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<br /> TaOLTNER W1TH n!l thc impravement�now or herenitcr crcct2d on the property,und i►II cuncrosntx. appurtenunces,nnd ,6
<br /> ���' flxtums now or hereaf'ter n part af the propertY• A�� replaccrnente und nddltians ghali ulso be covered by this Securtty ;�.
<br /> Instrument.AU of Q�e fomgoing is ceferred ta in this Secudty Instrumcnt as ths"PtoperiY•"
<br /> ' BORROWFR COVBNANTS thnt Horrowcr is luwfully seised of the estute hemby conveycd:�nd hag the right to�rant und _
<br /> � ��;� convey the Property und that the Property is unencumbemd,except for encumbrances af record. Honower warrnnts and wlll _
<br /> �`� defend generally the title ta the Property e8ninst a��claims und demands. subject to nny encumbranca of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY iNSTRUMENT cambines uniform covenants for nationul usc und non•uniform covet�an�s with limited _
<br /> � ' verlat{ons by jur�sdiction to canstitute u uniform secudty instrument coverin�reul propeety. =-
<br /> ;J`'-°�, UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender covenent and u�ree as followa: ,_
<br /> i 1, puyment oY PctnrJpal and Interest: PreWYment and Lute Charges. Borrower shaU promptly pay when due the
<br /> n,�� principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und any prepuyment and late charges due under the Note. ,-
<br /> . �+ 2� F�nds for T�txes and Insurunce. Subjett to applicable law or to a written waiver by L.ender,Barrower shall pay to
<br /> y"� L,ender on t��e day monthly payments ere due under the Noce.untll the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> '�� and assessmsnta which may attain pdority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Properry; (b)yeurly leasehold payments .
<br /> or groua�i renta on the Property.if uny:(c)yearly h�ard or praperty insuranco premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums.
<br /> �••• � � • if any: (e)Yea��Y mortgage inaurance premtums. if any;and(fl any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. in accardartce with
<br /> : ' ''� the provlsions of puragraph 8, in lieu of the payment af mortgags insurance premiums.These(tems a*e called"Escrow Items."
<br /> r�r' ^•'� I.ender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceul the maximum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> ..,�
<br />_:,,-:r..�::::'=
<br /> related martgage loan may reyuire for Bonower's escrow account under the Federal Real Estace Settlement Procedures ct o
<br />..:w:,i;'.,r_!�
<br /> � : �;�- 1974 as ame��ded fram time to time, 12 iJ.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA°).unless another IQw that applies to the Pund�
<br /> : :` �r',K: seta a I�esser amount. If so. Ler►der may. at any time. callect and hold Funda in an amount not to exceed the tesser amouid-
<br /> ���``''�"' I,ender may esdmate the amount of Funda due on the basis of current data and reasanable �� of expenditures of future
<br />_,.:_J,� Bserow Items or otherwise in accardance wlth applicable law.
<br /> '•_��.�I�+.�-� Tho Funds shull be heid in an insdtutian whase deposits are Insared by a federall agency. instrumentality. or entity
<br /> � t���� (including Lender.If Lender ls such an instihidon)or in uay Ferieral1Hnm�LoFun�ennuallerenulYzing�the escrow account,or
<br /> �:A;:.n.-
<br />:?�.�=•A,�,.�� Bscrow Items.i.ender may rtot charge Borrower far halding and apP Y 8 y
<br />-._;���a�• s Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permics Lender to malce such
<br /> [: verifying t1�e Escrow Items.anless l.ender pay.
<br /> l�s�
<br /> •_d:s� a vharIIe.However,:Lender may require Borrawsr to pay a one-time churge for an independent rzal estate tax reportin�serv ce
<br /> '���,�:,y,. . used by I.ender in connection wlth this loan, unlw�s upplicable law prov:des otherwlse. Unless an agreement js made or
<br /> .,,,,.,,-",�.:�a;� appltc�ble law requires interest to be puid,Lender ehall nat be requ i r e d to pay Borrower an y lntereat or e�rnings on the�Funds.
<br /> - "':"�„� Bv��awar�c!Lend�r maF°��in writinR.however. that ioterest ahall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Barrower,
<br /> --•�::_
<br /> .._•;� without charge, an tmnual accoundnB of the Funds, showing oredlts and debits to tiie Far:ds+u�3 tuG�u�posz far s:hich
<br /> debtt to the Funds was rnade.The Funds are pledged as addidonul securiry for sll sums securc�by this Securlty Insaument.
<br /> ---- Lender sh�ll account ta Bornnwer
<br /> - If the Funda held by I.ender exceed the umounts pernnitted to be held by applicable law,
<br /> for the exce.ss Funds tn accurdance with the requ8rements of npplicuble law.If the smount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> dme is not suftictent to puy the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notlfy Borrower in wdting.and. in such cuse Horrowcr
<br /> --_--- shull FuY to lxnder the um�unt necessary to make up the deficiensy. Bocro�ver shall meke up the detieiency in no mora thun
<br /> __ - twelve monthly payments.nt l.ender'�sole discrezion.
<br /> Upon ryayment in full of nll sums Fecured by thia Securlty Instn►en�ent. I.ender shnll prompily refl�nd to Borrowcr any
<br /> -- Furtda held by Lender.If.under pamgraph 2t.i.ender ehnit acquire or seU the Property�Lender.pdor to tho ucquiaition or sale
<br /> - of tha pmperty.ehalA aPP�Y anY Funds held by Lendc:r at the time of acquisitton or sale ns u credit aBsinst tho sums 6ecured by
<br /> this Security Instcument.
<br /> 3.Appltcutton oi Paymerek►.Unless applicable law provtdes otherwtse.a!1 payments ceceived by Lender under paragcnp
<br /> 1 and 2 shn11 be aPPlted: tirst.to arty prepuyment churges due under the Note; serAad.to umounts payable under paragrnph 2;
<br /> third.to interest due:fourth,to pdrtctpal due;�utd lest,to any Iate ct�irges due under the Note.
<br /> � Q.Cttargesi L[ens. Boreower shull pay ail wces,assessments. chorges,fines and imposlt�ons attrilsutnble to the Pcoperty
<br /> which may atusin Priorlty over this Scxuciry Insttument. and leasQhold payments or ground renta. if�ny. Borrowet shall pay
<br /> _ -- ,�_�
<br /> these obligatlons in the manncr provIdod in QaragrnPh 2,or if not paid in thnt manner,Bor[ower ahull puy them on time dirc�ily
<br /> tu the person owad payment.Hnrrower ehail�pr�We1y hall promptlynfumsh t L.ender receipt�evidencinB the paymant8s.��
<br /> Tf Pnrmwer m�fces these�paYments directly�
<br /> ---�— Bonower shu3i pramptiy�li�:li�g�uny 2icn which tis.prioncy�vcr shi��urity I�tst=tuncrit tttt1•:�s°.�r+'o�:.s: t�?s���
<br /> vvrltfnp to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contesG�in good t�lth the lien
<br /> � by. or defends agninst enforcement of the lien in, tegul proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevcat the
<br /> enf'orcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of thc licn nn agrecm istsubiect�to u I en hach$muyaictain pr�orlty over
<br /> --- this Security Insuvment. if Lender determines that uny par�of thc Property j
<br /> - --= this Secudcy Lnstniment. I.ender mny give Borrower a�a31oe Idcntifyin�the 1{en.Borrawer shall satisfy the lien or talce one or
<br /> ______- = more of the uctions set forth above within 10 days of the g�v�ng of n�tice. �Tm 3ole 91So
<br /> —���� POgo 7 of 6
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