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<br /> • ��? S. H�rd or PrapeRy Insurn�ece. Borrower shull kccp thc iit�pmvemc�tts nnw exltiting or hercafl4r crcctcd un thc ___
<br /> ; „^":� Property insured a�uinst los.s by fire, hwnrds includai wlthin the term "extended covera�e" wid ++ny athrc huzards, induding �. ,
<br /> _��fi tloads ar tlaoding, far whtch Lcnder requires iasurance. Thig insuruncc tihull bc mnint«incd in the mnnunt++ne�d fur the perfado
<br /> �;� thut L�ender requlres. The insurartce cuerier pravid���the insaru�ue shall be chotien by Ai�r«�wer tiuhJcct to I.cndar's upprovnl
<br /> which shull nat be unrtasonnbly withheld. If Borcower fails to muintuin coveruIIe dcscribeJ a�bove. L.ender may. at l..ender's
<br /> '•?��; aption,obtnin rnvernge to protect Lender's rl�hts in the Propc�ty in uccuniance with pamgrnph 7. _
<br /> All i�surunce poticjes nnd renewals shul{ be ucceptnble ro I.endee und shnll tnclude a standnrd nmrtguIIe clnuse. I.ender __
<br />_:_,•�:� shull huvc the riEht tu holdthe palicies und renewt►�s.If I.ender ncquircg,Borruwcr shaii pnnnptiy bive td i.cndcr all rccclpts of U=
<br /> �-��;;,, pnid premiums and renewal nodces.In the event af lass.Borrower shnll�ivc prompt Ratice ta thc insururtce wrricr artd Lender.
<br /> --=�.� Lcnder may make proof of loss if not made�romptly by Bormwer.
<br /> _:� •� Unless Lendee sued Borwwee oth�rwis�agrec in writing.insurance proreeds�shall be applied to restorndon or repai�af the
<br /> • �" Pmperty dw�wged. if the restomtion ar mpair is cconomiaally frasible und Leader's security is not lesscned.If thc restorutian or
<br /> `:�'.� repair is rtot economic�lly feasible or I.ender's securlty would be lessened,the insurunce ptoceeds shnll be applied ro the sums
<br /> � � ���� secured by this Security Instcur�eent. whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Burruwer. If�ormwu :lbas:dons tAe -
<br />'Ff,�,�_
<br />,�„�k�: Property. or daes not answer wlthin 30 days a notIce from Lender that the insu�x+nce carrler has offered to setUe �claim,then
<br /> x+n
<br />=":•:'.::' � � l.ender may coUoct the lnsurance prooWeds. C.ender may use the proce.eds to repair or restare thu Property or to pay sums
<br /> _-=����
<br />: ���� securr.d by this Security Instrvment.whether or nat then due.The 30-day period wlil�:gim when tho natice is g ven.
<br /> '- = Unles.c Lender und B�arower othecwtse agc�ce in wrlting. any mpplicatIon of proct�ds to principal shall Rot eatend or
<br /> ;� - postpone the due dsrte of th��uonthfy paymenta referre�to in paragruphs i and 2 or ctwn�e the umount o€the payments. [f
<br />__ -_�� under pamgragh 21 the Prog�nY�g ac�uined by Lender.Borrower's d�ht to nny insurance poltctes und proceedg r�.wlun8 from
<br /> --"=-' damage to the Fro�rty pdor to the acquisedon shall pass to Lender w the extent of the sums secu�+ed by thia 5earity Instrumen►
<br />_ Rg,� � immed{ately paor to the acqteisition.
<br /> '�a�a��?�� 6,paupancy,Preserv�s�nn,N7ain4en�ce nnd�w2�tion of the Peoperty;Borrotver's I.os�n Applic�ltom�Lea�e!►oids.
<br /> _,_,�� �torr�wer shnll oocupy.establls�.and use the Property as Barnower's principal resldence within si�ty daya sfter thB ex�cution of
<br /> - ---- this Secudty Insttument and shall oondnuz to oecupy the Property es B�nr[ower's pdncipal residence for at least one year after
<br />-- _�� the date of occupaacy,u�Leader othenvis�e a�rees in rrrlttng. which oonsent shap not bd unreatonably wl�hheld. or tuiless
<br /> extenuating ciQra�Yustan�xs eutst which �ee 4�ayond Banrower's canunl. Barrowet shall not destray. dtunaSa ar impair the
<br /> - Prope�ty, nllow the Pmpe�y to detedorf►te,or commit waste on the Pnoptrty Borrower sliall ba in default if any fodeiwce
<br /> _ acrion or pmceeding.whether eivil or cciminal,is beIIun that In Lender's�ood fa[th judgment could result in forfeItum of the
<br /> PropeRy or��r?r�vjse materiaUy impair the lten created by thia Secudty Instnunent or Lender's seeuritY intet+est, Borrower may
<br /> - ��h A i��rr�r,64 and reinstate.as provtded in Prn►B�ePh 18.by causin�the a�tion or proceedipg to be dinmissed�rIth u rulin�
<br /> - - — that, in Ler�dzr's�oad faldt►determinatIon, precludcs forfeiwre of the Hoirower's Interest in the Propeicy ar oii�cr �i�=��
<br /> Iiq�.�tilrm�t o�the 1[en cmaZad by this Securtty Inst�uu�nt or i.ender's secur�ty interest.Borcowtr shall also be in defuult if
<br /> Barrower.during the loan appllauion prooess.gave matc+�'��lly false or inaocurate inforr�quflon or stnteneents to l�em.�et(or fciiled
<br /> w provide l.eaDer with eny material inforn�ation)in connection with the loan evidenaed by We Not¢,irtcludiag,�v,c not limited
<br /> _. to�represenus�on�conceming Borrowcr's oci:�pancy of the Property ris a principal resldenoe.If t4�ls�tty Instiument is on�
<br /> ;�;;;�j leasehold. B�orcuwer ehall comply with�u�r,9�e provislona of the leare. If Borrower ncquires ffec r3tle to the Property. th�
<br /> leuschold rinnd the fee dde shtill not merge�ml�s Lender Ig�es�W I f�r8���0 d��g�venants aad agreements onntalned In
<br /> 7.Nrote�lan ai I.endcr's Rtghta tn the Property.
<br /> this Securiry Inst�ument,or there ia a leg�l proceeding that may significandy affect Lender's righta in tho Properiy (such as a
<br /> procceding in banluuptcy,probate, for condemnation or furfeit�re or to enfoire lnws or regulssttions).then L.ender a�y do und•
<br /> paY for whatever is necasary u►prnieci the value of the Property snd Lender's riRhts in the P'roperty. Lender's acttons raay
<br /> ittclude paying eny sums secured by u lien which has pdor�ty over this Security t�stwnen2, appeati�$in aourt. ptYpi¢�
<br /> r,easnnable attomeys'fees�anfl rentering on the Pc�operty to make repairs.Although Lknder may tnke actlon under�this para�`aph
<br /> 7,9.e�er does nat have to do�o.
<br /> Any nmounts disbursed by Le�ncler u�ster this pamgraph 7 sha11 become uc,idirional debt of Bonower G�eutrd by.this
<br /> Security Ipswment. Unless Borrower usad i,ender a�ree to other te�s of pay�nant, thesc uma��a�ea shsill bear interest frorc(t�ahe
<br /> date o+F disbarsement nt the Note rate rmr�shall be payable. with inte�st,upon nottce fmm I+ender to Bocrower �qu�stl;rr�
<br /> p�yment.
<br /> S.Moitgage Iasw�sa�rE.If Lender tequirad mortguge insuranoe as a conditian+nfi making tbe lor,n seciuod by thia Security
<br /> Iaswment. Bomower shall pay the premiums requited to maintaln the mortgage insurnnce in effect- If. far au�y rpson.t�e
<br /> mortg�s insutance awvernge cegvired by I,ender lupses or ceases to R�a in effect.Bomower shali pay the premiums retluit�d to
<br /> obuiin oove•�,rr substantiaEfy equivalem 2o the mortguge insumns�e Fr��riousiy jn effect.at a oost substantlully equivalent ta't(se
<br />--_--=__ - c�.t tn�vrn,ac, �f thc rrs,�cs�e insurar� �+ravinucty in ePfi�ct. trom an altemate mortgage Insurer apprati•esi by Lender. XP
<br /> _ - -� _ - su�iantiully dquivntent mort�a�e tnsuca�tce cover�ge is not uvaitable.Borrower shall p:►y w L�:nufer cach r�4m�a suen W�st ta
<br /> ---- one-nvelhh of the yeurly mortgt�e insusance premimn being paid by Botro�ver when the feaunsnce o�verngc Ir,�ze�1 or ceased W
<br /> be in effect.R�nder wiil aceept.use�r�4fl�n these paymezits us a loss res�rve in lieu of moa3age insw�anoe. Loss r+c'a�."`r'�e
<br /> ---�..�...� Form 3028 8f90
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