und state luw will reyuirr. Beneticiary to pravide Trusror wlth �s_ <br /> � �. notice i�f th� dght ta curc or i��her nodces n�td may est.�blis}t dme scliedules f��r foredosuce acdai�. Subiect ta [hese <br /> : liuiiu►dun.9, if any, Benefciary may xccelecate die Secured Deht and forecluse this Securtty l�utrument 3n a manner �:__ <br /> •. provideil by taw tf Tiustnr js in dcfault. �" <br /> ��� <br /> ';'� At the opdon of Benefici��tcy,all or swy pact of tlie u�reed fees and charges. accrurd interest xttd princi nl shali tkcuu�e �,,: <br /> � immedintcly due ttnnd pnyable. after givin� nudce it reyulred by law. upon the �ncurrence af a d��uult ur anydnte �_ ' <br /> � tiierenfter. In xddition,Bex�eftcituy shall be eudded ro ull the remeQles provlded by law. the ternis uf the Secured Debt. <br /> . :�,:::=�; this Securlty Insuument atd nay related da:ument�, lncludinQ without litnitadun,the puwer to seil the Pra rt . <br /> Pe Y �'= <br /> . •� , <br /> ` lf there is a default.Trustee shall, ia addidon tu any other pemiiuecl reniecly. at the request of the BeneRciary, advertis� - <br /> � aad sell the Property as a whale or in scparate purcels at public aucdon ta the highest hidder for cash and convey absalute =�= <br /> �� ' tide&ee aad clear of all d�ht, dtle and inrerest af Tnuror at suah�ue i+ud place us Tnistec designates.Trustee shal!give �- <br /> , •' notice of sale Includir�the dme,t�nns und place of sale i►nd a descrIption of the praperty ta be sald as requ3red by the _ <br /> �" � applicable law in effect ut the time n f t he propose d s a le. - <br /> �.._- <br /> Ugon sale of the properry uad to the exteut not prahlbited by law,Tcustee shall make und delive�a deed to the Property �,� <br /> sold which conveys absoluta dtle to the purchaser, and �fter first paying all fees, charges and costs, shall pay to �,_, <br /> � Beneficiary all moneys advanced for repairs, ta�ces. Insucancs. lie3a.s, assessments and priar encumbrances and interest __ <br /> �_ t hereon, tw d t he p r 3 a c i p a l a n d l l a t e r e s t o a t h e S e c u r e d D e b t, pn yin g the s u t plus, If aa y, to Ttvstor. Beaeficiary may = <br /> � purchasa the Property.'IYce recltais in any deed of comeyaace shu11 be prlu�a facie evldence af the facts set forth therein. _ <br /> �" All remedie.4 are disdnct. cumuladve anti a►at exclusive, attd the Beneficiary is endtled to all cemeelies�rovided at law oz = <br /> ' equity,wheiher or not expressly set fi���*�h.The acceptance by Bene�ciary of any sura In payuaent ar pazaal payment on the E �_, <br /> t Secured Debt after the b*•ilunce ls due or is xccel�rated or after foser.losure proceedings are filed shail not consdtutt A == <br /> ° , <br /> de8ault Benefi carydoes��waive Beneft cary's right to laei coa�ide rthe event a defaWt if i�ontl ues o�sppe ag�ain•s ,�_- <br /> 16. EXPENSES; ADVAN�S ON COVF;NANTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS. Bxcept when <br /> prahibited by law, Trnstnr agrees to pay all of Heneficiary's eapenses if Tcuswr breaches any cavenant in tbia Securiry <br /> �'� Insuument. Tcustor wSll•;�iso pay on demAnd any araount jncurred by Beneficiary For insuring, inspecdng,preserving or - <br />::;;�'!%.. othenvlse protect�n�the Property and HeueRciary's security iat�rest. 1liese exaenses wUl bear iuterest from the date of the _ <br /> � l�� payment until patd in fnii at the higl�est interest rate in effect as�provlded in the terms of the 5ecured Debt.Truswr a�rees <br /> �y,,,T,�.-� to pay ati co�ts a�d ��fnc�rs�2 ls� Be��ac.iary �cnt�dna, enforclne or pr�tecting Beaeficiary's rlghts und ,, <br /> _,;,ky . f remedies under this Seconty Iasuumeat.T�is amount may iac2ude, but is not llmited to�attoraeys'fees,caurt costs,and <br /> - . other leAal expenses. Thie Security Instcument sl�aall remain L►egect until relc�sed. Trusror a�rees to pay for any <br /> �''�.� '� recordadan casts of such t+ale�se, . <br /> _ ,�; �. <br /> ;;:,(. ( <br /> ��'j'a 'S�--. � 17.�iWIItON1VIENTAL I.�.WS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANC�:S. As used in ttds secdon, I) Snvlronmental Law <br /> '`��'� �� wlthout IImiatdott�the Comprehenslve flnvlmumeatal Response,Compensndnn aad Liability Act(CBRCLA,42 <br /> _;,,���:;±�',, . mQett9, <br /> z�� "� `Y�'• U.S.C. 9601 ec seq.),and all o�her federal, state and local lawa,reguladons.urillnancx.s, coutt ordera.attomey genen�l <br />-"'°'• '••'''`-4 op snioav or intecprctive IeiWra wnceming the public health,snfety,welfare.envlr�nmeat or u hazsrdous substaace;and(2) <br /> '": .��'°`r • Hazard�us Substance me�ns aay Wxic, rddioacdve or bazardous mater1a1, waste. pollutant or conta�minunt which has <br /> --`°""''� chtuacteristics wtiich render the substance dangerous or potendalty dangerous to the public health, safety� welfare ar <br /> tca <br />�i:":,`::. � envImnment. 1'he term dnalud�s,wlthout limitadon�any substa�es de8ned as"hazardous materlal�• "wxic snbstausRS. <br />_:��'�2;g.�•' •hs�rr�rdous vmste°or"I�aardoua substance"under aay Envhoameatal Law. <br /> °-�=.:._ <br /> �'�S"�� Taustor represents.waYrante and ag�cces thar. <br /> �_,-�:;:-�.,� A.Bxcept us pnwIouaby disclosed anfl ackaowledged 'his res�utctlon does no��1 Hto smail qiunnu�af Hacardous <br /> — located� stored or reles►sed on oa in the Propeny. aP Y <br /> ?"."�'�� StibstAnces tl�t nre,�eneralty reeo�nized W he ap rop�iate for the nomial use a�raaintenance of the Property. - <br /> n <br />�,:���:�y B.Bacept a�s previoualti7�isclosesl aad a¢knowIed� in wrfl�Benefictaty. TNStor and every tenaW Lave besu,a�. <br />��`�^=a�r unRlshall remsin i�n�6�1 compliaace vvIth any applicable fia nm$ntal Lnw. <br />��:�.:��' C.TYvstor e�Luit i„w��=�iatcly notify Beuefic�ry if a a+elease �r thmatened release of a Hazardous Subsmnce a:cu�re on. <br />---�i�� undtr or abaut tha Prope�tY or there Is a vloladon of any Bnvfmnmenmi Luw concerning the Property. Xn such an _ <br /> - .�.�: <br />=sa�,,.�,��,s� evant.Tmstor sUnf 1 take aU aecessacy remedial aedon fn aecordaace wlth eny Bnvironmental Law. - <br /> :��,�.-� D.Trustor sUali immeslintely nntify BeneficL�uy in wridw[as sor�n as Tivstor has reason tc�believe tin�is any penc�n8 <br />�,�; or threatenal ia��gatian, claim, or proceecltn� celadng to the releuse or threatened release of aay Haz�dwe _ <br /> ��;�;;;�� 5u�tanix or tu�v1�l,itta��f anp Bs►vlmssstteata!L.G. ___ <br />�?�'�� 18. COIW�NINATION.Txustor wlllg+ve Beneficiary pmmpt notia of any peadir�or threatensd u�don,by prlvate or pub]3c _ <br /> <::-��wTM�� : eatifles to pucchase or taku any or all o?the Pmp�rty through condemnadon,eminent domt►in,or any other meane.TnLatol <br />..�.;.:(``T'�• ' 1 ♦/�y� /�/� _ <br /> - T �}�YB'dJY���197� �P�O�C�B� -__" <br />�`'" '::�`-^ Ot006QeMwby�Mms.tnc..St.l:toid.MNPormOTKMTalA2N81/BNO �NS �iXA,�i— - <br />-. ., . �i �{-: <br /> � ,�s �= <br /> • ,> =- <br /> �' <br /> ,� . <br />. . , a .�.�..—..--.--- �^-� � - � .. e - . . _ ' _ <br /> ., � � " - '-- -- �- � ' � <br /> .. .�{ : ' . ��,.j . . t. � . . <br /> �. <br /> =x•,t± � ''-- r � <br /> . . . . ,., � ,:" <br /> . ` _-:-� -- -- , _ --- - - -- -- ------- - -- --- —- --- <br /> . �� _ ,_ „ . � <br /> - - . .. `� , _ <br />_. 3 .� • •� . ., v . <br /> . � - - .,t r.. . ., ' ' ..•l�� � n - � - . � •� •'�"�,- -- <br /> .. . ., - °o .._ .. <br /> - .. � . ., - . o " .. •' .. .o . � <br /> ., u .. , <br />� - � ' . _ o , - - .. . 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