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<br /> ,� � �S. Foreclosure Proredure.If Lendcr►seqi�ires iu�.zediate pnyrr�cot iu Pull under pnrn�reph.9, i.end�r mcay _ ' _ _
<br /> t n v o i ce t h e p u e v e r o f s n lz and an y older remedies permltteti bY A1�Plicable Inw.Lender shnlD be entitled to collect �'
<br /> • asll cxpenscs lusurred in p��rG �� r��� u°�¢°' this parA�raP h 1 8, ius lu d i n g, b u t a o t l i m i t e d t o►
<br /> ��''� reasonable attorneys' tees and casts oI title evldence. �=�
<br /> �-�t"' "''0"'� It the pawer of snle is Wvoked,7Yustee shnil record a aotice of defuult ln each county ta wht�able low to �
<br /> . the Property is lacated nnd shrill mail coples ot'suclf aotice�nn the manner prescrihod by app ��ble law� �'_-
<br /> Borrower and to the oihea per'sons pr�+cdbed by appllcable law. Afte�'the ttimP requlred�ble law.Trustee,
<br /> 7}t�t�sLail g[ve public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescrtbed by app
<br /> �rttliout danand on Bosrower, shull sell the Pra�per�y at pubUc auMton to the higtte3t bidder at We ttme and
<br /> ' place und under the terms dea�gnctted ia the notise oP sWe In one or more pnrce�s end b►anY arder 7l'rnstee __
<br /> ,�• ,• d��rmin�,'�l�u�¢e xnay pastpone sul�of all or any parcel of the�roperty by�+nblia unnouncement at the time
<br /> vrchnse tbe Pro rt at an sale.
<br /> '�`:.?;�;" � � and pla�of smy pPeviousiy schedul�➢sate.I.ender or its desigaee may p PE Y Y —
<br />�.':'',:, It lthe Y.euder's interest ia Wis Securlty Iq.4cun�ent Is held by tbe 5ccre�ary aad tihe Secretery repuires
<br /> .�-•,;..,r�,
<br /> `.;ri:,:�hr .r. �inmedbose payment Im Pull under ParagraPD 9, the Secret�ry �maY�Invoke tho aan�ucti�i�l Powcr .of r�s �_
<br /> .,.,;,,;,�.u�•:., ,d` �
<br /> e` ' ,. �� provtded in the 81a�1e�'amily Mortguge I�brec1osure Act ot 1994( Act')(L'�U.S.C.3751 et seq.)by re�u�sting
<br /> a fom�losv�� coaunissluner deslgnntecl tmder t�c Act to cammence foredosure and to sell the ProPertY ns �_L-
<br /> . provided in the Act. Noth[ng in the preaxPing senteace sho11 c�xprive the Secreto�7'oP aay rlghts athe»vtse t._
<br /> uvailnble to e Leader under thia Paro�ruPh 18 or°ppu�ble law. �
<br /> 11pan receipt ot payment of the prlce bid,'It�tee shall deliver W the purchoser Trustee's deod conveying _...-.
<br /> tqe Yroperty.The rer[tnls[n tk�e Trustee's d¢ed shal!be prtma facie evtdencR of the 4rut6 0!the btutements
<br /> m
<br /> mndo therein.'11n�stce shnll nPP�Y�e prO�S oi the enle in the lellowtag orders(a)W a11 cn�te aad expenses ot
<br /> :� ' pcerctsing thc power ot Rule�end the sale,[ncludia8 the paymeni of the'Ilrusteo's[ecs setunUy tncurred,noi to
<br /> ,_;�,;,,� ., ' �,� g g �o oi the prlacipal amouuut of thc notc at the ctme of the dcslaratton oi defoeilt�
<br /> :.�:, .
<br /> __�. ._ '> , �a�aar,�,r,able attorncvs'tc�es ae RerrNtte�d by law;(b)ta aD sums secured by tWa Sceurlty In£truma►t:w►d(c)
<br />= ,'�~_.�`� Ruq exccss to the person or persoas QeBaI1Y entitled w tt.
<br /> ,;. �
<br /> ,=..";::te,r
<br />';;��;,s. ?�, 19.Reconveya�ace.Upon payment of all aums socured by t4is Securlty Inatnia�enq.Lender ehnll requesc Tcustea
<br />='�=`'•��" co raonvey the Property end ahall surreader thts Secudty Inatmment aud all aotes evidencing debt secumd by t6is
<br />_���::ni�±;;� Sc�ur(ty Iastniment to Trustee. Trustaa ohall reconvey the Property without wannaty end without charge to the
<br /> _.-;�;?,';�,,� persoa or po�soi�s legally eadtlod to tt.Such person or persons sLall pay any ce�ordatton cosw.
<br /> ._:_,�;�,�ti� P int a successor
<br /> �::Ts��� 20.Seibstttute Trustee. Irender� at ita o tion.may from tima to tirae remove Trustee aad appo
<br /> ��-�',��.z�tr� austee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an���smunent recorded in the county ia which t�ia Sei.vrity Inawment
<br />_y���;� ia recorde�l. Without canveyance of the Property.the suscessor trustee ahatl sux,eed to all the t[fle,power and dudes
<br /> ---:°°.-_= wnterrcd apon T�ustce henin ead by applicable law.
<br /> --�.:� ; Zl.Fs�se�uest tor Nottces.Borrower tequests that wpies of the notices of default and snie be sent to Borrower's
<br /> - - address whiCh ia the Propacy Addc+ess.
<br /> �';°;�y�!{!9 ZZ,g���o this Secur[ty Ir�strument.If one ar more rlclers are executed by Borrower Rnd m�corded together
<br /> -.:s�:�i
<br /> with thie 5ecurity insltumeat, the cc►venants of each such dder sbnU be inoorporate� inta��k�all amend an
<br />:'`:�,:� suppl�nent the coven�is and agreements of this Securiry Instcument as•if s��rt¢er(s>we��8 part�bf this Securiry . --
<br /> ,. ,
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