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<br /> ` - - � �
<br /> ' ��� -° 00568� g��°��f890 .
<br /> � applicablc law requira such intere�t to be pa.,.,L.ender shall not be requited to pay Borrawer Any�,�tcrest or curnings an thc Funds.Lender shall
<br /> gi�•e to Borrower,wiYhout chu�e,an annual accountiag oP the F�u�ds shawing credils ond debits ta the Furtds and thc purpose fur which tach
<br /> debit to the funds was made.Tht Funds are pled�ed as additional security f'or the sums secured by this DKd uE Trust.
<br /> lf the amount vf the FtindS hetd by Lender,ta�ether with the future monthly inscallmeats of Funds payable prior to the duc dates of texes,
<br /> � assessments,insurance premiums�nd�round reats,shall oaceed the amount rcqulred to pay sxW taues.assasment�.insurance premiums and
<br /> =rout►d rcnts as thcy fall due,�tsch oaces�thatl be.at Borrower's option.either promptly ttp�ld to Borrowtr or credited ta AorroK•Gr an manchty
<br /> installmenta of Fuads.]f the�tmount of the Funds deld by Lender shaU not be suf�cient ta p�y tauces.assessments, insura�ce premiums�nd
<br /> �round renu as they faU due.Borrower ahall pay ta Lender any amount�eces�ry to make up che deficiency within 30 days fram the date natice
<br /> is mailed by Lender to Honower re�uestin�payment thereof.
<br /> Upon payr,�ent in full of aU awns savred by this Deed of 7Yust,Lender shall promDtly refund to Borrower�ny Funds held by Lender.lf
<br /> w�der p�ra�raph 16 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise�acquired by Let�dc�,Lender shall apply,no later than immediately
<br /> prior to the sak of tht Property or iU�cqulsltion by Lender.any Fnads held by Lender at ths Ume of appUcation a9 a credit agdast the sums
<br /> socumd by this Doed of Ttnst.
<br /> 3. A��He�ei My�b.Unku�tpplip�ble law provides otherwise.aU payments received by lxnder under the Note and paragtaphs 1
<br /> and 2 hereof sdall be aDpHod by La�der fint in payme�t of emounu payable to Lender by Horrower under para�{raph 2 hereof,then to interest
<br /> pAyable on the Note.thea to the priacipal oF the Note.xnd then to interat and principal on any Futwe Advsnoes.
<br /> 1• C�a;Iier.Borrovra shall p�y ap tues.auasmenu and other charges.finrs and impwitions attrlbutable tu the Prope�ty whlct►
<br /> may attain a priority ovet this Deed of Trust.and teasehotd paymenu or graund rents.if any.in the manner provided under paragrsph 2 hereof
<br /> or�if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment.when due. dlrectly to the paya thereof. Borrower shaU Dromptly furnish to
<br /> Lender all notias of amounts due under thic na�agrarh, an� in th��v�M Rn..��q.f choll�eL. �w,��.T.�.n� ����� Ear.a:�:S�.�l:.0 �:�7.:.j'iay'
<br /> fwnish to Leader reaipts evidenciaa such psyments. Borrower shall promptly dischargr any Uen whlch has priority over this Oeed of Trust;
<br /> providod, tlut Horrower�hall not be�equired to discharge any such lirn so long as Borrower shall agra in wridng to the payment of the
<br /> obligatioa secured by such Hen in a manner acceptable to Lender,or shall in good faith wntest sush lien by,or defend enforament of such llen
<br /> in,leaal pro�aedinjs whic4 operate to prevent the tnforcement of the lien or forfeitwe of the Property or aay pArt thereof.
<br /> 5. Haard Iiwraace.Horrower shall kap the improvemerlu now existing or hereafur erected on the Property insured against loss by fue,
<br /> haxards included wIthin the term"eactended coveragd',and sucb other haxards as Lender may require and in such amounts and for such periad�
<br /> as Lender may require;provided,that I.euder shall not require that the amount of such covenige exaed thu amount of coverage roquired to pay
<br /> the sums secured by this Dad of Trust.
<br /> 7'he inawanoe carrier providing the inswance sha12 be chosen by Bonower subject to approval by Lender;pravided,that such approval
<br /> shall not be unreuonably withheld.Al!premiums on insurance policia shall be paId in the manner provided under raragraph 2 hereaf or,if not '
<br /> paid in such manner,by Bonower making paymp�t.when due,directly to the insurance curier.
<br /> � All insuranoe pollcia and reaewais thereof s6s�U be in form acceptable to Lender aad shall include a standard mortg�ge clause in favor of � '
<br /> and in for�n acoeptable to Lender.I.euder shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof.and Horrowsr shall prompdy fwnish to
<br /> Lender all renewal nodas and all realpts of paid premiums.In the event of loss,Borrowv shall srive nromnt notice te the jnc��ranr��r�jrr an�i +----- -
<br /> Lender.Leader may a�alce proof of loss if not made pramptly by Borrower. ���—
<br /> v°las Lender+nd BoRawer othe�nvise a�rCe in writing. inswanoe proaeds shall be spplied to restoration or repsir of the Property
<br /> damased,provided such rostoradon or repair ia ocononrically fasible and the secwity of this Deed of Trust is not thereby impaired. If such -
<br /> reswration or repair is not ecanonilqlly fasible or if the security of this Deed of Trust woWd be impaired,the iasurana prooeeds ahall be � ,- �
<br /> applied to the sums saured by thia Dood of Trwt,wltb the excess.if any.paid ta Borrower.If the Property is xbandonod by Borrower�or if : �
<br /> Bortorvver faib to rapoad to Lender within 30 dsys trom the date notice Is mailed ty Lender to Borrowe�that the i�urance carrier offers to �
<br /> settle a claim for����*•*a benefits�Lender is authorized to collect and apply the insurance proaeds at Lender's option either to restoration or �
<br /> repair of the Property or to the auma secured by thls Doed of Trust.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othm�vlse a�rx ia writing,any such appllcation of pracoeds to principal sha11 not extend or postpone the due
<br /> date of the monthly installmeata referrod to in para�raphs 1 and 2 heroof or change the amount of such installmmu. !f uader paragrsph 18 �
<br /> hereot the Property is aoquired by L�ender,aU rlsht,tide and interest of Honower in and to any insurauce ppllcies and in and to the proceeda
<br /> thereof resultin�fmm damafe to the Property prior to the sale or acquisition shall paes to Lender to the eatent of the suau secured by tbis Deed � �`
<br /> of Trust immediatdy prior to such sale or acquisidon.
<br /> '?�• _
<br /> 6. PreienaHo� aM Mai�te��ce ot rwKrb: I.eueroW�� Co�do�Wur: PVued Udt DevdoMe�v. Borrower shW kap the '.
<br /> Property ia�ood repair and ahW not oommit wute or permit impairment or deterioration of the Property and shall comply with the provisions ��!J
<br /> of any kua if this Deed of Trust is on a laaebold.If thls Dad of Trust is on a unit in a caadominium or s planned un9t development.Borrower
<br /> ahall perform all of 9onower's obli�adons under the decluadon or covenanu cseatln� or �ovanin� tl�e condominium or plaaned unit •
<br /> development,the by-lawa and re�ul�tions of the oondominium or planned unit developmrnt.and constitnent docvmenta.If a condominium or �
<br /> planned unit devdopmeat ridet is eutcuted by Boaower aad rocordal together with this Dad of Tnut,tl�e coveAanW and agreements of such
<br /> rider sha11 be inoorparated into and�hW unend and supplemmt the coven�nts and a�amenta of this Deal of Tnut as if the rider were a part
<br /> hereof.
<br /> �• Prote�4lo�et I.eMler's Seeariq.if Borra�er fails to perfosm the covenants and agreemeau coataiaed in this Dad af Trust,os iF any
<br /> xtion or proopedinj is cpmmeooed wwch materiaBy affects Lender's interest in the Property, including,but not limited to.eminent domain,
<br /> insolvency.code enforament,or uran�ement�or prooeedings invotving a bankrupt or decodent,then Lender at Lender's option,upon nosice
<br /> to Borrower.msy make sach appeara�ces.diaburse such sums and take such action as is naxssary to protect Lender's interest,including.but
<br /> noc limitcd to,disbursement of reiwnable attorAey's fep anG enuy upoa the Property to make re�tiro.If Lender required mortYaga iasntance
<br /> as a condidon of taalcinj t1K loan socured by th�s Deed of Truat,Bonower shall pay the premiums requirod to maintain such insurana in effect
<br /> until such time as the requirement for such insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's writtrn agrament or applicabte
<br /> law.Borrowtr ahall pay the amount of all mort�e insurance�remiwns in the manner provided under Paragraph 2 hereof. • � '
<br /> My unounts dlsburaed by L.ender pursuant to this puaEraph 7,with imerest thereon,shall become addidonal indebtedness of Bonower �
<br /> sxured by this Dad of Trust.Unles�Borrow�a and l.euder aeree ta oiher terms of paymrnt,such amounu shell be payable upon notice from
<br />- Lendet to Borrower requestit�payaKnt thereof.and sha1)beu interest from the date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on '
<br /> outstandins principd under the IV�e unless psyment of iaterat at such rate wuuld be contrary to applicable Iaw.in which event such amounts
<br /> shall bear intaest at the hi�hest tue petmissible under applicable law.Nothing contained in this paragtaph 7 shall require Lender to incur any
<br /> expaix or ta�e u,y action t�ere�nder, �
<br /> ( •• IrNefio�•Lrndet may make or cause to be made reasonable entria upon and inspections of the Propeny,provided that L.enda shall �
<br /> L give BorroMree notice prior tA any sueh inspection specifying reasanable cause therefor related to Lender's interest in the Property.
<br /> 9• �'���v��•Th�Dr�ds of any awatd or clalm for damages.direct or constquentiel, in connection with any condemnation or �
<br />� odtcr takin�of the Propeny.or pzn thtreof,as for conveyana in licu of condemnation,are hereby assigned nnd ahail he pa�d to i.endct. ���
<br /> �• In the event of a total tYl�ing of Ihe Properiy,the pcoceeds shall bc npplied to the sums secured by this�Uccd of Trust,with�he ez�ess,�f anv, �.
<br /> Va,d to fbrrower.In the evrnt�i a �• °
<br /> partial tal�ing of tht Property,unless Uorrower and Lendcr�therw�se afcree i�n writinK,thcrc�hall bc appl�c�i
<br /> u,the turns xcured by this Deed of 7rust such proporhon��f the ptaeeeds as tti cyual to that prnpurtu�n whi.h�he arm�uni ��1 �t�c.nnn�c�urcJ
<br /> �
<br />