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<br /> If the tuttounts held by Lender for Escrow Itemsexceed thc amounts perndaed to tse held by�RESPA, Lendcr ��_
<br /> ' shn11 necount to iiosrower for the exeESa funds as requlred by RESPA. lf the suiwunts of funds hetd by I.ender at ac►y
<br /> .::;f�, • timz are nc�t sufficient to pay the Escrow Items wh�n due,Lender may notify the Borrower and requlre Borrower to
<br /> '' ,�., nnnlce up the Rhortage as permitted by RESPA
<br /> �-,_.':=:
<br /> „ ::
<br /> The �scrow Funds are pledBed as edditional secudty for �ll sums secured by this 5ecurity lnstnunent. If
<br /> � florrovs�et ten�fera to Lender the t�ll payment of Wt such sums.Borrowec's accaunt shdl be credlted with the balaace �.�:�
<br /> remuiniug for all Instaliment items(a).(b).and (�) and a►t►y�nortgage insurance premium ii�acaliment thut Lcader has -_
<br /> - � °:;, aot become obN�ated to pay to the Secretary. and Lender shall pmmpdy refund any excess fwids to Borrower. .
<br /> � inunediately prior to a foreclusure sale of the Property or tts scquisItioa by Lender,Borrower's account shall be ^_-
<br /> credited with su►y bnlance remainin8 for all Ins t a l im�na for i tems s el��Nd 2 hall be applied by I.end�r as follows: ---
<br /> � � 3.Appll�uttop of Pny�tnneute.AII paycnents under para�rap �
<br /> '' �.to the mortgage insurance premium�o be patd by Lender co the Secretary ar eo the monthly charge by the
<br /> �.�
<br /> Secretary instead of the mon'�h1y raartgage�surance pret�fum, _—
<br /> �, . � Second�to any taxes.sPecial assessmPnts.leasehold payments or groun�renta, and fue. flood and other hoznrd =
<br /> tnsurauoe premiuras,as required: {
<br /> � � �i'i,r�,to interest due under the Note: l.:=`
<br /> �,,,�,to amortizatton of the principal of'the Note:and W
<br /> .� �il.to late cherges due uader the Note. _.
<br /> �u�� 4.FYre.Flood and Other Hoz�r�d Ensvxatnce.Bormwer sha�l insure ell impmvementa on the Pmperty.whetk�r
<br /> now in existence or aubsequently erected.ugainst any hazards.cas�1����►d COntingeacies,including fire.for which {
<br /> ' Lender requires insurance. TI�Es insurance shall bc maintained W the smounts aad for the pcdods thAt Leuder
<br /> , reyoires, Borrower shail also ineure all improvemEats on the PropertY. whether aaw ia existe�►oe or subsequendy
<br /> - .� �?, erected,a8ainst loss by ftoods to the extent required by the Secretarl+. All[nsurance shall be cerried with comganieu
<br /> _. ;.�_ .,; _ ._ �i3y���,���.�£�.,r►�icies and any renewals shell be held by Leada und shall include loss payuble _
<br /> ' clauses ia favor of.and in a form aoceptable to,I.ender.
<br /> � � In the event of loss,Borrower shall give Lenxler fm�diate aodce by mnil.Lender inay mnlce proof of loss if nvi _
<br /> Y�`i.. . made prnmpdy by Barrower.F.�sch insurance compaay ooacemed is hereby suthorized and dic�ected to malce pnyment
<br /> _,�,.,,°;_'�, for such loss direcdy to Lxnder, instead of to Botrower uad to Ixuder jointly. All oT any ptut of the��c�
<br /> ,,,.., . , � pmoeeds may be applied by I.ender.at its option, ellher(a)to the reduction of the iadeb�t 3da���to p p°�nt
<br /> ?��.,,..'.. ,, this Se�.vriry Wstmment.first to aay deliuquent amouats applied in the orl�er la pamBmP
<br /> :'.�;, ' of princi�al. or (b)to the restaration or repair of the damaged ProPgrtY. My aPPlIcation of the ptnoeeds to tl�e
<br /> :�.'.r,,,,r f,' principal shnU not extend or postpone the due date ot the monthly payments which are mfert�ed to in purngrdPh 2.oz
<br />�'= . :.,;.,.:, cl�nwge the�snount of such paym�ats.Any excess insu-ance proceeds over an emount c�quic�ed w puy all outstaadln�r
<br /> °` , ' iadebtedness under the Note and this Secudty Instrument shall be paid to the Entity legally entitle�thereto.
<br /> � � In the event of foreclosuc+e of this Security Insm�nnent or other uansfier of title to tho Pmperiy that exNnguioheu
<br /> ._L;.;,• ••
<br /> -.,�.ws,_zy.._.
<br /> :_.��_y_:�=;�� the indebtedness. e11 slght. title and interest of Bomnwer in aad to �ursmnce pdieies in force shnll pass to _
<br /> - ::,�"'?� purchaser. llcn4[crn., _
<br />=�=�°-���``��� S.Ooa�P��34 Preservatia�n. Mainteaance end Protectton of ttte Peope�rtyi Bzerrower's[.oiw APF
<br />— -,ry;.,��°'
<br /> �' Les�ss'holds. Borrower shall occupy.estF►blIsh�end use the Pmpecty as 8orrower's pr,incip�l c�sidenoe wlthin s:ct�
<br /> w���":'�,�': days aRer the execution of thia Securlry Inst�ment(os withia sixry duys of a later snle or transfer of the Pra�erty3,
<br /> -_ -� and s4a11 wntutue ta axupy the Property as Bar�ower's principal msldeaoE for at leaat ono year after the dat�og�
<br /> --���'�'°`'' � t vrill cause undue hat+dehip for Borrower.or unless ext�z►uati�
<br /> ..�.-. ;, oxupancy.unless B.ender determi�teQ hat requlrCmen
<br /> .en
<br /> ;--�'--'�` ctrcur.�aces r.�ci�t which �r� beyond Bormwer's comoral. Bornnwer shaU aotlty Leader of any exneawlti�r3
<br />�_....�_�r��:;
<br /> - cii�umst��s.Borrawer shali nai cormnii wa�t�vr�-troy.�s�;e or suhctancinily ch��w&e the FmD�S►or allaw Nne� ,
<br /> _-���=�� ProPertY to detecIorate.reasnaabie wear an�aear exceptal. ix,�der raay•ib,^g�t che Propeny if�hu Fnrp�.tr ls vaca�x� �-
<br /> "�`aa,.�'�� or abaudoned or the loan is in default. Let�du may take �easonable ncti�n to pmtect and presetve such vaatnt oa
<br /> ��_,.
<br />:;_nl.:,. ",�;'.
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