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<br /> �9�- 106"r���
<br /> � 1. PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTERESZ. Trustor shail promptiy pay when due the pnnc�pai o1 and �nlorosl on Ihc �ndobloqnoss
<br /> evidenevd by the Nme,and all other Charges and tees as prov�dad�n Ihe Note,and Ihe pnncipai of and mterasf on<�ny�uS�ro Ativances secured
<br /> by Ih�s TruSt Deed.
<br /> 2.WARRANTY OFTITLE.Trustor is lawlully se�zad a�d possessed ot good and�ndeteas�ble t�tle and estate to the Property hereb�canveyed
<br /> and has Ihe right lo grant a�d convey the Proporty:Ihe Property is t�ee and clear o}all liens and encumbrances excvpt liens now of recortl and
<br /> Trustor will warra�l and defend Ihe title to the Property against all claims and demands.
<br /> �.MAINTENANCE ANO COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS.Trustor shall keepthe Property�n gpod repa�r anU condition and shall not comm�t waste
<br /> or p�rmd impairmeM or dalenoraUon ol Ihe Property and shall comply with the provis�ons of any lease d+h�s Trus1 Deed�s on a leasehold No
<br /> imp�ovement now or hereafter erected upon the Property shall be altered,removed or demol�shed w�ihoutthe pnor wr�tten consent of Beneticiary
<br /> Trustor shail camply with all laws,ordinances,regulat�ons,covenants.cond�lions and re&inct:ons aftecting the Property and not commit,sutfer or
<br /> permit any act to ba done�n ar upon fha Propdrty in violaUOn of any law.ordinance.regulaUon,covenaM,condition or reslncUon.Trustor shall
<br /> Cumplete or rastore promptly and in good workmanlike manner any�mprovement on Ihe Property which may be damaged or destroyed and pay.
<br /> when duo,all claims for labor perlarmed and matenals 4urnished therefor and tor any alterations thereol
<br /> 4.(NSURANCE.Trustor,at its expense,will maintam with msurorS approved by Benefic�ary,insurance with respect to the�r�provements and
<br /> personal property,const�tuting the Property,aga�nst ioss by fire,lighining,tornado,and other penis and hazards covered by standard extended
<br /> coverage indorsement,in an amount equal to at least one hundred percent�100°a)01 the full replacemenl value thareol and insurance against
<br />� suah other hazards and in such amountsas is customanly Carried by owners and opecators o1 s�milar propertias or as Benelic�ary may reqwre lor
<br /> i!s protection.Trustor will comply with such other requuemaMs as Benebc�ary may lrom time to time requesttor the protection Dy msurance o1 the
<br /> interests otthe respective parties.All insurance poliC�2s maintained pursuant to this Trust Deed shall name Trustor and Benet�c�ary as msured,as
<br /> their respective�Merests may appear,and prowde thatthere be no cancellaUOn or moditicaUon w�lhout at least 15 days pnor wntton notdicaUOn to
<br /> Trustee and Beneticiary may procure such�nsurance�n accordance w�th the provis�ons ot parayraph 6 hereof.Trustor shall deliver to Benel�Ciary
<br /> the onginal pol�cies o1 insurance and renewals theraof or memo cop�es o1 such policies and re�ehals thereoi Failure to turn�sh such msurance by
<br /> Trustor,or renewats as requ�red hereunder shall,at the optian ol8eneficiary,constitute a tie48u�t
<br /> 5.TAXES.ASSESBMENTS ANO CHARGES.TruStor shall pay a1112xes,assessments and other charges.including.without lim�tation,lines
<br /> and impos�tions attributable lo the Property and leasehold payments or ground rents.�f any,bet�re ihe same become del�nquent Trustor shall
<br /> promptly tur�ishto benef�ciary all noticesot amounts due underih�s oaragraph.ar,d�n the event Tru&tor shall make paymentdireCtly.Trustor shall
<br /> promptly furnish to Beneficiary roceipts evidencing such payments.Trustor shalt pay a11 taxes and assessments wh�ch may be leviad upon
<br /> Beneliciary's�nterest here�n or upon this TruslOeed withoul regard lo any law tha!may be enacled imposing payment of ihe whole or any part ' '
<br /> thereot upon the Benefic�ary. ' �
<br /> 6.ADDITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S SECURITY.Trustor sha11 make all payments of�nterest and pr�nc�pal and
<br /> paymeMs o1 any other charges.tees and expenses comracted to be paid to any ex�stmg or subsequent henholder or benet�c�ary,und6r any
<br /> ` wyiat�nn nr cubsaeuenl mo�taaae nr trust deed hefore the date thev are delinqeM or in default,and promptly pay and d�scharge any a�d all other � _,:=i
<br /> ; Nens,ciaims or charges wh�ch may�eopard�zo tho socurNy grantod fierem.H Trustor fails to make any such payment or fails to pertorm any ot the ,
<br /> f covanaMS and agreemems camamed�n this Trust Oeed.or the Note referred to herem,or�n any pnor or subsequent trust deed.or�f any act�on pr
<br /> � proceedmg�s commenced wn�ch materially atfects Benelic�ary�s mterest in the Property,mcludmg,but not I�mited to,em�nent doma�n proceed-
<br /> � mgs,proceed�ngs�nvolv�ng a decedent,notice ot sale by Trustee.nolice o1 default by Trustee.mortgage loreclosure act�on,or�t Trustor fads to � _
<br /> • pay Trustor's debts generally as they become due,then Benet�Ciary,at Benef�ciary's option and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and
<br /> wrthout reteasing Trustor from any obligaUOn hereunder,may make suCh appearances,disburse such sums and take suCh aCUOn as�s necessary
<br /> to protect BBnefiCiary's mterest. includfng, but not I�m�ted to. disbwsement of reasonable attomey's tees. payment, purchase, contest or
<br /> compromise of any enr,umbrance,charge or I�en,entry upon the Property to make repairs,or declarat�on of detault under th�s Trust deed In the i
<br /> event that Trustor shall fail to procure insurance or to pay taxes,assessments,or any olher charges or to make any payments to any existing or
<br /> subsequent lienholders or ex�sting or subsequent beneficianes.Beneficiary may procure such insurance and make suCh payment,but shall not �
<br /> be obligated to do se.Any amounts d�sbursed by Benel�c�ary pursuant to th�s Paragraph 6 shatl become addit�onal indebtedness of Trustor .
<br /> � SeCUred by this Trust Deed.Such amounts shall be payable upon nolice from Bene}iCiary to Trustor requesting paymenl thereof,and shall bear !
<br /> mterestfrom the date of disbursement atihe rate payable lrom t�me to time on outstand�ng pnncipal under the Note unless payment ot mterest at rt
<br /> such rate would be contrary to applicable law.�n which event such amounts shall bear�nterest at the h�ghest rate perm�ssible under apphcable
<br /> law. Nothing conta�ned in this Paragraph 6 shall requ�re Benet�c�ary to�ncur any erpense or take any act�on hereunder.
<br /> 7.ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS.Baneficiary shall have the nght,power and authonty dunng the Cont�nuanCe ot th�s Trust Deed to ctiltect the �
<br /> rents,issues and pro}its o1 the Property and ot any personal property lacated thereon with or without tak�ng possession ot the property attected
<br /> hereb and Truslor hereb abSOlutel and uncond�tionall assi ns all such rents.�ssues and rof�ts to Benef�c�ar Beneliciar however,hereb �' �
<br /> Y• Y Y Y 9 P Y• Y. Y
<br /> consents tothe Trustor's Collect�on and retention of such rents,issues and profits as they accrue and become payable so long as Trustor�s not.at .• -
<br /> suCh time,in delautt with respect to payment ot any indebtedness secured hereby,or�n the pertormance ot any agreement hereunder.Upon any
<br /> such default,Beneficiary may at any time,either in person.by agent.or by a rece�ver to be appo�nted by a court,w�thout not�ce and w�lhout regard _
<br /> to the adequacy ot any secur�ty tor the�ndebtedness hereby secured.�a)enter upon and take possess�on o}the Property or any part thereof,and�n
<br /> its own name sue for or otherwise Collect suCh rents.issues and profits,including those past due and unpaid,and apply the Same.less costs and
<br /> • expenses ot operation and collection, mcluding reasonable attorney's fees. upon any mdebtedness secured hereby. and in such order as
<br /> Beneliciary may determ�ne,fb)perform suCh eCts ot repair or protect�on as may be necessary or proper to Conserve the value o1 the Property.�c1
<br /> leasethe sameor aay partthereotlor such rental,lerm,and upon such cond�UOns as�ts lutlgmeM mAy d�CtatP,or terminate or ad�uslthe terms and
<br /> cond�tions o1 exist�ng leases.Unless Trustor and Ben2l�ciary thereol agree otherw�se�n wnling,any applicat+on oi rents.issues or prof�ts to any
<br /> ; �ndebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone!he due date o1 the instatlment payments as prov�ded in said prom�ssory note or
<br /> � change the amount of such installments.The entering upon and taking possess�on ot the Property,the colleCtion of such rents.�ssues and prol�ts.
<br /> and the application thereot as aforesaid.shall not waive or cure any default or not�ce o1 default nereunder or�nval�date any act d�ne pursuant to
<br />: ' such notice.Trustor also assigns to Beneficie►y,aSlurther Security for the performance o11he obhgaUOns secured hereby.all pr?pa�d rents and all
<br /> monies wh:ch may have been or may hereatter be deposited w�ih sa�d Trustor by any lessee of the Property.to secure the payment of any rent or
<br /> + damages.or upon defauH in the performanCe of any of the provis�ons hereol.Trustor agrees to del�ver sucn rents and depos�ts to 8enel�c�ary
<br /> �eliveryol wrrtten noticeol 8enefiaary'sexerciseotthe nghtsgrantedherem.toanytenantoccupymg sa�d prem�sesshall be sutficientto requ�re --__�____
<br /> sa�d tenant t0 pay rent¢o the 8enefic�ary until turther notice. �
<br /> 8.CONDEMNATION.If title to any part of the Property shafl be takon m condemnat�on proceedings.by r�gnt of em�nent doma�n or s�m�iar •
<br /> action,ar shall be sold under threat o!condemn8ti0n,all awarcES.damages and proceeds are hereby ass�gned and shal(be pa�d to 8enefic�a�y �
<br /> v�ho shatt saply such zwards.damages and proceeds to the sum secured by th�s Trust beed,w�th the excess.�f any. pa�d to Trustor H 7�ustor , ,
<br /> rece�ves any not�Ce or other intormat�on reqardmg suC�aCt�ons or proceedings.Trustor shall grve prompt wr�tten not�ce therec�f�o Benef�c�ary
<br /> Benef�c��ry snatl be ent�tled,at ds opi�on.to commence,appear in and prosecute�n rts own name any sucn act�on or prc�ceed�nqs and sr,ali b:, �
<br /> L entitled to make any compromise or settlement m connection vnth any sucn act�on or proceedmgs
<br /> 9 FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon reques�o�Trustor.Benet�c�ary at BenQt�c�ary s opt�on.pnor to recc�nveyance o�tne P�o�e��iy m t�u�t,�� m�,�
<br /> m�ko futur�advBnC�S�O Truslpr SUGh�UtU1Q 8dv8nteS.Ynth�M8�B5tth@��On.Sha�I bB S9GU�@tl by IhiS T ruS1 OC@d�YhEn CvidF'n��•t1 t�y���un•�ti�r•y M1
<br /> no�es slahng that sa�d notes are se�curcd hervby prov�deC that at no t�m�sn�n t!:e secu�ed pr�n��pAl:i�d tUlu«':7dvAnt�'ti n��1 n't �:�t1�i'�1 bu'^'_ (Q
<br /> arlv:lnften tn ptntr,ct IhF S�•CUnly nrcnnrf twn hundrPd perr.nM�90�°..�of thn�riqinal �nncip;�l amnuntc seruirrl ht�it•bv ��
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