� 1
<br /> �39-� iu6�4�
<br /> 10 RELIEDIES NOT EXCW9IVE. Truste�end Benet�ciary.and e�ch r1 Iht+m.snan ba ent�tled to entarce paymonl a�d pariormance o►any
<br /> � �ndohtndne5&or a�l�gations secure�hereby and ta nxorc�so a11 r�ghts�nd powors imder th�s Trust Deed or undor any other agreoment executed
<br /> m connect�on herpwilh or any laws nowe or he�Rlii�r in lorco, natwithslanding SOmo or all ot the such indaDtednpss�nd obl�galians secured
<br /> hereby may now or hareafter be otherw�se secured, whethor by mortgage, Irust dead, piedge. I�en, assignment or olherwise. Ne�lher ihe
<br /> aCCeptance otthis Trust Deed nor ds enfo�cement w�et�er by caurt actian o�pursuant to tho powsr ol sale or alher powers herein conta�ned,si��11
<br /> pre�udice or in any manner atlecl Trustee's ar Benel�ciary's r�ght to real�ze upon or enforce any othor svcur�ly nuw or hereatter hetd by Trustee or
<br /> 8enetic�ary,it being agreedlhalTrustee and Benefic�ary,and eaCh of tham,shail be enlitled toenforce Irt�s Trusl Ueed and any other secunly now
<br /> or hereafler held by BeneliCia�y ar Truatee in such order and manner aS they or either ot ihem may�n 1he�r absplute d�scretion determine.No
<br /> remedy herei�conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Benet�C�ary is intended to be exclus�ve ot any other remedy herein or by law provided or
<br /> permilted,but each shall be cumulative and shall be m addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereatter existing at law or in
<br /> equity or by statute.Every power or remedy provided u�der this Trust Deed to Trustee or 9enel�ciary or to wh�ch e�ther olthem may be otherw�se
<br /> entitled,may be exercised,concur�ently ar i�dependently,lram time totime and as olten as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Benefic�ary
<br /> � and either ot them may pursue inconsisten!remedias.Nothing herein shall be construed as proh�b�tmg Benetic�ary lrom seeking a delicienr.y
<br /> judgment against the Trustor to tha extent such action is permitted by law.
<br /> 11.TRANSFER OF TME PROPERTY; AS9UNIPTION. If all or any part of the Proparty or interest there�n is so�d,Iransfe�red or olherwise
<br /> conveyed by Trustor without Beneficiary's pnor wntien consent,exclud�ng(a)the creat�on o1 a lien or encumbrance subordinate to this Trust
<br /> Deed,(b)a transfer by oparation of law upon the dealh of a Trustor who is a jo�nt tenanl or�c►ihe grant o1 any leasehold�ntarest of three(3►years or
<br /> Iess which does not contain an option to purchase,such action�s a breach ot this agreement,and Benetic�ary may,at Benet�ciary's option,
<br /> declara all the sums secured by this Trust Oeed to ba immed�alely due and payable,provided,turther,this Trust Deed may,at Benel�c�ary's option,
<br /> be declared immediately d�ae and payable,if(1)Truslor is a pa►tnership and any interest in the parinersh�g�s sold or assigned by any;^eans
<br /> whatsoever,or(2)i11he Trustor is a corporation and a t�anster ot tha majority stock ownership�nlerest�n the�orporalion occurs,or the"��stor
<br /> corporation merges in any torm with another corporatian or entity.Beneficiary shall have waived such opt�on to accelerate if,pnor to tne sale,
<br /> tra�sfer or conveyance,8eneficiary and the person to whom the Proporty�sto be sold or lransterred roach agreement�n wr:�•ng lhat the credit of
<br /> . suchpersonissatistactorytoBene}iciaryandthalthe�nterostpayaGleonthesumssecuredbylh�sTruslDeedshatlbeatsuc�^rateasBenel�ciary
<br /> shall raquest.
<br /> , 12.ACCELERATION UPON OEFAULT;REMEDIES;SALE.The failure by the Tru�stor,to make any payment orto pertcrm any o1 the terms and
<br /> . conditi0nsolthisTrustOeed,orlhetermsa�dconditionsoftheNote,oranyrenewals,mod�iicationsorextens�onsthereot,o�the}ailuretomake
<br /> payment ot any oihe�indebtedness,p�ior or subsequent tolh�sT�ust Deed,and secured by this property,orthe death ot ane ormore Trustorsshall
<br /> be a breach and detauN of this Trust Oeed and lhe Benetic�ary may declare a default and may declare all sums secured hereby immediately due
<br /> ' and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payable without presentment,demand,protest or not�ce ot any kmd,prov�ded.Trustpr ;
<br /> � shall have any statutory r�ght to cu�e the default before any noUCe of detault and demand tor sale may be delivered to lhe Trustee.Thereafter,
<br /> ; Benetic�ary may deliver to Trustee a wriiten declaration o}default and demand tor sale.Trustor agrees and hereby giants that the Trustee shall '
<br /> i have the power of sale ot the Property and�f Beneliciary dec�des the Property is to be sold it shall depos�t wdh Trustee this Trust Deed and the Note ,
<br /> . ; or notes and any other documents evidenc�ng exponditu�es secured he►eby,and shall deliver to Trus►ee a wr�tten notice ot defaull and electionto �
<br /> _ cause the propertv to be sold.and Trustee,in turn,shall prepare a s�mrler noUCe m the form required by law.wh�cA shalt be duty lded for record by {_ „ti._
<br /> Trustect. > .-
<br /> (a) After the lapse of such Ume as may be requued by law follow�ng the recordaUOn of NoUCe ot Detault,and NoUCe of Delaull and NoUCe �_
<br /> 01 Sale having been g�ven as reqwred by law.Trustee.w�thout demand on Trustor,shall sell the Property.�f not redeemed.�n one or =
<br /> more parcels and in suCh order as Trustee may tletarmme on the date and lhe time and place designaled�n said Notice of Sale,al =
<br /> publiC auCt�on aCCOrding to law •
<br /> (b) W hen Trustee sells pursuant to the powers herein,Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale to payment of ihe costs and expenses i.
<br /> ot exerc�sing the power of sale and ot the sale,inctuding, without I�mitat�on,attorney's�ees and the payment o1 Trustee's Fees _
<br /> �ncurred,which Trustee's Fees shall not in the aggregate exCeed the following amounts based upon the amount secured hereby and
<br /> : remaining unpaid at the time scheduled}or sale:5 perCentum on the balance thereol;and ihen tothe items in subparagraph(c)in the �
<br /> �
<br /> order there stated.
<br /> (c� After paying the items specilied in subparagraph(b►,if the sale is by Trustee,or�t the sale is pursuant to judic�al foreclosure,the
<br /> ! proceeds o1 sale shall be applied in the following order:
<br /> i. •'
<br /> �
<br /> (1)Cost of any evidence of title procured in connoction w�th such sale and of any revenue transler fee required to be paid, .
<br /> � (2)Atl obUgations secured by ihis Trust Deed: �=''
<br /> (3)Junior trust deeds,mortgages,or other lienholders: �
<br /> (4)The rema�nder,it any,to the person legally entitled thereto. i..R
<br /> �::
<br /> . 13.APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Beneliciary may,trom time to time,by a written mstrument executed and acknowledged by _
<br /> 8eneficiary,mailed to Trustor and reco�ded in the counly or counties in which the Property is located and by otherwise complying w�th the
<br /> provisions ot the applicable laws otthe State ot Nebraskasubstitute a successor or successors to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder.
<br /> : 14.INSPECTIOt�iS.Beneficiary,or fts agents.representat�ves or employees,are auihonzed to enter at�ny reasonab�e t�me upon or�n any part
<br /> of the Property torthe purpose o}inspectmg the same andtor the purpose ot pertormmg any otthe acts�t�s authonzed to perform under the terms
<br /> � of the Ttust Deed.
<br /> , 15.OPTION TO FBRECLOSURE.Uponihe occurrence of any breach and upon thedeclaration ol delault hereunder,Benef�ciary shall have the
<br /> : opt�on to foreclose this Trust Ueed in the mannor provided by law}or the foreclosure of mortgages on real property.
<br /> 16.FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFICIARY OR THUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any torebearance by 8eneficiary or Trustee�n exercis�ng any righl or
<br /> remedy hereunder,or otherwise aNOrded by applicable law.shall not be a waiver o1 or preclude the exerc�se of any such r�ght or remedy.L�kew�se.
<br /> the waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee o1 any defauN of Trusto�under th�s Trust Deed shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or s�m�lar
<br /> detaults subsequently occurring.
<br /> 17. BENEFICIAR1f'S POWERS.Wfthout aftecUng or releasmg the habd�ty ot the Trustor or any other person I�able for the payment ot any "
<br /> oDfigation herem menUOned,and without affeCting th9 hen or charge ot th�s Trust Deed upon a�y portion o1 the Property.Seneficiary may.lrom
<br /> time to Ume und w�th0ut noUCe at the request of One or more Trustors,(i)release any person Ifable.(i;)extend or renewihe�atunty or after any of ,
<br /> 1nA terms o1 any such obl�gat�ons,(ii�)grant other�ndulgences.(iv)release or reconvey.or cause 10 be released or reconveyed at any t�me at �
<br /> Benef�c�ary's option any parcel or atl of the Property.Iv)take or retease any oirse-or add�t�onat secunty for a�y obl�gat�on here�n men��oned.Iv�i �
<br /> make sefllpments or othor arrangaments with Trustur�n relation thereto.All Tc;;s!ors shall be�omtly and se:erally obhgated and bound by the
<br /> act�ons ot me 6enet�c�ary or any one or more Trustnr as stated�n t��s paragrap� �
<br /> i 18 ATTORHEY FEES,COSTS ANO E%PENSES.The eenet�c�ary of this Trust Deed�s enl�tled to the payment of altorney s lees costs and
<br /> L•• erpense5 as prov�ded in this Trust Deed.except as otherwise prohibiled by�avi
<br /> . d'
<br /> 19 RECONVEYANCE BV TRiISTEE. Upon wr�nen request of Beno}�c�ary and upon payment by TrusWr ot 7r„stee s tees T�usteE� �r�a�' �tQ
<br />_ �ewrweylotrustur,�rlrsepersonorpe�sonsiegallyenl�tledlhereto.wdhoutwarranty.anyport�orottheF'ropertythenhe�dnAreundt•� E���r��.+��. �� �=p
<br /> S:uCh tACOnvUy�fnCE�����n� mdttCrS Or 1aCIS Shall be concluswe pir�of ut the truthlulness thereut ThE:ryrantce �n dny r���,n�ey,anr f� m,�v h�� �
<br /> �1�°scr�bcd aaS Ihe prv�,ur�or p�ersuns leqally ent�tleM Ihc�reto ._ ,.
<br /> �
<br />