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<br /> '. . � 18. Farec[osare Procedurs.iP Lender requtres isnmeiltatc�.oyanent!n ful!undcr paeograph 9� Lendcr n�ny �°�
<br /> . r. invoite the��vetr eT rntc cnnd nny mt6er rcmed[es�mttted by oppltcakla lnv�.i.endcr ehall be er�t[ticd to co!lect r
<br /> all expenses incuered tn pnrsaic� tf�c re�ae�IIi� �der ¢i�i3 �ae�B�Rh Il8� Ee�slte�ing, 6�8 �o! limtte� to. ,_:�
<br /> .:::;y� ecasona6te uttur�xeys'Bees ertd costs ox t6t1e cvldence.
<br /> f� IQ the power of sale is invokedl�Tn�stee shull�ernrd o ttotice of defauit in euch�uniy in vrhlch ony pa�t of
<br /> � the Propee3y t� tocated and sh�i1 p�►atl coDies of such¢tottce in tde mauner prescrtbed by apyltcQble Inw to
<br /> ',~H^" Sorrowcr ond to the othen'petrons D����by oRpllcable low. l�iter the dmo requtred R�y apgllseble law,
<br /> �' Te�stee shall gtve publlc uotice ot sale to the persaas and tn th�muuue�'prescribsd by aRp�i�ablc Ittw.T�vstee.
<br /> ` witleout de�n�� �n�orrower.shnq se11 ti�e PeapertY at lN+bus auction to the 61�hest trfdder nt Wo dme und __ -
<br /> � pL�cn ured sucder the terms deslQnnted in t6e notEce of sale in on�or mo b pasce;c�n���n1g��e�
<br /> �� determf nes.1tv.,�-tee may postIIoone mlo oi aU os any parcel of the ProPe*tY Y P
<br /> � nnd pluce of w�y prevtouslgr scheduled sale.Lender or Its drsigace mny parchase the Pt+uperiy nt aqy sale.
<br /> • :;,�: �` It tQo Laeder's interest in t6is Security Iastrumeat is held by SEr.e 3�reta�r and tTi�e&uretaRY x�i�s
<br /> ' tmmedfate paymtnt in tY�U undtr ParagraPb 9. the Secretery meY tavoke the non�udicfs�t power ot solc
<br /> ;;.`�y,`;�<'.
<br /> -����� _ grovtded in ttie Sirrgle FamfGy Mortgage Foieclasare Act oi 1994("Ad")(DE U.S.�.37S1 u seq.)by rtquesdng
<br /> ' ,''� ��� . a �oreriosuro commissione�r designated uader 3he Act to eomta�nce &o�ectosure e�d to se:D thc P�eg�4y as
<br /> .�:�:;��,+; senteace shall deprive tho 3�cret�i3+of � o'�3hts olNcerwise
<br /> ��"��•�� provEded tn the Ac4. Noihiug in the Rrece�iug er s
<br /> �� nvailuble to a L,cuder umder thfs P�nro�n�e�fl8 or epplicuble[aw.
<br /> - Upon leceipt o!pwytnent of Rtte prtce did,Trustee sltall dtliver to t6e purchaeer Tn�tee•s dce�oamveytug
<br />_�;��1.�� .. tlhe PrmgertY.Ti►e reciwLs[n th$7Yvstec's deed stdvl6 L�e Qa�ima�ude ev[dencx og E.A�e truW oP the statemec.ts __.
<br />.:�;�:. taadc ttberein.Tntstee shaDl apply the pmc�eds of the�r W the[ollowirtg orden:QaD�o aU costs tnd expenses o!
<br />�';;v`�t '' exercis�ng the dtro�ver of sele,end the saie,including the payment of the TYu�tex's 4¢es actuellY lrtenrred+no3 to
<br /> ;�•�► . exce� f�Ve °b oi Ehe priucipa�amount of the�3�at We t[�e of tite decleratior►o!default,
<br /> �,:.r,�t, ,
<br />_�•:°s.,;''. pnd reasortADla attomeys'tees ae permttted by tawi(b)to elD sums aA,ru�ed by etafs Securtty Instnmientt c
<br /> �.�;�;`a,r•r aay excas to tke peison or persons legaUy ent[tled t�d4.
<br /> _. �,s��:
<br /> ��;.M,:�;,.,,�,�
<br /> .::���� 19.Rewavayaace.Upon payrrnmt oi c;il sums secu�oy t�ts�cutity I�ua�s.I��1 re��Tru� _
<br />-`_.�� . to recsnvey the PropenY and shaU sumh¢de�tbis SecurIty Instrument aad atl aates evidencing debt setwtid by th�a
<br /> _ry„�� Secudty Iasuuu�ent to Tzustee. Truatee sh�9 u�convey the Propert5+ without wanranry and without charge to thG
<br /> -.- -"�;� p�,.�on oT peisons legally enti�?ed to it.Such person or pe�ms shnll puy any n+ewrdatioA susts. . :
<br />__. -�-•-,�,;�f� � ' .
<br /> _��'��1::��.t,. iJlt asuCCC9�0i ., .,..,
<br />_�v._��,:,&��w ' 2O.&ubstt3ute 7YusteE.Leader� at its option. mt{y froiu ttcne to ti�tt mm�ve Tro�steE and uFpo
<br /> - ausue to nny Tra�tee aplwinted hereuader by an instnunent recarded iia_zbi oounty tu whfch thta Security InstYUment
<br /> ---=- - '�� is resorded.Wiehaut aonveyanos of the Progerty.the successor uustec sfir�➢y suoceod to aU the dde�P�wer and duiles
<br /> —=.�,�,. aonfernd upon I1�ustea hereln and bl►ePPlicablo law.
<br /> .�..=:Y•r�e�
<br /> - � � ,�, El.Requ�sE fAr Nattce9.Borrower requeste that coPies of the aotices of defaWt aad sal�be sent to Borr�wer's
<br /> . address which is the PropertY Address.
<br /> 22.Rtders to thts Se�+�n"6`�y In�tn�n►en�If one or moro ridera nre executed hY Bc!�rrowe:end rec:onted togeiher
<br /> -- �� �CUriry In�tr�n:. the oovennnta of each such dder shali be incorpm�zed into and ehaU amend ond
<br /> ._Y __�.- . , supyleg►eat t�Z;�navenants and agreements of thia SrxuritY instruraeut es iY the ridor(s)�were n pus of tLIa Sauriry . -
<br /> m►ment.ICth�dc npplicable boa(es)]• ,
<br /> n' 8 t3rowing E9uitY Rtder � Other IaPecifYl
<br /> Condom9ninm R1der �
<br />_____��� D�anMd Unit I?CVC10P1�1t RFdBi Grnduuted PnyaQent Rider Mo�tg�ge Addendum
<br />_ _.._�—-- ��.4RIMEI196041.01 �s a e nau�,:�„�j�
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