1 �
<br /> —' RE-RECORDED �9� �,��g 9 4 .
<br /> DEED O�TRUS�' ,�,� QO�68�
<br /> �4
<br /> THIS AEBD OF TRUST i�made thla 2'�rd _day of_�—[]c tober
<br /> t9_�!�__,xtnorsatt�eTrustor, m1t'HA . [�ARTII�_R� CINTNIA JO mARTIN, husban�i ane! wa.fe
<br /> � lriereJn"�rawer"), ��. ---- AREND R.BMCK.ATTORN�If AT i.AW ..__
<br /> (herdn"Trusta"),and the Ha�e HOME FEDERAL SAVINL�3 �tOAN ASSOClATICN OF GRANO 18LAND� NE�
<br /> � a corporatica orMnixed ux�existinE under the laws oi NE�IIABKA whoss address i� �21 3Q!!7M LOC!lST. P. O. O�X 1000.
<br /> GRAND lSLAND. NE � (hercin"L,enda").
<br /> BORROYVER.in consider�Non of the indebtednesa herein recited and the crust herein ceeated,lrrevocably�nts snd conveys to Trusta.
<br /> �. ia uust.with power of s�le.the foUowin�dacribed property located in the County oF HALL �
<br /> — State of Nebra�ka:
<br /> i �m �
<br /> ' COUNTY, NEBRpSKR '
<br /> _ � #TF��� Il..'..-1 OF Taa1C"..t i.� t'i�.l�'� ac—T2wa7T � a _ ___..i a�. . . . �7!► A �
<br /> . . _.. __. � • •••••••u ��..� �GU b�7 �.t711Ct,.V VIIC IC1�G1 l�q5l.L1�J�.1U11 � C�S�1�.J -
<br /> � in said Deed of Trust.
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> � The Rider to the Oeed of Trust which is attached her�to and executed on the same day
<br /> � is hereby incorporated into the mortgage. The Rider sha11 amend and supplement the
<br /> covenants and agreements of this mortgage as if the Rider was a part thereof.
<br /> , ;
<br /> � �.�z�
<br /> i'
<br /> � .
<br /> i
<br /> wLichhtttheaddressof__ Not A �ai labl Dnn;phan -
<br /> j �s�'� c�I.i.� _
<br /> j _ Nebraska 688�2 (herein"PropenyAddress");
<br /> � (STATS�ZIP CODE}
<br /> 1 �-
<br /> • � 'I'O(3BTHER�v1t6 all the improvemenu now or hereafter erected on the proPertY. and all easemrnts. ri�hts. aPPurten�nces. rents
<br /> (subject however to the 'ryhts and autvoritta givrn hecrin to Lrnder to colloct and apply snch renu),royalties.minerW,oil aad gss rijhta and �
<br /> ! profits,water.water ri�hts.snd water stock,and oll fixt�ua now or hercafter sttached to the property,all of wl�ich,includin�reptacemenb and �
<br /> 4 addidons thereto.shall be deemed to be and remaia a part of the propercy oovered by this Dad of Trust;and all of the foretoin;.toaet6er wiW .
<br /> � ' S
<br /> : s�id Droperty(or the leasehold estate if this Deed of Tnut is on a leasehold)ue herein refared m a�the"Property";
<br /> . �
<br /> TO SECURB to Lmder(a)the rcpayment of the indebcatness evidenced by Bonower's note dated ne+„h P,- ��, 1 g�� ��;'.
<br /> (haaa"Notd'),inchepdncipalsnmof FiFTY ❑N THO ISAniD iTNF Ni�Nna�n ayn �f,�p_ _���
<br /> w�ith interat thereon�provkdinj for moathly inataWnents of prinapal and interest,with the batance of the indebcedness.if not sooner p�id.due .--
<br /> i aodpayipbpp Nouemher 1 _7fi1_!i
<br /> _;the paymeat of all ot�xr sum�.
<br /> with intenst thereoa.:dwnced in aocordaac,e hercwith co protect the socurisy of this Deed of Trust;xnd the performana of the covenanu and
<br /> ! a�reemrnts of Borrower herda containod;and(b)We repayment of any futwe advances,with interest thcreon,made to Borrower by Lendet
<br /> purswnt to para�sph 21 hereaf(berein"l�l►t�ue Adv�aces").
<br /> Borrower coveaaata thu Borrower is tawflilly seised of the estate hereby conveyed and hac the right co gsant and convey the Property,
<br /> � ���Y��umbaed, aad that Bocrower will wurant and defend �enerally the tide to the Propeny againat all claims and
<br /> � ' demands. subJect to any Qecivations.easements or restrictions listed in a schedule of exoeptions to eoveraae in any titk insurana Po1kY
<br /> insurins l.ender's interai in tbe Property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAKfS.Horro+ver and Lender covenant and agra as follows:
<br /> 1. la�t otlrbe%rl ay Iikrail.Horrower ahW promptly pay when due the principal of and interesc an the indebtedaess evidencod r-` __-
<br /> � bY�Note.prepsymeat�ad t�te charta a�provided in the Note.and the principal of and interest on ut►y Future Advances secuted by this Deed '
<br /> of Trutt. �
<br /> 2. F�[K Tasr a�i Ia�snor.Subject to appUcable law or to a writtrn waiver by l,ender,Borrower sha11 pay to L.tnder on the day '
<br /> moathty inttWments ot principal and ieterest ue payable under the Note,until the Note is paid in fuU,a sum(herein"Funds")equd to one- �
<br /> tw�dith of the yeul y taxa�nd u�af�nenta.vhich may tttain priadty over t6is Dad of Trust.�nd�round rcata on the Property,if�y,plus one-
<br /> tMeiFth of ye�rJy premium(nshlimrnti for hu.ard insurana,plus one-twelfth of yearly premium imtaliments for mong�e ins�ana,if any.al!
<br /> � a rwonsWy e�tinut�d iNtiaUy aed from time to dme by l�►der on the basls of�asrssmenU and bi1Lt and reuonable atimata th�reof..
<br /> The Funds ahW be held ie at�imtitution the depo�its or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fedttal or state agency(including
<br /> Lendet if L�ender ys such tn institutiony. Lender�hall apply the Funds to pay saJd taxes.assessmenta,insuru�ce premiums and ground rents. �
<br /> � Lender may not char�e tor sa hddin�,anct applylns the Funds.at►�yzina said acceunt or verifying And rnmpiling said essessments end bilis, �
<br /> "-` unks�Lender p�ys$orrower interqt on the Fund��nd applic:blt Itw permits t.ender to make such a charge.Borrower and�,endtr may agrce in '
<br /> wrltiru�t the lime at eaecution ul this Deed of'I'rust that interes�on the�'unds sha1)be �d to Borrower,and unless such `' '
<br /> p � ftgreKment is made or
<br /> ��� �
<br /> �f�,,..
<br /> Y���e e
<br /> �
<br /> r31� ,
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