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._..___ <br /> - r..y <br /> =;�. <br /> � � <br /> ,. ... <br /> . i <br /> : � � '� ca+rs:a <br /> . D� o� t��n 89— 1 U G 9 6 4 � <br /> ____�r__ . <br /> ti�l� O�d at 1'ru�t i� wde tf�t� 22nd d�r ot _I�ecembet-_--. 19 A�� by �nd e�wn� ��,,�„J. Nolan <br /> � 6 Bever . ����lndt�� ��f����� to a� Tru�toc," <br /> Me�� �t as �Ite�* l� t • <br /> Att�� �t Lwr, M«le�tt�e �derrei to es ��Nta�, on� MtllnR aNr��� � P.U,,, <br /> _ �n� tl� oYLI1LAfiD NATt01ML tANR 0!' CIUWd 1/WIe. hf[�1M t�t [� �ft� t• u <br /> /w�� e +�e�. � Mtl a� ��irs�• t• P. 0. /o� lii�. C��ei l���i. li��rwk� iNOt. <br /> �se ��lw�►l� ea��lNcatio�� Tru�tor 1er�roe�elr �r�etr, t��wsf�r�. eoaw�a ee� ���1�� te T�tistee. !n <br /> lewt� �rltM�� �! a�l�� [ee th� ��a�tlt eni Me�elt� •t ��!lel�r/. �wi�� � �il�nt t� tIN t��M Mi <br /> ewdlll� �[ tbla O�N �t iewt. th� [�liwle�-i��aei►M �r�ct�� 1rs�tM ta Hall Cw�t�. <br /> 11�[NR�� t�-Mitt • � <br /> Lot Five (S) in Hlock One (1) . Farmineton Second Subdiviaion_ <br /> to the Citv 4f Grand Island. Hall Countv. Nebr�aka. � <br /> te��tMs �ltb all !ulldlnR�. irprovererit�. [lxtur�e. �treet�, •lley�. p���eRev���. e��aeee�. rf�ht�� prtt!• <br /> 1�q� M1 ���tMaee�� lee�tti th�c�on er !n �n� v�r '��talnlni tM��te. �� eh� �Mt�. i��ws. p��flt�� <br /> --_ _- ��w���ww� �wA tt�� �wM1�I��� tMwr�nf� fw�l�wNw� �tf N�h r���nw�! wrww��w •M�� 1• �tt�wl�1 •w fl�� frwrwr�� <br /> �IMIt• N N t� SM�tIl11t� w �l1ttY��� �ll �t MI1�th� lM111�=11� [�►�NMM11e• MN �Nl�lM� t11�Nt�� �t�*�lNy <br /> �N1�sN t� N • /�r! �t tM r�al ��t�t� e�nw�� !e trw! A�sN�• it N!M yeNi t#�t yi �t eM t�sN <br /> N1�� �M�i M INt�l�lt�t *�I�etN e� �� th� rr.�.e�r.• <br /> � tM� �YRlOii Of �Lf�INO� " <br /> (�) tM ��reet el lni�bt�de��• ��fd�ne�i ►y iew ' n � • �at� h�r�vleh !n <br /> tlN �sfseip�i �� e[Ten thousand five hundred ���fy(� � �"' ). teR�thee <br /> vltM l�t�e��t �t tM �at� ee «te• pro�l�N thet�le� or tM p�lwei'a an i�t�*e�t oe �ny <br /> �rlYi� N�MIe� net to excaea ehe eot�i prinelpsl su� Initl�llr �ecureA b�ee►r �� ��lde�eed <br /> i� �re�i��eq �at�� �tatlns ehey �r� �ee�rd Mt�br, M� �r aed �11 r�wl�. �siltiealio�� <br /> M� ��teMion� o[ �tieh net��. both peincip�i �d let�re�t oa tM �et�� ��l� �p��l� !A <br /> �ee�NMn� witb th� tar� ��t toseh tlwr�in. vhiel� �� thi�s�t�s�e� i� I�as��� t� � ►��t <br /> M�r�v�� - <br /> (►) t6� o�storMne� ot each a=eeewent and coven�nt at Trastor hesein eontalet�� sa� <br /> (e) tM p��ent o[ an� ��w or suu a[ �anq whieh w�y b� M�eaft�r Pai� or a���nced , i <br /> �� f�tielar� m��c tM t�� ot thi� DeN ot ic��t� tosetA�r vfth l�t�rs�t tMcew �! tA� • <br /> cai� �:ovlN! in tM noL�. •. <br /> n �ros�cs cia ��e�itr oi tni� ueea o£ innc. ?rostor e�reo�r eoven�nw �ei ��re�s s� iviiowr ` - <br /> �,_u - <br /> i. 1'a �ent ot Indebtedness. To p�r vhee dw. th� orinelo�l ot. an� !h� lnt�tttt on. th� te�etitd- <br /> •s�� ��l�we� y tM wet�. eh�cs��. [e�� �ni all othar �w �� �revl��� !s th� �wn t��ttwawt�. � <br /> 2. Tit •. 7ru�tor i� the o�rt�er ot tl�e peoPert� and A�s th� ri�ht �n� �utheritr to �sacut� thi� <br /> De� eE ?rwt i� s��O�et te th� proparly. <br /> �. i�xt� and Assees�eet�. io p�y. vl�ee due. �Il t��ee�. �peelal ��eeis�eets �nd �I1 etAee eA�r�es <br /> �rlw�t tM �rop�rt�. Mtos� eh� �a�s b�eo�� d�llnquMt. �n�. !w th� �wwt fee�tlei��� sh�ll �e r��vlt�. ' <br /> t� M� te tM ���rwent� sequlreA under tUe nete �ee�rN h�rNT. �reh arww�►t �� �r N wttieiMt t� M- ' <br /> .� <br /> �il� N�ttlelaq to pq �ueh taxe�� ���esnent• or oth�s eb�sat� �� tM� ►�eo� ���. i— <br /> 4. Ia��c�nce. To keep Che l�provewent• ear or beredter loeated on ehe ��al e�tat� d��erf�ea <br /> harelw le�Mre� +ysalnat �Ma�e by Eic� and �veh oth�r has��A� a� e��n�i.�r .Mr tequlet. !n awew�ts � <br /> ca�MiN �ete�t�bl� co k�orioi.�r� and wlth lous p�r�ble to lene[leia�r. te e��a ot lo�s under sreb �, <br /> pllei�t. /ea�tiel�r� !� �utl�orizcd to �dJu�t, eolieet �od eowp�o�l�e. tn it• Ii�ecetio�. �11 el�iN y. <br /> . tMterMte �ni. at !ts sole artion. i� auti�orlse� to dther •p�l� the praceedi te tin tetter�tion et tM ? �,= <br /> ►re/�rt� oe ww t1N indebtedne�s �ecured he:etir. but p��ant� iquiiei tir tM aot� �ball eee!!�w u�tll <br /> tM �w �earrN hes�y �r� paid f� full. �'.�� <br /> S. Re �le M+�teten�nce a�d Uae. 7'o pro�+t1� repeir. r��tore or reAuild inr buildlns� or I�ro�e- <br /> �ents we�r er l��es ter on Che propertr; co keep the prepeser ie �ood eon�ttton +�na �eO�ii. vltl�o�! v��t� �'.�r <br /> � tre� tea� �eelNnie� or otber 1len� not expteul� �u6orJin�te� te t!w llen h�reei; to no! w�ke� ��[[�e , . <br /> ee ��nit My nul��ne� eo ��i�t eoc to dl�inf�h o� lwq�ir tha �alu� e! th� prop�rtr b� �n� �et ec o�l��i�w <br /> e• .aei .� co eo.�ir.vith �11 requireweet• o[ Iw vleh r��pee! te tM OreOert�. , � <br /> � i. Co��aw��tion. In !he event the propert�� er en� p�et theceot. �h�ll be t�kta br ewfeeet Io��ie� _ <br /> tMetlel�e� 1� ��tit N eo eelleee sed reeelv� �11 eo�peesatfan �leb �r b� osi� ise �nr ��e�erq t�k�w <br /> �e t�s ��s�� to �rop�ttr oot tskeo. end sen�ticiwrr eh�11 �M1� �ueh ee����tlon. at it• e�ttos. <br /> �ltMs b • cNretio� o[ tb� lndebtedne�� �eeurd h�ny or te se►�ir M� s��tes� eh� �rep��t� N t�kM• <br /> 7. lutor�ee br lene[lelary. Deartlelarr Rsy, ani �kal1 lu:e ao eD!le+�tlos to, da sa� aet +rhleb <br /> irwtee la• ��re�� ��t [allN to Ao. and teee[lci�r� N� •l�s �s �n� �et it �eew� w�e���a*y ts �rsttet <br /> tM lian Mee�t. TtM�t�c �sces• co �ep�r. upe� de�nA� �nr �uM �s ����i 6r teM[!el�q (ee tAe <br /> �MN wrN�, �wi aq w� �o e�pende� Sr ienottef�n► �h�ll M NtN to tM� lni��tNe��� ��e�re/ h�r�- <br /> y M/ Me� Nev�� b� tb� lies her�ot. Nws[lelas� ��il w�t l�erc as� �ec�l 11�1ilsty Nesw� �t � <br /> w�t1eL� is �� N �s Mit to do henu�Mr. � <br /> •. M�1jMent� et Rent�. ItenellCt�rr sf�wll h�w th• rl�ht. po�er �nd �uchority durina tl�s eon- <br /> tlwwwe� i�thl� Deei of Tru�t to eolleet the rent�. l��ue� �n� prollt� of th� propectr �e1 ef �n� per- <br /> •e�ai �re���e� Iee.cel cM��ean with o� �itheut t�kin� pe��et�ten et tht �ceP�rtr •[[ectrl h���►�. �n1 <br /> T�st�r Mr�l� ���el�telr �n� u+eandltfonellr s�slsn� �It �ueb �entw. t�sua• �n� ��o[tt• t• t�n�fief�r�. -_- __----- <br /> NM[!el�r�. l�owver, herebr eonetnt• to Truetor'� eelleetlm �� retentlon ot �ueh r�wtw. l��re� ew� � <br /> �r�tit� �� th�� aee�w i� Aaee�e peyabte� eo IanR �� T[u�tor !� not. �t �ueA elN. !e,h[sult vltb r�- <br /> •t�ee e• ���ewt et �n� iMebtednee� seeure� Aer�b�. o� fn the oecierwiwu� e! �nr ��t�New! hera�wl�r. <br /> it My �te�t e[ ��(s�lt l��erlbed here�[ter !n re�Met te tht� O�eA ef Trwt �h�ll haw oeeurrd�w� bs <br /> eM�tbwl�R. ieeetietacr. s� � �tt�r ol r16ht aM vlthout �ette� te Trwtee or �nyoe� el�t�fn� us��e <br /> = Trwtsr� � vitheut ress�d to th� ��1ue ot the trust e�tat� or t M lnte���t o[ eh� Truttor ehetale. <br /> �Hall ha�� th� tlsht to �pplr to �ny eoust havina i�rlsaietian to �ppoiet • rec�ihr oi tM pro0�rt�. � <br /> _ � !. in �ctlont. tene[Iclwsr. or !t� atent�� repre�eetsNve� or vorkwen. �re authorlted to enter � <br /> �t w�y t�a�wu� � t1M u�on or !n �nr p�rt ot tha p�op�rt� tor tM purPo�� o[ im0eettnj th� ���� �ed � <br /> - tes eM ��� ot �erforwfe� anr ot eh� �ct• it !� wthosiee� to oer[or� und�r th• t�tr o[ �nr lo�n <br /> � <br /> i�rtc�t� �:ee�t�� y Tru�tor. . r., <br /> � = t0. ?�e�w[�r ot fr6D�rty. iE �11 or �n � <br /> r Pait of tl+� �reprt�oc �n� lnt�rett oL tcuuor ttN��le � <br />—_� _i- . .t, <br /> — �. . <br /> -;r► <br />,,;f p�� . <br /> yjF1��, <br /> a <br />'F r,�'.t <br /> f' r'`, � <br />�������l��. <br />:'�'�� <br />
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