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.. . . � . ,. , fJ, ., , _ o .�, <br /> i++�ll"r"'"`...,�,�. - ,. ,. -; <br /> "� � 19.Tranater of the PPOpertyt or a �e�oticial InBerost in �orrov�+ee.If atl or nny p�rt of the Proportyr or . <br /> nny In4Cr03t M it Is aoid or tmnotortad (or I}a bonofiotat�ntoroat In 9orrowCr Ns eotd or trnnotonod nnd 8onotror is not n�tNrQl �� <br /> ,�• "-, peroon)rilthaut Lcndc�o prlor vutttCn oonsscnt,Landor mny,nt Ita optPon,�oqutro Immadiato poymnnt N tun of a��ums aecura�d by � <br /> this&cieurlty Inatrument. Howovtsr.Nlu optton shnn not bo oxoroisod by Landor It oxorofso la prohfbttod by tadoral�w a0 of the � <br /> � •, dato o41Ala SOOUrUy InOtrument � <br /> I1 LGndsr exaroisos this optton,Londor ohnil gNo BoROwor not�a of noee�rafion. Tho not�o ahplt provid� u purlod of not <br /> � la�e th�39 dnyo from tho d�to Iho nottco ia dolNOrod or mal�d wltP�in �vhkh Borto�vcr muat pny atl oums aceurod by thl� � „ <br /> 3ecurity Instrumont. it Oortower fttas to pay thpse sume p�lor to the expaatlon of thl� perlod,londor may 4rvoke eny mmedb� � ;� , <br /> permlKad by lhts&aourtty InaWrrtunt without tuRhcr notieo or dcmund on 8orrowcr. �� <br /> ' 18. Bor�ower'a Riqht t0 RelfiBtetQ. It eo►rower mr3ets aertnin condftions. BotPOwEt aNptl hatvo tho rlght to Asvci � ". <br /> antorcctmEnt ot this $nourity Inztrnmont dEsoontinuod et Ony lim9 prior to the eurlie►oh (n) 6 dayo (a auoh olhar peHOd ns _ <br /> ' ... .•� cipplbabH taw may apeoly for ro�emtoment)batoro sate ot tho Proporty pu�auant to any powor of sate contnhod N thla Socurliy � �';, <br /> . • Ins4umanM, or(b)entry of a JudgmBnt eniorohg this Security Inahumer,t.Thosa condltlons are that Bonon�cx:(n) puys londar p11 -� <br /> �c:; <br /> �^ suma wh�Pf thon wouid bv due under tAls Soeurity instrument and tho Note us U no acceieratlon hnd xeurted; (b)curos nny ..�� <br /> � dofautt d any othor oovortunt or Cgreeme»ts;(a)pnys aA o�ansqs Incurted In tmtoroU►g ihis Security Inshument,holuding,but j��`,� <br /> � oat umftcd to,rcaoonnbb uKOmoya'1�u; cind(d)tnkea suoh eotton as Lender may reasonabry requtro ro uasurq thnt tho Ibn of ��=:-� <br /> this Sewrlty insWment, Lendsrs�ghts in the Praperty and Borrowers obligatlon to pay tho suma ssaured by thb Soourity d.- <br /> Insdumant sha�� oontinue unohangad. Upon rolnstutement by Bortower, thb Saourtty Instrument and tho abligntlons secured ?n_= <br /> . •' r' hQtOby 6hn0 fert180f�blly 81tFI01k0 ae tt no aeeoiemtlon hnd occuRed. Wowevor,this�tght to ro5�ststo shaU �ot appy tn tho caso �.- <br /> .• ' ot accel�atton undur paragraph 17. <br /> �. 9 9.Sate of Nota; Change ot Loan Servicer.The Note or 8 8 pIIrtial Interost h the Noto(to�othot wflh this �" <br /> � Socurity Instrument)may be oatd ane or more tMOS without prior�otice to Borrower.A sale may rosuR h a ehnngo In ths entity -- <br />- � � tknown e8 th4"Lottn 3atvico►")4hnt oollBCtts montAy pAymente due under the Note and thb Secutity InatntnrctnG 11itu9 ai90 msY = <br />- � bo ons�or more c�Firtgos of the Loan Servteer unreiatad to a sate of the Note. If there b u oAanpo ot 1Rm Lot�n Sentcer, ,�,,�.,_ <br /> ' �i, BortoLVar witl bo gMen wrkten notice of tha change in accordsncp with paragraph 14 above and appllCabla Ww. The notlee�rltl <br /> , stoto 41�e namo and address of tho now Lonn Sorviaer and the a�dress to whfah ptiyments ahould bo mado. fio notico rat:1 n�o ' <br /> :k, contah eny other hfortnatbn requYed by appisccibte taw. �:`�;` <br /> 20.H�dOttB StiblittotlC@8.Borro�s�r shall not auuse or permit the presence,use, dfsposal, stora$e,or retea¢e of W <br /> „ .a�j any Hesardoua Substences on or In the Property. Bonowor shail not do, nor nllow�u►yone eise to do, Anytb�inp aHoctinp tha gr� <br /> . � P�operiy that f� in vEOlntton of any E�ovtonmentat Lev�. Tho preceding two aentences sfall not appy to the ptoseneo,uce,or �-_ <br /> i<<�I'. <br /> 1�.� otomge on the Property of amaN quantlN�es of Hemrdous S1�bst�nces thet are genemly reaopnl�,ad to bo approprinto to oormat G,�- <br /> ,.;�S.`'",` residsnmt usos end to mahtenance of Ihe Property. E°� <br /> ��'!��'i• Borrowe� shell promptry gNe Lender written not�e ot any Investlgallon, ct�im, demand, lawauit ar otAor aotton by any = <br /> � , �� �ovemmontal or regutatary agency or prMate paAy involvhg tho P�operty and any Harardoua SLbstanao or Emtonmontnt Law of p�..,:.._ <br /> _ '�`�:` yyl��h �R��re,r �$g a�wt keew�sdga. tf eorrower teems. or is noUfted by anp oovemmenmt or regulatarN authoHty,thnt anY t�assa�: <br /> �'';4,;�}� � removul or other remedlatlon ot eny Hazardaus Subatance aft�eothg Property Ia neco <br /> ,�, ;.i, et ssary. 8orrower shal prompty te�CO aU �...._.. <br /> - , 9•i4' � nvcoaseiy remed4�t aotbna h eceadsnee wfth Environmsntat I.uw. -- <br /> ;ti;:;.,.,) <br /> '.��S�tt� 61�uced h this parapreph 20,'Harsrdous Substancss'ara t�ose substences daflned as loxb or hozardous subatancos by <br /> Env�onmentat Law end the folbwtng substunces: gcsolhe, kerosene, othe► ftarrrteabb or toxb potroloum produats, toxb <br /> - , . pestbides and herbbldes,volatlle aoNentt4.materials conmhing aabeatos or formaidehyde,and mdlcaotNO meloHeb. Aa used In <br /> ;;,;�4y}, , paragroph 20, •Envkonmoatai Law`means federat laws and laws ot the Jurisdbtbn where the Property Is located thnt relate to <br /> �,}.,;'` hoaRh,aafety or envlronmentai proteotion. <br /> . �. ., ;;tYi�;� --- <br /> NaY•UNIFOFM COVENd1NT3.8ortower and Lender further aovenant and egres as taNOws: <br />�4�"° ..�°'� � �1. Aee�teratt�n; Remedtea L�r��er ahati gtve notice to Borrowar prior to aeceleration ___ <br /> � bltowt�eg Borrov�er's br�eoh of any covenent or agre�m�n4 ic� this Seourity In�trument 4but not -- <br />��,:->:_�`y-:� pria��to eaceleratiom under paragrept� 17 unleas epplEeabte tew provides otl�erwlae). The notlee ==-- <br /> a9�a70 �pecity: �s)the de�ault; (b) the acUore �cq�t�2d to cure the dete�nl9; (a)a dete, not less SJenn <br /> `���=��"°`� 30 sA�ys hom the dete the notice is given to Borrower�by whieh the �te'tault muat be auret�; and <br />�,- _�:::-.��� <br />�,�:�.,��:�— (d) tNat falluro to eure �he defauit on or before the dete apeolHed in the not��e may result in <br /> "?='�.��"�= eccelerafion of the aums eeaurod by this Security Instrument and aaiie of the Pra�aei'�ty.The notiee <br /> _. ._ t.: <br />'_f.1::.��-: <br />- . . . sliall Nrther Utorm Borrawer of tta� right to roinatete Mter acceletatlon and tho �i�ht to brfnp e <br />�`-� • co�rt estlon to e�ssert Bhe non-exlstence of a defnult or cny othoa detense of Borrower Lo <br />-� �� `'� ecc�teretlon nnd sale. OQ tho d�et�ult i� not eured on o� before the da4e epecHi�d In tl�e rtoUce, - <br /> �-`�:?=�y`�:`- l.eec0au at its ogqan maw requUe i�emedlete payment in tult ot al! sume isecurod by tAi� 3eaurity <br /> °=- •��"���+ inalrumoni wl�?�ut fiurii��r ciemantu end m�y ievoko 4ite �isavtei ��sale aad mty� ot6ta rrsi33�les �- - <br />�`��-,. perrrdtted by sErpileabte tenr. Londec ahalt b� entitied to co����t ell expenaes Inoiaarcd In pura�tnp <br />��"��N�° the vanoedlea ae�avided in 4his paragtnph 21, Oa�c3uding� but not Itmi��� to� reas�nabte attora�eys' <br /> u�,-r���;�, ; <br /> te�t�v md cosste ot tltle ovidence. <br />`=�•�'�.��. � It tho power of aale ta Invokedl, Truetee sheal record e notice �t defeult In oneh coanty in <br /> , which�e�y part of the PPOporty la On�ted end ahall mnll coptea of auch notl�m i� t�e mannor _- <br /> •: prcaorised by epplicabto Ienv to Bm�omwer and to the other pereons preserib�d�g�t�pii�bte tuw. _-- <br /> � � t• After the Ume requtred �ay appticabte l�w, Tru�tee shnll gtve publia aa4ic� of sble to the porsono �°. <br /> �• � end In tR� manner p�e�elbed by a�piicabte lew. Tnaote�. without de�rn�nd on Bor�ower� ehatt aoll <br />� "� ° 4i�e �roperly at pubiie �acUon to the highest bidder et tha timo and ptaee ertd under the tar�r►o y='� <br />- � .. ?' dea9gnates �c� �e no�ce o9 ente In ona or more parcata and In eny order Tnos'l�e determinoe. - <br /> '- T�uatee may �paatpone saie of eit or any paraei ot the F�epert�► by pubtie ann��ncemeM at tho - <br /> - �m� ena! piaco of a�y prevtou�fy scheduted eate. Lender or ita �estgnee mey purehase tPto <br />- : ���!►et erry aate. _��: <br /> � .. <br /> Upoo roceipt of peyment af the pNce bid, Trustee ahalt d�iiver to tho p�orehaaer Truotoo'b ;. <br />=- -:-�«'�- _-= deed conveyi�g the Property.The ratcttala In �e 7rustce's deea ahait be prt�e fac��evtnonee ot - . <br /> t1ro t�ut1� of the etetemont� mnde 4Rereln. Tnirtee sliaall appry tAe proa�eds m9 the aalo In tite ` <br /> ., bllowtng order: (e) to eil coate end expenaes ot oxerefasng tlee powe� ot aate, end tho aate� <br />_ � int�iudlnp the payment ot the Truat�e'a tees aetusity tacurred, not to�xceed the�a <br /> " S6 04 the prinolEsal amas�nt ot tito <br /> = note et tho time o4 the declaretlon ot deteult,�nd r�aaonable attorney'a taes ae permitted by taw; <br /> _ �� � (b) to aet euma ee�urcd by thls 3oeurity Inebvment; and (e)eny exce�a to the ps►asn or paraono <br /> � . , le�slry enllUed to 14. '. <br /> ' � � <br /> � ' wa+atMO��ons� Cap��ol S <br /> � . <br /> + oa�u <br /> } .. <br /> • J _ __ . <br />