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<br /> � � TO(1BTHBR W ITH all the lmprovementa now or hereafter erected on the properry,and nll easementa. nppurtenanccs,smd
<br /> � ' fixtures now or hereatZer a ptuY of the property. All replacements and addittons shall also be covered by this 5ecn:ity _
<br /> , " � Instrument.All of the foregoing ia rcferred to in thia Securiry Instrument as the"Fmpeety."
<br /> • BOItC30WBlt COVENANTS thai Borrower is lawfully selsed of dte estnte hereby conveyed nnd hna the dght ta grnnt and _� :
<br /> convey the Progerty und that the Property ia unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Bonower wuaanta nnd wUl �'�
<br /> �� ., defend g�nernlly the title tathe Praperty against all claims aad demande, subject to nny encumbrancesof record. _�r�:
<br /> TEi1S S�CURI'H'Y INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for nation�l use and non-uniform coven�nts with limited
<br /> ° vutiutiona by Jurisdictlon to constitu[e a uaiform security u�strwuent coverlaB reai property. �,
<br /> • UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender coveaant aad agree as fotlows: _
<br /> - 1. Playment a� Princi�al nnd Interes� 1Pcepnytment cand Lute Chaa�es. Bonower shall promptly pay wh�n due the i`.
<br /> ;;�:�:�f`;� principal of and interest on the debt evislenced by the Note aad aay prepayment and late charges due under the Note. F._
<br /> •� --''� • 2. Funds for Taxes and Insauance. Subject to applicable law or to a wrinen wniver by Lender.Borrower st�all pay t� ���
<br /> l.endcr on We day monthly paymenu are duc under the Note,until the Note is puid W ti�1l,a sum("Fuada")for.(a)yearly tuxes `-='
<br /> • and assessrasnts which r�ay attain pric��Iry over Wis Security Instrumept as a iiea on the Praperty:(b)yeucly leasehold payments =_
<br /> � or grouad renta o�the Praperty,if any:(c)Yr,a�ly ha7aM or pmpercy inRUrance premiuins:<d)Ycaz'ly tlood inauraace premiums, --
<br />- if any; (e)yearly mortguge insurauce premiums, if any; and (�any sums paynble by Borrower to Lender. ia accordance witt� _
<br /> ''' the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu af the payrnent of mortgage insurance premi�uns.These Items are called"Escmw Itema."
<br /> ' �,. � l.ender muy. at aay time,collect au�d hold �unds in an amaunt not to exceed the maxiiaum amount a lender for a federaily
<br />� � tetated mortgage loaa may require far Borrower's escm�v aoaount under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act af �
<br /> .,_ �: 1974 as emended from time co Ume, 12 U.S.C. 5cxtton 2601 et seq.("RFSPA'),unless anuther law that appliea to the Fuads °
<br /> �• , sets a lessser eraounq. if so, L,ender mmy, at any tdme, collect and hold Funds In aa amouat not to exoeed iha lesser sunouat. � °
<br /> ,,:,�;�� . Lender may esdmate the amouat of Funds dus on the basia uf curre�t data and c�casonable estimaces�f expeaditures of tl�ture
<br /> � ,,•.-�� � Escrow Items or othenvise ia acc�rdance with�pplicable law. _
<br /> ..`•'!��>>`•��`i�. 'LY►e Fuads shaU be held In �n institutlon whoss depos[ts are insured by a fedei�l ageacy,inatrumentality, or endty --
<br /> �.'ka;id!'�!.
<br /> (including L.ender,if Lender is sur3�an instltutton)or in any Foderal Kome Loan Banlc.Lender shall apply We Fanda to pay the
<br /> Escmw Items. Lender may uot chazge Borro�ver for holdfng and applying t�e Funds.aw►ually aaalyr�ng the cscrow a�couat,or
<br />" �� veritying the Hscrow Items,wiless l.ender pays�3otrower interest on the Fanc9s aad applicablc law permits Lender to make such ^
<br /> . a charge.However. Leader may require Borcower to pay a one-time charge for en iadependent real estaze taa reporting servtce
<br />- . . � used by Lender in connection with this loan, uuless applicubie law providas otherwise. Untess an agreement is made or
<br />- � . applIcabie law requfrea Interest ta bc paid.I.ender ahall aot be cequlred to pay Bwrrower uny interest or eaminss on t�c Funds.
<br /> Borrower and Leader may ag�e in writiag.hawever�that interest shall be pa{d on the Fuads. Lender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> �.-�:,�`;� - witho�at eharge� an a.nnual accounting of the runtis,ahowing credi�s aad dEbi�s io ti�o Fua�is i,uc���pu.��for whfch� ,
<br /> � n' ; ;,� . debit to the Funda was made.The fi�ads are ple�9g�d as additional se�vrity for all sums secured by thts Security Iasuument.
<br /> =�'� ''° �• If the Fuads held by LenAer¢ncee�the aznotsnts pennitted to be held by appllcable law,L.ender sheU account to 8orrower
<br />�'�'x.'':i�+z:'...
<br /> � {'�``�� for t he exc�s Fun d s i a axor dun�w i t h t he re�i r e m e n t a o f a p p l i c a b l e l a w. I f t h e a m o w a t o f t h e F Y�a d a h e l d b y 1 l e n d e r a t a n y
<br />��ia���:u �:::
<br />-;,��,,s,��� time is not sufficient W pxy the Escmw Item9�rea due.Leader me,y so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such csse Bonower
<br /> `"'�"_'��'�rt• shall pay to Lender the aatount neoessary to make up the deficteacy. Borc+ower shatl make up the deflciency in no more than
<br /> �,��<<;,f .
<br /> `��`<ur;,,;c•r �
<br /> _ ,� ,, twelve montlily paymants,at Len�ier's sole discretlon.
<br /> r"'���+y � Upoa paymeat in f�7D of tu7 aums secured by this Securlty tnativment. I.ender shull pmmpdy refund to Borrower en�r
<br /> W'`'°t�`� � Fanda held by Lender.If,uader paregraph 21.Lender shail acquire or seq the Propeny.Leuder. p�tor to the acqutsItion or sule —
<br />-�;'r.�..;�,--��.
<br />: ;.��,�.�;;, ,'� of the Property.sha11 apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of acquisitIon or sale as a credit agaiast the sums sec�tred by
<br /> -•�'=._t" this Securlty Insuuiaent.
<br /> .:.,�,�-,.�-- —
<br /> ---•-�«--� 3.Appitaatlon of Pey�nents.Ualess applicable law pmvide�otheiwise.all payments rECeivedby Lsador under paragrapLa
<br /> --�'""����� 1 end 2 shall be applied:fust,to any prepayment chnrges due uader the Note;secoad.to aanounta payabie under parngraph 2;
<br /> _�:.�,;5;!'.(!�EYLI�J
<br /> _ third.to inurest due;fourth.to�Liacipal due;sud last.to az►y late charges due under the Note.
<br /> - �'��'—`�'1 4.C�rges;3.ieas.Bormw�er�hall pay all texes. assessments,chazgBS.fuces and impostd�ns atuibutable to the Property
<br />--�'�'��" whic� may utu►ia goariorlty over this'Securiry iln:mument,sind leasehold pt�yyasents or ground aents,i��ny. Borrower shall pay
<br /> _'���"'`�'•-�== thess o6ligattons 1t1 the m�tar provlded in puragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time direcdy
<br />��,,����•_,;;� -
<br /> -1s�,_ to the person owod p�ment.Bs9�wer eh�ll promptly furolsb to Lrnder atl notices of antaouats to be paid under this pat�gmph.
<br /> .A.``;F`�—�— � if Borrower makes these payme�n�dlrectly.Borrower shall promptly t�unish to Leader rcceipis evide�ncing the paymenta.
<br /> "- _��-�:�� Burnower shaU promptly disebarge any{ien which has prlority over thi�5ecurtty Instmmeat unless Bomower.(a)agras in
<br />__== wrlWig to ths payment of the obligation secun�d by the Uen in a manner acceptable to Trender;(b)aoatests in good fa[th the lien
<br /> =''"`"�°'�� by. or def�nds against eaforcement of the tien ia, legal pmceedin�s which in tlee Lender's opinfon operate to prevent the
<br /> � '""�� enfomement of the Iten;or(e)s�s from the holder of tt►e lien an agceement sazisfactary to L.ender eubaidivating the lien to
<br /> _ �?�,��"',�� tlils Secudry Iastnunent.If Lend�r detemdaes that any pa�t of the Property is subject to a lien whtc�may attain priority over
<br /> �'-''F'"' thia Secudty Insnument,i�ender may give Borrower a notice identitying the iten.Bornnwer shall aatigfy the tien or take ona ar
<br /> �ia �,"'� more of the actioas set fucW above within 1Q days of ttze gfviug oi notece. ,-
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