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<br /> ' TOtI@THBtt l7�IITD�i oll the tmprovements rto�v oa dereafter erecte�on the property.and aQ eusemenu►,nppuc�enances.artd -
<br /> „ '' fixtures naw or hereafter a part uf rctte pmperty. All t+eplucements nnd eddttions shali ulso be covered by thlF Secudty "
<br /> Instniment.All oP the foregaing iti referred ta!n this S�curlty Inatiument ag the"Property.' -
<br /> . BO�iROWER �OVENANTS thut Borcower iA luvufully seiscd of the estate hemby conveycd und hus thc rlght ta gmnt and�
<br /> '° canvey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered,except for encunibrnnccs uf record. Borrawcr wurrants and wlp �
<br /> ` „ �i�' defend genernlly the t1Qe ro the PrapEety uguinst nll ctcsims und demnnds,subject to any encumbrnnces o�record. �
<br /> THIS SSCUR�TY INSTRUMENT combines une fam rnvennnts for nntionai ur,e ae�d�on-unifortn alvennnGs wlth Ilmited � —
<br /> . � varlations by jurisdictlon to constitute u uniform security instrurticnt covering reul praperty. �
<br /> .�iR.,�, UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender covenant tutd ugtee t�s follows: �
<br /> �� 1. Payment of Principa�i nnd interest; Fsepayme:at nnd I.ate Chae�es. Barrower shali prompdy pay when due ttee � -
<br /> i prtncipal of und interest on the debt evidenced by the Nae and uny prepayment nnd lute chsrges due under tho Note.
<br />-- � • 2. Furtds for Taxes tn�d Iasuranco. Subject to npplicable la�v or to o wdtten wniver by Lender. Borrower shsttl pay w
<br /> r., :-'•� Lettder an the duy monthly payments are due under th�Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Furtds")for:(a)yeatly ta�ces .
<br /> ,;..,�_,.,; and asses,ments which may sittain pdorIty nver this Security Inst�ument os a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payraents
<br /> •,,,�-:�,rY� or ground rents on the Property.if any;(c)yearly ht�rd or properiy inaurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums, -
<br /> ',:v:��s; if any; (e)yearly mon�age insnntnoe premiumv. i4 arey;artd(�any sums payable by Burrower to Lender, in axordance with
<br />�=�s�i. the ptovisions of paragraph 8,In lieu of the puyment a�f mortguge insuraace pnemiums.These items are cap�d"Escrow Ite,ms."
<br /> Lender may. at any drree,collect nnd hold Funds in an amount not W eaceed tds mwcimwn natount a lender for a fedemlly
<br />__:;�s„-�� related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow accoant tbntier the federal Real Bscate Seulement Procedures Act of
<br />--���;� f9T4 es n��2s;�ded from time to time. 12 U.�.C. Scctian 2f:4t et se�. ("RFSPA'). un:ess iu►other lutiv that applies to the Funds -
<br /> `•�`=�=="° s�ts a lesser amount.i�m, Lender may.at any time.coltax und ho9� Fwtds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> ^� r,--� l.ertder may estimate tln��unount of Funds due on the basis of currem data and c�easonnble estimutea nf expenditures af future
<br />'��:;�'�,� Escrow Iterns or o2henvn�e in aocordpnce wlth app(icnble la�v.
<br /> �,_-�-•-- The F1�nds shup be held in an Insdtudon �vhase deposiu are insured by a federal agency,insnumentality. or en�et}r
<br />`:�"��4�.� (in¢luding L.ender. if Lender ia such un institudon)ar inany Fodeml Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funda to pay the
<br /> ����� Escrow Items.Lender may not chtuge Borrower for holding eied applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account.or
<br /> -�`—� verifying the Escraw Itenw, unless Lender pays Horrowa�nterest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lettder to make such
<br /> •-�_--•— a churge.However. I.ender may requit�e Borrower to pay a one-dme chs�rge for en independent real eataw tex regorting service
<br />-- N� used by L+e�der tn connection with this loan, unless epplicublc luw provides otherwlse. Unless en agreement !s made or
<br /> applicablo!nw requires inter+e.ct to be paid,Lender shall nai be required to pay Eorrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> . Eatsrs�:��3 L���;a^ree 3a:urlilag. bn:v�Yer� thst int�mst shell!+P�.+?ul��rhP R��n��, i..e.nckx chall give to Horrower, ,
<br />— wlthout churge.an anm�l eccoundng of the Fur�ds, showing cred�ts�ctd det�ita to the Funds and the purpose for�vhich eacb
<br /> debit W the Funda was rnade.The Funds are pledged�s eddidoruil secudty for aU sums secured by thia Security Insuument.
<br /> If the�mds hQld by Ixnder exceed the nmounts pemniaecD ro be held by appiicable law.i..ender shall acoount to Bomawer
<br /> — for the e�tt�ss�urtds in aaordnnce with the requl�rt:ente of a�spGr.�.b1e law. I�the amount of•the Funds held by I..er.de3 rc any
<br /> time is nqi�s�fffictent to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender mqy so notify 8osrower in wri�ing.and.in suah+ease 1Bor,roweT
<br />___. shall pay to Lendcr the amaunt nec�saxy to make up the deficienty. Boaowar ehall mnke up the def cten�y'rn no rte�ore'ff�an
<br /> _� twelve rtconthly payments,at Lender's sole discreiion. � '
<br /> Upern�x+yment ira full of ull sums secured by tlds Security E�uument. I�ender sh�ll prompdy refhnd to Borrowzr.any
<br /> Funds he1�l 4�y Lendet. If,under paragt�ph 21,L.ender shnll ucquire or sell the Property.Lender,p�for to the acqulsttion n7 sniu
<br /> —. of tha Propetty.shs�ll apply eny Furtds held by I.ender at the time o�P acqulsition or sale as a credit against the sum3 secvn•:tl by
<br /> this Sec�uiry Instn�n�t.
<br /> _ , 3.Applicntton of�ymtents.Unless appltcable 1 aw pmv�des otRenvtse,ell Qqyments reoeived by l.ender urtder paragrapha
<br /> _ _ 1 and 2 shall be applic:d:first,to any prepnyment chatges due under the Note;scoortd. to amounts payable under pa�taph 2;
<br /> - - thiid.to interest duc:faurth.to principal duc;nn�l last.to any la�.aharges due under the Natn.
<br /> 4.Cta�tgesi Lla�s.Borrower shnll pay all t�PS,nsseasn�ents, ediar�es. fines nnd imgosu2Ions atteibutuble to the Pro�erty
<br /> whtch mny attain prlorl4y over this Stxur[cy Instm.m�nt, and ieasehold puym:rres or ground rents.!f ctny. Borrower shali pay
<br /> -�--�--- these oblIgations in the m-inner provided in para�raYnh 1,or if rtot paid in that rnnnner,Borrowr,r shall pay them on tima dit�ectly
<br /> to the person owed p�yrnent.Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender att notias of amounts to ba��tid under this p�u�ph.
<br /> � If Hono�vPr makes these payments dinxily. Bomower shali prore�ely furntsh tu l.ender reoeipts evidenctng the paymenta.
<br />_ fic�mower shnli pra�mptly discharge any Ilen which has prior�over this Security[nstrument unless Borrower:(n)cLgr�ees In
<br /> ; writing to the payrnent s,f the oblig�tIon secured by th�e lien in u manner ucoeptable co Lender;(b)cantests in good fnith the I[en
<br /> - = by. or deiends ag:ainst enforceuient ot the iicn in, 'se�ai pnz�tic�� �lhich in ehe Lsenler'a u�rluivu 8perdte io�c:•.�s tl:a
<br /> - _ enfarcement of the lien;or(c)secures fro�n the holderof the lien an ngreement sntisfactory to Lender subordinnting the lien to
<br /> ; thts Srtvra'ny Instrument.if Lcnder determines that any part of the Prope�9y is subject to n lten which may uttain pdari�r over
<br />---_ � thia Seaint�Instrumcnt,Lender may give Borrower 3 nodce identit�rjn�the lien. Borrower shull :wtisfy the lien or caka one or
<br /> � � more of the uctions set forth ubove within IO days of etie giving of notIce.
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