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<br /> Y dnci ul umount ot tho irtdobtednar,�ogcu�ed bY�tg dQa�ot Y�a�rtot Inciu6ing oumo advnnced to protect the sacudty oi tAts[tao0 of _�_�"°�"`-_�___`
<br /> � p p �vhtchc�vor Is flreater.
<br /> Trust,oxcasd the orfgtnal pdncipal amount ototad horetn,or$ �K_ �n._�-----' i���'-��
<br /> � 18.tAtscetta�rasua Pravislano. iiv��-�-
<br /> th8118bq1-
<br /> Oeed oi Yruat gran d by Lender to any succassor In Intereat oi 8orrawor shali not operate p�re►east�,,n any mannar��by�g -;_
<br /> ' ty o1 the ori8tnal 13orrowet and Botrovuar'4 oucceasors in tnterost. Lundor ahatl not ba raqultad to eommonce procaed ngo
<br /> �; --
<br /> p�fgot Taiat by�ccn ot any domn�ds mude bY the o�rigtnal 8ortowor ond Borro wrs eucce,sors in interost fig��d by thts .:..-�
<br /> (b)Leador's Powaro.Wia►a�t oNa��B�►e Ila6tilty ot nny oM�r�sstreon Ilabla bt tho paymont ot any obqgatinn Q�oroln n'tsn- ��;_r,
<br /> ttoned,end without aftecNnB the l�en or charge ot Nfs Deed ot Trust upon anY po
<br /> rt�on oi thu Propo�ty nm lhen or thereiaforo �- -
<br /> "'`� �eleased as aecudh►tot the full arnount ot att unpald cb��BaUorts,Lendar may,from tinse to Ums and without neih�(t)reteaso
<br /> .�--''r, any person ao UAblo,(ii)extead the matudty or alfer any ot the terms oi any auch ob�tgAUons,(UI)9ront oiltor induigences,(Iv) � �.__
<br /> reteano or�econvey,or cause to be re►eased or reocnvoYad ot eny ttmo at Lertder's opiton any parce��P�rttcn or all of the
<br /> :,�. ,., property,(v)take or rotease any athor or eddi4tonat escudtf+for nnY obtlgetton hsrein menUonced,w(vi)rr�ake oompostticna or 1 ��
<br />- ^' othor artangemente with debtors In re7a�On thsreto• --•
<br /> (c)FerbeAran��ylic�able��awashatWi ot�bo e weiver o or preclude the exexrctse o�ny suchtrlgh�ar ramhedy.uThe procure- � .- --
<br /> � ervrise effordad y pP
<br /> ment ot insurance ot the payment of taxes or other tlens or chargea by Lender shall aot be a waiver o�Lenders dght to ecoeler-�
<br /> , ,` � ate the matudty oT the Indebtedna�s secured by thls Daed ot Tnist
<br /> Ca tiorrs.The covenants and agreementa herein con-
<br /> �� ' (d)Sueeoaaots artd Asslgne Bound;Joint artd 3ovo�e�p8��ve succeasors and Aasigns ot Lender and Trustor.All�
<br /> , ��•. mtned shatl bind,and t he r E g h t s h e r eunder shall inure to.
<br /> ±.,.: }I 7��us�t are oinooagantence onry and a�re no to be ased t tnterpret or dsRne�ne provislons��C�rteot��p a�a�hs ot tfifs QeQd ct
<br />-.5}.�� a.. .!
<br /> . (o�i2equasB 6�isatl�a.The Part�ea Re�Y�Ia4De d o1 Trust at�tl�e a dress set brth aba a lnethe mnnnep presaitsed by ..
<br /> ;.,��,,.�.= � ot sale hereu��ar be maited to each partll __
<br /> .. ��!tcabte t�of��t ahall be 8��n by�ma[Il�ng sucQ�uc�oii�b��tce�fted mali�addressed to t�e oUter par@es et the ed�ress set
<br /> ,� E�n tft:si Qeed
<br /> --�-�•�- Fa�cilDove.Any noUce provtde�tor in this Qeed ot Tn�4�9a�A ba eftecdv°up°n ma`.'�zg in the manner designnted P�eretn.It
<br /> :��:�r:�� � rovtdad
<br /> � ``" Teustor is ma�4han one person,natice sent to the address Saq fo�h a�'e shaU be no:;co Ra a11 su per'sans•
<br />" �_;,�,,; '' ���pe��.Lender may make or causa to bo mede reasonsbte i ntrire��b 9°ceuse tl�erefo�,bted to�ders inter-
<br /> -�'�% that nder shail give Trustor nottce prlot to�'r�11 s��Inspactlon sPe�iN�H
<br /> .::.i�; est in tho PropeRy►• -
<br />---' .�• �9��s aRd ha j s�urre de pth�Deed olf 1'rust and reeldi notesl ev�ldsncing ndebt dness secured by thls�Deod ot Tn st to
<br />��.;:;���� Pro�� --
<br /> -CL�4��`: . T�ustee.Trusteo shaU reconvey th� ProPBrtY.w�1����nry and wlthaut oharge to the person or porsons tegairy en �
<br />°-,-r,er� theroto.T�La�shatl pay ait oosts of reoordetton,i4 any.
<br /> --=-___ i�j Q„��+rope�ty:Security Agra�n�ant AS edditlonal secudtlt�or the P8Yment ot tho Notd,Taustor hereby grants
<br /> _ .�-T� l.ender under the Nebraska Un►form Garm�eraei Cnan a s��Y��4n ntt tizmres.e4uipment,and other personal propetry
<br /> a�,�.��
<br /> _`�'"��`� 4:.,Ld in oonnectlo�with tl�e reai estate o�improvements lacated tl►ereon,and not othenvise d�dared or daemod to ba e pan�
<br /> "`-`� .Q1��,an�estate secured hereby.Thts Instrument shatl be�onstrued es e seadh►�►9reement under satd Code,emf l�te,Lendor
<br /> '-_°`�„"�, a9op7!have a���nder pucsuanttto Ih�OW�D m!Tn�is�provtded tha�t Lender s digMsta d remedtes under tl�Ja pare9 Db hatl
<br /> -_:;� et�d ac000d
<br /> be cumuiative�th.and In no rvay e Ilmitatlmn�n.LRnder'o dghts end ren�edtes urtder any other seaae!!y ogreement si�n y
<br /> _� Bomawer or Tn.,LOr.
<br /> � !�:�� (q L,lens and Eneumbrancus.Trusto�hereby warreMs and reDresents that thore is no dofautt under the prr�visions of any
<br /> -_=�� mprtg�ge.dec;d of trust,�easa¢�r purc,hase oontract dascrlbing eil o rt o tlpiu ProPer1Y(col di eiy.�Lies l�existlng r�a ot tho
<br /> ----- agreement constltuUng a lien m7 oncumbrance agAtnst eU or ar►y pa
<br /> -----�_-- t�en dtsclosu�ee ot I nsse�nd encumbre�ces�Pro ded to h reln Trusior�shop mely perform e at Tnistor'e obfigadons,
<br /> - Y ��oUoes ot efau�tt�seM tn acnnedion with anY and ap8exisU g o BNWre Uens.and shetPnoit pwl��out Ler�de�s prior written .
<br /> —= otal
<br /> ponsent In eny mannor modiN tha P�sbns ot or etlow any 4uture advances under e exlsUng or future ns.
<br /> (�)Appitcatlon d!Payrt�r�4s•Un�ess°�e��uired by�aw,aums Pa�d�� r horeunder.
<br /> tnctuding wi����limlmtion
<br /> �.ayments ot p6ndpal and Interos�Insurence proceads.condemneHon proceeds end renta and proftte,ahat!ten�r,�±�d bY
<br /> � .�,�nder to the amounts due and owing ircm TNSta�r and 6orrou►rer in s��s�+�der as Lertder tn tb sote discreti�on��,�ma desl�
<br /> ��.p�lcablo law or Is de�l7�valtd or othe�wls�a a�n�
<br /> .--:;c�� �(k)Ssv�blttty.It any provlslon ai t`�is RDeed ot Trust oontllcffi w:.
<br /> .,..,=-=== Yorceabte.ouch ooMltct or IrnalWriy chall ao2 etfect tlse oifiar provtsRo»s o Mts tlaed ot Tru�t or t�?�ato wfitch can be ghren
<br /> �:;�� eitad wUhout the oontltctlng grovtston,and to thts eo�d tho provistons of tht3 Qesd dr Yrost and 4he Noto aro doclFtred to be sev-
<br /> ereble. uAar ar�d ptureL�nd whcu►the Tmstar and�ro�+ar ere
<br /> __-- _ ��?Tieeeeis.Tho temuti'TretsWr and'6orrowor shaU Mdude botb s1n�
<br /> m
<br /> _—-- the e�mR po-�rsa+(s)�thoso tcrms c:,�c�in t�ss irasd af Tn,st�<<a!{tea ui���,"^"•.�•
<br /> --�_--------� (m)Gove�1�9 Law.Thta Dead ot T�ust ethat►be gowsf��d by ihe la���o!tlt�S�ts af Mebreske• -r ..
<br /> -- `'
<br /> _-..n;� ,
<br /> .-=,_Riz^�71r ,,,
<br /> -.,�,�.°_�'�.94"�f� •
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<br /> _:::•�i:,w�sa�� -
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