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<br /> '„:M::i.��• �' �:.r: r r.� 2:��iG+� t. � 3> Q) O n°"'_
<br /> . .A�� . . - •.r.. . W v v �• �►i��-_
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<br /> . .." a rra r. Ra ave t .a � e l�rvose9 on . p '��-°
<br /> . ' �� �v• i0R:180tt1�28E1 r,°
<br /> � �tETtJflNTO� Ferm Cradit Sorvioos,P.O.Box 6080 9ondi Sweoney �-°-
<br /> ',,: '�!'�4£i AHER:, arond isiund,NE 88802•8080 (308l3�2•8036 __
<br /> e-•
<br /> . ''t - - MONIG9YPAD OESii�iVATtOii Oi3CLAlEAE.i1 �
<br /> y �-.:
<br /> �. ;
<br /> o•—
<br /> " ta uccordenca vlith tho provisiona of the Nnbranko Form Homostoad Protoetton Act,NoD.Rov Stot.Soetlona 78•1901,nt.aoq..ue e profoeo to tho _
<br /> , �� � execvUon,and os a part of tha fo�towing Truat Coad,tho undersipnod Truatorlst bu�ng tiret duly oworn,uloots to disatnim tho R►pht to Oea►gnete _
<br /> . , o H¢:nestead. .--
<br /> IA'Uo dlscieim tho�Ight to doatgnoto o Aamostend on tho pro� porty dooadbod In tho followin Truat Ouod. No pn►t of mylour homostend fs prasontry. _
<br /> �� or in the futuro w(tt bo,aituatod upon eatd reai eamta. UWo undoretand that If Uwo astnblQeh e homeetaed on any pnK ot tha rooi oetoto durin�the
<br /> � timo the Trust Daed romains unantiofiod ond o Iten on tho raul oatnto,Uwo ahall hevo na right to mnke a dosignetion ot homeatead In the eveM ot �-
<br /> a Trusteo's eale. �
<br /> ,;,�. . ��%� °
<br /> _�.,�. : ���
<br /> . :;,:
<br /> ,
<br /> `�'�'; " ,' f • Fartn Cndlt 8�nrlea ot Am��te�
<br /> ��;1� R':•; .
<br /> .JT_:��v_F��_�__��
<br />-�:.:-;:":';:;�;:.��. - . TRIIST ��E�A�11�i ASSt��i�i�i��i�� re3��.`.�FS .
<br />����ry�••�4;:�
<br /> --..",�,�,�^x,#; T�uatorlsl:
<br /> husband and wife
<br />�r��.,,,.� Mafiinfl Address: --
<br /> •n��.•.ir:. 702 ELM ST
<br /> _,;,""`r�;'''`��`�:, WOOD RIYER NE 68883-9138
<br /> �=-�,vq}�R�
<br /> Thia 7rust Oassd end Asslgnmont ot Renta is mndo Fob�uer�8�999 by e����among the ebova named Truator(s)and A�mortcn.FCS,'7nsstca,'
<br /> �`_�s+r��.��� v�hose mAilirtfl eddrese faPO Box TAFC6,Spokono as n on 0-4006,end Erm Ccad�Snrvtce A ertce CA '84�tiatacy whose
<br /> --,-�"r't=� t�piling addross ia 8 S 19th St r� mahe NE B�tUT,�,�ln considaratbn of the acTvence 6Y�ETenotic ery o t e pr nc pal sam 9Deciflnd below,
<br />— -- Uin tecetptot whic s aro y ae now go ,nn any uture,addiNonal,ofproteoUva advancea modo at Bonefltiary's optlon,Truator(olltreva�bly
<br /> ---_ =�'� tranafore,convays end aessigns tu Ttustue.lN TRUST WITH POWEH6F 9ALE,tor the ben�fit nnd eocuri of Benottclery, its aucc9uors end
<br /> - - -._==�r=� O.CSi9ns,under und sub}act to tho tarma end condit�or�a of this Truat Oead,tho propartlr.�oontad In�County(losl, Stete ot Nebreska,end
<br /> `m dea��fbed e9 foltowa:
<br />_;:::;f'����"' � , f 1/2 SE 114 of Ssctio� 16,Township 10N,Rango 12W 6th P.M. _-
<br /> ��� ' NW 1/4 0�'Sectlon 22,Tov+rnship'!ON,Renge 12W 6th P.N1.
<br /> - -— � �„� -
<br /> ---=::��m
<br />"'�='-°�'°'="�`A�� , E 1/2 NW 1/A of Section 34,1'o+nrnnhip 11N, Renge 12W 6th P.M., excepting a certein
<br /> --------� "tract therefrom as recorded in t�uft Ctaim Deed in Book 160,Page 394,in the —
<br /> �— Registor of Oesda Offtce =
<br /> _ --�;�,� � .
<br />--�-R�m��� ,
<br /> _�.:� g� p �, ii'
<br /> .`�} � �`Y��t� 1p provo�mon�s now on on c�raoftoi�luactd upo^lio prupartt�y,�ali uppu�rto�nou ceRr wetar�irrlgaUon nnd di°'lnaipo d(�,h�M atl�rerrte.lasuns.uCE�incamo , --
<br /> p d g pv4y
<br /> �"-"�� that mey in?¢��Tdity M��ong o or�oranitornb¢come�nn Intopml pait oti tho roal oat°tv wAotho attact+t�EO�r doi t�ee i�c�a°no ny e purtenortc�o�pnd
<br /> Ma
<br /> _ �'� � .eaeouuomer+tpb9 eny sUuature o�toaidorsoa seCUred haroby;oesomente end othor ripht3 and lntotoate now or at nny timo horaaitor DetCnflM�Q to
<br /> at in uny way�ettafninq top ethe praparty, Nrhothar ar rrot opR6atf}cally desaribadp horotn: n►�nbovo und �eiow eraund irIigetton equlRr��m'nnd
<br />_+'-::' .- �`' '� nGaob od�b'TNUt r(e1.anY Stetef�t�e��Ur�iftad States��o�►any�doPA���t b reau�Instrumontnlittjhi�or agon Y thoraof hTho forogoing�s c�ot�°teotN�fy ..'
<br /> �- `�''"' � rm�enod to tn thio documont oe tho"property'
<br />-'-,�. �� �
<br /> _ , h ts undsrat�od and earesd betwQSn Yruitarta)md He�►efictnry that thts trust Qesd t�ptv�n to sseu»: -
<br /> •,,,�r-. ,. ta? PromiesorY r►otule)doseribod as toliown: �•�+ -
<br /> rt>
<br /> , _ �;, aU ot Note prtnct at iamo �� _
<br /> � Y�
<br /> 'L:e•.,,.�.� —
<br /> �� �, poyablo aecordirtg to tho torme ot tho noto(s),and a�y adda�dum to,ronmorti:atlon or�oabuaturinp ot tho nototel. � _
<br /> 1b) Tha ropuV�ssant in tuil by bt any ond ati 4utura and additionni loane or edvonces which mny bo mado by Bonoticiary,ot ite option,ot thn reqaoati� _
<br /> �� insuumonttalm�odllyi 8,rofinoncirtg oti ton�ing,raa.�winfl roomortidnp,a(foatruoturint�e�►owoxl Ung orcddHtona�tiedabtodno�eoranyp�ort�tMradf, -
<br /> p wovor thet tho totat alnaipci indobtodnas'a o1ucsWidin9
<br /> � ' ntl poyabio occordinp to tho torm� of tho noco(o or othot fnatrumeM(ek �o���� � aR�A'pFT'SHAU NOT
<br /> __ _ � ' oetdeaeurod horobY nt�nyortoUmowllt not�oxs4���oQlR�a��q H an�epE�sem t�e�pro Q p�A aND O LI./�R (P8 47T 000 00,�xcivaivo
<br /> �O O�f inlCrd9t e+td OtCCtiYO QSSYtl1k,d"a A _
<br /> .� '. PRINC PAL lNDEB�DN�ESS ABOVE MAS REEN AD ANCED����a�A�YA411C�v��A�������=A=Al.tY T!!'!E.11tHETtiEROR Nf1TTHE TOTAL
<br />-- „
<br /> -.,
<br /> . .. Logat Ooa.Dato:FubnanrY.18. 1999 _
<br /> ' Ap�:00182007; Ptlmnry Cuscomor ID a:00074248; CIF N:81100 PtQo 1 .
<br /> 1 FORM 6011,Truat Oood and Aoalpnmont of Ronto
<br />