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<br /> ,� ',Y paymenlK mny no lan�cr bc rcquired.at thc optinn of l.cndcr. If mortQiige insumnce covcrn}�o tin thc umount i►r►d fi�r thc period �_
<br /> >;. that l.ctidcr rcquires)pnwtded by an insuec�•nppr�vcd by I.ander ugnin be���mcg uvnlluhle und ix Rhtuined. Bnrrawcr el�ull puy --
<br /> ' " n' ~f�
<br /> �'' thc premiums requlrcd to mnininin ntort�su�c inauriutcv In cifcct,��r t�pmvide u lo�;s reKCrvo,until�ha rcquiecnzent fi+r ntort�u�u
<br /> �� �> 4 in��umnre endx in�:ccardunce wUQ uny written ugrcamcnt hetwecn E9nrrnwcr niid 1.ender or upplicable la�v. �
<br /> '` ` 9.Ittypcctlon. l.cndcr��r it�i i��cnt nmy mnkc rcusnnoblo entricg upun inxl tr�spc.�Uona of ti�c Nrapcny,l���der rl�ull t;lve� -
<br /> i, r� [iarrawcr notfce ut tl�c tfmo c�f��r priur to un h��+pectfon npr.cityin�rcasrnniiilu�uur:�:fur tl�u innpcctinn.
<br /> ;.'�.�
<br /> !0. Concicir.nntlon,7`I�c pnnccda��f any i�wurd or cl�ahn ti�r diimngcs.dh�cct ar c�m�cqucntiul,ln u►micctfun with any �
<br /> s�-' candemnutipn ur othcr tukiu�uF uuy part oF thc 1'rop.r1y.�+r for ronveyi►nce in licn nf condcutnuUon.orc h�t�rhy u5qi�nc4i umt � __
<br /> ' ��; r �hall be paid to i.ender. � f
<br /> •��°�� �� In the event of u total taking af thc Property,the pracoedA shcill bcs appliul tu tho c+umx sccurcd Gy thiH Sccurity Instn�ment, �
<br />_`:���-�� �� ' whether or not then due.with ttny excess patd to gflrrower. In the event of n panful tuking af the Proprsrty In which tho fn�r
<br /> -�^=---' `� msvket value of the Pmperty immediately befare the Wking is equnl to or grcatar than thn umount of tha :;umfl sewred by thts
<br /> �"''�`-`,� ; Secudty Instrument immediately beforc the tuking,unlass Borrower and i.ender otherwire usree in writinQ, the sums secur�d by
<br /> : ��l,',�' � tPiis Securiry Instru�i►ent shuU be rcduced by the smount of thc proceeds rnultiplicd by tho followinp fruction: (A) tha totnt
<br /> �`:^+��;��' amount of the sums secuted immediately before the taking, dlvided by(b) tho falr market valuo of tha Property immedintaty,
<br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Bor�ower. In tho event of a paaial taking of tho Property in which the fafr
<br /> _,;,��:',�,±t market value of the Property immediately before the taking is less than the e�nmurn of the sums se�ured i�medintely befora tho
<br />`_�-''=•�lS::; taking, unless Borrower and I.ender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicablo law othetwise provides,the pmceeds shpll _
<br /> __���:;
<br /> -_ - be applied to the sums stcured by this Security Insuume�tt whether ar nat the sums are then ue.
<br /> -"�;ti'�. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if.after naticv by Gendar to�orrower that the condemnor offera ta ms�:e an
<br />::..„A-.....
<br /> i^�!��. award or settle u claim for damages, Borrower faiis to respond to Lender within 30 days after the�date the notica is givan� �
<br />`�'�'`� Lender is author�zed to collect and apply the proceeda.at its opdan,elther to restoretton or repair of she Property or to tha sums
<br />'TT`�`�,.,?.
<br /> ��1., secured by this Secudty Instrument.whether ar not then due.
<br /> ' '�`�``}' Uniess L.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any applicadon of proceeds to pr3ncipal shall not extend ar
<br />•'•,,.c��r:i;;�
<br /> `�"f'��� � postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraghs t and 2 or chunge the amaunt of such payman¢K.
<br /> .;:r�s+;�� �.
<br />�•�`::rr,�.� 1L.Borrower 1Vo4 Reteased; Torhearanc�BY Lender Not n Wsiver. &tension of the timo for payment or maditicsi an
<br /> "'��' of amortizadon of the sums secured by thia Secur�ry Instrument granted by L.ender to any succ�sor in interest of Borrowar 6ht�11
<br />_,1;!/i, •
<br /> ;:��{�. not operaee co release the liability of the or�gina{Borrower or Borrower's successora in interesR.Lendet ehall not be cequ ta
<br /> � %�•;��_' cammance proce�linge egainst any successor in intBrest or refuse to extend dme for payment�or othenvise modify amnrtIt�uwtlam
<br /> ..�,s.;;ai
<br />`��=a�;;:'� of the aums secuced by this Secudry Instrument by reason of any demand made by tha origtnal Borrower ar �orr�wrrr's'
<br />--=<<;;�"� auc�essors in interest. Any forbearunce by Landsr in exercising any dght or remedy shall not 6e a waiver of or prerluda thb
<br />...;:�rc�� exorcise of any dght or�medy. ,
<br /> � 12. Successors+�nd Assl$ns Baumd;Joint and Ssveral Liabllity; �o-signers. Tho covcnams s�md agreemants of�tfl19
<br /> -'"""'v`� Scxurity Instrument sh�ll birtd and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender end 13orrower, subJect to the p�1�.��'AAS OF
<br /> -���`�� paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants end asreementa shWl be joint and several. Any Borrower who casigns tlnls Sor'ari0�+
<br /> ---- Instiument but does not execute the Not�: (a) is castgning this Secudty Insuument�only to mort�age. grant und oon�ay tt1�t�
<br /> =
<br />