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<br />- ° `'�� a ments ma na tonger be required, ut thc option af Lcmler,if mortgugc lnsur�c covcrugc(in thc amount und for thc periad —
<br /> PY Y
<br /> .- . •Ax�' that Lender requires)provtded by an insurer uppruve�!by i..endcr ngain bu:ometi uvuilublc uud is ubtained.Borrowcr shali pay �....
<br /> ,;,,��s j, the premiums rcquired to mainwin mortgage insumnce inaffect. O�I(1 PIAVI�C U IpSS ICtiCWC.until the�equirement for mart�uge
<br /> �„'�.� insurnnce ends tn urcordn�ce witi�any written oIIreement betwcen Borrower und 4..�nder ur applicuble luw.
<br /> 9. 1ns{scctlun.[ender ar ita agent muy make rc:uon:�bic�ntdes upan and inspcctions af the Property. Lender sh�ll �ive
<br /> 'c'�%{�� Barrawer nottce at the ti�ne of or pdar to un inspection spesiiyfng reasonabte cuuse fur the inspection.
<br /> D0. Coudemnatton. The pr�ceeds of nny uwurd ur�Inim for duma�cw,direct ar consequential. in cannection wfth any =__
<br />`=-,�c .'
<br /> . . condemnation ar ather tnkin�of any part af 1he Prapeny, ar for conveynnce in licu of condemnutiun.ure hareby u+si�itc.�l uud �-
<br />_�_;:,.:.,. � shaU be paid to Lender.
<br /> r�� In thc evem of u total taking of the Propercy,the proceeda shall be npplied to the sums secured by this Security instrument.
<br />�=_:y��] whether or not then due, with any excess paid ta Borrower.In the event of u partial tuking of the Propetty in which the fulr
<br /> v' �` market value of the Property immediutely beforc the tukin�is equal to or grcater thun the umaunt af the sums scxured by this
<br />' ,�?`�?�� Securtty Instrument immediately before the tnking.unless Horrower and Lender othenivjse agree in wdting,the sums secured by
<br />`�:::��'�; this Security lnstrument shall be rednced by the mnaunt af the procceds mult�piied by tha fuUuwl�i� fructian: (n) the towl �
<br />=�'MT?'�; amount of the sums secured immediatcly before the eaking,divided by(b)the fafr market vulue of the Property immedfatoly
<br />-=v�'�'� before the taking. Any bulunce shell be puid to BorroWCr. in the event of a parttal taking of the Property in which the fnir
<br /> -�,f#A�a mazket value of the Property lmme�iately bofore th�taking is les.g than thc wnount of the sums secured immodlutely before the
<br /> __�--�•�—�= takM�.unless Borrower and Lender othr.rwiso agree in writing or unless appllcable Iaw otherwiss provldes, the prnceeds Ehull
<br />- ,___ be applicd to the sums secu�+ed by this Secuelty Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br />--�-�:='r;;� if the Property is abandoned by Ek�rmwer,or if. aiter notice by I.ender to Botrower that the condemnor offers to make un
<br /> _�_��:�� awerd or settle a claim for damages. Hotrower falls to nespond to L.ender wtthin 30 dnys after the date the notice is given,
<br /> -?— I.ender is suthor�ed to collect end apply the prnceeds.at Ite opiion.either to restorntton or repair of the Property or to ths sums
<br />-�:������ secured by this Securiry lnstsument,whether or not tkn�ndus. -
<br />___�!w�.T,fRtJS�C�
<br /> Unless l.ender and Barrower otheivuise agree nn wrldng� any upplicadon of pmoeeds co principal shall not extend or
<br />-�'�����%:,;� postpone the due dcite of the montbly payments referred to in paragmphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payrr�ents.
<br /> -_::;�',� 11.Bormwer Not Releasedi Forbra�nns��3y Lender IVa4 a Wniver.Extension of the tirae for payment or modificudon
<br /> --- of amortizntion of the sums secumd by this Sec+iri�y 1s�swment granted by I.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shell
<br />- -=_ = not operate to relence the liabiftty of the ori�tnal Borrower or Borrower's succe�sors in interest. Lender shall not be requiced to
<br /> commence pmccx;dings against any suscessar in interESt or refuse to extend dine for payment or otherwise modify amortlzatton
<br /> of the sums se�ured by ttus Security Instrument by reason ofi nny demand made by the orisinal Barrower or Borrower's
<br /> s�scc?�sors In inte?�• Any forbcarnnoe by Lender la ozerctsin�uny dght or remcdy shall not be n waiver of or prectuda tha
<br /> eaercise of any r�ght or remedy.
<br /> 12. Suacessore and Assl�ns Bound;JoinQ and Several Ltabiltty; Co±a3�ners. '!'he covennnts art� �reements of this
<br /> _ SecurEty Inswment shuU bind and benefit tha successors and assigna of Lender and Borrower. subject to 4he provjsIona of _
<br /> """';,y� paregraph 17. Botrower's covenants nnd agrcements shall be joint nnd several. Any Bon+ower who oo-signs this Sec�aricy -
<br /> -•�� Inswment but does not e;ecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secudty Instrument only to mortgage.grant and aonvey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property undar the terms of thia Secudty Instrument; (b)is not peixanally obliguted W pay the suna
<br /> secured by this Security Instwaenr. and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower raay agree to extend.�todify.forbe�r flr
<br /> make any accommodudons with regard to the ter�s cn:f this Security Instrument or the Note wlthout ttwt Borcower's consent.
<br /> 13.Loun Churges.If the loan sacuned by this 5eiurity Insttument is subject to a law which se,ts maximum losinn ch�es.
<br /> and thnt law is finelty interQret�d so that the intemss or other loan chnrges coliected or to be wllected in wnnection with the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limlts.then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reducc�d by the runour�2 aecessary to�educe the chacga
<br /> to the permitted limit;und (b)any sums already oollected from Borrower which exeeeded perwitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lender may chcwse w make this reti�nd by reducing the princigal owed under the Note or by making a direct .
<br /> puyment to Bormwer. If a refund reduces princ[pal, the reductIon wilt be treated as a partlal prepaYment wlthout �ny . _-
<br /> -�� prepayme�,t chnrga under the Note. -
<br /> "`:" 14,lodotices.My notice to Borrower provided for in thls Securiry Insuument shWl be�ivcn by delive�[ng it or by mailln$
<br /> -..--�m lt by ficwt cluss mail unless upplicable law requires 4eseof another method.The nodce shali bc directed to tite Property Address
<br /> or any other eddress Bonrawer desigaates by nodc�to Lender. Any notioe to I.eader shall be �tven by first class mail to
<br /> I.cnder's address swted herein ar eny other eddress Lcnder designntes by notice to Horrower. Any natice provided for in this
<br /> Secur[ty Ir�sttument shatl be deemed to have beEn given to Bonower or Lender when given av provIdsd in this paragraph. _
<br /> lg.Govern{ns I,aw; Sevaabiltty. This �ecudry instrument shall be governed by federal Iaw end the luw of the
<br /> jurisdictton in which the Praperty ic locuted. In the event that any provision or cinuse of this Securlty Insttument or the Nota
<br /> conflicte with applicable law,such vontliot shail Rot aHect other provisions of this Security Instn�ment or the NotQ which ca�t bo
<br /> --�-- given effect without the oonfltcdng pmvision.To thie end the ptovlaions of t14is Securiry Instru�nent und the Note rue decltued ; .
<br /> — to Ise severable. _
<br /> =—� A6.Bomower's Copy.Borruwsr sha11 bn givc�i ui�u W►ufuiuicd copy of thc:Note su►d of this Secur�ty tnsuwnent. °
<br /> �'� =--=�—= Form H0213 8l80
<br /> J•`•---�--' Pap040}8 � .
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