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<br /> 5. Hausrd or PmQerty Insumncc� Borrowcr shull kcep thc Impruvcments now existinII on c�rcnticr ercctcd on thc �
<br /> • Pmperty imurcd u�ainct toss by fire, hoznrds included within the term "cxtcnded caveruge" and uny ather hu7urds, iricluding
<br /> � Ilaa�a or flooding. for which l.endcr requires Insurancc.This insumncc shuil be mointained in the umounts und for thc{kriod+ � rm
<br /> that Lender reyuires.The insurnnce caRfer providin€the insuranee shull be chosen by Bormwer subject to Lcnder's+�ppravul �
<br /> which shall not be w�re:isanubly withheld. If BOifOWCf fA�Iti t0 fllUlfllQ111 COYCrtI$C lICtiC7�bCd UIfOVC, Lcndcr n�ay, ut I.enJer's
<br /> „�� �' optton.obtain coverage ta protect Len�er's dnhtti in the Property in:�ccordunce�vith pumgmph 7. Q
<br /> AI! insurnncc: poltcies attd renewnla shutl be acceptnble to Lender artd shall imlude a r+tundntd tnort�age clause. l.ender
<br /> •- shuii have thc riglu[o hald thc paUcics and renet�fals. If Lender requires,Honower shnll promptty give to Lender nll rcccipts af � r-„
<br /> � paid premiums and rerR�ul notices.In the event of loss.Barrower shull give prompt rtotice to the insuruncc carrler und Lender. �
<br /> . '�'' Lender mny make pmof of toss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />�,�� Unless I.ender and Borrower atherwise agrce ln wdtin�, insurance pracceds shall be applied to restoration ur reputr of the �
<br /> ,.�� Proparty datmuged. jf the restaration or repair is eoonomically feasible nnd I.ender's secu�ity is not lessened. If the restoration ar _
<br /> �. rep�ir is not oconomically feasible or Lender's security would be lesrened. the insuranse proceeds shali be applied to the sams
<br /> " secured by this Security instrument, whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borsower nbandons the
<br /> • � Property.or does not answer within 30 d�yr o nadc,�s from l.ender that the insurance cacrjer has offered ro settle u cla�m, then
<br />'� ;�`.��' � Lender may collecQ the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the pmc�eeds ro reprilr or restore the Property or to puy sums
<br />`..;.{��;;�;,,;', secured by this 5ecudry Instn�mem,whether or not thert due.The 30-duy perlod wil!lx�in when the nodce is gtven.
<br />_�'�; , Unless Lender ertd Bornov+er athenuise agree in wdting, ur►y applicadon of praseeds to pdnclpsl shnll rtot extend or
<br />���.J�1/1{LtY.
<br /> .__;� postpons the due date of the monthly payw:nts referre�to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar chan�e the arrtouat of the payments. If
<br /> .:��,�_;"��-- under pamgtaph 21 the Propecty is acquired by Lertder.Born►wer's dght to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from
<br />- �-:�'=��?x� damage to the Property prior to the acquiscaion shall pass to Le►►der to the extent of the sums secured�y this Securiry instnuasnt .
<br /> '�`� immediately pdor w the acquisitlon.
<br />--r��+�a ,BorQ+ower's I.oan A Ifcudon;Leaseholds.
<br /> 6.Qccupuncy,Preservuhon,Mntnteruinse und Pra2�aon of the P�+operty PP
<br />_���•�"'' Bornower sltall occupy. establish.and usc the Property as&orrower•s princlpul resldence wlthin sixty days aRer the enecutton of
<br />,_,�:�i.K^•.�R� this Secudty Insirument and shell oondnuo to occupy the Property ns Borrower's pdncipal residertce for at least one year aftcr ,
<br /> the date of oc�+gur-��cy. unless Lender otherwlse agrees in wrltiag, which�cansent skall not be unrea.canably withheld,or unless ,
<br />`_-;�� extenuatin� civcuranstertces exist which are beyond Borrower's control. 18orrower shatl not destroy,damage or impalr t[te
<br /> '""'"""�'� prepztty.allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit�vASta on the Pro�rty Borrower sh�ll be in default if any forfeiture
<br />,"-�� ectIon or pra�eding,whether civil or cdminal,is begun¢t�at in Leader's good fatth jir�i,3rnent could result in forff¢iture of the
<br /> -'-�"=:� Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this St�:uriry Iasuument or ixnder's security iaterest.Hornower may
<br /> �- cure such a default and relnstate.ee provido�i.�paragraph 18.by causipg the acNon or proce�alin8 to be djsmissad w{th a nilia8
<br /> -;�� that, irt �enuer's good faiih deteruuw�iiu�i,Pj�ai;fudes farfciiura af she Eum���x's �r�+t 4n the (Yh�operty or ot�er mateiial =
<br /> !;,�,� i�r�pnitment af the lien created by thia Secudty Instrum2r�t or I.eRder's securiry in:�7�n. Borrower sheU also Dm i�defuult if
<br /> Sorcower.durin�the loan applicadon process.save matcr+nily false or inaccurate inforr.�n2ion or statements to I.zn�er(or failed
<br /> -- to provide Lender with any muterial inforcnadon)in oonnection with the loan evidenax]by the Note. including.but aot IiA�ited
<br /> —� to.re�resemnd��ns conceming Borrnvver's occupancy of tha Property as a princlpal restAence.If this Security Insttument is on a
<br /> leasehold, Bortnwer shall co�plY with riU t9ix provislons of the lease. If Borrower ncquires fee dtle to ttv: Property. cb.a
<br /> �°� Lcasehold and the fee title sh,:'Jl�ert merge tud¢as Lender agaces to the merger in wriH�.
<br />`,F��. 7.Protettlon of I.ender's lRlshte in 4��Frol�ex49•If Borrower faUs to perform 2'hc�ovenants and u�cements concained tn
<br /> - � thio Security Instrument,or there is u 1e�4 p,rwoeoding thnt muy signi8cantly af�'ect Lendee's r�ghta in the Property(such as u
<br /> .�—.y;�
<br /> proceedin�in banktuptcy.prnbate, for ann�c.�s�nation or forfeiture or to enfoxce lnws or regulations).then Lender may do ead
<br /> • pay for whatever is ncxessary to protecc cne value of the Property und Lender's r�gdta in the Property. Lender's scuons muy
<br /> 3aciude paying any sums secured by n Uen which lu�s priority over this Securlry Instrument, tipparing in cuurt. pAying
<br /> r�sanable uttomeys'Fies und entering on the Property to make repuirs.Although Lender may tnke ect[on under thls paregcaph
<br /> - 9,Lender does not hnve to do so.
<br /> -- Any amouxsts dtshursed by Lendcr unQer this paragraph 7 shali beocime addidonal debt of Bomower secured by tlt[s :
<br /> � Security Instrurannt.Unlcss Borrower end 9.ender ag�+ee to other temis of payment.theae amounts shutt bear intemst from t4Es
<br /> date of diabursement at the Note rate and shail be payable, wit19 interest, upon notioe fr�om Lender to Bomower c�eyuesting
<br />- -------- pay�rceat.
<br /> 8.Mortgage Insueenoe.If Lende��ecpiired mort�g�:lnsurance as a condition ct ct�aking the loan sscured by this Secterlty
<br /> Instrument, Boreower shnll pay the prer�ninms re4ulred to maintain the mortgage insurance in e�ecx. If. for any reason. tha
<br /> - - mort�aIIe ia�urance coverage c�equi�red b�v�.en�lw lapses or ccases to be in effect.Bumower shall p��the premiums required W
<br /> oMnin coverage subst�n8al�y equivalent to�the mortgage insuranoe prevtously in effect.Rt a oost substantintly equtv�lent to the
<br />- --- _— cost w Harcot'rce oS the mort�nge :n,u�a�ne p�cviousiy ia eft'eet. fmm �sltemA1p morteaee insu�a a�pm�:s�by Leader. If
<br /> �� -- substantlally eqnivelent mortgage insura�:e covernge Is not uvnilu6le.Borrower shs►il pay to Lettder each monu�a sum eyual ta
<br /> or►e-twelftn of¢�e yearly mortguge insornnoe premium bein�patd by Horrower when the insu�ro��verage tapsed or ceased to
<br /> bo in effect.Lcnder will accept.use and t+etnin thesc payments us a loss reserve in Iteu of mortga�c insurartce• Loss reser�e
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