,.. .
<br /> , .
<br /> . i ,
<br /> , ,
<br /> � � � :,,,,•...�. „ . � . . ,. : ..__ . �-+.r�,,., ., ..
<br /> . • �
<br /> . ' 9�� �v���s �
<br /> . �.oAC� �h »aasa9 � '
<br /> Ue�lc.gs I.endcr and Borrower othenvise ugree in writing.lnauesnce proceeda shall be uppllpd w restor�tlan or regulc of the � ..
<br /> prop�riy dama��,if the mstoradon ur repair�s ejconomically feasible and Lcnder's securlty is not lessened.If �� �Q sums ���
<br /> , repalr is not oconomically feasibfa or LG►dar's security would be lessened,the insurance procceds shaU bo upp � . ,
<br /> secured by thls Security Insuument, wMsther or not thsn due,v�th any ancess p�td to Sorrowsr. If Borrower abpndoms�te
<br /> property,or does not answer withiit 30 days a nodce from Lender that the lnsurcince cartier hns ofeered ��y um�s seccur�d ��`
<br /> .." , Lender may coliect the insurance pmceeda. L.ender may use the proceeds to repalr oe reswre the Propeny .. ',--V
<br /> :;�.;�� by this Secaulty Insaument,whether or not then due.'Ihe 3Q•day perlod wU1 be8in`�hon th°nodce ia g�ven.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowar o�herwlse agre8 in writinE�anY aPP��on of pracoe��to principal sht�11 not eutend or postpone �, .,. =.
<br /> � the due:daLe of the monthly payments refcrred to i�►Pat�qraPhs 1 and 2 or chanBo the amount of thc payments.If under paregraPh
<br /> � 21 tha Pcopaty is acyulred by I,ender.BorroLende�ta the e�tentnof the�swns secured by�Security�Insftcument�imm�edintelY _
<br /> �l�Y P�a w tho acquisidan shall pnss co :�=-
<br /> prior to the acqc�uisltion. �'_:,`
<br /> • ., •� 6.Qccupancy�P�enwntion.Maintenence and Pro4csstion ot the Pra�aerty;Bormwer's Loan AppltcatEoni�ehotdr�. ���-`^`L_
<br /> Borrower shall accupy�establish�and use tfie Praperty as Borrow�eBo�wer'prineipal tesldence for�at least o 80 ear uafter ttee
<br /> . t h i s S e c u r l t y I n s u u m en t and shall continue to accupy tha Propeety Y �,��:..
<br /> " clate of occupancy� unless L�ender othe►wiscs egi+�s in wridng� which eQnsent s h a ll not b e un c e a s o n a b l y w l t h h e 1 d, o r n n l e s s =
<br /> � ° , extenuedng circumatances exist whieh are tscyond�B�o orroc��r$sP ntrot,aBorrower shail bcs iA defaut�t i�any fo�itauee ncdon�or -�
<br /> , .. . ellow the Property to dat�doTate, or cammit P�Y -
<br /> proceeding,whethar civii or cr[minsi. Is beSur►that in I.ender's good faith Judgnent cauld result in forfeiwre of the Properiy or =
<br /> � othecwise mateTinlly impair the Uen created by this Security Insavment or I.ender's secw�ity� disniissed with an�1i�►8 that. i�► -_
<br /> de f a u lt an d re i n�t n t e,a s p r a v i d e d in p az e g r a Pd 18�by causin8 the Acflon or proceedin8 � �
<br /> -•.� . � Lender's good faith detem�inaflon.Precludes fosfeitum af the Bormwer's lnteaest in the Propaty or o t her m a t e r l a l i mp a i r m e n t o f •i,:,,•:
<br /> °�:i`. :�
<br /> :�,,,..,
<br /> �;;' tho lien created by this Security Insuument or Lendes's securlry intaest Hosrower shall also be in defaWt if Bmrade Lendea with t�-�.,
<br /> � ' loan applic�don proeess.gave matcsrfallY felse or in�ccurate infom�edon or st�uementa to Lender(or faile4 to pro �r;1�,
<br /> , an materiel informadon) in connacdon with the 1a�u evidenced by the Note. including, but rtoi limite�l w. rePr�nm�ons ;�_-
<br /> eu md _:
<br /> �f y �idence,�f thia Securlty Iastnrment is on a leasehold,Horrower _
<br /> ° k conceming Borrower's accupancy of the PaA�ty as a principal
<br /> shn11 compiy with ell the prnvisions of�he Ic�ase.If Bamnwex acquite.v fee title to the Praperty�the leaschotd and the fee d@e ahall
<br /> ,'� ` not merge untess Lca�a$r"�as ic ihe m��.s 3t�wrldnE: ents coriivi,�ted itt �
<br /> _� 7,Pr�otecti�n of Lender's Righta in the ProP�rty'• Rt'Borrower faiis to perfom�the o�venants and agraem �„r;Y;,.
<br />- ^,. that may significantly affeet Lender's rlghts in the Pcoperty (sacd as a �-
<br /> �, this Secu�rtry Iostmment�ot there Is a legt��proceedit►8
<br /> � p m c�i n g In munkcuptcy�Nrobate.fo:condemnsdon ar forfeiwres or w enforce laws or regulations).�en Len�teT may do and pAy
<br /> � � and Lender's xights in t de F r o p e r t y.La�der's ecflans may include
<br />-• � • �. • for whetever is nc�ess�'ro Pmuxt tha value of th�Frope�ty in ct�urt, PaY�B �nable
<br /> .�;. •....,� PpY�B�Y�a socuced by a llen which has p�ority over dils Securlty lnsuument,ePP�p6 �Q'.
<br /> b 7.L�endet daes --.
<br />=f,. . aunrneys'fces und enterinII on the Pc+operty ta mage repairs.Although Lende:may take acdon under this P�P �:,
<br />= not have to do so. h�S��ms�didonal debt of Bormwes secu�ed bY d�{s Secutln'
<br /> My amounta dicbursod by L�eaider undea this PsingraP
<br />_`•: ° Insucuwent Unless Bonower and Lec►der ugcee to other tcrms of payment,these amounts shall ltear interest fmm tha date of
<br />'rt��� � ' � disbursement at the Nota rnte and shall bts payable�„wi�intesest,upon nodcs from I.eudt�w Boirower ro4uestiag payment�
<br /> �' b s
<br />"'--, Y.°,..,: 8.MortgAge Insuraace. If Lender rECluired mflrtga�e insutaTta3 as a condidon of makin8 tha laan secure�by this Securlty
<br />=-�.-'- -
<br /> _�..�.�:.._. . � to mainmin the mortgnBa insunutce ln effect. If, for any �s�on, e
<br />_,-:.,,��uw. Inshvment,Borrower shaU pay the P�Lend!�S or ceases to be in effect,Smrower shall paY the Pm�niwas re4uiresl to
<br />�—�::;s� - rao:tgega lnauronce coveroga ce�uired by
<br />���� `` wvelenc to the mort�a88 insuranoe prev�ously in efFect.at a cosc subsmntially apdvalent tn the oost
<br />-;,,;*:,,,_���; , abmin coverags substandalty eq ' roved by Lender.If substandally _
<br />���;��` : '.4 ts>�a�mwer of the mortgoge 3nsuiance prevlously in efter�,from an altemute�Laid eacb ra�a sum equW w on�taolfth of =__.=,
<br /> ��` � equivalemt ma�tgagc+Incurance covernge is aot availabLe,�mrowet shall paY or oea�ed t4 be in effect. =�:'�'::
<br /> :::�: :• � the yearly ar�riguBe insurm�ce pmaniwn being pnid by Borcotver whea�the inswcenoe covaage tepsecl �� Ao `_ ,LL
<br />'�.s::�s:.� Irnder vvID�ooept,use and r�in thcse�►Frm►e�►ss as a loss reserve in Gw of mortgage inaiaunc�e.Lflss msecvc paYc�a �Y _
<br />—�-='��� lon�er ho mquimd.at tha aptton of Leades.�f martguge insuit�acts cuvaage{in the ams_+�mt and for the 1���Lextd4t re4ui�s)
<br />_;�P�'-�"'=� provided by an iasumx aPPmved by I,ender ag�:n beoomes aveilahIe and Is abmine�.Botror�rrer shatl p�Y the Prcmiums requu+eii w �=
<br />- .`�'"^�� �= a insurcinee in effect,or to prov}da a lnss s�,ser�►e,untll the re4uiren►ent for atortgaBo insuraaw enda in eecordance
<br /> ,.:�... .... ..,> , mainteffn mortgug
<br /> .�-...'""�:. with aay wristen agreemant between Bomower an�I.erid��o:epplG�ble lew. —
<br />-`•�.�;_ y. I��Mton. Lendsr or its agcas may mzke ressonablc eaurees upon end inspec4ions of the Propetry.Lender shall give
<br /> ,,,.....
<br /> � ' Borronrer nodce ut the dme of or prior to on insp�tlon specifYtnB ceasmnable cause for d►e inspe�ion.
<br />:�,. „' � 10.Condemnu4lon. 'Ths p�s of s�y award or claim Por dema8es.dUect or conseqaondal,in oonnecfloed and shall =_-
<br /> . ;�, condemn�ton or other taki�g of 3ny purt of the Prop�Y.or for conveyenr,�i in I�eu of cundemncitton�ara h�xeby essi8n
<br /> . ,;;,, be paid toLender, �-�
<br /> ..� in the avent of a total takinQ af th�1P�mperty,tha pmceads st�6e applied w the sums secured by d+is Seourity Ims�cutiaaEn6 �..
<br /> ,::.� whether ar not then due,with anY eaaess tpr.��d to Bflmower.In the event of a pardel taking of tP�e Prop�uty in whfch tho feir�utr�cct �:•-
<br /> . .,; . vatue of the Property immediat,ely beFore tha taking is e4ua1 to or grea�er than the amonntiof��'the sums sac�c�ed by�i�s [:'-
<br /> ' ., Y�suuatent immediaoelY bufore the tek�g.unless l��srower and m der�b��following�on:la)dte iWfll amoiu►t of the �',
<br /> � . � 5ecucity Instnurt�►t sludl bo reducod by tho�dod b(b)p�eie IOffi��icCt Vil1U8 Of ih0 PiO�CttY MNOd�t�tY�OIB th8 ffikllt�.
<br /> _. � sums secured immediutely baf�+e the tn�sing, in ahtch the fair marlcet vaIlue of tha
<br /> ----------- -= . . . -- -._���._..�sw�..n.wr�mor in tha avcnt Of 8 A8N81 tEltillg Of th0 P[�OpCCIy . . ..-- •���n.�.....e. �.,;
<br /> ---�� qDy Q��a auau w�+.�a.. ....�__..�. --- - -
<br /> ,' p�+opetty immediN$IY bt+fore dta taking is less thatt the amount of the sums sacured itnmedintety bet sM11 ba app�l�ad to the sums �
<br /> , and Lender oshe�n8me i� wridng or anlass uFPlfcsble law oihenvise Pi'ovidas.the pma.eds
<br /> „ secund by this Socurity Insuucnant whether or not tha sum�ara then due.
<br /> - If the gmpezty is abundonod by Borro�vea.or if.ufter nodce by Leada to Bomnwer thut the oondemnor offers to mnke�r►
<br /> � . awerd ar settle a cit�m for demnges.Bosrowea fnils w c�spond w Lendec aithin 30 daya efter the dats�oz w the s�ums securc�d by
<br /> � .. aut�orizod tn coltect and epply thcs praceeda.at its optton,ehh�w ratarntion or rePatr of the Prope�tY
<br /> this Security Instrumant,whethcsr or not then due.
<br /> (. ., initlalt:�,�/.LA -
<br /> _ � Pap•s m o Form 80IId 9190
<br /> � �•6H(NE)10�o�1.os CNL(01f08�
<br /> ., . ` �"
<br />