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<br /> �Apy rider C'Nder") attach�d hereto and cxecated of even dnte is tncorpormted hereln and tho covenu�t aad � ::�-
<br /> . agreemente ot the itider shall nmend and aupplement the covenaata and a�reementa of this Deed oe Trust�ag if , -_
<br /> � •� ihe Rider were a part hcreoP. -
<br /> , Bonower coveaants that Borrower is lawiiilly seized of the estute hereby conveyed and has the riglu to grant and convey __
<br /> �' the Property.ead tbat tt►e ProPertY is unencumhered, except for encumbrsaces of record. Bonower covenents that ' �.i,-
<br /> 8
<br /> .�-� Borrawer warrants and wlll defend generally the tttle to the Property agalnat al! claims and demanda, subject to _
<br /> ,_ .,,...,K.� encumbrances of record. �•
<br /> :`;s;.�;
<br /> ., ,`•�, UMFORNi COVCNA�IVTS. Bonower aad L.ender covenaut and agree as follows:
<br />-, �i��: ` �,. t.::.
<br /> . .'"�, . 1. Paymont ot Princip�l and Intea'est. Barmwer shall pmmpdy pay when due the prinalpal and interest indebtedness
<br /> ,.j,:.,.�. , �;�.
<br />� ,�''i�`�' � evidepced by the Nate and late cbarges as provided in tha Note. This Deed oF Truat secures Faymra►t of snid Note �_:
<br /> �+Sn,�i� • �.
<br /> �ucording ta ita terms. which are incorporated herein by reference. �:�;�„.
<br /> �. �� 2. Appllestion af P+nycnents. Untess apglieable law provides otherwise.all payments rc�eived by Lender wnder the '-
<br /> �.. F':-
<br /> �,_��•, � Note and paragraph 1 hereaf shaU be applied by Lender tirst to interest due on the Note, secoad to the prlacipnl due e;-
<br /> F��--..
<br /> ,;;t�� on the Note.end tben to late chsrgea due on the Nate. ��~'
<br /> . -�',�':; ' 3. IMor Mort�aEes end Deeds oi Trusti Chfugesi Liea�. Borrower ahall perforn►all uf Bonower's obligetions. 4..='
<br /> uuder any mortgage,deed of trust or other securlty agrcement with a lien whtch has priority over this Dee�of Trust. �_
<br /> u R:-_
<br /> � - includlag �oTrower's covenants to make paymen�e whea due. Borrower shall pay or cause to be paid till taxes.
<br /> • assessments aud otber charges.fu►es end im�wsitions attrlbutable to the Pro�►which may attai�►a prloriry aver thi� �___
<br /> "__:�. UeEd of Tcuat,aad leasehold paymente or ground reats.lf aAy. =.°_°
<br />����'-={ 4. Hawrd IaswY+ace. a) Bomnwer shall kcep the improve�rents aow existing or hereafter erected oa�he Pmperty ---
<br /> --- �
<br /> ��.�..:,.
<br />'.'.-:-.��:� iustutd agai�st luss b;f�*f,h�??rAa inctndad withln the term"extended coverage". aad any other haznrds� incl g
<br /> _ �,�-"��. --
<br /> �;r.a;��'�.�� � floods or tlaod. for which l.ender requires insurance. This tnsurance shall be maintatne�w trie amounu aud ior e _
<br />�%����: `- ` • periods chac Lender requirea. 7'he Iusurance carrier providiag the insurance a�►ai1 be chosen by Borrower subJect w �_
<br />__._-�z,,,.
<br />�:��;�,„�:��` Leader's appcoval whiab shell aot be uareasonably withheld. lf Borrower faila to ivatntaln coverage described above.
<br /> ��-,F� I,ender may,et Lender's opdon.obtain coverage to pmtect L.ender's dghts in the Property W accordaace with paragraph
<br />�,�,.••y.�,�� 6.
<br /> __ 1i.�
<br /> � b) pA insurance pofioias and renewala shalt be soceptable to Lender sud eha111nclude a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> ��-��' ter�der shall have tha right to hold the policies aad renewals. If 1.eader requires. Borrower sha11 Prott►PUY give to
<br />�'"'='-°'� l,ender ull receipts ot'pgld pmmiums and renewat notices. In the event of 1oss, Borrower shall give pmmpt ro the _
<br />������
<br /> ,�..-�;r.�si�; insurance carrier aad Lcnder. Lender may make proof of loss iY nos made pcomptly to rrower.
<br /> :���sb���
<br /> _�..______�. c) Unless Lender antt Bnrcowcr otherwise agree in wrlting,insuraace Procceds shall bc s►pplied to restoration or repair
<br /> ��: of che Propeccy+dcuna,�od: if the restoratton or repair is economicalty feasible and Lender's security is aot lessened. lf
<br />_-�«na �� the cestoradon or rcppir i.�aot economlcally feasible or Leader's sec�uity would be tessened,the insutenee Proeeedg s1��
<br /> ---� be apPliad to th$sums�cured by this Securtty Iast�ument�whetha or not then due.wlth sny eacess p�id ta Borrower.
<br /> -�� lf Bonower abandons flie Property or does not Aaawer within 30 days a aofle�from Lender Wat the insucance eercter
<br /> = has offerecl to senld a ci�im,thea Lender mt►y oollect the ia�uance�p en�etherIIO not8thea duee The�30-da9 I�� -
<br /> ����� or restore t6e Prope�ty�or to pay sums secured by thia Security --
<br />�"'°' - wtlt begia when tho nodce is givea.
<br />-_� d) Except as pmvided in subparagraph 4(e)beiow. s}�uutd pactia3 ar complcSe d�aucdon or dumage ocxue co the �
<br />�;:� - - property,Borro►ver h�raby agreea that any�u►d all instmucents evidenciag iasurunce proceeds received by L�ender as a
<br /> - . „ re3ult of said dtuns8e or desuucUon.shnll be placed iu n noa-interest be�riag escrow account with Leade�r. At Leuder's _
<br />�:�.�iv,, disctetton.Lender may release some or all of the pmcceds from escrow aRer Bomowec presenu L,cuder with a
<br />�"�""�� receipi(s),Invoioe(s).wdtten esWnates(s)or oWer document(s)aca:ptable to Lender wbxch relnses to the repair andlor
<br /> -`.:',::"�"�� rovements of the Property necessary as a resulc of eaid damage and/or destructton. Absent an agrceu�ent to tha --
<br />=;;: :• �.,. . {mp
<br /> -. , � "-�� contracy, I.ender shall not be required to puy Boxower any interest an the pr�cceds held in the escro�v aa�ouat. My
<br /> i',':.; .. ""'�" -
<br /> amounts remaining ia the accuunt after all repai�s and/or improveiwents huve bcen u�ude to the Leader's sadsfact on, �.,
<br />���;'...:,... -
<br />��,,� s h a p b e��p i t e d to t he s u c p s s e c u c e d b y t h i s D t�d o f 1'r u s t.D e e d t o S e c u r e D e bt,or Mort B n ge. Borrower fu�rtbor agm.es .
<br />=1 A�: .,, , ;•;,�a; to cao�xr�pie with I.ender by eado�sing�1.checks�drafts and/or other instnu�cents evidencing insurance prooceEs:aad
<br />;:�i!6,��,t;�'.•;�!;.:�;,� pay'ues�;�ssnry docucnents. ShouFd D�srower f a i l to prov i d e a ny s e q u i re c t e n d o r s e m e n t e a d/o r e x c�►t t o a w i t h t u t h t rt y(3 Q Y �
<br />�i,`�,;�.r �' days �ft�r lxnder sends borrower aotice thnt Lender has rereived an Insuument evidenafnQ in�urance proceeda, or ,._
<br />- ' �-a-a. document(a)requtring Borrower s signuh►re, Borrower hareby authorVxs L@nder to endon�e sa[d insuurnent suid/or �,_
<br /> --,.� �- .�.....,.,�,,.ua��Rnrrnurera hehatf.end collect and apply said proceeds at Lender s opdon.etther to restoration os rep�ir =
<br /> �� � of the Propercy or ta sums secured by this Dced of Trust.Deed w Securc Uebt�oc Mortguge. ic is nvi isc ia��i�►,� _
<br /> ' ,� � � ,�` of either party that t�is escrow Provlaion. andlor Lender's eadorsement or Caecutton of an instn�ment(s) attdloY __
<br />� ° ° :� dacument(e)on behalf of Bonrower crente n fiduciary or c�gency reiationship between I.ender and Borrower. __
<br /> �:;
<br /> e) Unlesa LQnder and Borrower otherwise agree in wricia8.anY nppl�ceuon of procecds to princlpal shatl not extend �_
<br />�- or postpc►ne the due date of the moatlily puymeats mferred W in paregrnPhs 1 aad 2 or chaage the eactouat of tlte �;.
<br />= payrteents, If under part�grapb 16 tUe Fcoperry is s�quired by I.ender. Bocrower's ri�hht to any insurance polictcs and �
<br /> , prooeeds resuldng from damuge to thc property prior to the ecquisition shali pnss to L�ender to the extent of the sums �_
<br />- �.� srtiund by this Secudty Ipatrument. Q:_
<br /> ; .. -
<br /> ' • vam ia�.on wv i a+� aoo�N��A&M6/P�@�LTM °_.
<br /> ' ��� �� g
<br /> �
<br /> - „ �.
<br />