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<br /> � ` gorrower sha11 etso be ia defauit ft �onowcr. durlag the lonn npplicatioo procesa, gnve ��;._
<br /> � abAadoned Property
<br /> � piatedally false or iaacxuratc information or atatements to Lender (or f�fled to provtde l.ender wtth enY material _
<br /> iafom�ation) iu coanectlon v�ith the loan evidenctld by the Note. inoluding. but not Ilmited to. representattons ,;=_
<br /> �:��:�.' conoernin6 Borrower's occupancy of the PropertY as a prtnclpal restdance. If this Security Instrument is on a ----
<br /> ' '"� ' lc�sehold, Borro�ver shnli comply with ttte provlsions of the lease.If Borrower ucquires fex title to the Property.the _
<br /> ' letuehold and fee ddo shnll not be aaerged unlesa Leader agtees to tha�nergdlr�t or cons�quenUal.in coanection wtth -
<br /> 6.Comdc�nnat�on.Thc proceeds of any award or claim for damuBca, S 9 .._':
<br /> , ,.� any candemnation or ot6er u�cing of any part of�he Property. or for coaveyence fn plece of condemaation, are Fr�_
<br /> �• hereby assigaed aad shaU b�paid to i.ender to the extent of the Puil amount of the indebtednesa that cemains unpt+id -
<br /> •'•�� „ . ' � under the Note and thia Secudcy lasttument. Lender ahall apply such pnoceeds co the reductton of the indebtedness _^_
<br /> ; tuzder the Note and thls 3ecurlcy Instrument, first to any deliaquent acnouats �pri p�c��hall ao extend or -�
<br /> ' :� pangruph 3,end then to prepayment af principal.Any apPlicatlon of the pmceeda h 2�or chaage the amount of such
<br /> . „" �. postpane the dus date of the monthly payments.whtch are referred to ici para8 P _-_-
<br /> ,. .�� PaYments. Any excess proceeds over aa aaaount required to pay aU outstanding indebteduess uiadcr the Note and thia �
<br /> :. Security Insuument shell he patd to�he entity legally entitled thereto. Barrower sLull a aU
<br /> ^ 7. Charges to Barrowcr and Protectlon ot �.endcr a R�81i1s in d►e �'°P�Y• �2. Sosrower shall pay r
<br /> � �'' �arersunentul or municlpal sharges, fin'es and i�p�sitions that are not included ia paragrnP �,;�;::
<br /> '�` t�ae obligations on time d�recdy to u e n Lenderis�request�Borrowe�r shall p mPdY ft�m�h od I.ender�receipta ��;'__
<br /> . Lender's interest in the Property� Po �'
<br /> evidenclug these payatcnts. nta uired by parnBraPb 2.or fails tn perform any other �:,;`:''
<br /> If Borrowe:fails to malce these payrnents or the paYme �4 Q�s;;-
<br /> me
<br /> .. � rAVen�ont�t and agr�nts contained in thia Secuiit3'lastrument.or there ia a legsill proceedinB ttiat msy eignificandy
<br /> .� � ��t ��r'e tights in the property(such as a pmceedin8ln bankruptoy� for coademnation or to enforce laws er
<br /> �' whazever ie aecessary to Pro�ct t��value of thc Pmperty and Leeder'e
<br /> :}:', - _ �glnnn),�hen I.eader maY da end itay rnm�anfi 2. -
<br /> � dghta ia the Propert7+.iuctuding PaYment of taxes.�azard�8tns�� b��additi���!inof Hon+uwer end be —..
<br /> pny a�nounta diebursed by Lender uader t4s3a paragr p _
<br /> ' ,'�..,. ' sewred by this Security Instnunent. These amouuts shall beur iaterest from the date of diabuxsement� at qhe Note
<br /> . ~��°,.;, ��., rata. acd at the optlon of Lender.sha��c immediately due and paynble.
<br />-:•�'`'•,;'•. Borrower shull promptly discharae any lien wb3ch 6as prlority over thta SecuritS+ Instrument unlesa Roirower: --
<br />-,�=;��:::;� t of the obl� on secured by the Uen iu a maaner aoceptuble to Lender: (b) �--
<br /> (��t�s in writln8 to the payme�► 6� _=_
<br /> ;`.::,'�• conteste ia good faitb the lien by. or defeads against enforcement af the Uen in, legal pmceatia�ga which in ttte --
<br /> ±�"'`':`"`"' I„endcr's opinlon operate to p����e�orce'm�►t of the Iten; or (c) secures fmm the bolder of the lien an
<br /> -- agre�mmt satiafactory w Lender sutwndinating the lien w tWs SecurltY l i u u u a�en t.If Lender deternilues that aay part
<br /> ?''Y�.`.,� o[the Pmperey ia subject to a Iten which may atusia prlority over thts Security Instnuuent, Leader mu�+ Qlve
<br /> :�,...:.:
<br /> m
<br /> _ Bomowes a notice identifylu8 the lten• Borrower s h°u sa us f y t hQ l t e n or take one or more of W�actlons set fo
<br /> -,�;,�;���_�=� above within 10 days af�t�te gtviug of aotice. ,
<br />�.•:.F",±��')g�,?� . ' 8.k'eea.Ireander aui}y�llect fees and charges�authorized by the S�cretary .
<br />�;_,_`��h;:� 9.Gmunds[or Abc.�leratfon a?Debt. utati�na iscucd by the SecretarY.ia the case oY payment
<br /> "-:�=;a�r'�� ' (a)Detuutt.Lerlder may.acc�pt as limited bY re8
<br /> ,"_.,,�� defaulta�re9u9re.immediAt�,payment in�iillin full au:y rao thly paynment required b�tSecur�ry Incmuneat
<br /> . ,..,.: (;)Boirower defaults by faiiing to pay
<br />-,°���:`a''" prioi to or on the due date af the next monthly paym�►t.or -
<br /> -'==�-� (ii)Borrower defaulte by failing.for a psr[ad ef thirty duys�w pztfopm n�►Y otha'obligatlons contnitte�
<br /> _---�=: �_� in this St..a.:f S�,^ists�tt. -_
<br /> —�'°� N)Sale Without Crw:tt Aprrov�.L�ader slenll, if t�ennitted i�y aPPlicabie la�l(iut;Iudtag�QCtian'sdi(o'3 �
<br /> �JT �" of the Ciuta-St. Qemn�ln D�OSito17' Y�Sar�ntions Act of 19�2. 12 i7.S.C. 1701j-3(d))aad �the prior
<br /> ,3�;:�;.;,.,:` .
<br /> C a fn tLU nf all sumn secured by this Securtry Ilasm�uient
<br /> �..-, �:,K.;. ePProvnt of the Secteu�rY,recl�immetiiate payaseint --
<br /> _ <'�',� if:
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