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<br /> S. Y�re�ervution und Mnintennncc oY P�roperiy; Leuset�oldsi Coudominiwasi 1'lanned Uaft D2velopment�. ---
<br /> - �9orrower shall kesp the Ptogerty in good rep�ir aad ahall not commit wristc or permit impairment or detedorution of '�:____
<br /> � the Property nnd shull comply wtth the provtsians of eny lease if this Deed of Trust iR on a leasehold. If thla Deed of
<br /> �' Trust is on a unic in a coadominium or a planued unit devetopment,Borrower ahall perform all of Borr�wer's obligutions ,, ��
<br /> unde�r the declaration or covenants creating or governtng the condomintum or planned unit development,the bylawe f•,,,,
<br /> " aad regulationa of the condomiuium or plaaned unic development.aad consdtueut documents. ` �='
<br /> , �r..� 6 -
<br /> Y�1� 6. P�Ot0Ct10A Ot LelldCl''B SgCUI'Ity. If Borrower faUs to perform the covenauts and agreeraents coat�lcted in tdis Deed f
<br /> . _.N...�h�
<br /> of Tcust,or{f aay action or proceeding is commeaced which materlaUy afferts Lender's lnterest ia the Property,then k�I+
<br /> . • � 1 I.endar. at l.ender's optton, upon nodce to Borrower. may make such appearances. disburae such suins, iaclu� g t
<br /> ! reasonable attameys'fees,aad teke such actiona as is necessary to protect Lender's intereat. ��
<br />.. ..� f•� t `1 __
<br /> •, i �
<br /> , Any amounts disbursed by L.eader purauant co this paragraph 6, wItd interest thereon, at the Note rate. shall become �..
<br /> L addltional lndebtedness of Bonower secur�l by this Deed of Trust. Unless Bonower aad Lender agree to other terms __
<br /> of paytneat,such amounts shaf!be payable upon aotice from I.ender to Borrower requesting payment themof. Nothing _-
<br /> ;,y��,. �� contaiaed in this paragcaph 6 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take aay actlon hereuader.
<br /> . .. � 7. Insg�stion. Lender may make ar cause w be made masonabla enutes upon and inspections of the Property,
<br /> •^ � provided that Leader ehalt give Borrower notice pdor to aay such inspecdon speclfyfnII reasonable cause therefor telated
<br /> to Lender's interest in the Propecty.
<br /> 'I, 8. CondeauieUon. The praceeds of any award or claim for daznagezs,direct or consequentlal.in wnnection with any �
<br /> " condemaation or other taktn�of the Property,or part thereaf,or for cosveyaace ia lieu of coademnation,are hereby
<br /> '" . assi�ned aad ahell be paid to Ixnder subject to tlie tem�s of aay mortg�e. deed of uuat or other securlty a�reement wieh --
<br /> �����'' a lien which has priorIty aver this Decd ot Tcust.
<br /> •,�,;,;I,E'.
<br /> "� ' 9. Borrower Not ReleASed;Forbesirance By Lender PTot a Walver, The Borrower shall ccmain liable for tWl
<br /> '° ��'�`:f payment of the principal aad interest oa the Note(or any advancement or obligattoa)secured hereby,nor�it�atsading
<br /> . "_�;��r� -- gny Qf th?fQ�l�wing: (a)The sele of ell ot a part of the p[etnises.(b)the assumPtion by aaother party of the Bottower's
<br /> ..�•'�k%,"•;�',�.; ' obligadans hereuader,(c)the for�earance or extensioa of time for paymemt or performance of aay obIigaiiou hc����.
<br />_.;r,,r
<br />:�,�;l�t���� whether graated to Horrower or a subsequent oaner of the property.and(d)the release of aU or any part of the premises
<br /><<:;5;;�r�,��,,� secudng satd obligadons or We release of any party who asswnes payment of the same. Noae of the foregoing shall
<br />- _�' _;� in any way affect the full force and effect of the liea ot this Deed of Tn►st or impair Lender's dght to a deflciency
<br /> -��;A:`x� jud�mment(in thc event of foreclosure)ugdnst Borrower or aay party assumin8 the obligatlons hercvnder.
<br />��Rw��`,A?� licable luw,ahalt
<br />��-�:�� Any forbearaace by Lender nn exerctaing eny dght or remedy hereunder.or otherwlse afforded by app
<br /> -�°^�`x�Y�� not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any sucb dght or reraedy.
<br /> •'C._'{Ts��.,��
<br /> ..:.._y.f..,�._a�� ,.
<br />_,;;��;;� 10. Successora and Asslgns Boaad;�o1nt and Several LiublUty;Co�signere• Zhe covenants and agroetnenta here
<br /> _--—°--_° centaiaed shsill biad, and the dghts hereuader e3�s11 inure to� tho respeccive successore aad nsaigns of Leader attd
<br /> u�.=,.� �orrov�eq sub�ect to the provteions of paragreph 15 he�eof. All covenanta nnd agree�neats of Porrower ahall.be joiat
<br />--�..,.������� and several. Any Bomowec who w-sigaa this Deed of TNSt.but doe�t�ot exeeuta the Note:(a)is co-si$ttft�g thts geed
<br /> - � - - - of Truet only to gcaat aad convey that 8orrower's interest in the Property W Leadex uaderthut 3.snder and anD otdher
<br /> —=-- Trust.(b)!s aot personaliy liable on tlne Note or under this De�d of Ttust, and(c)agc�eea Y
<br />-_-;,w;1�� 8orro�ver hereunder may e�ree to extettd,modlfy,fonc��, or ma4c�ua� other accommodations with�gard tn the tetmv ,
<br /> �,L;a�� of this Qeed of Trust or tLe Note without that Bornowez'a consent and without releasing that Bomower or modltytng thia
<br /> - Deed oY Tivst as to that Ho3rower's iaterest in the Property.
<br /> v—= 'al. Nc►ttc,�. Exc.ept far aay aosfce r=guired under appticQble low to bo�ivea in another a�ncr, (a)any aotice co _
<br /> -__�_=� Borrower pruvidixi for In thie DECd of'ih►st,,haU be givea by delivering it or by ntalling such Aadce by fttst etass uyatl -_
<br /> -___;�„ addressed to Borcower or the current owaer at the Prapecty Addmss or xt euch oWer address as Borrower may desfgwte
<br /> --��. , by notice w I.endcr as pmvided hemin.aad uny offier pecson personalty ltable on this Note es these person's n�unes and
<br /> _,rF;�-��,� addresses appeur in the Lender's records at the time of glving ceotice aad @)any aottce to Lender sh�ill be given by firet
<br />-_ -,.-����, closs mail to Lender s a.ddress stated�aereie�or to such other uddress 3s Leuder may desfgnate by notice to Bonower
<br /> :�_�:�;::��il:�:�:.. ,.
<br />-�;,�� �; , as provided hcre[n. Any aodce provicAed for ia this Deed of Tn�st shull be deemed to have b�n given to Borcower or
<br /> �_'��'���;'•'�-� Lender whea gtven in the ma�uter deaignat e d here i n. -
<br />-_,�i��s,.r��'��': .
<br />_,,,.,,�.��a,:L';'. —
<br /> �4 iZ. Covw nII�g La��t Sevcrabildty. "EUe stete and loc�l laws applicable to this De�d of'hust shall b:the laws of t�e
<br />_""`-•' '�°` ia lc,catazl. 'Ihe fo o seattz�aP shsll aot l{mit the 1lcabili of Federnllaw to
<br /> . - '�..:>. : jurisdiction in which the PropertY �8�8 IIPP �Y
<br /> - -`""'�'' � this Deed of 1 cust. In the eveat th�t any pmvtsion or dnuse of thls D�ed of Truat or the Nole.cnnfllcts with appllcable
<br /> ' " law,such contltcte ahali not affect other prov{sioms of thls Dced of Tn►st or the Note which caa�e given effect without _.
<br />,=.,__�-�; the conflictWg provision,aad ro this end the pmviafonsof this Deed of Tcust aad the Note are declared to ba severable.
<br /> �� ea�����n Ncas�s'•."e�nenses"aad'attomeys'fces'inc tu de a t l surns to t he ea t en t n o t p ro h i b i t e d b y a p p l i c a b l e l a w
<br />- • : - or limited herein.
<br /> � � ' 13. Borro�ver's Copy. Rorrower shall be tLmishod a conformed copy of the Note.this Deed of Truat and Rider(s)
<br /> � - at the time of eaecution or after c�ecorduioa her�of. -
<br /> (Otp�NB flUARM/PEL Deed
<br /> ' t�0?D2 iRav Q►1 Pny)at S OOIS1001�9 f,M1iM •
<br /> �v� ��� !
<br />