� . .
<br /> i ,
<br /> - ,�:.. ,. :, w�:-�., �� ,
<br /> , � .,
<br /> 9�� ���,�s
<br /> - LOAN ��: 7748349 ,
<br /> Tppg'I'�It �yITH at1 the Unprovement�now ar her►�f'ter ert�tcd on Ua�smpertY�a�►d aU easements,appurtenfu►iccs�and �..
<br /> � fixWres now or hemxtfter a pnrt of tha pxopercy.All rePl�cements and addidons shall atso be covered by thls Socurity Inatcumen� ` .
<br /> ' ,
<br /> All of the faregoinII is referred to in this Security Insuurrtent os�he"PropertY.° ^�:'"'
<br /> BORROWBIt COVBNAN'TS chat Horrower is lawfully scised of the e9tate�creby conveyed and luis the dBht to gtuttt and
<br /> comoy the PropertY ead that the Property Is unenc�unbcmd.except far encumbmrtees of record.Borrower warrar►ts and wiU defend . _
<br /> gcneraUY tha title w tiie P r°pertY t►B e l n s t aU claims and demands,subJcct to any cncumbrances of record ' �,�;
<br /> ':�:�. r°' TFIIS SECURITY INSTRL1MBtVT combines unifoan covenants far rmdonal use and non-unifonn covenanta with W n i t e d '; .;1..
<br /> „ " vadations by Jurlsdtction w consdpite a un�fqrm secw3tY instnunent covering real pmPertY. :` r��°�
<br /> i '.h;.
<br /> UNIFORM�COVBNANfS.Borrowor and Lender covenattt and ag�ree as followa: when duo the '' .'."
<br /> 1. Poyment of Principai aud Is�teeesi: Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower ahall promptlY PaY ' �.�::
<br /> a mentanc4 inte char8es due under the Note. };,_��.
<br /> .. pricecipal of and interest on the debt evidencnd by the Now ��18 � ar t,o a wrluen waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to ,
<br /> Z.Funds for Toxes and Iasurauce. Subjact to app � ���
<br /> L,ender on the day monihly PaYments ere due under the Note.until the NoE4s b paid in fu11,a sum(°F��")l�focr.hold paymenta o r-,:�
<br /> riorlry over this Securlty Insuumcnt as a U�n on the Property;(b)Y Y ����'-`-
<br /> � and assessments which may auain P insurance prenilums;(d)Year1Y flood insurance piemiums,if ����,...-
<br /> g�ound cents on the Property�if anY:(�)Y�TIy hazard os ProP�Y
<br /> ., aa•... e early mortgage insutance premiums,if any:and(�a�►Y suma Payeble by Borrnwer to Lender,In acoordance wIth the �,,�
<br /> ,.OY F!`' �
<br /> provLsions of paragmph 8�in Iien of the payment of mortgage insurarcce pre.nlums.lhae icems are cslled"�.�aw Itema."Le�tder �r-_
<br /> ' . may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in a�►ameunt not w ea�a�ed tt►e maxim�m aa►ow►t a lender for a federeUy releted moitgaSe �:�ir:.�
<br /> y loan may mquire for Bo:rower's escrow sccaunt under the fedetal Real Bstate Sealemea►t Proced�s Act of 19T4 as amended from i�..�,.
<br /> . dme to drae. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq.("RBSPA").untess anothea law ihat ePPlies ta the Funds sets a lesser amou�a�,If so� `�.,�,;,A
<br /> . '- Lendcx may.at any time,cdllect and hold Fnnds in an amouat not to ea�coem the lesser aanoun�Leader may estimate the amount of ;,; -
<br /> '� Funds due on the basis of cunent data and reasonable estimat,es of expendiwres of f,:wre Esaaa Items or otherwise in accordance FlI_:--_
<br /> wtth appllcable law.
<br /> �',,°-
<br /> ',;� 'Ihe F�nds shall be held In en insdwtlon whose depos{ts are insared by a federel a8er+cY�insocumeatalitY.or endty(ineluding ��._
<br /> Lender.if Lender is such an lnsdtudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Leada sholl apP1Y the Fuads to�;ay tha Es�mw Items. �,i�,,,'
<br /> ,, . 1 the Funds,anaually analy�ln8 the esa�ow accoant,or verifying the
<br /> ::, ': Leaider may noi charSe Borrower for holding and aPP Y�Pl � law pasnits Lendes to make such a cderge.
<br /> 'r;!�• . tt�rmw Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and��t�,at e.amta mx repoidnB servloe used by
<br /> Howevcr.Lendes may re4uire Bonower to pay a onF�ima �gs �t��e or applicable law ��_
<br /> .. ,i1 � Lender a�n conne�tion wish this loAn, unless aFpllcable law pmvldes othe�sa. Upless an r�roem
<br /> ` ' req�ire.g�►terest W be paid,I.euda shall not be req�ired to paY Borrower eny �noea�est a�eamin8s an the Funda Borrower and
<br /> � Lender meY eg�ee in writing�howavrs.th8t II1tPdC9t 8b811 b6 jfBld OA th8 F11Ad9.LCtldCi 4hA1�$�V8 fA BQIfOWCI.aithaut cherge,an
<br /> �� �e
<br /> `f aanual accouatu►g of the Funds,showing credits and drbita w tha Funds�ad the putpose for ahich each debit w the Fun aas
<br /> made.The F�utds am pledged ag additional securitY for all a�ms secured by tlds Securiry Iastcument
<br /> ,',< If ihe Funds held by Lea►dea exceed the amounts peandtted to be held by ugPllcable law,Ixnder shalt account to Hoirower for
<br /> ..,'�' the eacess Fwtds in eaardanoe al�►the c�equiremenm of appllcable law.If the eamount of the�ands held by I.eader at any ti�ne ls
<br /> "• rtot sufficlerit w ps►y the Escrow Items when dus,La►der raay so notify Bosower in writln8,and�it►such exise Hoirowea slmll paY
<br /> .' to Lender the amount neces.sarY to make up th�deficiency.Borrower st�aU make up the deflciency in no more thnn twelve monthly
<br /> �,�.:�,`� payatenta,at L�ender�s sole disex+etion. `_
<br />�. . • Upon Palnne,nt in fiill of all sums secut�od by this Securiry Iustivment,Leader st�all 1tromPdY refund o�Bornower any Funds
<br /> � `".._°"�'� held by Lended.If,under pataBrePh 21.Leader Rhall acQ►�e or sell the Propeaty.I�eder,Pdor to tt��e a�cq�osecured by this
<br />-.-',�`.-`<`�' pmpeaty,shaU apD1Y anY F1u�ds held by L,enda ai the dme of ecqulsit�an or sale a�a cx+ed�t a�t
<br /> . . . �;;x S�uritY Insuument othe:wise,ali paYmenta r�oeived by Le�eda under paragrs+Pl�a 1 . .
<br /> �;� 3.Appllrn�Eon of Piayments. Unless applicable law provides h 2;third, ---.
<br /> an d 2 s h e l l b e a p p l l e d:f i r s L�e 1►Y P�P a Y�ent c h a r Bes due undes the Note;se�ond.w amonnts payuble unda p�P
<br />- .�G i . . to int,erest due;founh.w pr[ttcipal due;ond last,to anY lete charees due ucrda'�5nes and im p osidons atulbumbla ro iP�e Pmpaty -
<br /> - �---"�--.- �.C�=�ai:.�. Hot*t►wer r,hail oaY s l l te�tes,O S S G S S t n e t t t s�c h s�t S e s. '
<br /> - �--•�.`"• w ria ovet 2l�is Stxuriry insnvn►er►t,eud leasehold pa]�QS o� IItound re���if auy.Bv�vw�shrJl pa,th�- '_
<br />___�;,,;:�,.�.;,.�. wittch may au�D �Y h 2.or it nai pald l�t tbat matueer�Bomowea s�talt pay dtem on tiiue directiy w thc
<br />�� ..,,A�. ;�. • obllgat�ons in the mannea pravided�n pa�a�p � w Lender atl nodces of amounts W be paid undec this pamgrs�Fh. If
<br />'��"Y, , r��, . pe�son owed paymen� Bormwer shall PromPt1Y � fiunlsga to LeAder ieoeiPts ev(denc�8�e PaYraeats.
<br /> - .��,;'y";:,. ts directlY.Borrower shislt FiomP Y
<br />- � • . Bosa�oaer ma�es ihese PaY�
<br /> . �,�., . �- �umower ahall AromPtly dischar8e anY lien ahich has prlarlty ovea ihis Sec�ry Inx�umeat unless Honower:(a)ag�+ees in
<br /> . *, yvriting to the payment of the obligation secured bY dee llen ta a manmer ecot�table to Leridec:(b)oonflasts�8�►t the enfarcement
<br /> ' � or defenda egt�irus�enfaroement of the licn in,legal p��n8s whicb in the Lendea's apinion operate F�'
<br /> ,� of the lien:or(cy socures f�om the hotder of the lleu an a8reement satisfecto�Y t,�Leeder subordinn'b�g the lisn tn this Securiry =_
<br />" �i::�„ . of the Prape�ty is subject w a lien whi�h may atffiin Prtorttp oves this Securiry
<br /> :;(,;;t �.,.' Tn�ime�t If I�der de.te�mines that any Part �e 1ien.Bormwer shall s�sfY the Iten or tske m►o ar more of the --_
<br /> �'''�� Ins�a�ment,Lender may gtve Bmcower a nodoe idontifying �-;
<br /> ��` ; �, acdons sct forth abovo aithin 10 days of the gtving of no�oe. Y��aow exis�n8 or haeatter erected en the Property �;,:-
<br /> _ o � S.Ha�f or FYoperiy Ifls�*ence. Borroaer shull keeo the imDrA e-..
<br /> �nsuxed aga�nsj loss by fue�ha�ards inctuded with3n the term 'raeten�i��cove�sge"and m►y other hazards.inclucWg tloods ar e_-
<br /> . �� f l o o d i n 8.far whicd L�dca re9uinss insurtinnoe.'Itiis inaurancs s6a11 be maintained in the amounts and for d►a��cl►shell no ��
<br /> sur
<br /> --1- renuires.The insuranoe c�rrier prov�d@►g t he i n s u�t c e a h�l i i s e c h o s e n b y B o i t o w e r s u b j e c t w T.eadar s e p p r o
<br /> ...e..e.�t�,t�eve. Le,�der maY. et Leaedcr's option, obmin �t
<br />_,-.-,�--__--- b�unre�onnbly vrithheld. If Bon+ower tm�s co ��w:�t�:=.r::...-e-------- - - --
<br /> coverage t�protect Lendex's ri�yhts in the Property in s000rdunce with pa3agc�h 7. cl�se.Lender shall
<br /> All insuraace policies und renewals sh�ll be aoceptable to Lender�nd s,hall include a smndard������of patd
<br /> ' � have the right w Aold the pol�ctxs tind renewals.If Lender requires,Bmmw�t�ce to t�t�e yinsucrueoe c�atier und Lender.Lender
<br /> � , ., Premiums and renewal nntices.In tho event of IoBoe�wer shall gi e prot D
<br /> . may mako proof of loss if rtot made promPily by oaro
<br /> , muw�:�...L�•
<br /> , ' (��8M(WE)roao+�.o3 CHL(01/98)
<br /> a�•2 oi a Form 8020 9100
<br />