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,,::,�. <br /> . �� � � . <br /> ��. ., . �� � . � <br /> _ ......a.+, • . ..�„+--a <br /> . , � .� . ... _ ... . �. ._ _ <br /> .� , � .. ��._ ....._-�-.--.�y ... 99- ������ <br /> 9. Huu�rd or Proprrty I�nrnncc. Horrowor ah�il kcep the improvicenents aow existing on c�reufter crcctcd an the _ <br /> Property inaured ngolnst loss by Qre,hoznrda included within tho term "extended covernge" and nny other hnu►rds. lncludina ' V= <br /> floods or tloaAing, for whtch l.endcr requtres insurnncQ.'fhin ineurunce shull be mnintained in the amounts nnd for the period� <br /> ' „ thnt L.ender requirr,s. 71�e lneurance cutcie►pmvidina thQ inaurunce ahnil bo chosen by Bonower subjece to l,�:nder's nppmvul <br /> •• whlch shal! nnt bc unr�n�onnbiy withheld. lf BorrowQr fails ro mntntnin covernQc described above, T.ender mny,ut L.ender's �;"j <br /> ' optton,obtntn coveraga ta protect I.cnder's rights in thQ PropertY in nccordanes wlth puruB�aph 7. _ <br /> -- Ali lneurance psslictes rued rene�vnla shs�ll be acceptnble ta l.ender nnd ahull include n atnnderd mottanne clnuse. L.endec �"', <br /> "" ' shall have tho rlght to hold the policles und renewnla. If Lender rcquires, Borrawer ahall promptiy give tn l:ender aIl recctpts of �, <br /> ° � pntd promiumn nnd rentwul noticea. In thc event of loss,Bonove+cr sh�ll give prompt notice ta the insurnnce currisr nnd l.endcr. r y_ <br /> ....:r�� �. I.a n d a r ma y make proat of loss tf not mude promptly by S�rrowet. �,�;^ <br /> � ,:;,,, � Unloss l.ender and Borrower otherwise nIIree in wrlting,insurnnce pmceeds e h a l l h c s npp l i e d co res tor a t i o n o r r e p u i r o f t h e :. - <br /> n <br /> � propecty domaged,if the teatornUon or repalr ie econamicnlly fea�ible and Lender's securiry is nat lessened.If the restorntion or ��..� <br /> rep�ir!a not economictilly feosible or Lender's secudry would�e lessened.the insurance proceeda st►a11 be aPP�ied to the aums �����' <br /> €•_-._ <br /> secured by this Secwity Inatrument,whether or aot thoa due. wlth any eacess paid to Borrower. If Borcower abandons the ___ <br /> . ; I�nopeny� or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender thnt the inaurance canlor has offered to settle a claim.then `:� <br /> , . •� L�sndar mny collect the iasurunx proceeda. Lendor may use the praceecla to repair or restore the Praperty or to pay sums �,.- <br /> s <br /> secu�+ed by thfa S�ecwity Iaeuumeat.whether or not then due.The 30-dny gedod wtll begin whea the notice ia given. _ <br /> ° � Unless Lendee nad Borruwer othenvisc agree in wridng. any appllcation of proceeds to principal shall not exteud or - <br /> •�•� postgono the due dute of the moattily pAymenta referred to In paragraphs 1 aad 2 or changc the amount of the payments. If <br /> �. . ,; . uadoe psiragraph 21 ttie PropexcY is sxquired by Lender,Aorrower's right to any insutaace poitcies end proceeda tesultfns from .__ <br /> • �. dmm�go to tbe Property prior ta the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the swps secured by thia Secudty Inatrument ��, <br /> imme.�liatety pdor to the aoquis�tlon. <br /> ' 6. Occupssacy. Pr+es�atton, ARnintenunce und Protection of the 1'ropertyi ��wer's �.oan A�plicutloa; _.. <br /> , �' I.¢�r.hotds.Borrower shtill o�cupy,establieh,and use the Progetty as Borrower'a principal residence withia eiuy days after the <br /> � �� executioa of t6ia Security InattumEnt oad shall continue to occupy the Property as Bflrrower's principal resldence for at least ono <br /> ycnr after the dnte of oocupact�y,xanlass Lender othe�e agrees in wdtiag�which cousent shall not be unreasonebly withheld� <br /> ' or unless extenuating circumst�ax�exist whicb are heyond S�rrower's control.Borrower shall not des:roy,dama�e or impair <br /> " tho Property.altow the PropenY ta duiedorate.or comlait weste on tbo Property Borrower shall be in default it any forfeiture <br /> . .. ;, h <br />,... „ actton or proceeding.whethax ctv�l nc cdminal. is begun that in LEmder's gaod faith judgment could tesult i»forfeituoe of the <br /> �; property or othenvise cn�terially trnpuir the lien creau:d by this Securiry Insuument or Lender's securiry interest.Bnrrower muy - <br /> ' cu�nucY.a dsfauti a�!. i^°r ',�?i'^v�ded!n paraura»h 18,by causWB the acdan or proceeding to be diamissed with a culing <br /> .• �,r� that. Ia Lender's goAd it�ith det�sYmination, Pre�ludes forfeiture of the Borrowcr's interest ln the t�mperty or o�her maieriat <br /> _? .. ,.,!', impafrruent of the lien creaeed by� Qds Sev�u'iry lnsuument or Lender's serudry Interest. Borrower shall niso be in defi+ult if <br /> �.���.:a <br /> j� .,,�p#t�•�, B o r ro w e r�d�r i n g t h a l o a n a p plloasion pmcess.Save matertsilly false or laaccurate inform�tioa or atatementa to Yrender(or fai e <br />�,,,,�.,�,�;.�,�., to prov[de Lender with any meto:i�l tnformadoa)ia cuanection with t he loan e v t den ce d by t h e N o t e.i n c i u d i n g,6 u t a o t l i m i e e d <br /> as a rfnci re8idence.If thls Security Insuument ia oa a <br />-� >•c1 ...� ._ co.representatious conr,�ming Borra�ver's occupancy of the ProPertY P P� <br />-}'f�� '��"' ' lensehold, Borrower shflll cvmply with ull the pmvisions of the lense. If Bomower acqu�res fee ttde to the Property, the <br />�:ill.�p .::.....t.,3 : <br />_�'.p;�.�. , f leaschold and the fce dtlo shtill aot merge unless Leader agrees w the merBer in writing- <br /> . . 7.Protecttan of Lendea's IL�ghte3 in t�e Pro�rtY•If Borrower fails w perform the coveaante aad agreemeats cantained In <br />�-:-;-,�.e+�1) <br />�-.. .. . this Securlty tasnument�or the� i6 a tegai pmc,eeding thet may sigaificaady affect Lender's rlghts in the ProPerty(such as a <br />'�"�<�� ir procceding in baalQUpt�y,psobe�o�fur wndemnation or forFeiture ot to enforce la�vs os regulations).thea Lender may do end <br />?���� p�}r for whatever ia ntu�ssu�'�l�n protect the valuB of the Property sind Lender's �lghta in the Property.Lender's aatona may <br />'�� inclade paylnB any swna seca�al�by u lien which has pdortty over thia Secsnriry instrnment, appearia8 in court. PaYinB <br />=+w>_.Y:�___�uh_ <br />-�-?".�%.�-=��'� reusonable attomeys'fces an�entcuing on the Property to make repairs. Although Lxnder may tuke a:tion under this P��P <br />"'""' �-••�',y�� 7,Lender daes aot have to da so. <br />-.�,�;-.�:.=�.Y�-- <br />:��:�j�_Y pny �ouats dtst+�rs�a�t by� Lender under thte paragraph 7 shall bec.��me additlonal debt of Bomower seci±red by a <br />-.��-. , � Securityr Instntment. [➢n4�s Horron�er and Lender a„�Ee tu othec terms of�ym�t,these amouats shali benr interest fc�um the <br /> "''-i' date of disbursement at the Not�s mte aad shall be payable. �vlth interesc� upon notice from Ixnder to Bnmower request�ag <br /> .�_ <br /> Y-'�'�,,:; , paymeat. <br /> ►!�'�q►Y:��,,I,'.M <br /> 8.Mortgage Insurane�.IP A.ontl�r required mortgage insureuco r�.s a condidon of mnlcing the loan secured by thie Secunty <br /> =�'='--- instrument. Borm�v�r shait pey tde premiums tequired to maintaia the mortgage insurance in effecc. If. for aay reason, the <br /> y���°�� mortga,�e insurance oaveia$m tc�ulrod by I.endar l�aes or ceases to be ia effect, Romower shall pay the�a�xnalums rcquired to <br /> �. -�a�a,r;��;r;• obtatn caeveiage substuniially oqnivalamt 2o the mongaga insurance•previously in�ffe�t,at a cost substancdAll(yr u►uivalent to the <br /> �"�=��^''`.��� ' wst to JBorrower of the monBe,�=lm:svrance prevfously in effect. from an altemate mortg�e insurer apptoved by Leader. If <br /> �::„--...:�,�y,. <br />= --= substaatially equivslent mortge��in�ranc�co�era8e is not availmmle.Borrower shail pay to l.ender each montU a sum�yu to <br />--`-:��Y!-====— one-twelAh ef�he year]y mtmga�o fnsurance p�miwn being paid by Batrower when the Insurance oovera�e lapsod ar ceased to <br /> " ' be in effect.Let�der will as�pt,us��nd�txiu Q►usa pAYmcnis as a Inss t'eserve m ticu of mortgabe iusiva�ca• t�sas r�eNe <br /> . �soss srsa <br /> - y ��(3�lNEl�ozt2�.os va�sete auw5: <br /> .. ��• <br />_. .� <br /> . .. _ ��, _ - . <br /> - ---~— . . �:,t.i:' • , .� � � '.. , - � <br />� , <br /> __r. _ - -�_ _ _ - _- - - — - - — --- - ---- --- - - - - - ---- -- - <br /> - - -- � . <br /> _ .. _, - -z�-� -__ - — - - -- - -- - _ _ _ <br /> .. . . ,. . ., . ••- <br /> , . . , , , <br /> _ + .� , . .' .. . .. , " <br /> . . .. ° .. , . • ,., � � <br /> - „ „ .. ., • , .. ,.• ,. ° �• <br /> - ' ,� ' , „ .. � ' . <� ., <br /> ; .. „ . <br /> . r, , . , • .. ., � .. .. _ '�," ` ' . <br /> . ' - . .. �> .. . � . . . V " ' .� .. - ��. . - . <br /> .. •. .. . , . . , .. - n ° .. •n �. <br /> _' . .. ' .. .-�� .. . <br /> —. (i a , .. .� i _ � .. , � .. . <br /> _� ' .. , . . . ' ( ' " . ., .n—_.� .._ —„ � .., . . .� .... - . <br />