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<br /> " r '° " TOCiETHBR VI/�TH ail the tmpmvementa now or heretiftor arecte�on the property.and ali c:►�ements,uppurtens�nces� and �__
<br /> ° '" fixtures naw or hereufter a part of the property. All repincemontR and additlons Rhal! ulso b�e cuvcrod by thts Secudry r-" '
<br /> • t. Instrument.AII of the foreIIoinB ie erforred to in this Security In�tn+ment ns the "Praperty."
<br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS thnt�anawcr is Inwfulty sei�ed af the esu�te hereby conveycd und hua the right to grant and
<br /> convey thc Propzrty and thut diu Froparty ie unencumbered, exe�ept for oncumbrances af rocord. Borrc�wer wnrau►ts und w1U � __
<br /> ' ". �`', defend generally the title to the Protsec�y againat nll cluims and damnnds.subject to�ny encumbrartces uf recard. � _
<br /> THIS SECUtiIT'Y INSTRUMIENT cambines unifarm covent�nto for national use und non•uniform cavertunte with limited � c��
<br /> �� � varludons by Jur�sdict�on to wnstitute u uniform secudty instntm�nt covering reul property. ' �
<br /> � ,,,��;,;, UNIFORM COVEN�hI�J'fS.�orrower und Lender wvennnt nnd aIIrets as folio�ve: �
<br /> .!r:;:�; � 1. Eayment of�'rUtai�sa! and Iuiteeest; Pr�epuymea�t und I.ato Chnracs. Borrawor shall promptly pay wh�n duc tue �
<br /> _ � princIpal of and inte�st on th�dubt evidenced by the Nota c►nd nny pr�pnyment und late chnrges due under the Note. �
<br /> 2. �pds for T�xes tutd�tr►urnnce.Subject to appltcubld Inw or ta n written wuiver by Lender. Barrower ahall pay to �
<br /> � -"` Lender on the day manthiy payments are due under th�Nots,unti!the Note Is puid in full,s snro("Funds")for:(u)yearly texes �
<br />�;�:�;:�;�•� and assessmenta whicb may ntuiin priodty over this Secudty In.�trument as u lien on the Propenv;(b)Y��Y���hotd payments
<br />�.•4:t�,;;{��: or ground rents on the prope�ty,if atty;(c)yesuly hezard or pmptrty insurance premlums;(d)yearly flood insmance premiums.
<br /> _.�c.•����
<br /> �F;�E�:t��:' if any;(e)yeur�Y mortgage insutance premiums, lf any;sir'td(�any�ums pnyable by Barrawer to Lender,fn accordance wl
<br /> ..,.��::a,�.
<br />:;�,.{;,�,v�,�� . the provisions of patagraph 8.tn licu af the payment of ntartgt�e insurnnce premiuma.Thc.wc:items aoe called"Escrnw Iterns.
<br /> �=��- Lender raay. at any time. coltect and hold Funda in su►amaunt nat ta oxceed the mexlmum wnount a lender for a federally
<br /> -• +:.�� related mortgage loan may raquire for Borrower's escrow uccount under the fmderal Real�state Settlement Procedures Act o�
<br /> �s,,::,_��
<br />�-��__�=-�- 1974 as amendecl frum tluSa to dme. 12 U.S.C. Se�tion 2601 et seq. ("RI?Si°A'), unless another inw that applics to the F
<br />�.:��1.'rrt".,��
<br /> sets a lesser amaunt. If so. Londar may.at any tlme,callect �nd hold Funds in an amount not tfl exceed the lesser amowt.
<br /> _'%+w;'x'�:,� L.endar may estimat�the amount of Fundx due on the bt�.sis of•curnent date and reasonnble e.stimates of expenditures of fuwre
<br />=.-�s='"��`�� �scrow Items or otharwiso in aecordunce wlth ap�lica6le law.
<br /> -- The Fuads shatl•be hold in an inst�tution ��finse depasits are inauted by a federal agcncy, instrumeutality,or endty
<br />"�.��-a���-�F"� (including Lender,if Lendur ia euah nn InaticutIon)or ln any Fcderel Home Lotm BAnlc. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> -.=;;��� Escrow Items.Lender may not churge Borcower for holding an�l applying tha Funda.annuull�analyzing the escrow aaous►t,or
<br /> _ —__— verifying the Escmw Itamo,unlass Lender pays Borrower intenest on the Funds and appliatbi;law permits Lender tp make suct�
<br /> — a charge.Nowever,l..endur may nequlre Horrower to pay u onu-:ime eharge for un indep¢ndent real estatc tax reportiag servic�
<br /> "--- used by Lender In connection with this loun, unless applicuble (aw provldes othenvise. Unless an agreement is ms;de or
<br /> --
<br />