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a,,� ' , <br /> . . ._ . . . . _.. _.. - -- <br /> , . _'�'. . . . , . . .. . . .. .. H ' . . '� � • .vw � <br /> ., , n. <br /> . ' . . .. .. � ,. . ._. ...._..-"-• <br /> .. . - " /_'ii'�M�'�wv� .,. - . �...n.._,..._... ..._- . . --"-'-- .. . .... . , ... ... . ... <br /> i � � <br /> , .. <br /> . _ - , .... . _ _:_... ,�.1 � <br /> , .� <br /> Florroarer may aure auch e datauh and �etnstate, us prav;dod in parngraph 18, by onuaing tho aotian or protqding to bo ,T.,, y <br /> d i3miS�od wllfl n NI'�tp lhpt,�n Lcndcro gaad tnfth doinm►Ination,pmoNdec brtceituro of the BoROrrere Interest In the Prqperty or •�.. <br /> w4h;�mntcrlaf Imp�lrm$nt ot tho Itan orostot7 hy this S�urlty instrumvnt or Lcndets eaourity Intcttost. BortowQr nhaA nl�o be In � <br /> daUuh If 8ortoweT,durhg thu toan npp�bntlon procaso,gava mctorlairy Wt�o a tnacourato tntortnntton or otutcm;nta to Lcnd�r(or � <br /> tc�l�b to provide Landor v�ilh any matCrtal Intotmntton)In eonnoIIttOn edtPv tho toan ovldoneod by tho Noto, inotuding, but not � <br /> I�tad to, roprosantationfl oonaoming BoROwer's ocaupartoy ot lho Proaunf� as a prinolpal rostdnnco. if iht� SoourRy � .,r, : <br /> I�owmunl 1s on n leaaohotd, Bortowor shs6 eomph with c►tl tho provlsbno ot tho baso. If Bortor�er eoqulroa tao titb to tl�e . <br /> PtOperty�the leasohold anA 1h0 fe911ti9 shali not inet�pe unles8 Lendar Gpr�sal!to t�e merpor N wrltNp. � _ <br /> � 7. P�a4eotton ot Lender's Rlg�ta in the Praperty. ��eo►rowcr �ai� to pertorm the oovenants and agroemento pc�.�`� <br /> �onlab�ed In thb�urity In�trum�nt, or thCro Ns � R.Es�p�xoatlln8 thnl sswy olBnitlaantly nitoot Londer'o rtphtn tn tho?roperQy � �� <br /> ' ' (such ¢s a pracoodln p in bankNptoy,probate,tor oondemnatbn or toAaGu�e or to enforce tawa or ro8ulations),then La�dor may � _ <br /> doand pny for whetsvsr is nocostwry to protoot tho vaWo of tho Propert�+ end Lnndefs�ights in the Property. �csnders eotlons __e <br /> , me�IRONda pIIyYtg any sums eeoured by 8 Ikin whbh htto pHorttq OvFit Ihts &oeurUy Instrumant, upPoarin9 in court, PAYhB <br /> v <br /> •�^^�"�'� Rea�orenbb attomeyo' tses end enttxhg on the Propaely to mako mpnta•AAnouph Landar may tako rsctlon under thls pnmpraAh _. <br /> '"�`�, 7,lendw doas not have to do eo. � <br /> •r; <br /> At�y amounte dtsbwcted by Lander under paruQrfspA 7 ehait boaomo addttionnl dobt of Bortor+�r securod by thts S�curily JY,- <br /> -•r trnwment. Uniass fl0rtowcr and I.cnd�nprefl to othor terma of pttymont.U�eso amounta 8hnit bosr Inturc�st hom tho dato of _, <br /> •• � F dlsbursemant nt the Note�ate and ehatl bo paYable,with htarest,upon notko irom Landcu to Borrower reque�tbp payment. �.- <br /> �. Moatgege Ins�uranae. if londer requlred mortflego Inoumnc�as a coadRlon of mskhg the toan secured by ths � ,. <br /> Sxurity Instrument,Borrowor ohatt pay the prombms�qutod ro mainmh!ho mortgngo Insumnaa►h eNeot.If.for eny reason,tho � <br /> • enatgape insurance aoveraSe requlred by l.ender IaPses er ceases ta bo {n effect, Ciortow�r ahR1l pay the premiums reputced to _ <br /> obain covaraQo eubstenttaU�r equbabnt to t1re mortgeQe Nsumneo prevbaiey in�tiect. ¢�t o oont subatanttally equtwa0ent to the __ <br /> � "� co�l to Hortowa of tAe mortst�}e hsurance provbusy in etft�ot, trom�n ahemate mort}�ago hsuror approved by Lender. If <br /> ' �. suostantlaty equkale�t mortgspe insurenae soveraQe b not evaihhtn. Borrowo� ehatl pay to Lvnder euah month a sum oqual to <br /> Y' „x, � on�ts�relRh ot the yeath mortSagc�Insurertco premium trehg p81d by i)wr�iic�wha� ths�lnsure�ece ooveidQo tE,�sed or ceasod to . <br /> �:�;� ." � . i�e h egeat, Lender wW eacept. uso and �etuin these�ymenta ae 8 bss resene In t�u ot mertpese lnuvrance. Loss rssenre ^ <br /> �opnonts mar no lanaer Qa coquired, at tRe optbn a!l�+der,N mortgep� Ns�erence cove�npe(b the�mount and tar the perbd <br /> � =fmt Londer requires)provt�ad Ay ee haurer epprovad by Landar n{;ah bocomos ava["abte and Is obtulned. Boirowar shap pay &,,.. <br /> 4he ptqmmlums�equted to rnsint�h mortpa�e Insurance In eHeo1� or to provlde a bss reserve, unUt the requtement for moAga�o __ <br /> q <br /> �sumncv endu In accordence wUh any written agreomant betwsen Borrowor and londer or appUCebb tsw. .-- <br /> . 9.IntpeoUon.Lender or Ns epent mey make reaeona6b entrie�upon end inspeCtfons o4 tho Rroporry. Lendcir sha�l9Mo =. <br /> • 8wro��r►r aoUco at the time of or pdor to un hspeotion apeoHyh9 roasa�abl�cause for the M►speotbn. <br /> ' yA. Cp�delttryat19t1.The proeesds of eny award or ot�lm tor damop�as�direot ar oonsequentlal,h conrteotion wkh any <br /> � eondemnatba ar other tekhp ot eny part of the Proporty. or br convoyunco tn Oeu of condomnatbn,c+�e hereby asa�ned and <br />_� :� sMy bo pald to L.ender. <br />_ . ;t' ln the event of a totat takMg ot tne Property, the proceeds shap ba applled to the suma seeured by thb Security <br />-"1��}*��'•-�v.,_ <br /> �mmunent wheiher or not than due.+n�h eeY exce3a pald to 8ottower. In ths evant of a paMnl WBng of the Prope�ty in whi�h <br /> ,.,• tho fut market valur�ot tAs PropeAy IrunedlateN betore tt�e mkhD cs e4uef ro v�S�ter innr� i��o a,�unt at iAs�� °• <br /> :.,i; ,,:�,,°: py thts Seeurtty Instrurt►s�3 Immed�it�y before the tatc6rtg. unbsa Barower and ltm�m otherwlse apree M wrkthg, tho sums <br />-;?�.;�c�:,� �.''•' sxurod by tht3 Seaurd�►Msttument sht� be roduoed by the amount ot the proaeeds multbUed by the tolbwinp tntation: (�)the <br /> ��` ''' `'�' totel amouni ot the sums securod trnmedtatoy betore the tatcing,dMded �by(b)Iha talr madcet vaue ot ths PropeA�r knmedlateN <br /> .�..��:.v.,. <br />�j,t!:�,�j•���l <br />-��:s�w.��,- petor�e t�e�tnxinp.Any balence sha9 be patd to tho eve�t ot a part�l takh9 of tRe PropeAy h whtah the tat r et <br /> z�.:°, rr�Y� <br />�`-",�',..`•.�-.,� vaUA o?4hA FroPe�Y�unedlatob belore the talchp is less thun the amoamt of 1hB suma seeared ImmetlinteN bstore tha g, <br /> :�,`,;;�'.,'.�' upiess 8cmowor end Lrsnder ottterwise t�e h wrkim� or unHss eppiMabb �tw othoiwlse provtdos, the proat�eds ehaU be <br />�;`� '�Si��,:�+� eppiled to the sums�ec�d by this Seeurily Instrurnenl whother or�ot tFee sums em th�duo. <br /> ;�y��•:���• It the PropeA�► Is a�andaned by 8orrower.or N,ufter nodce�y lender to Bomawor thnt tho condomnor oftps to mnke an <br /> .:��'�'°� � exerd or aettb e e1aYn tor dumx�es,Borrower faUs to �espond to lersdar wkhfn 30 daya aftor the dnte the notico Is gNon, <br />��;`;s"''•;"'I lendor Is autho�od to coli�et and ag��j the proeoeds,at ka optbn,eflher to resto�atfon or rep1Y of the P�oporty or to the <br />=`-��:�.`�•�' emns seeurotl by fhb Securtt�►�nshumtmt�aAether or�ot then du9. <br /> 'E `�'""��° tJnbss Lar►dor ar�d Borrovrer mherwlse aproe N wrRMp. anY oPP��n of proceeds to Prhotpol sAaU oot mQe�►d or <br /> N ,�=,�„� postpone tha d¢o date ot the monthy pal�men4a retertod to h pareg�Dhs t and 2 or chenga the amount of auoh psyments. <br />__'"""=;�._}�.t^� 11. Barr�w�er Not Reteesed; Forbessance By L�nder Not �Wahrer.Extensbn of th9 time tor pIIymptt Or <br />---=��; aadffbaticn o!wmartiaatbn ot fAe cums secumd by Mis SeaurBy�naGUrtaent granted br O.ender to any s�tccessor in intetost ot <br /> 8ornower shsti not operate to retease the Oebimy of tho ariphal Borrower a BoROw�s sucess�ora b htorest 6snder shnY not <br />�•�:fi-�� be �equhod to oammanae proeeedhpa epainat eny suecessor h hterest or retuse to extand tlme tor payment or otheiwt�.�a <br />�a;�;`:'"=�� modEry artwr¢ixnticr► uf tha sums eaourod by thts Secur!!y inctrument Oy neason W any dertinnd mede by the ori�h41 Ba•rowe►or <br />"�'-�`�v 4' gpr,aw�e c�ee�,,a� t� D�tsr�s4 My to�bearance b� lendor in axona�h9 anY �1Qht or remed�r shaH not be a waMer ot or <br />��_� precWde tho exoro:so of eny rlght or remady. <br />__���-=� �2. suaeneaor�end Aaa�an�Bound; Jol�t and Several Uebilfty; Co�al�nerm. Tne cm�an.nea�u+d _ <br /> - - - �•�' e¢�ements at tha 8eatrup tnslrumw�i ei�,�i bL�G tuid bGttBfR th�scscc�.cr.:nd�rts nt!�:;.�9 9ennr.r:,atsD��t�o th2 = <br /> -�------.:°�,.�' pavisbns of Wray44h 17. Borrow2t's covonEmts end aqreementa shnq bo joht and rtererel. Any 8ortower who coalana this <br /> � ""��� Secur@�I inaWnu�'i bL�t Onna not exocute No Note: (a)is co-slyr►hg th�&eeu�j tnsuument ony to maAOape�qnr►t and eonvey <br />���':`:�� Y�at 8o�rowm'o htuesi 1�the PropeAy undor tho to�ms ot thls b�ecudty Natrument; (b)b oo!perBOnaW obOQatod to p0y th9 <br />;.��r-�„�"`�-,.�''p'� cnma securo�by thk� Jacurihr InsWmonL nnd (c!aiprees that Lendsr end any othe►Boaower may e9ree to extond,modNy. <br /> �i���'=����• � Ipboar or mske any n�aommodatbns wkh rcsgurd to tRU tnrtns of this Seeu�j Inabumont or the Note wtthout tl�t 8orrowe�a -. <br />..,�'.... '-. �n-� COt1EC�09. _ <br /> �" ia. �11 CItaY9CS. if tho ban securttd by thts SoCUr�ty Int�frumont� eubJeot to e hw whiCh set8 maxYr�m laAn <br />_, ����. . .' '1 eharBes.and tht� �aw ts BnnLy Ontorpratod ao that thu int�mat or oiher ban ehar�ea colbotod or to bo coAect�dn cc.mnection <br />;;.: ..: ; x�h �ry0�ppp Qocp,�p t�D�Dbmt[ttod Omlb.lhOr1: (n)eoy ttu0h �OM ehur�0 shEt�b�t�+ih!COd by thO limOUM rt9C3SM.try t0 roduCO _ <br />= - Iho chEtgo to ttro pam8ted Umd; and @)enY auma already collodBd ham Bo�oa�r whloh axcosdnd pamatotl �1mka wi8 bo <br /> ����� '� �t�adost Qo BorcoYr�r.Lc�dor may ehomse to make thb rotund by �sd�seh(1 tM prbro�at owESd urtdar the Noto or by mak�p 4 - <br /> r <br />- • .. a�;. dtgct payn�t to 8mtorrer. It n �huod mducas P�++cpa4 tho �Eicct�on wUt bo treated ns a psr.hl propaymOnt wBhout any -- <br />_ �'t pepayment ah�rga u,�dtr tho Note. <br /> �_ 14. NBtlg@4,As�r nottae to eomowor pmvtdud for in thb Soaur�y Inat►vnxartt ahc►U bo gNen Ey deUwitip k or by mai6np k <br /> - u,y f by itrst otass nntl unbs�oppiicabb law roqulres ues of unotha rr�otAOd. Tho notbo aha9 bo dteoted to tha�rcpaty Addresa _. <br /> ' ��i...-'�` ----� er anv oth�s nd@r� 8orrower des�Anates by nolko to Lender. Mr noNco a Londa shau bo ePren by t7rst elass maU to <br /> ___.�...r�.W <br /> °. - lenders afldrasa a4c�haroh or any otha addro�Lend�qast�noro�oy �oa�o io oo�rv..�. :�i �N:�r�•�••.� ..�.p <br /> � Socun'�►t�atruma�sPtt:i be deemed to Rave boer►8hren to Borroarar or lendest when given as providod h thb paragrspfi. <br /> . 16. 00V��itd� 9.91Hi S8v8tAblli4y.TAt3 fiocunly inntrunwnt ahaU bo 9ovc�med by sedorat{nw and the taw ot tt�o <br /> � " � �rbdlatton 6f whab th�Propert�r b bcritoG• In thn avant tAnt any Orovsbn a ctause o}this S�curdy lnstarslsa►Y or tho tdote - <br /> ,,,• conil{atg��rfi}�qqplipabb Faw.suoh conflbt eha8 not nNt�ot olhor provbtons of Nts Socurity Inabument or tho Riato whlaA can bo _ <br /> • •� " qkan ottect wMOUt Gr�confibting provtsbn.To this ond tho provbbna ot tht�&c�curhy tnst�um�nt end tho t�nto ara d6atared to <br /> _ Do s9verflbb. <br /> 18. B�fl'OWCf'd COpy.8orrower ahall bo ONen ona aonfemrod coPY af tho Note end of thb 8ocend�r tnstrurtront. .. <br />_ ' �t � � <br /> ' ` c�o�att�a I�o�oa) P�p�3 0 <br /> � o��a� = <br />