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<br /> . ��. �Q����`7
<br /> ' npproprinte nctton pursuant tp s¢nte or Fedarnl etotuta e�ther in atate or Federni court or otheewise for the disposidoA ;�
<br /> � of tho prope:ry.
<br /> �F.'
<br /> . . �. Ia the evr.nt os�e st�1e as provideci in purugruph 4,the'Tn�tea ahull be paId ts fce by the BeneRdury ta an
<br /> omousit not in ae�xss ot peraat oE the gross amount otsaid saln or aalea,provide�howovor�Wot the a�tount __
<br /> of such tee shall be re�sonable and shall be approved by the BenefIdary as to reasoashleaess, Said fse shall ba En
<br /> :�.;_;.:;�;-�' additioa to the costs aud e�peasea incurred by the Trustee tn rnnductlag such sale. ThB amount of such eosts oad �C�''�
<br /> ,.� �, eapen.p s6a11 be deducied aud priid from the sale's proceeds. It is Etuther agreed t6at if satd proparty shull be �•:-
<br /> advertised far sale as Lereia provided aad not sold,t6o Trustee shall be eadtled to n reasoaable Pee�ia aa aiuount �;':
<br /> � � acceptabta to tbe BeaeGdasy tor the services reedared. The Trugtee ahull also be reimbursed by the Benefidary!'or al! �_
<br /> ' costs c�ad eaipeases iacurred i�conaectton with the adverdstag of satd property for st+la ii the salo Ls not coaaummated. —
<br /> � b, The proceeds of asy aale of said pruperty ia a¢cordance wlth paragraph 4 shall be applted fust to paymeata =_
<br /> '� of fees,costa, aad exgeases ot seid attle. the expeases incurred by the Beaa�idary far the purpose oP proteaiaA or
<br /> �� maiataiafng seid properry aud reasonable attoraeys'fees;secoadly�to paymaat of the Indebtcdaess secured hereby;aad
<br /> n
<br />. ' +� th3adly,to pay aay aucplus or excess to the persoa or persoas legally cadded thereto. -
<br /> � i� � 7. Ia the eveat said property is sold pursuaat to the authorizatioa contained In this Instiumeat os at a judldnl �
<br /> � toreclosure sale aad tho proceeds are aot suffidcat to puy tba total iadebtednass secured by this insuument and __
<br /> � evldesced by satd promissory�ote, the Beneficiary will be eatided to a deQdenry judgemeat for the amount oE the
<br /> dcfideacy aithout regard to apprabsement�the Trustor having waived and auigned all d,ghts ot appraisemeat to the
<br /> ,�. Trustea
<br /> '' 8. Tlie Trustor covenaets eed agrees es follows:
<br />_: a He�1 pcomptly pay the iadebtedaess avidenced by eald promisgory note at the times aad ia the
<br /> maflneac thesein provlded.
<br /> � _ � - �
<br /> b. 1He wfll pay�11 ta�es,assesseoents�aater rates►and�u gov�rnmentcil or mumax3�sal charBes.6aaa
<br /> r,,.,,. . � or isnpoaidoa�for ahich provisioa has aot btem m��e herelnbefore.�ad w�l��ptly deliver the
<br />• ,:��'' o�dal receapis therefor to the Beneficiary.
<br /> �,;,��,.�t�1?
<br />'-'...,t.��:�,l�it�
<br /> : •�,�.:;,.��-� G II�e w�!pa�► auch expeases aad fees es mny ba taeurced ia the proteettoa ead maiatenance of aaid
<br />�',".,.„;.,.. :' property,iacludiag the feea of auy attornoy employed by the Becaficiary for the ealles3ioa of aay os
<br /> all ot she iadebtedness hereby secured� of such expenses and fecs as muy be Incurred in anY
<br /> '.�_::�,,.� foreclosure�ale by the Trust�0.or eouat proceediag�or in any othu litI�doa or proceeding affeqicg
<br />_ _. , . said prapertiY�and auocneys few reaso�ably inaur�d in aay other wsiy.
<br />-O:1.Y�/'.,
<br />—S.4r'M.�a:' 7
<br />_- "->:'-;�.� d. Tho rf,�te cnated by thi.s eaavayaace shall runaia in fiill force aad effeet dutia�g any postpoaement
<br /> �-�l^-���y� or eu�n�on oP the tima of the payment ot the ladebtedness avldenced by aaid aota or auy gart
<br /> ''�'.�..:''�-`�`��1 t6�eo�aec�uured hereby.
<br /> -�_,�rc
<br />=--��'js,;4�;
<br />�l;rr�`��� e. Ha will earaclnuouaty mointoia haznrd tasurana o�sue6 typo or typea and in snch amouata as the
<br />�r�_�_��:�-^� Benefis3acy may from tIme to tima requiro,on the impmvemeats aow or hereu�ter oa satd proparty�
<br />�_���.�... .: aud will pay promptly when due aay premiums Werefor. All insuraaca alwll be cava�d ie companiea
<br />��.-_���9�.� aaaptabk to SenaRdary and the polides nad renew�ls thereof ahall bo held by Boneficlery and hahs
<br />�°��r�� attached thereto loss payable clauses ia favor of and ia form acceptable to the BaneSc�asy. L�the _
<br />,_,,,a._._:�� event of los�,Tcuator will giva Immedtato aadee jn artitia8 to Bena&a�ey and Beaeficiary may malce
<br />—'„',--'�"'"°-. proot ot los+it�ot mads pro�pdy by'Mrstor,aad cach insuraaoa eompanq�maaraed ia heceby
<br /> "-��,:��
<br /> : — - = autharaa�d and ciileetsd iu m�ke�ey�e�t�ics�sat�?rsa dFreet4y ta EeaeB '�y±vt�,ad et to Truator `
<br />-^ --��'',�� . � aad Bene�aary joindy. and the iQSwaace proc�� or eny Qart tkereo� may bo appfled by
<br />-'Y;::::.:`",�'"s1�:: � �ecefsdnr� oc its opitaa eithar to tha raducttou ot tho indeb2edness hereby aec�ued or to tha
<br /> �.:��.�
<br />'`'.�..;�`�,.,'�... � . p �d. Ia the eveat of u Trustee•s aalo or other�a�sfu op
<br /> .t,. ..�,t.::��if�...
<br /> r.,: .:p.i,�ti:.;,,i:,� . restor3doa�rcpair o!the sopectY dama�pi -
<br /> . � b+do to aaid�property in ext�n8uishment of thm indebtedness seeured hcreby�csll righ6 dtle,nad�ntenst
<br />. � �; � 04 the Tn�stor in s+nd to nay i�uruace pnl�d�s ehen in torce ahe11 pass a2 the apt�on ot the
<br /> .
<br />. ►,
<br /> �r;`''. !' �
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