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<br /> " TOOETH6R W ITFi nl1 the improvementa now or heresd'ter ere�ted on tDie property, and all cASementa,:spp�rcennnces, and .
<br /> tixtures nav� or hecentter n part of the pmpcny. I#U reptaccmenta nnd udditiQna ahull nlso b$ cuvered by thta Secudty _
<br /> instcument.All of thE foregotnn ig roferreti to in this 5ecudty Inatrument as the"Prop�cty•"
<br /> BORROWBR COVBNANTS thnt Borrov�er ia luwfully seised of the estute hereby coaveyed nuud hos th�riSht to grant and C� ��:
<br /> , aonvey the i►�operty und thut the Property is unencumbered, excep� for encumbrnnces of recor�• Borrower wanrsuits and will � rk
<br /> ` d�iend Qenet�lly tbe title to the Property t+�ainas ni!clatms and demnnds.subject to uny encwabrances of recard• ',
<br /> � " THiS SBCUttI I Y lNSTRUM�NT coizibiues wilfofni covenaaats for nnttonal use And nan-uniform covenaats with timited � .�
<br /> � vurintioas Ey jurisdiction ro constiwto n uniform security instcument covering real property. �
<br /> ' UNIFORM COVEN/�NTS.gorrower uitd Lender cavenunt and agree as followa: � whan due thB �`'
<br /> .. �': I. Y�me�4 oi Yrinci{t�i ur��I�Eerest; P�+eWYmeni aad Lnte Cbnrges. Barrower shall pmmptlY P Y � .,•'•
<br /> ..,z�� -
<br /> �•'�''t pdacipat of and iaterest o n t h e d e b t c v{d e a ce d b y t h e Note und an y pre payment and Iate charges duc under the Note.
<br /> ° 2.F�ds for Twtes and Iasw�mce.Subject to appllcable law or to a wdtten waiver by I.eader, Bor[ower shall gay to -�;
<br /> Le�tder on tlie duy tnonthly paymeats are dua undcr the Note,until the Note is pai d i n f u ll.u sum("Funds')for.(a)Yra�'�9�� E;-,;`
<br /> { nsd ussessmeats whtch ausy attnin priorlry over tAis Security Instr�meat as a lien on the Propercy:(b)YeariY leusehold paymenta �
<br /> F_._
<br /> � � or ground ren�Q on the PropertS►.if any:(c)Yes�rly ds�zzard or pmperty insuraitce premiums:(d)Yearly floud inswance premiums. �-_
<br /> ar -
<br /> if nny:(e)Yc�rly mortguge iasurpace pmmiwns� if any: and(fl aaY sums Payable by Borrower to Lender. in acoord:�nce�vitb F,__-
<br /> the provisloas of paragraph 8,i n t ieu a f t Y te p a y m e n t o f m o rt g a g e i a s u r u n c e p m m i u m s.T hes�ttema are called'Fscrow Items." �-•=
<br /> L.eader may.su any t�me.cc►uect and h°!d FUads in an a�ount nus to exceed the maatmun►amount a teader for a fedocally �'=-
<br /> � + uire for Boarower•s escmw a�oount uader the federal Real Estate Settlement Proceduc�a Act of �-•-
<br /> rdated mortgage loan mc+y toq Q � ties to Wa Fetnds �'-
<br /> • 1974 as amended fe+em time co timt. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2GU1 et sr .('R�3PA°).unless eaother law tbnt npp ,,,
<br /> " ����. � seta a lesser amount. If so. i.ender riessy. at aay time. a�llect au�hold Fluids in sm auiouat not to exceed c�a lesser araount. �,:
<br /> J, • Lender�ay estimate the amount of Funds due an the basis of ci3rcent dnta and reasonabte esdmutes of expeadiwr�s o€fi►ture r''_
<br /> Escrow Items or otherv�ise in aa;ordance with appl�cable law. _
<br /> The Funds shuil be held in an institut�oa whos� deposits are insured by a federal agency. insaru�ane81iry. or entity ---
<br /> �,'.ti� (iacl¢diag 4eadet. if Le�tder ia such an instlrudon)or in any Federal Home Loaa Bank. Lender shall upply�4l�e Flmds��t or --
<br /> Fscmw Iteias.Lender may not charge Barcower for hotding and applyirig the Fuads.ens►uaUY ana1Y�R
<br /> vedt�in�the Escrow Items.ualess Lender paya Bomuwer interest on ttte Funds and applicable law permite Lender to�ake such
<br /> � �� a et►urge.However.Leader may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indeFendent real estate ra�c�P°��d�or
<br /> � ' used by Geuder in oonnection with this 1oan� unless apPlicable law provtdes otheiv+is�. IIulcss an��
<br /> .,. '�.. : upplicable law requires inte�est to be paid,Lender shall not be reqnired to PaY Borrower any inrerest or earnings on Wa FLada.
<br /> �•'"� ..`''. Borrowcr and Leader may agiree in wricing,hawc�+ei.ibat Lzs-s��lssli��e►n the Funds. I.ender shaU give to Bornnwer.
<br /> cre
<br />-;. � �� without ctmuge.an annuat a000untiq�of the Funda.showtng cn�tl9ts and debIts w the Fu�ds aad the purpose�to�r�ct�e�ch
<br />,�;.,. .•.; ; ; debit w t�e Funds wav made.'ihe Funds are pledged as addit�enal sacurlry for sU licable l�aw�.Lender shall m000uat to Bmrrowes
<br />_�.__ , �; :�:: If tRe Fti►nda 4�eld by Leader excaed the ar�tounts permitted to be held bY aPP
<br />-=°µ-��,•.�z, for the euxss Fuuds in accordance with the eequiremencs�fa Pl�so rtotify Borrower ia wrlting,end.hnlsuch cs�se Bomu er
<br />`�'�'••�'''"` ' pme is eot sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.
<br /> ,,, �..�,
<br />--�` �=�-�;:' ;, `' sbaill Faq�to I.end$r the amount necessary to make up the deti�i�ency. Borrower shaU make up tke deRcleaay in ao �re an
<br />.;_;;.'_w�-:��?,�t� �, twelve rontWy payments.at Lender's sole discretion. �efund to Borrowcr az►y
<br /> "-�- n�'' Upoa PaYment in tull of all sums secttred by this Secudry Insmunent. Ixader shaU pmmptlY
<br />�::`..
<br /> �.�"::"�`.; Funds held by I.eadea.�f,uu�der paragraph 21�Lender s�all acquire or sell the Prope�tY.Leader.Prlor to the�acq�itlo8 n�oer�by
<br />"-_„'�`��. of the Property.sha11 aPP1Y�Y F���etd by Lender at the time of acquisidan or sale as a credit againa
<br />�------: :-�r"�'� thia Securiry instcument.
<br /> �"`'''';�-:;�`� 3.ApplicnUon of Peyme�.Unless aPplicable law pmvides otheivvise.all payments cooeived by ixader under paa�,sraphs
<br />=5�.,:;�.��t;:r'��� a nt chaeges due under the Note:ssoond.w amounts gayabte undar paragraph 2;
<br />-,���,F,--�;� 1 and 2 sheU be applied:first�to aaY P�P Y�
<br />--—�.�,�.,,,.,�,� third�w interest due;foiuth.to principal due;and last.to aay late charlles due undet the Note.
<br />-��.•:.�i�x�a�;� 4.Ch�rges: Liens.Borcower shalt pay a!1 uuces.a�nts.char8es,fines end imPosidvt�amllsumble w t�n Paoperty -
<br />-�r��rv„.i' r cn„ment.and leaschold ents or�x�ad rents. if aay. Borrovuer sbtdl pay
<br />- -:�..�5:�;(��,"•' which amny attaia priorlty over thls SvcuritY-s-- P�
<br /> -r a.:,_.„�;,,tt; ,, ` � h 2.or if pc+t paid in�Lat wanner.Borrower shall pay them on timo directly _
<br /> �vjs•:� • these o�.:gations in the manuer prev�ded in paragmp
<br />_ ---����� to the gerson owed payacent.Borrnwer shall promptly tiunish to Leader stl notices of amounts co be paid uadcsr thia p��tFh.
<br /> ---- ,���"" if Boreoarer makes 0.�eae p�aYtReats direcdy.Bon+ower shall prompdy t1�m�ish to Lreader receipta�videncing tne paymeam.
<br /> ---1,�::���
<br />—_��°=.— Borrower sh�ill pmmpdy discttarge any itcn which hus prtoriry aver thls Security Inshumero,����g�d fattii�en •
<br /> --?�i::w vuritiuB Co che paymsat of the obligation secured by the 1[ea in a manaer accePteble to Leuder+ � �veat dte
<br /> -d�„r�,w,,, . rooeedings whieh in the i�end�er's opinton opetate P
<br /> �.��:,., 1�._� - by. �r�efeads agaiast enforaement of the Ue�n in. legal P tke iten w --
<br />=.�:;zi�i;; �. , enforcement of th8liea;or(c)seuams fcon►tite holder of the lien an ug�ement satlsfactory t°1�eader subo�qn,g -.
<br />�x"�•.,,'�'`�' , ., tWs Securlry Instrumeat.If Leader determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lIen wluch may attain prie�Ity over•
<br /> T'��,�=.`,:.-�-;`� ' ve Baaxower o nottce identifying the lien. Borrower ahall ss►�iafy the lien oY talte one or _
<br /> a���y��,,:;�=�y,�,;.;. ,�• tLis Securlty Instrutneat,Leader anaY gl -
<br /> -:'i;�`'��'ti��;�.�'.�•� ; mo�of the actions set forth above within 10 dF►ye of the givin3 of aodce.
<br />--:+rl r,;�,��� ,,, y Fcrm SoZB 9/!ifl _
<br /> -'��„��'�;f;;+I�'i;;'.1'Y�` aoye s o�s ewnnu• .
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