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<br /> •- �,� puynzcnte muy na lon�cr be required, ut thc option aP Lender.if mort�uae insuruncc rnvcrngc(in the amnunt und fur tha periad __
<br /> °.,.t thut Lcndcr rcquires)prnvided by arr insurcr upprovc�i by I..enJer uguin bcccimex uvuilublc i�nd ix obtnined, Bnrrower st�nll pay �
<br /> , the prcmlums rcyuircd tU tnaintuin mortange insurnnce in cffect,�r tn pruvide u latis mxervc,until tl��requlrcniont fiu mnt¢gogc _
<br /> � iasur�mce cnds in ucmrdancc with any writtcn ugrccment betwecn Bormwer urtd l.endcr or npplicubla Inw.
<br /> ' 9.6r�spccttan. i.ender��r itx iig�nt muy m3ke rcusonable entries upon und inspcctiom of thc Propeny. Lendur sha11 �ive —
<br /> �� Bnrrnwcr notice ut the timc uf or priar to an inspcctiun spccifyin�rcUSanublc cuusc fitt thc inspccNan.
<br /> � 10.Cand�fnnntton.The pmceeds of any uwnrd or claim fnr dumi�IIea. direct or canseyuontiitl, in cannoctinn w3th uny
<br /> � cnndemnutian or other takin�uf iu►y part uF thc Pruperty,ar for conveyance in lieu of rondemnullnn. ure hereby a:�si�na�l and ---
<br /> ''; rhull be paid ta l.ender.
<br /> '���• V In thc cvent af u tatal takin�of the Property.the procceda shult be upplied ta the hums kcurcd by this Security In�tturnent.
<br /> _' �J -
<br /> ___.,�� whethcr or not then due. with nny excess puld ta Borrowcr. in the event of u partinl tuking af the Property in�vhiah thu fair
<br /> markct vulue of the Property immediutely befom the tuking is equul ta ar greate�thnn the amount of tho sums secu�d by thi�
<br /> ,-�.�,,�+�� Security Inst�ument immedlatcly before the taking.unless Borrower and Lendcr othenvlse agree in wdtiog,thc sums securrsd by
<br />`���::��< this Securlty I�strument shult be reduced by thc amount of the proceeds multiplled by tha foUowing fraction: (a} thp totnl
<br />����-�� umount of the sums secureci immediatcly bPfore tD�.e ttiktng. divided by(b)the fuir market vnlue of the Proparty lmmudlt►tely
<br /> _��.�L-;�,� before the tnkin�. Any bulnnce shull be paid to Homower. ln the event of n partial talcing of the Prope►ty in whiafi th�t fnir
<br /> - '�� murket vnlue of the P�openy immediatcly befi�re the taking Is less than the stmount of the sums setured immediAtaly bofare the
<br />�_-�'��� tnkin�. unless Borrower and L.ender otherwise ugcre in writing or unless ap�licuble lnw oth8nvfse prov(das. tho proceede shell
<br />— - be npplied to the sums secured by this Secu►�ty Insttument�vhetlier or not the sums are then due.
<br /> -_—_= if the Property is aband�ned by Hosrower,or if,after rtorice by L.ender to Bnrrower that tho condemnor offars te►malce an
<br /> :�.�� award or settle a cic�m far dctmages. Borrower f�ils to respond to txnder wlthin 30 days after che dAte che natlse ie�iven, .
<br /> �j;�, Lender is authorized to collecc nnd a�ply the ptoceeds,ut Its opiian.either to restorndon or repair of th��a3�^irty ar to tl�n sums
<br /> :,µ:� secu�d by this Security Instniment.whether or not then dae. �i�uon of moeeds ta r+nci nl shnll not cn'und or
<br /> �� Unless Lender and Barrower otherwise agree in writin,r., AnY aPP P p P
<br />—�,���� postpone the due dat¢of the monthly payments referrcd to ln parngraphs 1 nnd 2 or chunge the amount of suah paymm�x.
<br /> 11.BorroRtv Not Relcased;Forb2uranoe SY Lender N�t a Wulvar.Extension of the time for paymcnt or maditi:catioa
<br /> -- -'—" of acrtortization of the sums secured by this Security Instcument granted by Lender to uny successor in int��st of Ba�oaar shull
<br /> not opzrate to r�eleuse the liability oP the originni Bomowcr or Borrower's successors in imexest.Lender shal!nat 6o requu�l to
<br /> comcre�nte pro�eedings aga�nst any successor in interest or refuse to extend timo for paym4nt or otherwise modlfy ama�e3zatton
<br /> °'s of the sums secured by this �ecurity [nsuument by reason of any demand mstde by tho origlnnl Soa+nwer ar Enrnnwer's
<br /> suocessora in interest. Any fotb�srunce by L,ei�der in exetcistng uny right or remedy shall not be n ws�iccr of or practude the
<br /> exercise of any right or cemady. '
<br /> _ _�� D2. Suoccssors and Assl�u,s Bounik Joint and Several Liabi{1ty; Co-sOSners. 'lYie oovennnts and agrecmonts of this
<br /> --°= Securl�y Instrument shBll bind an�7 bE:uefit the suoce�ors end assisas of Lender artd Borrower. subject to tha �tns'r�stons of
<br /> paragraph 17. �omrower's covenants and egreemeats s h u l l b e jo in t a n d s e v e r a l. An y��rro�ver who casigita �l�s Secudty
<br /> Inshument but doc�s nat execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Securiry Insaument only co mortgage,grnnt and convey that
<br /> Borrower's Interest 3n the Property under the terms of thla Secualty Instrument;(b)is not personnlly ub(fQat�sd ta pny tha sums
<br /> securad by this Sacurity Instcument;and(c)ag[eES that I.endQr and any other Eornower mny agree to extand.maditjr.�A�or
<br /> �e�y�000mmodatians with regard to the terms of this SQCUrity Instrument or tha Noto wltl�out thai 8orsoaat's+c�r,�nent.
<br /> 13.Laa�t Chatges.If the loan sec.�ured by this Security Insuument is subject to a IAw which 6e9s twui�mum Er�tr a�►rges.
<br /> and that Inw is fuially Intetpmted so thut the lnterest or other loan charges oollected or to bo coU�:c�:d i��onnectir�l widi the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted�Imlts.then:(u)uny such losu�charge shall be reduce�bY the nmount noces�:�sy to�tluce the chntge
<br /> to Uie permitted Itmit;und(b)unY sums ul�edy colloctod from Borrower whicfi eaoeedad permitted limits wJ�ll�bc refimded to
<br /> ''°� l;orrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducinII the �rincipal owed under tho Nute or by mctd�a dlrect
<br /> ``� payment to Borrower. If a refund reduoes princip3l. the ceducdon aill be treate� ns n purtin! prepnymont:��i�out eny
<br /> pn�payment charge uader che Note.
<br /> . ' 14.Natiac�.Any nodce t�Bot►'ow'er ProvIded for in this Security In�vment shall be given by dollve�ng iG ttr by auiiling
<br /> • it by first class mnil unless appiicable luw requines use of another method.74►e nobce shnll be directed w dia PnmpGity Address
<br /> c±�r u�w�other addees� �onower desjgnates by nottce co Lender. My rtotice to Ixadt� shall be given by tirm�dG�ss mciil to -
<br /> C.ei�{!�r's addtess atated betein or nny other addcess I.ender designntes by notloe to Busr�ver. Any nudae pluvtd�lfl:for in this
<br /> � g¢curity Inswment sluill be deemed w have b¢en gtven to Bonower or Lender when gtven as provided fn d�Ie pw+agn�ph•
<br /> 13.Governing taw; Seeernbflity. '�.is Securiry Insuument shatl be sovernod by fedwal luw and�Utti�taw ofthe
<br /> juris�iction in whtch tha Property is located• In the event that an�r provision or clause of thia SecurCty Wsttvmtmnar the Naie
<br /> - --_� un:3ict:�:�is1i 3FFlis�le lew.�}ch cx+nflict shail not affect oiher provisions of this Sacwity Inssn�ment ar tho Nutcs which cun be
<br /> -- . �ivcs»cffoct without the conflicti�g prov'ssion.'1'o this ertd the pruvisions uf Uils Sc�tr�r� Instrumeae:rid tt�e Rlotr.nn:dcrin�i
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> — - — 16.Boreurn�r's Copy.Borrower shall mE$iven one conformed oopy of the Plote and of this Sasyuity�t�ument.
<br /> -.. _— � Fo�aoas e�so
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