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<br /> 13.Noiiccs.Any notice to Borro�ver provided for in tt►is Ssr:urity Insccument ehe11 Ix:givcn by dcflvcring it��
<br /> by mailing it by iirst cl�ss mail unlsss applicable luw requtms use o1f aaother method.The notice shall be directed w -_''�
<br /> � the PropPrty Addresa or any other sddt+ess Bocrower design�tes by notia ta Lender. Any notice to I.ender ehall be
<br /> S
<br /> :';,-y,� .. given by first class u�ail to Lender's address ataced hereia or any address i..ender designates by aotice to 8orrower. �•,�''
<br /> � �^ Aay notice provided for ia tdis Security lastrument susll be d�emed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when ���
<br /> given es provlded in thia paragraph. F�
<br /> 14. Governtag Law; 5everuhUfty.Thia Sec�uity Iastmment shall be govemed by Fedcral!aw aad tha luw of `Y
<br /> the jurIsdIcdon in wMch the Property Is located. In the event that any pmvision or clause of this Securiry Inauwnent _
<br /> � or the Note conflieta with apptieable law,s�ach contlict ahall aot effect other provisioas of this Securlry Instrameat or =
<br /> ,. - the Note which cen be given effect wIthout the wnflict�ng provi�ioa. Tn this end the provlaions of this S�curlty
<br /> •� Instrument aad the Note are declr,red to be severable. `
<br /> �:•::;'.�fi. 1S. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shali be glven one confor�ed copy of the Note and of Wis Security
<br /> ` ` � �'�'���'y�' insm�m�nt. --
<br /> `���., � ^'�' 16. Hozardos�s SubSlunses. Borrower sball not cause or permit R4ie p�sence,use.disposal.atorn�,or release
<br /> l`�,:
<br />=:'�' � :�:c� Borm�vgr shall not do,nor allow aayone els�to do, auything __
<br /> .r,,° . ,�t,�.� . of a�ay Hazerdous Su'bataaces om or i�We Froperty. --
<br /> :.� ,.,,t:s:,.a;��. ��yiq�ths prpperty t4at ia in violation of any Eavimnmental Law. Tbe precedfng nvo aentencea shaU nat apply ta E•_
<br />-;ti:,,,. • ;:�:;:.t:;•;•-; t�E p.rESence. use, or atorage on the Propeny of small quandtiee of Hazardoua Substances that are genernlay _
<br /> ir�,�:•• -
<br />:,y�> .,�,�;:;+,:��'�:�'r,i' recognixed to be approp�iate to nomrai resldiendu�uses and to maiutenar�ce a f the Property. ::,�
<br /> :!� . ���;;;,��?w}�>`' Sorrower ehali promptly glve i.ender wrltten aotice of aAy lnvestiIIadon,claim,demand.lawauit or other action �,.
<br /> ` �';s'�'� by any govcmmentel or regulatory agency ur private party Imvolving the Property and any Ha�ardovs Substance or
<br /> ' Environmental Law of wbicb�nzsower has acroal lmowledge. If Hortower learas�or is notifled by any governmentAl ..
<br /> or regulawry authodty�that any�moval or other reraediatton of eny Hazardous Substances affecdng ehe Pmpeny is
<br /> . aecessery,Botrower tRhall promptly take atl accessary�emedIal actions in aa.ordance with Eavironraentai Law.
<br /> , . _ �C _ pa used in tiiis paragreph 16. "Hezardous Substauces" are those substances detined es toaic or hozatdous
<br /> �, .: 'n' substaaees by Bavic+enmeutal Law aad Wc follow[ng sub�tanoea: gasotine, icezoseae. a�her fi�mm,siiic v: tv;uc °
<br /> � . ' peuolewa producl8�toxtc pesdeides uud herb(cides,volntile solveata,anaterints contai�ilng asbestas or formatdehyde.
<br /> . ... nnd radia4cdve materiels. As used in this paragraph 16. "Envieonmzn�l Lew"means federal laws end laws of dtx
<br />-Y,.; � Judsdletlan where the Pcoperty is located chnt relate to health�snfery or env[�otunental pmtection.
<br />_ ',
<br /> _ ...... ,
<br /> �� NON•UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Lender ti�Ncer covensustead agree as followa:
<br />�=:•+�,.� ' �� 17.Assi�ment ot Ytente. �or�rower uaoondidonally osslgaa and heasfera to Lender el!the rents and revenues
<br /> -�-' '' of the Property. Borrower authorize�Lender or I.ender's agenta to collat ahe renss and revenues a�td hereby dI�ects
<br /> ,'`^''`'r"`� . each tenant of the Property to pay the renta to Lender or Lender'e agents. Howcver, prtor w Lcntdet's uotice to
<br /> �� . Borrower oY Borrower's breach of any coven�t or s�greeraent in the Seariry Insuument.Borrnwer sholl collect and
<br /> 1s^-.�_1., .:• receive alt rents aad revenues of the Property as trustee for the benefit ot Lender aad Borrower.T'his asslgam�stt of
<br /> �m.. :a�_,
<br /> - _ :.� t+ents conr�[tuteo an absolute assigntaent aad uot au assigament for additionQl secwiry onty.
<br />—"��',-H:� :�:-�� If Lender gives noeice of brrach to Boimwer: (a)Wl rents necelved by Borrower ehall be held by Solrower t�a ,
<br /> �:=:�;�➢
<br /> _ —�;���� tzustee fflr benefit of I.eader only�to be applied w the swns s�ured bg��ice Securiry Instrumenc:(b)I�ender sha11 b�
<br /> ��,�;;a;;�. entided to cqSlect and receive�tl of the tenta of the Property:smd(c) s�c2n tenant of the Pcoperty abaU pay a11 reats
<br /> �'..,.."`.�:��'`�, due aad unpaid co Ixuder or Lender's agent on L.ender's writtea deiaaud to the tenant.
<br /> si�=•�..:. .`. " � , Bc�rrower hos ns�t executetf smy prlor assigtunent of tfis rents aad�nut and evill nat perform eay act thal would
<br /> ''�::'?�:�,..� prevent Lcnder from exercisir+g�t��s��hts uader this paragmp�19. .
<br /> —' .:'^'��°�� Lcudcr cha11 aoi be requt�ed to eater upon.take conuol af or mai�tefn the Property before or a3ter givie,g notiCe
<br />�-__�.:-�_�.,_
<br />-�` :=''��'r.�,�-��_ of breach to Borrower.However�Leader or n,ja�dicialfy appointed receiver may do so�t any time ther�ia u breacli.
<br />�,;;,,�,,,.:;�;:,�j Any a}tipSicatlon of t�ents uhait uot cure or ivaive tmy defaWt or invoiiaate:,ny oiiier�gt[t�r ie�ty c,t I.�r�.'�fs -_
<br /> -�"ID"-""-``"" assigiuiient of rents of the Property sha11 te�m(uute when th�debt secured by the Secudty instcusneat is pu�d in fuil.
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