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<br /> ;, „y��;' TOL3ETHER WITH all the improvementa not��or hereafter erc�ted on tite property.end all cascmenta. appnrtenances.artd �_
<br /> fixtures naw or hemnfter a psut af the prope»y. AU replucemente und edditions sh�ll nlso tre co�cred by thia �urity
<br /> ,4 Instrumerrt.Ali of thc foregoing ie referred to in thla SECUdty Instcument aa che"Property."
<br /> � ,� �� ; BOI3RQW�R COVBNANTS that Aorrower la lawfully seised af the estate hereby canv�yed and hns the�ight to�eaRt and
<br /> „ -� ;,�y.� rnnvey tho PropeRy ur�d tAet the Praperty is unencumbemd. except for encumbmnces of record. Barrower wareants and aill
<br /> defend Qenerally the tlde tu the Pmperty ugainst ull cluims und demtu►ds.subject to uny encum6runecw af record.
<br /> . : ,, �� TH1IS SLCURITY INSTRUML�NT combtncs unifornt covenants for nntiortal use and non•uniform covcnants w it h l i m i t e d �---
<br /> „„ ,�.,1 vuriations by Judsdiction to coustitute a uniform securiry tnstrument rnvering re,al property.
<br /> .;:.:�:'�t UNIPORM COVENANTS.Horrawer and Lendercovenunt and ugree as follows: _
<br /> 1. Payment wf PainciQml und Interest; Prepuyment mnd Lnte Churges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> _—_.------,�--. principal af and intcrest on thc debt evid�naed by the Note nnd uny prepayment and late chnrges due under the Note.
<br /> - � 2.Futtds for Tnxes untt UuurnnoE• Subject to applicable inw or to a wrltten wuiver by Lender.Borrower shull pay to -
<br /> " .. �� L.ender on the day monttdy paymcnts are due under the Now,untll the Noi�is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(n)yearly taxes
<br /> �'''"�"':•`�� und assessmenta which may attain prloriry over Yhls Secudry Instrument as u lien on the Propcsrty; (b)Year�Y leasehald payrttents
<br /> or gmund rents on the Proparty.if sny:t�)y��Y b�ar p�p61'ri'insurance premiums:(d)yearty flood insursnce prern�ums.
<br /> _�,�`a±�h.�;� • if any;(e)Yearly mortgage i�surnnc�e premiums,if any: und(�any sums payable by Borrawer tu Lender. in aocordanc�with
<br />`=-";,�.��,�,:�' the provislons of garagraph 8,in lleu of the payment of cnortga�o ins�runce premiums.These items nre called"Escrow Items." -
<br /> =�—__ Lender may, at uny dme,callect and hold Fnnda in an amount not to eaceed che maximum arceount a lender for a fedemlly _
<br /> � `""�'�' refated mortgAge loan muy require for Borrower's escrow account under the federat Real Estute Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> `'''�'-'!��'�� 1974 es amertded from Ume to time. 13 U.S.C. Section 26A1 et sey. ("RESPA°),unfess unother In�1 that aFPIIes ta the Fnnd.g .
<br /> =-:.a...:a��
<br /> sets n le�ser�tnount.if so. Lender ma�y, at eny time,collect and�old Funds in sut amount not to exceEd the lesser amount.
<br /> '�� Lender may�:slirt�ate the amount of Funcls due on the basIs of cumont data and reasonabte estimates of eapenditures of fi►ture
<br /> �.,�,t��
<br />- F.scmw Items or othen�+lse in accordance with ripplicable law.
<br />��-� .�.�� The Funds shall be hx3d in an institudon whose depa�sita rue insured by a fe�eral egency. insnumentality. or endry
<br />-�"—� (Including i.ender.if Len�isr 3a such nn insdtutlon)or in any Falcral Home Loan Ban1c.I.ender ahall apply the Funds to pay the
<br />_�-' Esarow Items. Lender may not chruge Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds,ann�ally ent�lyzing the ea�ow accoant,or _
<br /> ---_- vet�fyln�;the Esctow Items,unless L,ender pays Borrower inter�t on the Furtds and applicable law permits I.ender to mak�such
<br /> �-�`� a charge.Hnwever,Lender may reqaire Borrower to puy a one-timc�harge for an independent real estate tax reportin�service
<br /> R � -='� used by Lender in connection with thjs loan. unless applicable 1aw provldes ntherwise. Unless an agmxment is made or
<br /> _ _ appllcuble law requires ini�rest to be paid.L.ender sh�l�not be required to pay Bprrower eny interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> ' ` Horrvwer and Lender may ugceE in wriiing,hvwe++ct. that S�sierest stsa!!!��at�s1��Funds. i.��1er r,hall¢Ive W Borrowex. ,
<br /> ��_,F«:f� wlthout chac3e,an ennunl accow►ting��T the Ffunds.ahowtns credits and debits ta the Funds and�the pwpose for which euch
<br /> - - - debit to the�unds was mude.The Punds are pledged a»additional sccuriry for al!sum�secured by thla Sticurlty Instcument.
<br /> ------ If tha Funds held by Lender excecd the a�nounts perm[tted to be held by applicabte law,Lender ahal{account to Borrowar
<br />- _,,,� tar the excess Funda in accordpnce with the requimm�nts of appticable law.If tha amount of the Funds held by I.ender at�uuy -..
<br /> time is not sufficient to puy the Escro�v Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wrlting,uttd,ia suoh cttse Borrower
<br /> — shnil pay eo I..ender the omou�t nesessary to mak� aP the defi�iency. Aorrower shalt m�lce up the deflcieney In na more thun
<br /> twelve manthly payme�ts.at I.�nder's sole discmaion.
<br /> - Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Securlty Instrument. Lender shnll promptly cefund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by I.ender.If.under puragruph 21. Lerzder shalt ncquire or sell the Property.Lender.prtor to the uoquisitton or sule
<br /> of tho Property,shall apply any Funda held by Lerzdar at the time of ecquisldon or sale as a crodit against tlt�aums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> -- 3. Applicatian of Poyments.Unless applicabie law provldes othotwise,all payments r�ceived by Lender under paragrnphs
<br /> t and 2 shell be applied:flrst. to any prepuyme�it charges due uader the Note; second,to amounts payable under patabrnph�;
<br /> thi►+d,to interest due; fourth,to princIpal due: and tust,to nny lute charRes due under the Note. • _
<br /> = — • 4. Chsu'ges;Uens.Borrower shall pay all taxes, acsessments,ehacges,fines and imposttions attdbutnble to the PmpetiY __
<br /> .which may attain pdorlty over this Sectsdry Instrument, and leasehold paymesnts or gcound centa. If uny.B�rrower ahnll p�y
<br /> - - - ----�--- h 2.or if not aid in that manner.Borcower shalt.p3y them on tlma dir�otly
<br /> = these obtigt�tions in the mann�r providecl it�paragtap P
<br /> -== to the ge�sa�o�ved payment.Bonower shall promptly furnish to Lender�Il notices of amounta to be paId under thts,parnsraph•
<br /> If BorrawCr makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower fihali y�romptly dischorge any lien which hos priority over this Security Instcument unless Borrower:(a)agrc�es In
<br /> wridng to the puymenY of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender;(b)contests in good faith the iten
<br /> - •�i''� by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceec�ings whtch in the I.eitder's opinion operate to prevent tha
<br /> �— et�'orcement of the Iten;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien nn agreement eatisfactory ro Lender stelwrsfinniin�tha IIen to
<br /> ---__ - this Secur�ty Instcument. IF Lender determines thzY any part of the Property is subject to a Iten which rnay aetain pdority over
<br /> ---- this Secudry Insttument, l..ender may gtve Borrower a notice identifying the Iten.Buroower shuil sattafy cha Ilen or take one or
<br /> � —�_�__�-� iuucc ui tl�e actt�na sci Fo:sh atusvc a�thin ZU c3uys of the gfving�f nnrire.
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