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<br /> ; Unless ottienvlse u�r�ed ln writtag,uli insuronce pmccedsarsyhnl�aPP�ied co th�ication �otn ioeeeda to p�neiproal shnil not � `_�
<br /> the 5ecutESd Debt, whether or not then due. at BeneBci 's tion. Any app a ment.M eacrss wfil be aid °
<br /> r sd
<br /> Qxtendor post�one the due dnte of the solieduled payment aor chne�ge the tunount of any p y Y B �,r`-m
<br /> ., ,,.' to tDae Orautor.If the Property ia acqu�ired by Heaeficiary,Truata�r's ri�ht to aay insurance palicies and raceeda resu tln
<br /> ��' from dntvnoge to the Property 1�afore tae acquisition shall pass to Benet�ciary to the extent ot"the Secused�ebt immedintely
<br /> .. .. �. �
<br /> bafamth.e csqaisiti�n. . �'':`
<br /> .-J,� 20. �u��W�to Ben�efici��Nad�a fo�Ne.sCand lnsurar►ce 1n esccawrovided in a separate egrcement, Trustor will not be `-
<br /> ,.. .�`� n _
<br /> Zl. TIFdANCIAL AEPOILTS AND�Di'A'IONAi.BOCIJM�2�J'1'S.Trustor will pro�td88��eSic��deltver aad�file an�
<br /> `'^"'w'�`*� Mnnclal statement or informsu�on Bettefieiary may deem reasonably necessaq+•7�u -
<br /> ;� :.,:- �, additioaal documeats or certitications that BeaeRciary ma�r consider neceasnry to perfest,contlnue,and preserve(3rantor s �
<br /> obligationa under tbis Sscurlty Instmment aud Benefiaiary s lien atatua on the Prop�rtY• T
<br /> . ~' 22. �IIST �$IDVlAIIVIDb1��nt a�nd ia�divIdu.If Tn�istor�signs t�hi��ur�[��tnu�ae�nt bu do�t.s aot�siga tinn evtdencrdof
<br /> `}� . ent of the Secured Debt nnd
<br /> �" debt,Tnutor does so only ta mott�age Trustar a interest in the Y�roperty to secure paYtn
<br /> ��� Truaror does not agree to be parsonally liable oa the Secured Debt.If this S�urtty Iasaument secures a�utitAnty benveen
<br /> Benetici�uy and Ttustor.Trustar agcces tp weive az►Y it�ts t5at maY P�vent 8e.�rftal from bringing o-�3�ucdon or clnim
<br />��,,.,t . ':� � a�ainst Tcuaror or any PanY inde�taA under the ob�ation. These dghts �rty ��ade��tyalreas nuument��m�a�►eA'tend�
<br /> , _ ::..�:�, an¢�-det"sc[ency or one-ncdon Ictws.'iCe�istor a�es�l� n���t oi��y evideace of dzbt without Ttustor's consent.
<br /> s� „> ��: r�''� u�ndity or ma�ce uny chec�ge i;n tha c�rms of tbis
<br /> ui he �
<br /> � ��' ���� Such a change will aot release Trusrar,from tt�e terms o tUia Secutity Insttwnent.the duties and�euefit�of thi�S ty
<br />- � Instnunent ahall bind and benefit the successors aad assigas af Tnistor and Beneftctai.
<br /> 23. ppPLI�ABLE LAi�V S�VERA�iILITYi Il�'�TATION.Thls SecuritY Instrument is governed�►y the laws of the __
<br /> '��'K'�'• jurisdiction {n which�eaeti�iary ia located�eacept to the eatent otteerwise requir�d b� �y the laws of the jeu�s�iction where
<br />���.�� �• the Fro��►2rty is located. This Security Inattumenf is comple Sz uri�Instcume ent�ed 'I"�i�znt�.a,o�eniy agreemet nt�rei�ed t�o
<br /> ,-.R.,v,.,� amenGezl or modtfied by oral ogreement.Aay secdon in tbis � UAIC39 WQt IAW GRpIf851Y OI�11�0dIy j1Cflnlf3tb11t
<br /> - � �� the Sectued Uebt that coaflicta wlth a licable law will aot be oft ive,
<br /> =ti�r"1� variaAona by wcitten agreemeat. If anypsection oF this Secuclty Instruraer►t cannot be eaforced accordiqq ca�fs terms,
<br /> - • section wlll be severed and will not affect the enforceabllity oI the remainder of thia Security Instrumen4•Wh�never usect,
<br />-��f;i�� the singular suall include the plurnl aad the pluraf the singulor.Thc capttons omd heudin8s of the sectiun-s of this Securlty
<br /> �� ��ime�is of che G sen oAin thia S�ir�,y Instcwnen t������o iatetpnt or deflne the ternss of t6is Securlty Iastnunent.
<br /> �`�rli�c7�
<br /> ��'���"+ �4.3UCCE5SOR'i'RUbTE�. Beaeftciary. at Beneticiary's aptio�, .uay fra�a i�ta s3r�r�.+v?'rn�cu�e and appoint a .
<br />_-_--,�___�'��.� successor trustee without nn olhsr fom�liry iban the designation ia writing.'The successos tn�stee wi[�'taut cqaveyanae of
<br />-- -- the Property, shall su to all tb.e title� Pawer and dutiea conferced�apm► Trustee by this S�ecurity �laeaument and
<br />___=��=,; appAcuble law.
<br /> _ �:,�:: ZS.NUTd�IE,Unless othecwise requiced by law�aay notice aha11 ba given by deliverlag it or by mailing�tt b�y�in v�'riiSn�
<br />--_- -- to t6e appmpr�ate p 's addz�sa ozt page 1 af this Securt�ty Insmiment,or to uny otder addresa d i �• -
<br /> .1����5� - __
<br /> "°�� Notke to one m�stor li be deemed to be notice to all aus
<br />�:?s:;;�,y;, , --
<br />::-r�s. ,�, yy�gg, gx�pt to,the entent pmhtbitetl by law. Tcusior watves ail appraisement �nd homesteud exeraptton righta __
<br />�'��'�,�. reladng ro thc Property. ,
<br /> '��T`���'�'� 27. O�P11J�R TERMB.If checke��t�e following are ePPlicnble tu this Securlty Iasuument;
<br /> ��� ❑ Llne of Ct�edit.The Secure�Debi iacludes a revolving line of credlt provisian.Although t�e Secured Debt muy be
<br /> reduced to a uro balence�thia Securiry Insuument will remnin in�ffect until released. -
<br /> -= ❑ �o��ou��n.T�S 5ecurlty Instrument secue�es an obligaflon incurrcd for the construction of au Impmvement
<br /> _.__. -.�� on the Propect7+•
<br /> - CI Ftxtwe Fliltog.Tn�stor grsmts to Beneflciary a security lnterest it►all Booda that Crantor owns now or i�n the�Fcituce
<br /> = and that are or w�ll become fixnues relnted to the Pmperty. 'fhie SecudtY Instniment sufRces as A finafiaid8
<br />�----a��� staternent an8.uay+cmison,Photograpl�ic or other reproduction�eu►y he filyd of record for putposes of Anicle 9 of the ��
<br /> �.���a Uaiform Commercla]Cact�.
<br /> °_=°'-�°�=__ � �d�,The coYe,nants ti�Q.ugre�mente of er�h of the dders checl�ed belew are iu�erp°rated into and supplement and
<br /> _-- —
<br /> —_----
<br /> - --
<br /> _...-_-�-__� �d i1►e teruts�f this Sr�urity Insuumcnt.[Che�k utl�ZlcaLi� xea
<br /> '�'"'�"�' ❑ Condominjum Itider C� Planned Unit Llevelopment Rider ❑Other.................................................. :
<br /> ---_ -- � ❑ AddittonHl sT�r�s.
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<br /> ..� e.�•'':•v' ��
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<br /> � ���?�� SIGNATUR�Ss By aigniag balutiv,Tsustnr o�cees to the tnnas and covc��ment oII EhC d 0� 8tutedion�aguev'meaee it��ny
<br />'�'""'�� ;�. attachme�ts.Trusror alxo ackaoNEot�g�a raxipt of a copy of this ScicurltY
<br />--==•a sxr;s•:�'.;•,�. •
<br /> _�;::-:r,ic,.:.
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<br />-. . .. �,�; STATB 0��.............................. .. �.�y of ..�.:.��:.�v(.�.....................
<br /> _ '„ � � . ,�nwse� Thi i��n����knowledged before me this�......... .... ..
<br /> ' . bY , . ................................. • •�OENfRitfiHOtAltr4t�! cOtiskt
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