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<br /> 1. 'I'hla eoavmyuuSa it,�nde upoa aad subject to the further tnLSt that the stsid Trustor alsnll remnin ia quiet , �
<br /> uad peaceabl�possesslan 4f thn a�bcw�n g�sinted aad desuibed premises oad take the proQts t6eseof Ro his own nse uatll
<br /> " de[ault ba made in asy pt�Y�nnt �f cu�installment due on said note or tn the performaace of any at the soveaaats ar ���
<br /> condIdons contaiaed tbarqin or Ln thls Deed of Trust;and,also to aecure the retmbursomant of th�#3eaoGdaFy or aay '"�� ,..:
<br /> othes holder ot sald patc,c�aa'�`t�atee or aay subsdtute trustee of any aad all costs tuid expenses incurred�iaclud�ng �,_"�
<br /> � ..:�;� reasenable atto�na}�s faes,oa�n�ouat of any lit�gadoa whtch may ar�se vrith respect to this Trust or with respect to the . �,
<br /> . " � iadebtedness etideaced by said nota, tha protecdon and mniateaance of the p:operry 6ereiaabove deacn'bed or ta �.;-�-
<br /> � � obtai�ilng possesstaa ot said prtt(�arty after uny sal�s whlc}►may be�aade as heretnafter provldGd ;_`1__,
<br /> �!��=-,.
<br /> " 2. Upon tho B�tU payxnm�t ot the indebtedness evidenced by ao�d aote ond the iaterest dnereon,tha paymeat =s_
<br /> „ o f a l l o t h e r s u m s h a r eia Pravidesd f�af utl other�roperf coscs,c h Bes+com°►i�s i o�a r'de e p e n s a, t h e a b od eA d e s c r ib d —_
<br /> •� .j iastrument,aad upon tbs payatc�nt P
<br />- " " properry shnll be reloased a.pd v+�waveyed to and at the cost of the Trustor. _-
<br /> �� 3. Upou dafault in ar�y of the wvenaats or condtdoas of tbis bssbrueneat or of tha eote os loan ag�eemeat �:
<br /> C'-'..:.._.
<br /> �• ; secured hereby,che 8easflaiary or bis assi�as may without aotEse and with�ui regard to tlse adequaey of aeeuciry for the �,,;_^_
<br /> indebtedness secui�ea, oltli�r Be:�onally or by attoiney or ageat wichout bringiag anY actton or proceeding,or by a �}��
<br /> �.,�'E:'•�'';f; receiver to�a appotatad b5+tb� ce�ut,eater upoa aad tnke possession of said property or any part ther�e�f�o d��y� R�-__
<br /> ...}i:l'.�r:i���� m�,..L_--.
<br /> a c t s w h l c h B e a e R d a ry daems pro per to pratect the securiry hereof�and either with or witho�t taking p �.v,�,
<br /> .,:;-�:; ':� property.collact and receive th�rents,royaldes.issues,aad profits thaeo�including reats auru e d aa d u n p a t d�a ad a p pl y ---
<br /> �`'��- � �E tbe aame,less costs of apsraPi�ou aad collectioa, upon the indebtedness secured by tbis Deed of Trust, said tents, __
<br /> ` royaltIes,issu�a, and prv�.ca,�aetng hereby assIgned [o the HeneIIdary a� further securtty foc the payment of such =-
<br /> . „ ,' (.++
<br /> iadebtedness. Exercise oi rAgbts uader this pora�apb shail not eure or avalve aay default or aodce of default hereundar
<br /> or iavalidate ony act daaa pursueat to such nodce but shull ba cumuladve to aay rlgbt and remedy to doclare a deiaWt
<br />- ,. and ta c.nuse nodce of d�fsitlt to be recorded as hereinafter provided�aad cumulatl�+e to any othes rlght aadJor remedy
<br /> - _ „ here�der i�cludic cau�bta et orn�'b f��halt ba seas:�d t���hindependendy.Expeases tacurced by Br,nefic�Y
<br /> � �;�, hera ff
<br /> �� ,� �'�: art thereo�whna
<br /> r 'r,;;� 4. The Trust�ar aoueaaats a�n�ngrees that u he sba116u�to pay said indebtedness. or aaY P
<br /> "';'E�;� �.' �, due,or ahall tail to parfv�s�eaY wveaaat or agceemcat of this ia����r of the pcomi�wry aote aeciued hereby,thc
<br />���,,�.�f�. � a 1 aad co1�e�Ible at t�so ogdon ol the
<br /> f. , �,.�� eadro indebtcdness hareby seeured sbalt immedi�►¢ely become dua P Y�ma anter u n aeid prop.�t aad collect
<br /> `�':?�. -: .:; , , Beaeftaii►ry a�a.�s��alf�dless oP maturity►aad the Beaetidary or a4stgns Y P° the rrusteo
<br />-_ . .,.: ,�„: `•�" �ho reats aad pmHta theivc� Upon st�L'�default ta payment or performeaoe,as�d befo:e or a+ftec s�ch entry, +
<br /> �a oi tho default to each
<br /> '. ,: :^. ' acst�in tua eacscuUan.di tmis'Trust�after the aotice of default has been reoorded.shell cia�7 a eopY raon who hos
<br />-`ty,,:��'� pa�oa wha t�a pnfi�to thls iaatrument�at the address set au2 ia th�s iaswment,aa well as to anY P�
<br />_s,,,.
<br />_�,.,y. . requestad any aoace of d�?aWt aad nodae ef sale by recordiag said nquest for nodca v�ith tho ragister of d� o��,
<br />�:;;�.�r .,. :,
<br />�:t�i r_..,�;�� covu t y iawhictt�tthis ins2a�meat is:uorded.and after the lepse ot time whteh I�nquired by taa aRet m�ia c�se —
<br /> T,�:ti�•r•�f t� , wer to sell satd ro and it s�n�t me tha Trosteds dury to ae U e a td p m p e�t Y�
<br /> ;,.,� tuo T�tea,+hal1 have dho po P i�Y. 6vo weelca'netica ot th�
<br /> s:7ri��"....��,
<br /> „���:r ., of aap default oP aay purcbaser,to reseln at public aucdon.to t�z highest bidder,&ac
<br />-�'. �_..���: ti:ae,terms,�d Place of such aale.by advertlseaaent not less tHan once dwing each of satd 6ve wee�ra In a uewspag�sr
<br /> _�.�
<br />_';�,,+X�::-...� . pultliahed or distnbuted ia the county or pol�dcal su�ivLgion in whiclt said propecty ia eituated aad arittoa aotico of �
<br />=;:u..�,��:
<br /> ;�'':.�:��;.;: sball Ise mailed to euch ge�san aho L�a party to tt,is ina�rument at the addcess set forth he�ei�►(�►d the IDeae�d�Y or
<br /> r- - -. aaY pCrsoa on behult of the Hene6aury may bid end P 4�subdiv�sion.e'�Phe T Stee��beb�►nuthorized tole�tx
<br /> "�;:r"" � to be seleeted by the Benefidary witl�in said wuoty o:po' --
<br />���: : : wbinc�oavayance ahall�ontaia ra�tnls
<br />=;,;1;,"�;'.:_ sud deIIver to the purchas�r at such sata a suRidtnt conveyaace oP said properry� �� de ��d��d
<br /> ��;`� '`';�"' as to tho happeniapt of detnult upoa ahich the execudon oi the power of aale hereia graa i�
<br />��" �=_� T r u s t or horeb y ooastItutes aad appoints the Trustee os his ageat aad attorney in fact to anako such recitela and to e�xcute
<br /> �:�.,. �.t',�, . said convayaaee aad hereby coven�as an d ag�ees t 6 a t t h e r e d t a i s s o m a d a s 6 a 1 1 b e b i n d t n g a n d o onclusivo u poa the
<br />�.-5�..;��..,�� __
<br /> _�"::.,, ..-:-,,.,.`,w,;, TnueQr.assd sa�d ccsnveyun�s�att�.c.ffectua!tQ har� p_,qmtv or rinht of eademption. homes��d��'�'yd
<br />-- • apPrais�m�nc,oad ull othar rig�ts and exempttuas of the Tnutar aU of wIuc1;are 1�erebY oxgraslY ���det the
<br />", - ; � h __
<br /> to ths Tcustea. In the everst of a sale na hereinabove pso�dad+tha'�custor or ouy person in pess
<br /> r� Trustar,shall tben become aad be teaaats 6oldi�ng ovcr aad cha11 forthwith deliver possessioc!o tke pureheser at attxh
<br /> ' o sale or be summarily dispossessed,in accordoace with the pravfsions oP ID npplienbla to teoaata holdtng oves. 'I9►e _
<br /> •. j.. . poaes and ag�ncy hereby�ted are couplad with au interest and are irn :able by death or othe:wisen and����� __
<br /> - - as a�mulative to alI other ceccedIea Eo:collection oE soid iadebtedness. 7'he BeneRdaay or A�si8us Y L
<br /> �. _
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