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7 . . �. . :.; . <br /> . . � ' .. • . <br /> .,.� <br /> � , .?.yg!�. <br /> �+ . , ,. • <br /> .. _ _ - _. .. . , �_ _. ' ., <br /> '�:- • , , �.^ _ . ,_ • <br /> ., . <br /> , �...:.t � • <br /> . , ,. .. � . - . � .. W� � . <br /> < �. . .. . -� <br /> _ . , <br /> � , <br /> ., <br /> „ ° �, ,. �....--.._.._. _ ....._. . _.._. ._ _ ...._ .. ...._ __�t.- <br /> .. -� .. ...n....T.__...._.�.J....�. �. . ... ....... .._ ... ,_..�.__..v__.""'"'"_'""' ..__....�..._�... <br /> ., " , <br /> ��. <br /> � ' � 99° i���� �- <br /> ��-- <br /> . ��:. <br /> 13.1Vatices.My aotice to�otrower pmvided for ix►this Security Dnstrument sbNl ba given by delivaring lt or �;; <br /> by n�ilinb it by flrst class mnil unlass Pupplicabie Inw requlrcs use of aaother metAod.The notice shuii be directed to -_- <br /> • the Pc+operty Address ur auy otber udcirc�ss Iiorrowcr designates by notice tc► lxnder. Any notice�o Lender ehnil ba �-: <br /> - ' � ' given Dy first class mail to Lendar's addt�ess stated herein or any addmss I.ender desigaates by aotice to Bon+ower. �' <br /> „,�_� <br /> �' Any aodce pmvided for W this Secudrllnsuument shail be deemed to have been�Iven to Borro�ver or Lendar v�hen = <br /> ;;;D,;;;;,�y � given as provided in this paragraph. �"`" <br /> .,�...wro�,� a4.Goveraing;Severnbiltty.Thia Securiry Ixisuument shall be�ovemed by Fedoral l4w and the Inw of _�.o <br /> � tbe jurisdiction ia whlch the Property in lacated. In the eveat thnt any pxovision or clnuse of this Security Instnuaent _ <br /> ;:� or the Note contlicta witb applieabla ia�v.such contlict sh�l aot affeet other pmvisiona of this Security lnstnunent or �_ <br /> the Note which cun be givea effect withmu the contlfcting pmvtaion. To this end the provtsions of this Securlty <br />. '�� Instn�ent aud the Note are declared to ba�everable. - <br />� .��` iS. Borrower's Copy. Bormwer sbnll be given one couformed copy of the Note aud of Wis Securlry <br /> �k Insuu�ent. <br /> 16. Hnznadous Substnnces. Borm�var�Nl not cause or pernait the pr�sence,nse,d3sposal,stor�ge.or relees� <br /> _ � of any Hszardous Substances on or in thn Pnop�aq+.��wer shail not do,nor allow aayone else to dA,anythinII <br /> . affecting the Property that is in violation of m�p �n�acvnt�tental Law. Tbe precedinQ two seatences shalt nat angly ta - <br /> ' the pacsence. use, or atorage oa tba Pmparty af smaU qunntiues of Hazerdoua Substances that ane gaaeraUy <br /> •, recopnized to be appropriate to normnl rastddntl�]uses and to mliattenance of the Faoperty. � _ <br /> .,-:�.� Bonower sh�ll pmmpdy give Lend�r w�itusn nodce ot any irmaestigat�Qa.claim.demand,lawsuit or other actton <br /> , hy aay goveramenwl or regulutary aBoncy or piivate parry involving the p3��erty and cny Hezerdous Substance or <br /> Lnvtronmentel of which Borrotivor bt►�aatuN knowledge. lf Borrower feza�s.or is noslfied by any goveramental <br /> F . � � or regulatory aut6or�ty.thut nny c�emovul or other remediatlon of aay Hazardous Substances affe�ting che Property is <br /> ,° .,:, aecessary.Borrov+er shall prompdy t�te all t►�cessary rr3medial acefions in accordeuce wlth Eavt�onmental Law. <br />°.�:,::,,��, As used In t6is paragraph ib, "Hazrudous Subszuaoes" rue those subswuces defined as toaic or ho7aodons <br /> -"`a,. � substances by Eavimnmental attd tho fotlnwing aub�tances: gasoliae. kemscue, other flammable or touic <br /> rc,�:::��- <br />-"�', ��� petroleum products.taaic pestiaides and hefiiaidaa.c+olatib solvents,materia➢s oontaininB esbestos or fom�nldchyde, <br /> °;',��a�: and raGioacUve matcriais. As use3 in�hifl pnragc�ia��a�'�z��on�catai:.aa�"mesas federa!la�4$T��AWQ A�1�IB = <br />:'.'�"" �"` jurisdicdon where the Proparty is looatad thnt relate w he�th,s��Y or envimnaaental pmtecdon. <br /> .;�_::�t:.�}, <br /> _._.:N�� <br />-.�; ���. NON-UN9ffORM COVENANTS. Hormwer s�nd Lendar Yurther covenant and F►gree as foltowa: <br />�-��,� �7,,l�Srtgnm¢��a�?ltents,Borroaar uaaondittunnily asslgns and Ya�usfe�s to Lender aU the rents and revenucs <br />-- -- � of th�Piogorty.Bornower aut6orizes L,end�r or L�nde�r's egenta to colleit el�e xents nud tevenues end hereby directs <br /> ":�`--�����`� each ;cnunt of tke Property to pay�he r�ntn to.L,endur or Lender's e,gents. However,prior to Lender's aodce to <br />- �:-°�-��`�;°� Bormwer ot Bonower's bresich of nny wv��nc or agreement i�a¢he Secucity Insuumew.Borrower shall collcxt anc! <br />- ''""'"`�a��'� rcaive all rents and revcnues of the Propen,y+as ccvctee for the i�enefit of L.ender and Borrower.This asslgam.Bnt of . <br /> ::.�rs'�°��� <br /> __�-r.�� rents coastitutes an absolute asslgarnent and nat an nfsignmenc for additioaal security only. <br />- _-��_� xf Lender givea notice of breach to Boso�vwr:(�) all rents received bY Bornnwer shall be held by�smwer os <br /> -=�� tnistee for barefit of Leader be appliod to tho svme se�ct�red by t6e Securiry Iasuuntent;(b)Lender sha11 be <br /> _-_=---°�;; endded tc►collect nnd receive aU of tbo c+enta of the Ptwpaf:y�anc)�(c)each tenaat of the Property shell pay aU reata. � <br /> -'--�'�""'� due and unpatd co t.ender or Lendor's agent on Lra►dor's�uen aJa�nand to the tenant. <br /> --_-= - - Borrower has not exec�ited eny prFor assignment of tbe rents and has ar5t und wiU aot perFurm any act that woWd <br />_v___ �� J ptevent Leadxr from exercising its dQhm uudur tttla paird�raph 1�. <br /> .�:s:r;W�:.j�,� Leader shall not be reqnired to entar upoa.take conhul ef or mairiuila tlee Pnuparty before or after glviqg notice :, <br /> - _°..�::w�:��,� otbie:�i to Eornower.Howevor, t�ndor or a judiai�lty appafraT�c�99 reoefver may clo so at sray time there is fl breach. <br /> "°""—'°- A�r applicution of rents shall not cure or wnive�cty dt�fi�tt or uaavalidate any other dght or rsraody of LEader.'fhis�: <br /> ' ---— nssi�nment of rents of the P�+operty shnil tam�i�nta�vhen tde debt secured by tha Secudry Insmlment is paial in full. <br /> --�-_��a . <br /> _..,W,_�.;;;ti'� <br />-_..�...��ti7=,MC9 <br />_--__ ,�..�� � .-. <br /> _ - -��`� P+g�8ot8 �l <br /> _-_-°°-=—_., �4RINI7tesw�.o� �t�u�=-�-.•��"1 <br /> , <br /> �:"':�"C� , <br /> __-._�.��,c•-. <br /> _-__��_ <br />--.�-`;,.,`�:r.-..,_ <br /> ..r.. 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