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<br /> ' 3. Hnuirtl or Property I�.surnttce. Born�wcr �chull kcep the itnprovemcnts now cxiyting on c�renftcr crected an thc �
<br /> ` Property invurcd u�i�inst Insti hy fire.huznrds includcd within the tcrm"extended rnvernge" nnd any othcr h�u.urds, Including �`
<br /> '�`' flandx ar f'l�wding. firr which L.ender rcquires insuranrc. This intiuronce shull b�muinwined in tha umounts and f�r the periods �c`
<br /> thut l.tndcr rcyuirc.r.Thc insurnme curricr proviJing thc inxuruncc yhuil bc chnsen by Borrc►wer subject tu I.endcr's approvul —.-.
<br /> which e,hull not bc unreusonably withheld. IP Barrowcr fails m malntuin covcrugc described Ab��vo. L.cndcr muy, at [.ender'ti -
<br /> opticm.��btufn cnvcrugc to prutcct l.cndcr's rights in thc Prupccty in accordunce with parugraph 7. -�.-.
<br /> ``•''� AQ insuruiuc policies cuid renewAls ahall In mccptuble to l.endcr and shall include u stundard mortgoge ctause. Lender
<br /> .,.,, shnH finve the ri�ht to hnid the policles i�nd renewnis. If I.endcr rcyuires.Borruwer shuU promptly givQ to L.ender all rcceipts of .�=
<br /> ;;;,� paid premiums and renewul nuticeti.ln the cvent of loss,&�rro�ver shal!give prompt notice tu tha Insurnnce carrler and Lender.
<br /> �-
<br /> ••-:��::�;�+:; ' I.endcr n�uy make prcwf of lass if nat made promptly by Borrawer,
<br /> ��'"����� Unle.tis L.ender And Bonower otherwisc Agrec in wridng.insurenca pracceds shall be upplied to restoradon ar repnir of the
<br /> �'� Proparty dumaged,if thc restarntion or rep�tr ia econamically feasible und I.ender's secudty is not lessened.If the restoratia�►or
<br /> 1�unei!'�
<br /> � repair is aat econamicully fensible or I.ender's secudty would tse lessened,the insurartce proce�ds sh�ll be appliad to the sums —
<br /> �°�� sect�red by thix Security instrument,whether or not then due, with any excess paid ta Rorrower. Df Borrower a6andons the
<br /> 4.,��. Pcaperty, or does not unswer within 3U days u notice from I,ender that the insurance carrler h�offe�ed ta settle a cluim, then
<br /> ° Londer muy collect tl�e insurance pmceeds. I.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restor�the Propecry o� to pay sums
<br /> � ��;; secured by this 5ecurlry Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period wlll be�in when the notice is given.
<br /> . �� ' Unless L.ender end Borrower otherwise agree in writing. eny application of proceeds to princlpal shadl not extend or
<br /> ;;;,;,,,,,,;, � postpone the due dute of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chango the amount of tha payments. If
<br /> � ''�'��' under pamgraph 21 the Property is acqitired by I.ender,Borrower's rlght to any insurance policies and proceods resulting from
<br /> �*'�'`,;,;;`�� damage to the Property pdor to the acquisidon shull pass to Lender to the oxtent of the soms secured hy this Security Instcument _
<br /> :-;'�.c;;:-���` immedIatelypriortotheacquisition.
<br />�'�`�':�`��;'n: 6.OocupAncy,Preservation,Maintentutce ame�P�tecdon otthe Property;Horrower's I.onn AppBc�ti:o�nt[.easehoYdv.
<br /> ;;;:•���;'� � ' �arrower shall occupy.establish,and use tha Property�s Borrower's principal residence within sixty days afler�he execution of #��;
<br /> �;,;,�.,. . : }_ this Secunty Instrument and shall continue ta occupy the Property as Borrower's principal reaidence for at lon.,t ane year after k;
<br /> �:�.-.
<br />:�"�:;;,N;"� ,'f;�, the date of occupancy,unless I,ender oiherwise egcre.s in wdNng,wt�ich consent ahall not bu unsa�sonsbly withheld,or unle�.s _
<br /> �=;;'-'"°"'��.�"y� extenuating circumstunces exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower ahell nat desKoy, duma�e or impair the
<br />_::,F�T3�:�.. :
<br />.;;,u,,�,� Property. allow the Property to deterlorate, or oommit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in defAUlt if any forfeiture
<br />`�ir' ' ,t action or proceeding.whether civil or criminal.ia begun that in Lemiar's good faith judgmant could result ln forfeiture of the
<br /> ""'-��!�;�;�;'..;'� Prapercy or oil�enatse muterially impair the lien created by this Security Insuumont or[.ender's security interast,Borrower may
<br /> �•--��'��-,i� cure such a deTault nnd reinstate,as provid�d in paragraph 18,by cuusing the action or prc�cecdinB to be dism(saod with a zuling
<br /> — - thai, in Lesuler'� good faiih sleierminailon. pre�I��d� f�rfeiture of tho Borrower's interest in the Prope�tY ar other msterial
<br /> '—� impairment of tha lien created by this Security Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Borrowcr shall ulw be {n default if
<br /> =
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