\ �'
<br /> � ��
<br /> � . ... .. ...._..._ .. . .:. .._._n . .._ . . . . .. �.. . .. . ... . . . _ . _. . � o
<br /> o��ln tAorpnstrumontlol whlah uvldonco nuch advancoo.pius�lnto%at onpoll such dvnnc oa D Yablo os p�ovidnd Iniho notolsl,loon oflraomontls),
<br /> ot othor in34rumont181. •
<br /> " ' rosont,or futuro, duact or contuK{unt,dob�ca and I�ob�litioo of Truatorls)or othor makora to���
<br /> (d) Tho poymont m tuli o1 any ond nil othor post,p
<br /> gonof�ciorV ot aoY noturo whotaoevur.
<br /> �his Truat Oood wiil bo duo Q�nrch Ot.2019,or upon thn poymant in fu0 of oll suma aocurod horoby. ,
<br /> thot Trustorls)haa goad and IovJful uuthority to� .
<br /> ;� Trustor(s)hotoby wnrtants that Truotor(sl holds tao aimpio dtio tu tho obova doe4rfbad prapotty. .
<br /> dnod and oncumbat tho oomo,that tho pr�p4rtY�a�ro Rond cioo eon9�����pc,nimonto whomsoorore Trustortsl a so h°roby wutvoII�and iol�nqulo�o�a� �
<br /> wili worrant and dofond the proparty,ot 7ruator(s)ox anso,rt�
<br /> rights of dower,homoatood,diatributivo oharo,ond oxampllon in und to tho ubovo dn�cribad property. � ��.�.
<br /> T�ue4orlel aad each ot thrm 4urth�r covma�and eprse�whh Bsn�flaleryr as toltowas
<br /> ,---� 1, To pny o�l Ilona,Juddmanm.or atha►asuossmonts aHOinst tho p�oportY.and to poy whon duo all osaooumonta,toxos,rente,foee cr.chorpos upon �
<br /> ,�
<br /> the proporty or under nny looso,pormit,liconso,or privilogo neelgeod to Bnneficioty o0 oddNonnl eacurlty to thfs Trust Dood,includmp thoso In or �,�
<br /> �' ' on public domoin.
<br /> Z. To inau�o und keep insurud bufldingo ond othar Improvomonte i�cludfnp fixturou and attachmonts aow on or horeofter ptocod on tho proporty to � .`-{�
<br /> th0 881�9fACt1011 Of BORO}ICipty. Such inauroncefwfma�bo usad to6poy to reconst�uaWOn ol�tnheod�sLtoyed Im�iovemontseo�tif not o0 oppliod moy 1� �,_ ..
<br /> Banallolary. Any suma so recolved by Bono6o o y Y
<br /> bo o�ppUed,nt tho op.tton of Bonoficiary,in paymont of any Indebtednnse moturad or unmaturod soaured by th s Truat On -
<br /> maintenancci ond eondliioin und to netthor aotmmit nor pnrmit eny ntotof wDSte or any tamp irmont of tho v af uopofniAo p pa�n Bo�tfclnry m�ny ��_.,._
<br /> onter upon tho property to Inspoat tha oeme or to pertotm any oets ottthoriiod horoin ot in th��onn agraomonttsl. rty� 1' ,,,,
<br /> 4. �n the event Trastortal feits to pay ony Itens,judgmonta uusossmente,tazes.ronw,teoa,or chnrges or�`•��optEon�may mak9 euch paymo fa '--
<br /> buildintls,fixtwos,uttachmonts,oSr improvaments aa provklad herafnor i�the loen upreeRicintl8l,Bano3lcierlr, , ,_`
<br /> Ot provlde insura�eo.ma�i 6�an d bear interes t o tt he d o t a u t t�c�ts pprovided in�the nobe 1 fromtho deto�of pay�maont uMll pa d.�The sdvartaumont by �
<br /> fmmodietoty due end poY ,i t�
<br /> � Beneficfary of anv auch amounta wiit in no mamiet Ifmit the n�!+¢of Beneticfury to declare Trustot{s)I n d efault or exetc ise any o f 6 e n o f k i a ry's other
<br /> righta and ramedie9, ;:;"-
<br /> " 6. I n t h e o v e n t B u n o f l c i a ry i a a p a r t y t o a n y I i t l g e t i o n a N o c tin g tl�a Pro p ertY or tfio Ilort of this Trust Oeed,inctuding any acNon by Boneficlary to
<br /> �,.,, antorce thia Trust peed or any sult in which 8oneflclary io�nmo d a de ten da n t l i n c�u d i n g t o n d e m n a t l a n a n d b e n k t u p t a y R ro C a o d i n g s i Bonotkslar y , _
<br /> mey inou►expenuos a��d edvance poymonta for obsuaot teea,attornoyo feoe(to the extont altowed by lewl,costa,expenses,appraienl fcos,an d �;.:::
<br /> othor chargoa a n d any amoun t s s o e d v a n c o d w f l i b e a ome part of the principa�indebtednaae secured hereby,be immediately due and payabto and
<br /> ' bear itnerest at tho dofnult rate provided in the note(s)trom the date ot advanco until paid. �_``.:_
<br /> 8. Any awaMs made to Truatorla)or thoi�euccessors by the oxerclse of eminent domafn are hereby eselgned to Beneficiary,ond Bonofloinry la �
<br /> c��r' horebY outhod:ed to oolleat aM epply the seme U payment of any indebtadneas moture a unmciured,eaaured by this T�wt Dood.
<br /> ?' 7,U the ovantof defauit In ths payment when duo uf eny sums seoured her�by(pr�ncipei,intarest,advancements,or proteativo advancesl,or fallure
<br /> ��„�! tope►torm or oDserve nny covonents and condiUons aqntained herein,in tim hotalel�Ioon agroomeM(s),or any other ineUUmonts,or ony procoedinga ��
<br /> ����'�� � �payebio ond�whoto will Dea�r Intorest at the�def ault tote estplo�n�ided in tho aotats!a��69�ttciary mevimmadfotely autchn to Trus�ee to exero°ise —
<br /> Trust Doed i die mnnner ph�v dad by low tot the foreol su o 01 mortegapoa on reet prceCa iv,�r�oluding the eppof Vnont of a�Rec�elvei up�or n ex parte _,
<br />_ '• � appIicet[on,no1lcs boing hereby oxpressty waived, without re8ard to the vatue oi 3*ne�ropeRy or the suHicientty 4harsot to discherge the _
<br /> ;'��.:�`�,� �� IndebtadT=�sssecwed hereby or fn the loan agreomentled1. Oo�ay by Beneticiary in oxeaisinp Its dOhts upon defeuit will�ot bo aonstruad as a waiver
<br /> �' snjo orfforn,9Eicbsuro a�e t�nsufffjialeMtoe1ay�o total i dobtOdnoeaerseoured leiabVgTiuesdWt(sj d0 horeby egree�to b peteonally bound to pay tho unpatd
<br /> �(!!7,;i!�:'. p
<br /> �-�, ����g�����„ty wUl be ontiUeU m a deHcionoY Judpme�t. {
<br /> , � Trusta�lelsucA Notice of D°faun nnd Nouce o Sote as tlfon d�q ulrod by I w and will in�manrt°rf�p�o �v de b YN18we sell tho piop°�ly et�oti�a omo `
<br /> and ptace otsete fla9d tn tho Notice ot Sate elther as a whole or In suporote tata,pareels, or ftoma aeM in euoh order us tovstae w►tl deom expodlnnt. _
<br /> Anyperson may bia at tha suie inctudinp fruatorls�,Trusteo or Berrefloiary.
<br />. , ,�;;, ;. �. g, 7rustqr(sl hqroby ruquosts o aopy of any Not ce of Qefauit a Notice ot Seia hereunder to be moiiad by cortiti�d mali to Trustorfal at U10
<br /> ''�i3'''i" �p���n da(nuitb Beneflolory,either in poraon or by aBont,wlth or withoui bTin�Irtg any acdon or proceeding end whh or without regerd to the vatuo ' ___
<br /> ��'�}�sy.�,>i+ of tho proparty or the sutticiency thereof to dlsoherge tt�e indobtedireas aeaured heraby,la euthorl:ed and errttated to anter upon ond teko posseeeton
<br /> � �preseivo tho vnluo of tho propmertyror onv�intoreat thorein,�or inareoso theYrro me therofrome end wiUi oa wn�out taking possessfon of�e ptoperty
<br /> - la authorised to suo for or ptharwiso coitaot the ronts,iesuea,crops,proftta and incorne�ioraof.Inotudlnp tt�oso past duo ond unpatd,end apR1y
<br /> •� the eame upon onY Indebtwdness socurod horeby or in the loon agreementloS.
<br /> , ,,,,, No ramady horail aanfartod upoe or rusorved to Troswo or 8erteflciary is Intended w b�m oxalu�ivo uf ony othor remody 9�raln or by iavr providad
<br /> or pormittcd,but oach will bo eumuleUve,wlli bo tn edditton to every othot romody givon ha�aundor or now o►hetoofinr exioting at Iaw or in epulty
<br /> ' , ,, , or by etetuta,end may ba oxercisad aortcuaenUY.IndoporMontly or succosaivety. p
<br />_ � 91. Trus4orlel aaknow�edQea that tho dutiee and obii{�oUono ot 7tusteo yuill0u dotorminOd coioly b yeohand ob118aUorrois�ae�8�ro epa i1fiCAllsyt et forttt
<br /> w� the NebraBke r�ust Dooda Aot end Ttustee wltl not b0�11ab18 oxaopt tot thp performanco of euch duU 9
<br />�y�•.•:r�...r. thereln,and no ImplEed covennnts or oblfpatlona wfil tre Imposed upon Trustee;Trustee will not bo Ifobia for uny uation by it tn gocKl4utth and
<br /> :.�.�=:� ' r�esonably believed by It to be authoritnd or within thn diaoretian or dghte otpowere co�9►red upon it by this Truat Qaed or atato�ow.
<br />_-c��a.no.: 12� Tho[ntogrity nnd rosponsibflity of Truatorts conoUnreea e port ot tne cunslde�uUo»4�r ztne abltgottona seaured heroby. Should Truator(s)ee�t,
<br /> unnsfer,or convoy the prcporty dascribcsd haro�n,wtttmut prior written consent of 8erss1lc:a+y,Bonottciary,at fta oPtion,may dootara tho entire
<br />.r������.,==�i Indobtodrteae immediately duo ondpE�yable and may praaeed M tho eniorce�aent of It8 �IgMs as on any othe�dotauft.
<br /> , z, 1g, Asattinment of Ronto(noluding Proceods of Mlnawl Leeses. Truator(s)hereby assipna trenatare,nnd coavoys to BeneHelnrY e���$nto,roye►Uns,
<br /> ��'�� "��••�I� bonuses.and dotaY moneys or other procpeda thet meV hom dmo to timo bocome duo e�d yablo und�r any roel estam teaso or undar nny oii,geo,
<br />��-
<br />_•,j,�,. . gf8V01,fCOk,Of Othor mino�ot lonse of anY kfnd inciudfng peotharmnl rosources now exi gor thet m�V�raafter comu IMo exiacenoe,aovertng
<br /> tho proporty or anY port thoroof. Ali such 8ums eo r000ived by BonoRclary wlll to applteE to tho inde2�2a9rte�up seaured heraby;yor Qonottciaryry,at
<br /> s�'" � � rfght tto teko o�etain tutura eumi�,nrtd�wtkh�otic prejudlcetto am of�ite ottioi rfg�hte und ro this Trust Deed.Y llt�i.9p�i�a�uc�eeM�'+i►�bo co^9ttund to _
<br /> �"5 bo c provisbn for tho puYment ar reduotkon uf tho debL subJaot to tho BanoHalary s optinn eo horoinbotore pravided SrcloDflndent of the Ifen on tho ,__ .
<br />�� '`'�' pro o . Upon pav�mont tn tutt of tho do6t and the reconvoynnoo of thls Truat Oaod of recArd,thia esstgnmem wt►i bacomo inoperative ond ot no
<br /> .. .�..� �- iunf or�forco ond offoat. -.
<br />"°� 14, 'fhis Truet Qend constitutos e SecuritN Agroomnnt wfth reapuet to atl the propaRy dosedboct hcrofn. _
<br />����"���'�� ��1 ba votd oi�imenfor�ceQ6l�ttfiadt dotorm it t�o�onIIwidit not°�itedrst tmh�o vulditY ot tho roiriain(hogpo*MtiontiHOt tho T�rust OeQdis Truat Doad Ia dotormined to _
<br />�ry��*;jt.. ` ' � � � / —
<br /> ',� . �r�a��� "\ � v �w
<br /> .. •(.�.!��.'. ����
<br /> .?j.•'�6 �.� --—
<br /> ,., � lNDIVIDUAL 601t O R ACKNO M T
<br />� "? STATH OF NF9RAaKA � sa �%;
<br /> �' COUNTY OF �'L
<br /> � ,tg99 ,betoro mo,a Notory Pubtio,pcsr�cstally opPoured William Gideon, a/Ic/a r._
<br /> pn th;s �9th dny of FebruarY �:.?
<br /> ' Willi�:�G. Gl.daon und Juyce Gideon, a/k/a Joyce E. Gicieon, husYr�nd and wifo �__
<br /> ., to mo known to bo the poroan(s)�nmad U orM who oxacutad tho torogolrtg inatrumont and aoknowladgod that they executod tho samo o�
<br /> • f thei7t votuntory aot ond dood. � � �
<br /> , .- ,-- ItiE/1l! ����0...��+�" __...
<br /> ���� ,
<br /> - �.. pO1d�L.1l�
<br /> - w OIe1►61.11ot t9►l�1 frypo nomo undor stpaotnrol .,
<br />- • " My commisston axp�roa o�►• � Notory i�ubila In nnd tor eofd Cou�Yty ond 5tcto
<br />- . ,.,
<br />= ,. , ��
<br />�.: :
<br /> Lopul 000.nat(�j $�.1899
<br /> Ap tl:00182007; Primary CustCmor ID Q:00074Z4fl; CIR A:81100 Pnpo 1
<br /> . FOAM 6011.Ttuut Dood nnd Aouipnmont ot Ronta
<br />