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"�t — .._ _— _—__. . . .__'_'_' <br /> G� <br /> ' '� � � <br /> � . � � . ���--� 1�C96�! <br /> � .: . <br /> � f• �ol�. er�n�t�er�d Qr furtl�a� enewb���d vlthout tIN ��l���� o� v�lttcn con�ent ot ��neflci��y, <br /> _ __ I�en+!1*!�_*Y c;� �_ !ta t�la r,ptlaa, 3aclz�� ail �u�� r�cur•d by thi� iteed o� ir►ut to e� 1�Olat�l� <br /> ��� ��� �aydl• �n� �roe��� ta ehc ��Md1�� �vall�bl� co 1t under tha detevle pcovi�tor� cone�lned <br /> h�rN�. <br /> � 11. �vaRta ut Oa(aYlt. My ot e Mr f�11evin� �wnt• �h�ll b� d�awtd �n �vent o[ dd�ult h�au�d�r� <br /> (�� Tt��tor �h�ll han fafl�� t� �k� pa�et a[ �ny ln�t�llwtnt of 1nt�s��t� <br /> RrlRCtpai er �siaelpal aed fae�r��t er Mr oth�r �ues ��cosad her�by utKn duai. <br /> 1►) TMc� ha� oecurred • ►nach o[ or d�t�ult uodee anr tarw. eoven�nt. <br /> •���a�t. caw�itto�. �rovl�len, ��ps��eet�elan o� v�er�oty coeaiMd f� thi• Oe�i <br /> . ot ?ewt. th� eoh o� �ny otMe loaa lMt�u�emt �teur�d h�te�r� <br /> �c) TA�s� h�� b�aw • d�fault ►r tM l���tee ie th� �sywent o[ �nr pcior os <br /> �w�e�umt Ifes or ene�abs�nc� ln ���Met to �11 or anr paet ot th� p�op�etp= <br /> (�� Tc�aoe �hall tll� � vol�wt�r� ��tltloe !e ►aek�u�ter or �hall �� �d�udi- <br /> e�eN i�cwt ee 1RSOlv�nt. or �h�11 w�R� M a��ipwat [oe eh� ben�tit ot ar�dito�� ' <br /> fw ���Met to th� �rop��ty{ �� � �etlo� t• ��tese� �e� llen or �aeu�br�no� oe iwda- � <br /> Nnt• ��afe�t th� rro��ser 1• eo�ee�. <br /> 1!. Aee�l�e�!!as U o� O�Eault. In th• �wwe e! .nr d.t�ule, t�n�lleiaey �r d�al�t� all 1n��etMM�� • <br /> ��e�rd 1►�e� 7 t� 1� w M pya 1�. an� eM •�N �1r11 tMe�upon aeeow� dw .�a 9,y��i. Mieho�c .�y • <br /> �r�i�wtww�t, N��. ��et��t or aetle� ot �ey ki�. ;lwtsdt��. ��n�tictarv w�yt <br /> ._ (a� �ith�i !n ��e� et �y �uM. Ylth ee VlRhaut hMfw�fe� .ev .����n �. �.�_ <br /> eNllws, �e y e�e�lv�r ��i�t�� y • ee�et � w:lehout e���H to eh� d��we� ot <br /> �wy ��eeeiey. Me�e vpn M� tak� p����N�w �� tM ��prty. ee anY �a�t eMs�e[, <br /> !w fe• aiw �w �e !w th�naN et tM 7'�wt��. �M �� �nr wat■ vhieh !t �t� n�e����e� <br /> aM ���lra�l� to �e���ev� th� v�lu�. �ek�t�►lller or s�ee.DYlley ot tA� peop�*tr. �� <br /> ���t th�r�ot ee lnt�r��t tMe�le. lncr���� th� lneow� tlwr�fro� ar peot�ee th� ��cueity <br /> h���et M�. vlthout takfes po�a���lae ot tM propatr. au� [or or oth�rvl�� eoll�et tM <br /> ��et�. l��ws.a� protit• tlNr�ot. leel��in� tho�� pa�t dut and unp�ld. ae� �Oplr th� <br /> NM. le�s ee�ta �ad �:pen��s et op�r�tlon aeJ eoli�etioe. loeludie� �ttorn�r t���. �qo� <br /> �ny l��e�e�int�� �aeused h�re�r. all !e �ucb osdae �a �e�[lciarr �r dtc�twfe�. Th� <br /> est�rlw� �an � t�kla� p�����law e� th• tswt ��tat�. tha eollectlon o; �ueh r�nt�. <br /> la�ws a�� ptotit• ae/ applle�tion th�seol �i •fos���f� �fiall not eure or vaiv� anr d�- <br /> I�YI� OL AO�lC'� Ot �L+YlC �I�i�Y11��� OT le��li�at� �n� aee Ma la ��ipona� co ��h.1�- <br /> lavlt a: p�sansnt to sucA aastca oC 6ot�ult �n�. eotvltAttaedies tt�e eenefnwwtc� !n <br /> po�re��lon ot tM �rop��ty or th� colleetim, s�e�l�t �d �pplication o! reet�. l��u�s <br /> o� ptotlt�, 7c��te� or /�n�[leiary �y D� �Mleled to e�c�rei�� �vesp ef�ht prerid�a [or <br /> In �r ol tM loa� le�t��asnt� or br lav uya� oecuereoe� oE a�r �vent ot d�t�ule. in- • <br /> e1Win� tM elsht to �x��ei�� tM pot�e ot �al�= <br /> - l!) eo�ne� an �ctlon to lor�elo�� ehl• De�d ot Tcu�t a• • �ort=ai�, �pyp{�� <br /> : rse.iwr� or �p�eiiiaaii� �niore� r1� O[ !h� tovalaet• heeeof; � , <br /> (e) ��li��r to Tru�te� � vtitt�n declaratlon o( def�ult and de�and !or �ai�. <br /> ae� � vefel�a eotic� s[ �t�ult aM �leetlen to eau�e lsu�tor'• 1ne�r��t !n eh� Osop�ety ' <br /> to 6� �eld. vhleM notte� Trwte� �h�ll eau�� to 6� dulr tiled [or reco:d !a ths oltlal�l - <br /> ��eoN� ot th� couuy !e vhieb tM Psop�rty !� locat�d. `� <br /> l�. Io��closur� S lovec ot Sal�. Sl�ould �em[tcl�ry �lect to [oreelo�e by exeeel�� ol eM oowr � :: <br /> o! �al� ��r�l� eest�ln� . ��er iei�ey �h�ll notlfy tru�t�� �ed �Iw�ll d�poiit vith Teu�te� tbi• O�d et :,. � <br /> T�wt ��N th� not� � sueh r�e�lPt• �n� �vid�ee� et �xp�edlturei �ade aod ��cu�ed h�rebr ai Tru�tt� � •.� <br /> �ar rq�le�. �� upn reqw�t ot th� ��nEielarr. tM Trwt�� •1�11 flle tos record, !e th� Resl�t�r `� <br /> ot pee�� ot[tc� f• th� County vl��c� th� prop�sty !� loe�ted. • aotfc� of detault. .ecefea forch ch. <br /> �aN e[ tA� Tewtor. tht �aok and ht� o� pocuKnt No. ot thf• Deed o[ Teuse aa cecordid in �aid <br /> R��t�c�� �t Deed� ottie•. t M le=al deacrl�tion oE th� �bov�-deaeefbed �e�l eu�t� anA that � br�aeh <br /> o! M e�li��tlon. fos rhleb salJ real ��eat� va• eon�rer�d �s �ecurlty. haa oecurr�d. �nd ��ette� �orth . <br /> tM �at��� o[ �Yeh brsaeb �nd th� T�wce�•• �lection to ��11 eh• se�l e�t�te co ��ti�tr th� obll�ationi � ' <br /> aw� �(t�r eh� larK ot aot l�ss thao on� (1) �th. tM ?�wte� �hall alve vrftten notle� ot th• tfN ` �"� <br /> �w� �lae� ot �als rbieh �� 6� D�twen 9t00 �.�. aeA S �.�. at the pre�i�e�. or at tIN Courthou�� iw ;�, <br /> tM f:ow�ty vMr�t■ �uefi prop��cr 1• loc�t�d. d�te�i�te� th� peopest� to be �old br it• l�jal ��sesi�- <br /> tio�� wi� setle• te b� �1i�hed !e � navsp�y�r o[ sen�e�l elrculation !n th� Couet� vh�r�in •ueb � <br /> ►repst� !• lxat��. oae� � vee� [or tiv� (S) C011�tCYt1Y� ws�lu. th• l��e oublicacion te be at l��at .. ,�• <br /> t�n (10) fay�. `�t w�t �or� than thlrtr (]0) d�y�. O�ior ts th� •�1�; �nd tl�� Teu�te� �hall th�n ��il <br /> Mi� /[�Nrer �t �A� �1M M� �ik� ���ip�u�� !� th� notie�. !e th� w�nn�e provld�d 0� lav !a �lteae <br /> �t tM t!r ot tlllns �aid aotfc�. �t �ublle �uetion to th� h1sh��t Sidd�r toe c�sh �nd �h�ll d�lit�s � <br /> t� �reb wrab���r � d�e� ts th� ptop�rtr ael�. con�t�t�et vlth th� lw !n •tfect at eM tl��. . <br /> � � ���1� �l tM �rtc� btd, Tcwte� �irll d�llv�r to the puseha�e. Truite�'• deed eonv�rin� th� <br /> �s�rty ��1�. R�eit�la !w tb� Tewe��'• dee� sh�ll b� �rlN [�ci� •vldeec• of th� esuth ot tM �ttt�- <br /> Mwt� yN tlwc�lw. Tcwts� �hail �prlr tM ocoeesl� o[ th� �al� !n tb• tollovlas ord�ei (a) to all <br /> r��soea�l� eou• �M �:��n��� of tkt �als, l�¢ludlns bat eot It�lted to. Truste�'• t:�� oi nat ror� <br /> «+?•� x a< <t�+ iroj� ��it prtc�. rs�sonabl• �ttocn�r tee� snd eost� of t1tl� �vldene�= (b) to �11 <br /> wr �eepe�/ Ay thl• De�d ot Trwt; an� (e) the ��ce���. ![ anr. to th� par�on or P�r�on� l�=�lly M- <br /> tLt1N eMt�to. Mr �er�on, leelwll� e�n�ticl�ry. Mr oY�CII/11• �aid prope�ty at ��ld �al�. <br /> Th� ��c��w eeMuetl� tlw •�1� �ar. [or aey eaus� t�� oc �Iw d��■� �speJlent. poitOon� th� •�l� tca� <br /> e1M t• t!N wntll it �h�ll b� coyl�t�i �. !n �v�rr ��el� e���� eotle� oi po�tPon�Net �hall ti� �l��w <br /> �y w�lfe ��ela��tfew th�r�e! br �ueh P���on �t th� el�r s�e on.�. l��t �ppolnted lor th� �al�s Pro� <br /> v1M/. t[ th� ral� t� po�epn�d ter lona�r than on� (!� Iar b�rond the d�t� desltnat�d ln tf� notle� ol <br /> ��1�. aetle� tM�tol �h�ll 6e �lv�e /n th• �sM �n��� �� �ha oelsin�i �otice e[ �al�. <br /> 1y. RNNt�� Mot Lselwlv�. Tcwt�� �M ��tlef�ry. an1 �ach ot the�� �h�ll be �ntftld to �n� <br /> ��se� ���et �M �tet�rwe� ot �nr ln��►b�n�sr os o�Ilption •eeurtd h�reby �nd to �a�telu �Il ei�hU � T <br /> M1 ►er�r� wN�r thl• t1�N ol T�u�c es ���c �nr lo�n ln�tr�aent o� otti�r ��ree�ent or �nr l�v� no+�or � <br /> - he���lt�e MtsteN. n�t�lth�t�nAln� �o� er �11 ot ths lnd�btednei� and obll��eion■ •eeur�� h�c�►r <br /> vbteA �y nev ec INtf�I�O� 6� oth�wf�� �ee�re�. vhethe� br �ortseae. Jatd ot trust. p1eA�e� lt�n. �i�ljn� <br /> rewt �� �tA�tvlae. N�fther tfN s�teptanc� of thl• Oetd ot Tru�t nor ft• en[orte�nt. vii�the� by eowrt <br /> aettM or �ur�w�t to tM oove� oE �al� or oth�r powr• h�reln eontelned, si�all preJudi¢e oc !n anr <br /> r++wer •ft�et T�wt�e•• oe �en�ticf��r'� rl�t�t to s�alis� upon or eetorce any othes •�curity nov or b�r�r <br /> dt�e h�l� ►r Tr�st� or fent[1cl��r• 1t 6�1a6 �sreed th�t Tcustee �nd deneffcl�rr, �nd e�eh of thN� � <br /> . �A�11 ►� ��tltled to �atorce thl• Oa�� o( Tsust and �er other �ecurltr nov on c�re�tte� t�eld pr the �en�- I � <br /> (tel�r� ee Ttwte� !w �uch orde� and wann�r .. en.r� or alther af tl�ew. n�ay !n tt►eir ab�olut• dl�erotlon <br /> Iat�rNn�. Mo re�N� Aerefn eonferred upen o� �es�rwd to T�u�tee or Ee�e!lcl�ry !� 1nc�nded to b� ��c- 53" <br /> et��lve ot �ny other rt�edy l�ereln o� by 1�v provlded or per�ltced. but escl� ntull be ewul�tive �nd � <br /> __ __ �h�ll Se M .eeice� te eretY othcs �ea�dy gtven be[euroder or nov or liereefcer eatstlns at Iw ar In �" <br /> ___ pMltr os A� •t�tvt�. Lve��r power or re.•Ar s�ven br �nr of tl�e loan fnetroAente to Tru�te• or Sene- �� <br /> -" Netu� or to vhieb �lthe� ot ttK� w�y be uthervl�e entftled uy be eK�rcfeed, roncurrently or fndepen- <br /> _;p� Itwtly. lro� tir to t!M and �• otten �s �ay b� de�weA expedlent by Truetee o� ��netlef�ry. nnd elther <br />�Jf'i, ot t M� �ay �ur�u� Incan�t�t�nt re�edl�s. Nothfn� h�seln �h�il b• censtrurA �e pral�lbltlnR l�ene[Lci�rr <br />���};� /ta��uwln� • d�[felener Jud��ent ���fn�t Trwtor to th� ��tenc �urh �celon te per�ttted by lev. <br /> c(j�,�i` �2- <br />�f�`.4, � <br />+'��'���' <br /> ..,�. <br /> ; ' <br />
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