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<br /> immediately due and pmyable,shaU bear interest at the default rate of interest prov�dcd ie ==
<br /> *� 4ha Note until paid.Rnd the Nate ehall be deemet!to be�n default due to auch nor��ay�nent, �_'=
<br /> . � � '�.� '�hia li��igrrmerat sEasalll not o�aera� to place �sgoas�bility for the co�tral, care, �
<br /> , ,�� ma�ntenance. or p+epair of the Property upon Assigne8, nor shall it opaerate to make _
<br /> Assi��e rssponsible or liable for any waste committed on t�te P�nPertY by a�y leaseea or M._.-
<br /> �� any othvar ps�ti�s. ar far any dangerous or defecdve condi4ion of the Propeety.or for any
<br />- :,;.� negligense in the managem�nt. upkeep, repair or control of the�+operty.
<br /> 3, 1 , Upon gayment in fuU of the principal,
<br /> �� inte:+est aad all other i�deb�edness �vd�enced by the Not� and the Deed of'Taust,t.�ia
<br /> =�� ~ � Aasa,�nent shall cease,tea�ae�inate and be af no�in�ther effect;provide�l,however,that the -
<br />�,`�����=��� at�iide�t, certifi'icate. letter or statement of.As�gnee or any offioer, r��nt or attorney of
<br />�:r•�:�,?�
<br />:=�,: .i� � Assigaee shv�g any parc of the priacipal,int�r�st ar ath�s�ndebtedness as being au�p�id
<br />-:�:;t��'�� ahall conadtute conclusive evldenc�of the v�lidity.ef�ectiv�en�sss and continuin��¢aioe of
<br /> ��_ -T �;,,,:.
<br /> ,.�£�::.�i,��*. this Assigeu�ctent�nd any p�rson m�y,and is hereby authorized to,raly thereon. Assignor
<br />_.:.;q.-,��.,;. . :,Y- hereby authorizes and direc3s each and every tesse� na�ed in a Lease or any other or
<br /> .'�-�"� future lessee or occupant of th$�p�Yty or any part th�seof,upon receipt of written no�ce
<br />°;��"' � fc+om A�signee�to pay to Asaignee�DD rents,income,isaues amd profits acc�uin��m�is�' the
<br />-a�,��r� I�e,as�s or frem the Propexty�rind to camtinue�o do so untit otherwise aotified i�writing
<br /> _�.� by Assignee.
<br />__� 4. �SQ11l1�.��. �ubjex�oniy tu� z� ' 't�af P��s�.+�� of ibts .!
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<br /> _ Ae�agntuent, no action un��rt�ken by Aasign�eE�vith respect to uny of the obligation9 of .
<br /> :�;���� Aas�g�ar evidenced by���Tots and the Deed of'I'ruat.to any sec�rity or guarantee�8ivem
<br /> � for the payment or perforinance thereof, or to any oth$r ducument er instnu9rtent
<br /> -�rt,f,:� evidendng or s�ladng ea said oblig�tlons shall in any m�aner affect, impair rnr�Oflc+�ajud�o� _
<br /> ���;,,u;� anY of Assignee's rigt��s ��a�d privileges under this �►asignment or diac�arge, releas�or
<br /> ___-°— �c�dify any of Asslgnar s duties or obligations hereunder. This Assignment is intend�d
<br /> by Aasignor artd Assignee to cr�eate, and shull be construed as creatia�g, an a6amlute
<br />-- as�ignment uato Assigne,e, subject vnly w the IicEnse, t�s and provisions h�a+eof� and
<br /> .,�,,� not as an essignment a.g seCUrity for the performance of the obligations eviden�d by the
<br /> - = Note arcd the Deed of Tauat or any other indebQedness of Assignor.
<br /> -� 5. ��rr,�nti 4 ��, r� . Assi�nor waYr��ans to Assignee.eac�a a�f whicri
<br /> �� warranties shatl remain�full forc.e and e�c3 vndl all obli�ations of�issignor t�Assign�a
<br /> — - -- w�d�r the Note and Dex� af arust have b���filled, that:
<br /> �— � (a) Assignor is t�i�e record owner and la"older of l�gal�ide to the
<br /> :;�� gr�eriy, and ia the owner and hdlder of legal title to t�o
<br /> . ..� irr�pn�vements located on tha Property.
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