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<br /> 14. D�FAULT.Trustor will be in defnult 1f any ptut�►obliguted on the Secured Qebt fal1F to make puyment when due. Trustor •-�
<br /> wtA bo in default if u breFSh occu�a undar the ceems of this Securlry Enstrument urt�y othcr document executed for che �c�
<br /> utpo�e of creating, aecuring or guarnnrylnB the Secured Qebt. A Bau�f fatth b:li�t b�Beneficiary that BeneRciary ent ai • . _o
<br /> ut
<br /> �t�e v�lae�f the Pro�perty is impuire i sh�all alcoecoristitutei an cvent of d�fult�.d�ebs or thet the prospect of anY P Y
<br /> federal nnd state la�v will rcqutru 13eaeficiary to provide Trustor wich , _
<br /> lg. RCMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In somo instances. -�.-_, -
<br /> notic�of the rtght to cur�or other aot(ces and may establieh time schedulcs far f+�seclosure actioas. Subiect to these
<br /> � � limitetiows, it aay. Benefieiary tnay accelsrute the Secured Debt and fomclase tt►is Security Instcumeat in a manner _
<br /> prnvided by]nw if Tnisror!s in default. . —
<br /> . � At the optton of Beneficiaryiaull�oQ�iving noti�ce if tegui� b�y lav�upvn th� asc�+.rn�nce ofpa default�orl aa�ytime .; � � .
<br /> immediately due atid payab g • •:y_
<br /> thereafter. In eddition,Benet3ciury shtilt 6e endcted to all the reraedies provided DY 12,w; tbe cerms of the Secured Debt.
<br /> thia Securiry Instcument and uny related doaumencs.iacluding without litaitatian, ttio p�wer to seil the Property. .fy.:,�,�_
<br /> . , .3;�,r.��t:W=:�.
<br /> If there is a default.Tcustce shull.in sedditfon to any other peimittod remedy,aA th:request of the Beneficitiry. advortise • ,;., .=
<br /> � and sell the�+aperty ss a whole ar in sepurate parcels at pubflc auctiaa to th¢•hishe�t bidder for cosh and convcy absoluto ';.���_
<br /> titio free und elear of ali right, titlo and intcsrest of Trustor at such ticne cdi�'p1z,�e as Trustees designates.Tcustee shnll givo -
<br /> notice of sale inclading the time. tercGS end place of sale and a desc�iptian of che praperty to be sotd as requ�rcd by th� . :'��,_
<br /> �,ltcable la�v!n e€fect at the time of the pmposed sole. ' - . - - - --
<br /> � " Ug�A sale og yb�pmpectJ+and to the extent not pmhibitsd by �mv�'Tr.vs���r11 malce and deliver a deed to the Property i
<br /> suld wh'srn c�nveys absatute dtle to tho purchaser.inswd'anee�I He.�ns�asecssm°•�nts and prioreencumbrances and�1nt�rest , ` .� .
<br /> ��Rciary n19 raoneys advar�ced for repairs, taaes. a �p e�a�u. If euy. to Trustor. Benefiaiary muY — — -
<br /> . Eb�:eoa. and the priucipal and Interest on the Secured Debt. p y�n8 --
<br /> �,�t;r�ese the properry.'1'ha recttuls in any deed of coaveyance shall 1�psima faGi�ev�deuce of the facta set forth c].�orclu.
<br /> ,� pU remedies are distln�t.cumulstive und not exclusive.and th�Be�flcia4y is emdtled tu aU nremedies P�p�ent on tlie ,.
<br /> arci
<br /> �, equity,whethar or not eapreasly set forth.The aceePtaace bY Beaeficiery af euy sum tu P���8hall aot constitute a , .. :"__
<br /> g��d pyyt ntter the balance is due or is accelernted o•t aftor foreclosttra proceediaga • � -
<br /> �vatver of Beaeficiary's dght to require eomAlete cuce of any e�uiag Aefmnit.By not eaereising any remedy on Trust�s . ;f 1�
<br /> � d��fault,Beneficlary does not wafve Beneflciary's right to later consicle�th��vaat a default if it contiaues oc hzppens ag • ��.,
<br /> .�. ..,, , �3 �, ,
<br /> . , , i8. ��1'���°. �!3�!'P.I�I�� nN COVFNANTSs ATL'�RN1EX3'��RRESi CaLLECTION C O S T S. Except w�e a . , t
<br /> pro h i b i t e d by l a w,T r u s t o r a g�e e s t o pa y all of Beneticiary s ezp�.n��a yi in�sior briuc��s any covtusas In th�s Se"_. ry .���,.. �-
<br /> Inswment.Tnutor witl also pay on demaud eny umoun t ins u n o d i ry�i B o ne fl c i a ry f o r i n s u r l nB,i n s p e c E i n g,p r e s e N i ng or +_3 ;:.f:�_
<br /> .. ;, o��se roucdng the proporty and 8eneflctary's scc►ui in3erast. "il�ese expenaes will bear Interest from ttie data of the „ P:,:.,.
<br /> :s,`,,-
<br /> • �ayfnent upntll paid ia tWl at the highast interest rate in eff t as pna�v'��dai pf���P���eti�n � pe Dilary's�right� ,•':' : ,� -
<br /> <, Ba �r aU wsts and expens�,.-a incurred by BeneficLt.ry irt oolld�in�1 g ''.�,�.:.f; ;: .,,,;
<br /> ,. re m o d ies ua der t h is S e c u r i ty I n s t r u m e n t.T h i s a m o u a t a n a y�c l u d�► b u t i s not Uiuitud co�attomeys'fPes,on a��f o T a�n y 5..
<br /> �other.l�e_$al expan�es. 'i'�is SecudtY lnstrument sh�41 rem2L�n ia eficct untU relaased. Ttustor Agreea P y , ;i� ',,,;,;:
<br /> .. fCCO i�i�OA OOSlB Of BI1Ch i2I88SC. , ��,,,�,�
<br />� . ' Ql)EAVICOA�t16Alia �iW tl. E�t•..�,
<br /> D?. 96,�.WlRONMEPITAL LAWS AND�ZARDOU S 9 d�l 3 9 7 i A N C�3. ��ns�at�ion and�Liability Act(CF.�RCGA, 42 �'`���'
<br /> �, ` meana� without lim(tation tho CAmprehenaive Envimz��►tn3 Response.
<br /> , 'IT.S.C. 9 6 0 1 et seq.), an a a l l o t h e r f e d e r a l, s t u t e e n d��a 1�laws, we�fa o�environ�meni oi n h a rt z a r dou�su ba ia�nc e g a a a(2 4~-�----�•—�--
<br /> ' � op inions or i�ttensrztive icttors concemtng the publio hralth�sn.�'ery.
<br /> " " < • Hazardous Sabst�nce meane ar►Y toxic� cadiusuttve or hax�trdous matedal, waste� po Ilutant or contaminant ti4b�ch has �^,—
<br /> ';, Y charnetedsdcs wbfch rendar the substaace dan8erous orp t�ndalDy dangerous tn the publie health. safety. welfara or �.
<br /> �LA
<br /> environment. The tenn lnaludes.without iimitsitton, an sub�cmces defined as'hozerdous mnterial,• "toxic substanzes,'• �.,,�a_
<br /> tt
<br /> � 'hazardous waste"or"htwazdous subatattco"urtder any vitonmenwl Law• �"�
<br /> Trustor representa,wnrraate und agrees that: ��`���'`-_.
<br /> °�, A.gxcept as prev[ously dictlosed nnd ackreowic���t1 in a�ritla8,to Bsueflciary. no Haznrdous SUbstanoe ds or wiil Ue ;.,�l.
<br /> u
<br /> ' �?. " '[his ratrictlon does not apply to sniall quaatittes of Hazatdeus ;° ,� _�
<br /> (acated� stored or rel�ased on or i�tha Pcope�ty _ �
<br /> Substanocs that ut+e�caernriy recopa�ia.ed to be appro�rriate for the numt�l use ana m�intannnce of the Pmpe10'• "�.___.
<br /> , •� B.Bxcept as previously disslosed and acknowledged in writin t�BAteEAtBI I.�',Tcustor and every tenfu►t hav�boen�nrc. _ ___.—_--..-
<br /> + �nd s hall remafa in full comp l iciuce w t t h un y u p�l i r a bla►Ea� �• �
<br /> n -
<br /> ' �. G Tn,swr st►r�tl immuliatety aotify�n?flc�a � a mtes�o or tt�ntttened t+elease of a Hazetdous Su stunc� oxurs o . - F: := _
<br /> :�;� wt�er or about the PrnQs�y ot there re►nedial uettor�+iti aYxardVance�th�any Bnvi n�utgai La�'�+�I��Y. In si�ch ast _ ;� =_ `
<br /> . . event,Trustor shall ts�lce ul[necessnry �y
<br /> . � ���
<br /> D.lfnwtor shail immcdiatol notifj►13eACfici:try in writtn���o t�he r1ei�ea e or t�hr�eatened relyeasv�of ea�Hapardo s . ''.�::��4:�;:�;�;..
<br /> 8ubstaaooe ordth�e vr�oln i�oof y BAV�t0IIlI1C�LII�V,� _° '� ��
<br /> ,•• '`,. •�.:
<br /> �.r�. , r..:,c:;
<br /> ndu'�g or threatened actton.by prlvateor pabltc �-- -:xr:-�:--;=-.-�
<br /> 48. COND�IVINATION.Tnweor wUl IIive BeneRsiary p��T���d�r�tioA,emlteent doraatn.or other mc�ns.'[`n�stor � '�"`�� ' "
<br /> 'T't ondNes to purchase or talce uny or nil oY the PcopemY S�` '�.4�n`:.•,`"
<br /> :d authorizes Boaeflctary to intorveaa tn'�tirustor's aame irt iu.i)ot the abovo descdbed nctto an or�o�qr t�S;luB of aall joY�iu►Y . �. .•.. .. :=---
<br /> " Bcn�cimY the pmcxds oF any owatd or cl�lm f o�t d�s''���o t i�u i t l 4,�,cQ y,Y 3�t ,.
<br /> ,� pact of tho I?�apor{ . Such pra.*eeda a islsub ec�t toit�he�termsof apy P urmo�tg e�,deed of uvst,adec�u��ty gircement or . : .
<br /> Insuument.Thls ass�tuuent of procee�s 9 ,_�.
<br /> othor lien docwnent. '!,'� ., ._
<br /> 19. IIVSURAI�T�E."fn►stor ahall keep Proporty insurod t�gatnst los�by tire. flood.thaft and othor hnr,ards und dska reusonubly I; „•"
<br /> <;, �
<br /> :� due to its und losativn.This insuranee sDNt be mutntnined in tho an►ounts and for dto
<br /> associated with d�d Ptol�ccY tYI� din� '
<br /> ---- -� ceriods thsu Benefcci�uy regutres.:l'he in�umme_cacr[�pr�°Uh��x�if ;�r�fall�a t�o maintain�he�v�ern8e d�c�ritbed . .
<br /> - : &n�ftc�uty's apptova�.wiuco snm� �n..w ....,«�.�.,., -- — - . " ----- ---
<br /> � above.Beneficiary may.at Beneficinry's option�ol��,tfa��overa�e to protea Henefictary a rights ia tho FrapcseY acr.omiu�
<br /> • to the cerms of thla Secudty instcument. � ° . '
<br /> All insuruncep�1[cies An a�clausBh�Taisto�r alis���imrn�iaetyc�uoii�y�dBeneRciarlyu of cune�ella�tln or tet�mtnattoreof�tidie , .
<br /> where appiiqble lossp Y utms, 7'eustor sha11 � ,
<br /> inswr�noe. Bene�ciary ahn11 have thc dIIht to hml� the polic[ea and renewals. If Bcneftciary r�+4 ,j,���r ahull give
<br /> immedlately give to Boaeficlnry all recelpis of�d premlums and renewai nottces. Upon loss. „
<br /> immedinte ttotice to�ho i»ucaace carrier and�u tEnry.B�neticiary m�y make proof of loss if not made t�nmadi�tely by
<br /> 's'n�stor. . .�n _
<br /> ,� �eo or a� ;„ ..
<br /> ., p1034 DanRae S1tte�nf.InC..61.GbuO.MN It•QOQ•�U7•73411 iam RC Ot�NE tOf87Ni � .' _, .
<br /> �. .
<br /> I .,_. _..... ..._...__.�.--'-. _ _.. ___ _._ .
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