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<br /> ` -'�• � •�a�►•�ti'l!l,k•p.:.' ..... .� .. �:a4a.�.::��° I. . . � /l � .1....rp�lxi�lNjl ..
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<br /> 'Procoeds')In conrtoction vdth condomnatlan or other t�s�^In nd�roae�uto tn i�mvn�nc�mo nn nction orn rocoed n���nd ahnli alIIO � �
<br /> � ` l.ondor Ehflil bA onNtted et Its optio�to oommenco,appe P Y p � �°��”
<br /> '� b e s nUtlad to muko any campromise ar setUement in connExtton vdth ouch taking or damaga.U the 8 1 1 Q u c hny ro c c t o d o p'afio Pdctduct�n8 ..';_
<br /> ����;,,.
<br /> �� co tuken or dumogod,Londor ohail have thA op t ian In i t s e o l o a n�a b�o l u f o d 3s a e t l o n. t o a p p l y P __.__.
<br /> thorofrom all ca3ts and oKpun�s incurred by It In oonnnctton with e�uch Procoods,upan eoy tndobtednesa aocurad horeby and in auc►► � �.-,.�Y�:;
<br /> � order as Lander may detormUse,or to apply aQ such P�oceedo.eRor such dQduGUons,to tho rostoradon of tho Proporty upon auch coM � �;.nY_
<br /> ' dittana�ns donder may dotormtne.Any appltc�Uon ot Procoeds to tndebtedness r�atl noi extond or pastpor►a the due dato of any Rrsy 1 -r -
<br /> menta undar tho Nate,or cure eny defaull thorcundor or horcundar.Any unapplis�d t�anda ahati bo paid to TrusWr. �::...
<br /> g,pertoamartca�by Wnder. Upon the occurrenco ot an Event ef Dafautt hereunder,or It any act is tnkan or tegat proceoding� _.._.
<br />� commencad�vhieh materially affecta Lender's intereat In the Proporty,i.ender may in Ite aem dlscreUon,but wlthout oblt9ntion to do so,� 4 =
<br /> � =�;ri,�,l:` end without notice to or damand upoR Trustor and without reteasin9 T�usWr iroan any obtigatton,do any act whlch Trustor has agreo �:
<br /> � but ttsfled to do and may aiso do any other ect it deems rtecessary to ptotect Ihe aecurity he�eof. TNStor ehatl,immedlatety up —
<br /> s
<br /> demend therefor by Lender,pay to Lendar all costa and exptsnses incurrod�and sums expended by Lender in connoctkon wilh e oxer -
<br /> ' ctso by Lender ot tha foregctng dghte,together writh interest thereon at the deta�t�ta prm�ided in the Note,whtch shatl be edded t �
<br /> tha tndebteeness secured horeby.Lertder shalt not incur eny itaDUlry�mpse n��i�eQ ia p cebterlawa,tordinances and regutations �
<br /> ' 9.Ha;ardoua MateRats.TrusWr shali keep the Propady ___
<br /> '' reladng to Industria�hygtene Qr environmental protect►on(col�ectively retamed to hetein as'Env[ronrr�ental Lnwa°).Trustor shail keap
<br /> � '`� the Property iree irom atl subatences deemad to be hezardous or toxic under any Environmental Launs(col�ectivety reisrred to herein
<br /> •�, es'Hazardous Matedals").Tntslat heroby warrants and represents to Lender lhet there are no Hazardous Materiais on or under lhe
<br /> prcperly.Tn►stor hereby�s to indemnify and hntd hacmless Lender.Its dirodors,cfttcets.empiayees and egent�.end any succe�-
<br /> ";��' sara to Le�e�'s Interest,from and agsinat any and ali clalms,dameges,losses end Nmtrt►Itlas arlsing tn omnrtectton with the pr�enos�
<br /> use,dispasat ar trsn^,port oi any Hezardc�i�.g Nlatedals an,under.irom or about tl�e Property.THE FOREQOING WARRAPiT�ES AND
<br /> � 10.Asaignmont c4 Etants.Truator hereby essians to lartder.and gra�ta Lendor e secudty interest in,a!1 present,fubure end
<br /> after erising rents,issues�a��roRts of the Ptoperty;Provtded thot Trustor shail,until tho ocw bt8°t n the eot�cutrertCe t an Evont ot �-_
<br /> " have ths rtght to cotlect and eFtaln such rents,issues and proflts as thsy beeome due ertd paya Po fnted by e =-
<br /> . qefault,L�nder may,either in person or by agent,with or without b�inging eny ectia►or proceedirt�,or�e g y�rt���in Its own
<br /> � couR and without�egard to the adequscy ot ita secudh►.enter upon and take possessfon at the Prepa�4y,
<br /> �ame or tn the name of the Trustee,and do eny aMs v+1dcl�It deams nece:ssery or deslrab�a to Pr�sarye 1�°��ue,mallcetatrllity or
<br /> , ssery
<br /> _.,_;'�:•;,,' mentability oi the Properiy,or any paR thereoi or interest�an31n,or to inctc�asa U�e[nooana therefi�om or prot�ct the secudty hereot and.
<br />- ,':� v�l q►or without fakin g p ossesston oi the Properiy,sue far or otherwise colleG the�enb,issues and proflts thersaf.Enduding those psst
<br />-'�``� due and unpakl,by noWying tenaMa to make payments to Lender.Lender may eppry r�nta.issues art d pro fl t s,N�c osts and expees-
<br /> �.-".f';"� �
<br /> os of opar�lia�and coftection inctuding attomey's fees.to eny U�debtednsss secure4 he►eby,sil tn s�cb onfer as Lender may �
<br /> _"--'�`.'"" mina.TAa�nza�ring upan and taktng possession ofi ihe �a�O�tY.�a�at�of�h renl�.4�u�,s and Qrofits.and tha appticaUon , -
<br /> a
<br />"a'`'u� � thereof as aPcr�satd shatl n�1 cure or walvo any detault or�oUoe of detault hereu�der or invelidate Arry ad dorze In response M sucA
<br />-,.,°u�:.:., :,�,
<br /> '_,;,�.,ti_;: default er purr�mnt ta such ueatice of detauft artd,notwithstending the con t la�uartae 6�n p o s s e s s f o n o f t he pro p�f i y ar the ca�.e on.
<br />��.•�-.� •: reoeipt and appNcatlon aP ra�o4s,issuea or proflts,Tn�stae ersa Lender shatl bo enti3t�d Rm aucerdce every dght pravlded for tn any ot tl►e
<br />�'-`-"'r�.; Loan Instrument�or by law upon occurrenc�e et any Event ot Qefaul�incl�ding withau2 Oim�tatlon tho�tght to exerdse ths Power ot sale.
<br /> �:o^��J'�+`-�� FuMer,LendaPs�ights end remedies un�aT 4his pars9raph she��be cumulatlbewi8l�,and in no way e�UmitaUon oo,4enders�ghts and
<br /> ;,:�,:;:r;,
<br />•:ac:r��i;;s;�;,•;,: remedtes und�any assignraent ot lesses and renta r000rded agatnst the Proporty.lender.Trustei���re�the receivar shall be linble
<br /> :_�;;,-•���,� s000unt onty for those renta adualty�celved.
<br />-m�.r;�:��„;� 11.Evonts o1 O�tau1L'R�e Eoitowing shatl wnatitut�en Event ot Qefautt urte!°r Q�ai�Deed of Trusx
<br />-.,,,,;�,;,��� (a)Faiture to pay eny instatiment of pdncipet or(ntorest or any othQr sur+n socaued hereby when due;
<br />���;7I,� (b9�4 breach of or detauit urtder any proviston contelned in the Note,lhis Deed ot 7rust,any ot tfie Lcan Instrumenta,or any
<br /> --=�_��•��..� other limn or ertCUmbtance upon the Property:
<br /> .,� the Proper►y or tmU��tlon thereot om nteres���nilar prooess ahall be enteted against Tnisror which shaq beoome o Ren or� —
<br /> (d)Th�r�shpll be�iied by or egatnst Trustor or Bo�roinrer nn octfon unc�r any present or future tederai.state or olhar statutcs.
<br /> -�----- taNe ot regul�tlon rolniing to bankruptcy.insoNency or other relioi for debto�s;or there sP+atl be appotntod ariy Wsu+e.reoeivor or �F
<br /> - 6�T� Uq�atdatar ot Tmstor a Borrower or ot all or any part oi the PropeAy.or Ne�ents.lssues or proflta thomol.or Teustor or Bamowe!
<br /> sha3l�+ake eny genorat assE9nmani for tho benet[t ot aeditars:
<br /> ---_—— (a)The oate,transfer.lsa�..�.�ssfgnmerit, convsyanae or furthsr encumbrance of r�'I�or any part of or any Intenest tn th4
<br /> � ,T� property,either vaf�niarily or invuiuntariry,vflthout tho oxpress r�rfitte�oonsent ot Lendar,pm+rided that Tn�stor shail be pem►tt- __
<br /> -_� ted to execute a la��at the Properiy that does no!aonteln en optlon to purchase and the term of whtas�m�s na!excoed ono -
<br /> r
<br /> c - �(�f,tr3�f�'�3rrs zsss�Pse��y:� �-
<br /> _�.., (9)It Tsuator IS not s�s tndivtduaf.the iss�ana�, sale,transfer.a�lgnrtnon� eonvoyartce ar encunbranee ot enore e�aa�('d:e
<br /> - __-_ ���on�A r,,�►a}�_peroent of it�issuad and outstartdNg stodc,or pf e partr►er�ship)e totat af__P�
<br /> _�__�_� �nt oi pattnership vnlerest�,or(it a�fmited itabftlry oompanY�e totat of psroent ot the Iimtted Itabtt(ty oompa•
<br /> '� rty intarosia ot voUng dghb during tt�e pertod thls Daod af Trust tematns a llen on tho property
<br /> -=-==;�.r;�� 12.Ramedi��:Accotcra�tlon Upon Defsut�.in tho event ot any Euent ot Qetault Lendar may.without noUce oxcopt as required
<br /> -_ `-�-°'��� by latv.dedare all tndQbtedr�e5s socu►c�d hareby to bn dut3 end payabte e�the samo shall the�eu3san beaome ditc3 and payabie Mtth•
<br />.;;;�*,'.v�g;
<br /> - • • aut eny press�ntmen�domartd,pratest or nottce ot any kind.fiereatter Lendermay.
<br />'�:�` ''f����•� (aj pems+rtd that T�ustee exercl�e the POWER OF SALE granted heretn,and Trustee shail thereatter cauee Tn�stor'�tnter•
<br /> "��•��`� ��°'• est fn tlte Proporty to be sold end the procee�''+be diaMbuted,all in the menner provtdod in the Neb�.'cQ 7"�ust Deeda Ac�
<br /> _��. . (p)Eacerctso¢r,�and ati�fghts provlded 9 �v any of the Loan Instruments or by�aw upon oaxirno�xa of any Event of -
<br /> ',:"'' . : Detau��and
<br /> - •••� • (c)Commenoe an setton w forectaIIe this Oead oi Tru�t es o martgego,appotnt e r+ecQivor,or spocizia►fill onforea��f�t1'�e
<br /> covenanb har+ooL -
<br /> ` No remedy heretn ooaiemad uPon or ros�nred co Trustce or lendor i�tntan�3ed to ts exctut�►ve of uny+other remody her�fn,in t?rs La�an _
<br /> Instruments or by taw provtd�d or permitt�ed.but oach shatl be amutative,�hNl be tn eddNbn to every other romedy given hereundor,
<br />..��� ���•y"�'���� �.,�����eh•�,�,�►r�ts ar rtaerr or heroatt�r oxlsUnp at lari or tn eyutty or by smtute.and mey ba exerdsed ooncurrantly.indopenderiRh
<br />�.:--%��;' �� or stt000stvety. nt a s�a =
<br /> . .,..; F, 13 Teust�e�,Yhe T�ustee may mstgn at any ttmo without cause.and ter�der may cst any Urae and wtthout causa appot _
<br /> .. • r onssor or su0stituW TNStoe.Tncsteo shaU aat bo Usaefe to arry DartN.Includ���t!�Q v�iNcut Ilmimtton Lender.8arower.Trusmr or any pau• _
<br /> .. •, r chasor of tho Pro�rly�fo*any los�or damage unto:,�duo to rucktesa�w l t,��u misqonduct,artd shall no!be requtrod to fako any actEon �
<br /> u
<br /> tn oonructton wtth the enforocstnent of this Cced of Trust un�ess trtdvmn1 1 1 0�tn�iti�i4•tot all 0osts,Com a'���aQ��� _
<br /> ,,, • " m�y hv associatad thorowith.in odditlon.TnistQO may beaoma a purdwr�er et c-�ny�ste oi lhe ProFa�►Q -
<br /> „ sute grunted Aerefn):po3tpoao tho salo oi 811 ot uny pottton ot tho ProPa�fl.e�provided by taw;ar coU thn Properry as e who?e,o�c In -
<br /> coparcrtto paroots ar tots at T�usteo's discrotlon• _
<br /> r _
<br /> " 14.Fess artd Expensss.in tho ovoat Ttu�tQO seiis Iho PropeRy by eze�dse ot prstvar ot sato,Trustcte shaU be enUtlad to ap�y
<br /> • Qny su�o ptoon�ds tits!�o payrtt�nt ot e�l oo�ta and uxportsas oi oxorcistng power oi ealo.Mcluding a�l Tnt�Wst's fuos,end Lende�e and
<br /> YructQe a Qt�yg bos. c�ctuaty Irtcurred to oxtont portnitttsd by appltce�Io I��v.In No avont Borrow�tr or TRtstor axen�sc�s any tlgh►
<br /> r:� s• � provtdod by 1�w to cure an Eror►!o!Oetaut�Lcsnder�all Qo onUltad to r�saaver from Tn�,ior ap oosts and e�nscss eGualty Incu�S as �
<br /> n►osuSt ot T�ustor's dotaut�Irtc�UdIrtg wf4hovt limtbttdn ap Trustoo m and attomo�v's foea,to tho oxtent permtttud byapplicabte law.
<br /> ' - 1S.Futu»Advanca.Upon roqu�t of Bon+mvur.Londar ms�y,ot i�apUon,mn�o�ad�is Deed o!T st At nIIO mo eha tho °
<br /> ' vanoos to Bamativor.Sueh edvnttecs and retndvnnoas.�Ith Intamst thnrt3on.cl�il bo cacu bY
<br /> , � , __ - -
<br />