' , ; .
<br /> .. � .
<br /> � • - . ..�r..�.�.tir. � „ . .. . . � . . . - ..' . . ;1A�1atl.f _
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<br /> . . ,_ �-.- 99�soas��
<br /> g. �lup�rd or �eoperty Insuronca. Eorrower ahatl keep the improvementa now existing nr heceufter erccted on the .
<br /> Property inauced ngulnat loss by tira,hnznrds ineludsd within the term 'extended coverage" nnd cuiy�thee hatnrda. irtcluding __
<br /> tloada or flaodiag,for which Lender requlces inaurancc.This ir+surance shult tsE maintaincd in the nmounta nnd for the periods 1�
<br /> •� ��- thut Lendee :equires. The h�surance cncrier providinB the Inaurw►ce sh�il hs cAosen by @orrov�er sub�ect co Leader'a upproval �..
<br /> <�
<br /> wdich ohnll not be unre.�sonnbly withheld. IQ Bar�o�ver fails to mnintuin covera�e described nbnve, l.ender may, at l.en er a E _
<br /> Ik�,.
<br /> '� , opttan.obtaiu oovetnge to protect Lender's dghts in tho Pmgeny in uccnrdance with Pamf3�Ph 7. ,�
<br /> AU Nsurauce galicies and reaerl�ls ahnll be nccep«ble t� I.ender und sh�il iaclude n stcu►dard mortaa�e cinuse. l.cader f
<br /> ah�ll huve the dght to hold the policies und tenewnls. 1f Le�tder requires.Batrower ahalt pmmptly give to i.ender�1 receiptE of f���.
<br /> �� � paid premiwms and renewaD aotices. Ia the event of loss,Bormwer shull alve pmmpt noeice to the insurancz cnrder nnd l.ender. `�
<br /> _ ,��� Wrtder may [ua6ce ptnof of loss if ttat n�do promptly by�orrower. �--°
<br /> ,,,,,, UNess Leader tuad Borro�ver otheiwiae ugree in arit�nII.ia.sumnce Proce�d8 Ahnll De applied to restoration ar repair of tbe Y�
<br /> U0.
<br /> � Property dumaged,if the restoration or rep�ir is ecoaomicnlly fensible and l.eader's securiry[s not lessened. Ii the restoradon ur _
<br /> rcpair is aot economitaily fe�slble or 1-ender's securlry wnWd be lessened.the tasurance proceeds shull be applied to the swns �__.
<br /> � secuted by tbis Secuclry lnstmmr�t, �vhetber or not then due. wtth anY eacess Paid ta Borr'°wer• lf Horro�vet abandons the _
<br /> : P�+eperty,o�does not answ�r wi�hin 30 days u notice fmm Leader that the u►suranse carrler has offered to r.et¢le a cluim,then _..
<br /> t
<br /> . � Lender mny_coltcsct tke infurnnfle proeeals. Lender may uso th�prose�s to repuir or restore the Praperry or to puy sums =
<br /> secured by ttds Sc�uriry Iastniment.Whether or not thea du.e.lhe 30�ay pedod wlll begin when tlte notice is given. _
<br /> lic�tion of receeds to rinci al shall aot extend or
<br /> ?��� Unless Lender arcd Bflrrower otherwise agree ia urcicin�3. �Y aFP P p p -
<br /> � postpon$the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of the payments. If
<br /> � x under psuagraph 21 tho Propeny is acquired by L.ende:, Born�v�er's right to any in.surance policies and pmceeds resuldn8 from ,
<br /> . „ �,� dumage to tgee Property prior to the soquisitlon ahall pass to Iander to the extent of the sums secured by tl►is Securiry Iasm�ment -
<br /> immediatel,r prior co the acquisddon.
<br /> .. • � ' 6. Uocupanep, Pr+es�atton, NB�ointenuuce ond Pmiea�toa of the Properiy; Bose+s�Ter's Lou9 Appllratton; -
<br /> � Leasehold�.9ornoaer shnU ooxupy,eatablteh.and use the Praperty as Borroweas�otro�er,�irinci ai resi�denoe foraut Ieastr ne
<br /> :� cxecution ogthis Securiry Inauument and ahnll continue to oecupy the ProPeriY p P -
<br /> year after the duta of aocupAncy,uNess 1.eader othenviso ageoea in wclting,which consent ahaU net be unreasonably witl�eld,
<br /> or unless extanunting circumstanoes exist which are beyoud Bormwer's cantrol.Bormwer shall not desavy.damage oa inapalr
<br /> the pcopetty,allow the Property to deteziorata,or commit w�on the Property. Eorrower shait be in default!f any forfeit�ce
<br /> � asdon or prace�ing.whether c[vll or criminal, is begun tdat la Lender's good faitb judgment oould t�esult in forfeiture of the
<br />" Fnoperty or othetwlse materially impult the lien creao�by tfl i causina�on or p der�g to be dismiss�th a ruling
<br /> ,.,-•._�- ctue sucb a Jafnuii au3 t::�a.a.�prC�3dd!tt g3r�o.-,�' --• .Y ,
<br /> tl�t. ta Lender's good faith determiaatton. precludes foYfeiituro of tlax Bomower's iaterest fn the Property or other materitu
<br /> . •�. fe
<br /> impairment of tha lien created by this S��eity Insau�oent ar Lende�'e se�autcy inter�st.Boiro�ev�4at1 also be in defnult iff
<br /> �.., ' '� '' ,� � . Bosrower. during the loan application prooess.8an'e�naterlally fatse or in�a�ate inform�tion or stutements to Lender(or fai2a�
<br />��:,.. .,,,
<br /> `"'"�'' '`� ,` w t�ovide I,�cder wlth any mntetlal inforn�ation)in wnaection with the loan evidense�by the Note.iacludin$.but not limi
<br /> dy;;;'�'''-`> P of the Ptoperiy as a priuc�pal rts+t�leuoe.If thts Seutrtty insttument ie on s
<br /> , .�•.,; to,rePresentations conoErning Borrouver's occu?��Y
<br /> • leasehold. Boczoaer shall eomply with ali the provisians of the lease. if Bonowor acquiceg fee Udo to the Propect}►. tl�r
<br /> - �� ��� leaseteoid and the fee dde sha11 not mErge unless I.eader agrees to the�earIIer in writing.
<br />�`-:a.�,,.. �- 7.Pcotee�tou ot Leuder's Righte tn the Proprsty.If Borcower Quils to pe�form the covenants and egreemeata contelae0 In
<br />';.,,..� this Security Instrument. or t4�ece ia a legal proceedis��'h�t may s�gnnficantly affect U�nder's dg1►ts in the ProperiY(such es a
<br />�;��'4�r,��,�, p�(pg fa banktuptcy�prmbnte�for condenmation ar�s�Tteiture ar to enforce lawa or regulatlons).then Lendae may do und
<br /> -=�—:r=���„�:;� PDY for wLatever is neoessary to protect t��s vatue of the Pmperty anfl Lender's rig6ts in the PmpertY. Lender's 3ctton�may
<br />'"*�'-'��-.-f'�'�'-��;'� iachide paying any sums secured by a lien which das priority ov�r �hia Securlry Instmmen�, apPev9n8 in court� PaY�
<br />���'0�'.���r� ressonable attornays'fees and evtodng on We Pro�seny to make repairs.Although[.ender may tal�:e action under t6ia puragraph
<br />,.��.,,��_
<br />��-,;,�,�„��,'''��, 7�Lender dces not huve to dm so.
<br /> 3�;;�-.'�.�'� Any amovats disbursesi by Lcader under this par�,amph 9 shaU become uflctitional debt of Hon+ower secured by this
<br /> �"'°'°"' gecuricy Insuu�ant. UNeas Bos�ower und I.ender aacee w other tem�s of payment,these amouata shalt bear iateresi irom the
<br /> �`.. .,,,..
<br />'`"::""'":�.'�1 f': date of disbuasement ut the Note cate and shall be payrable. with ixtlErest, upon nntice from I.ender to 8otrower requestia8
<br />�p.i�w..
<br />�_.��'' � � nt. .,,
<br />�"'.°��� Pa�B.Muttgtt�o I�ranee.If Leuder required mortp,aIIo insura¢ce s�.s a ooadidon of making the loan secuced by this Secudry ?.:
<br /> -��:�.�; Ynstnuneat,Barmwer ahnll puy tho premiumq req�aired cfl maintain the mortgag��surauce in effect. If. fua aay reason�the
<br />==�-r�:,�-asr,E mortgage inauraace coverage required by I.ender lapseo or ceases to tse ia effect. Borrower ahali pay tha p�duma rEqui�ed to
<br />��yti y�,�,,,, utvatent w the
<br /> , obtain coveea�e substandally equivnlena ta nhe monge�e insuranre�r�ev�ovsly in effect.tU a oos3�ubstantlally ec�
<br />__'�Fn�...�.
<br />�-��4��.. cost [o Borrower of the mortgugo insurac�oe prevtously in effea� fr�m au altemate mortIIu6e iasurer s.+ppmved by L�eder. i
<br />�._.-_Y.
<br />-�`�;` M.�:" auhsmndally equivalent mortgage insutance coverABe ia ttoi available.Borrower shall pay to Lcader each montd a sum equat to _
<br />�';�F� �� one-twelRl�of the yeariy mongage insurance preu�teffi being paid bp Borrower�vE��x+a�a ineutauce coverage lapsed or c�ased to -
<br />-� ' be in effect.I.ender wilt aooept.use and rewin theQe psyments�s a loss reserve iee lisu of mortgage insurance. l.oss �sen+e
<br /> . Foen s028 O/90
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